Undeniable (Undeniable series) (6 page)

BOOK: Undeniable (Undeniable series)
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Then it’s settled?” Marcus’s says bringing the attention back to him acting a little cocky.

“No, I don’t think you truly understand how important you and your sister’s expertise is needed. It would be irresponsible on my part as well as yours
,” Shiloh says and his jungle green eyes begin to flash mildly with a faint glow.

“Then call me reckless
,” Marcus says leaning back into his chair.

“Ms. Parker-”

please call me Gemma.” I interrupt not wanting to be called that or Parker twin’s again.

“Gemma, will you please just think about it and talk some sense into your brother
,” Shiloh says pitching the bridge of his nose.

“I will take what you have inform
ed us with into account. Is that all?” I say needing to take Marcus out of here.

“Thank you Gemma
, that is all.” He says, but what he doesn’t know is that Marcus will not be changing his mind, so neither will I.

Exposing our necks
to the pack master then Shiloh, we leave. I know that I will have to call our pack master informing him of the new findings and asking him what he thinks we should do next. He usually sides with what we think is best but not always. His advice is always appreciated.

“I’ll call him
,” Marcus says taking the phone from me and I understand why. He doesn’t want Riley to mess things up for me again. Also I think Marcus really wants to get his point across because I really don’t mind how we are placed as long as he is by my side.

Pulling out my kindle
I research anything on fairies that I can find and I highlight things I feel are important. Growing up I only remember one story that our pack master had told us about fairies. He told us how the fairies just wanted to blend in with humans and basically be the Switzerland of the supernatural world. Not choosing a side and just letting whoever walk over them. All the other supernatural communities thought nothing of them and didn’t harm or help them in anyway. Hunters thought that the fairies were just holding back to increase their numbers and wait for their time to strike. Hunters always think the worst of anything that doesn’t include themselves. So about two hundred years ago the hunters burned their towns to the ground sparing no one.

Marcus taps my shoulder. “Gemma what do you think of the situation
.” Our pack master’s voice comes from the phones speaker.

“I think Marcus is right and that we should go in with the first round. It will also give us the first advantage to seeing if what they say it true about the fairies
,” I say and Marcus smile victoriously to me. I give him a knowing smile back.

“Very well I trust in you two and watch out with that pack master. If what Marcus says is
true something is going on over there that shouldn’t be happening,” he warns ending the phone call.

“That was good th
inking back their Gemma. I know he would have said yes anyways, but the whole let us find out first thing was just the icing on the cake.” Marcus says doing a little jump, beyond excited. Marcus has always abhorred the idea that of sending in the young and undertrained shifter in first. We had seen many times the amount of death whenever a pack worked this way.

I could see the pros and cons
to both sides of this argument. We have seen many great warriors come out of this tactic. It was survival of the fittest and all that good stuff, but then I could see the negative side of it too. If many of those students were better trained then they could turn out to really be something and beneficial to their pack. Marcus and I could have died that night on our first mission. Thinking back on it now I wouldn’t take it back, but we were pretty young.

I studied up, while Marcus went to look around the grounds here. I was just
done high lighting when there is a knock on the door. “Marcus I gave you a key,” I say walking over to the door to open it.

“Well I’m not Marcus
,” Shiloh says opening my door the rest of the way making himself at home.

“Is there something I can do for you then?” I ask feel
ing my temper kick in at the way he just barged in.

“Oh I’m sure there is
, but who has the time,” he says turning to look my body over. “I actually came here to see if you and your brother had changed your mind yet.” He goes to my bed where I have all my paperwork scattered across it. “I’ve always heard you were the organized one, but maybe not.” He frowns down at my bed.

“I’m organized
,” I say through gritted teeth. “I have it organized for me, not for ignorant beta’s who think they know everything and no we haven’t changed our minds. Our pack master I know has called you by now to confirm.” I say moving to where I’m in-between him and my notes.

“I think your pack master has too much faith in you two
,” he says moving closer to me. “If I was him I would easily put you and that big mouth brother of yours in your place.” And now parts of his body are leaning onto me. “Shifter’s like you would know their place,” he hisses out.

“And where would that be
,” I say standing my ground.

“Beneath me
,” he says hoarsely now and I’m losing my ground stepping away from him until I back into the wall. He closes his eyes only briefly inhaling my scent. “You would like that wouldn’t you?” He grins placing a hand on each side of my head.

“You disgust
me!” I spit out and his eyes are glowing showing how close his wolf is to the surface.

“What a firecracker you are, I like it
.” He says moving one of his hands to my face and I have had more than enough of this. Swiftly I knee him in the groin and side step him as he falls the ground cupping himself as he hisses in pain.

“I think I’m
fonder of you beneath me.” I smile and his eyes shoot to mine as his teeth elongate.

Grabbing all my paperwork I leave him there as he struggles to catch his breath and control himself. I’ve had trouble with some of the guys I
have worked with before, but never of a ranking shifter. I know that even though I was only standing up for myself that there could be consequences for what I just did. Shiloh is a beta and with that he has a lot more power and influence then I do.

Walking quickly I head into the nearest lady’s room and calm myself
down. I let things get too far in there and my actions, what is he going to do to me? There’s a really good chance he won’t do anything because it would make him look weak to have a woman dominate him. I’ll just have to keep a better eye out for him.

Calling Marcus in my head I quickly find his location. “
You’re off again,” he says noticing my behavior, but it’s not from Riley this time. I don’t tell him about what I just did or what Shiloh did because Marcus would have gone after him as well.

“We are going to have to keep an eye out for Shiloh. He really doesn’t want us messing with his plans
.” I say walking with him around the grounds.

“Did he talk to you already?” H
e ask.

, he asked if we had reconsider and I informed him that we had not.” I say keeping with only a part of the conversation.

“Got to give it to him, he’s quick
,” he says looking around now and all I can think is apparently not that quick.

Chapter 9










The whole next day we train with
the first wave, who end up being a group of boys from the ages of fourteen to nineteen. “You two are really going to fight with us?” one of the younger boys ask us during our lunch break.

, we fight with the best.” Marcus says making all the others laugh and smile at him. I swear he has all of them wrapped around his finger already. Every time we get through a tough training session he will reward them with a story from our past missions. Of course I have most of their attention as well, but not in the same way. I have forgotten how young guys act since we don’t have this many of them in our pack.

“Bloody brilliant the way you handl
ed the beta,” one of them says to Marcus. It’s strange how fast and how different the story has gotten now that everyone has heard it. Most of them ending with Shiloh being grossly humiliated.

We tried teaching them as much as we could in the amount of time allotted with them. The longer I was with them today the harder it got for me. There was a good chance some of them might die
, which just made me work that much harder. I have to say I do favor the youngest boy, Nate. With his wild dark hair that was almost touching his shoulders and amber eyes that reminded me of Riley. He is slightly too lean for his very tall frame, but I know one day he will grow into it. There was no hint that he is anything but proud to be a part of this group even though he is very aware of what could happen to him. It was interesting to me how quickly he learned all that was taught to him. Just by today I know that he will be something great someday.

Today was our only day to prepare
because tomorrow we are to begin phase one of our plan, which is to scout out the hunters place.

By the end of the day I was tire
d and worn out as Marcus and I walked back to our temporary room. I don’t even notice Shiloh until I’m half way in the room. He’s leaning carelessly against the wall he had just cornered me in the day before. A grin plays on his lips like he knows I remember, which would have been hard to forget anyways.

“What do you want
?” Marcus says once he notices Shiloh as well.

“Just wanted to see if you two have changed your mind
s yet, now that you see the disaster you would have to work with.” He scoffs and I can see Marcus ball his fist at his sides.

“If you had one ounce-
” Marcus starts and I have to pull him back from taking another step closer or finishing his train of thought.

“I think what Marcus is trying to say is that we haven’t changed our mind
s,” I say as non-threating as I can to neutralize the situation. I can see Shiloh eye me with a grin as if I’m doing this for him. I’m not I would gladly turn Marcus loose on him if there was going to be no consequences.

“Well I guess
there’s no getting through to you Marcus.” Shiloh says placing a hand on the wall behind him. “I need a word with your very lovely sister,” he says as an order.

“What you
say to her you can say to me, she will just end up telling me anyway,” Marcus says folding his muscular arms across his chest.   

“Is that so, she tells you everything
,” he pauses coming closer to us. “Did she tell you what happened yesterday when I came to her room when she was all alone?” And he pauses again to make Marcus think the worse. “I must admit your sister is quite the little tease leading me on in such a manner and then attacking me.” He points to himself. “Me, the beta to the pack master of London. I could have had her punished severely for what she did, but I let it go being the bigger man.” He says and now I’m wishing I would have done more damage.

“What did you do to her?” Marcus’s says knowing I wouldn’t purposely harm Shiloh without a good reason and I know what Shiloh
is trying to do now. 

‘He’s trying to get you to harm him in some manner to get his way. Don’t do anything and I will tell you everything that happened
I think to Marcus and his arms quickly relaxes.

“Get out
.” Marcus’s yells turning his back to Shiloh who is getting so livid now that his face is actually turning different shades of red.

“This is not over
,” Shiloh says storming out of the room and Marcus turns to me.

“Why have you been doing this lately?
You’re hiding things from me and you have never done that before,” he says and I can hear his pain in his voice.

“I’m so sorry Marcus
. I just knew if I told you what happened you would had gone after him. It was bad enough I kneed him in the balls.” I say tossing my hands up in the air at the last part.

“You did what? T
ell me from the beginning.” He says and I tell him everything that happened. Of course he’s pacing the room by the time I’ve finished.

“This is why I didn’t tell you and I handle
d it myself,” I say but he just shakes his head.

“Oh yeah Gemma
, you just handled it peachy, just peachy. He will be holding this over your head for as long as he lives,” he says and I see his point. I flop down onto my bed folding my hands over my face. Marcus sighs audibly. “It’s going to be okay,” he says coming over to me and placing a hand over my arm. “You just need to talk to me no matter what it is, we can handle anything as long as we have each other,” he says and I sit up and hug him to me.

“I love you
,” I say into this neck.

“I love you more
.” He says and I laugh at him always trying to win even in a moment like this.

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