Under His Command (11 page)

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Authors: Annabel Wolfe

BOOK: Under His Command
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usually were trying to push her into the bedroom from moment one.

Will cleared his throat. “Well, at least the punishment will be over

in a few weeks. We should be back at Minoa a month later.”

“A long time to be out.” Tara watched him carefully. “Males tend

to get restless.”

“Usually,” he muttered.

“How about you?” God, that wasn’t subtle really but she wasn’t

sure she was even good at subtle. She dealt with science normally,

and a very volatile science at that, with unstable planets and shifting

atmospheric problems and there really wasn’t a lot of time for subtlety

in her life.

Will looked at her, his light blue eyes hard to read. “How about

me what?”

“Do you get…restless?”

There was a pause. Then he said in an even voice, “I’m male.”

Under His Command


If that was a yes, which it seemed to be, it was still on the oblique

side. Tara gazed at him and gave what she hoped was her most

provocative smile. “Are you by any chance restless now?”

There, that was about as blunt as it could get.

The room seemed to suddenly be smaller, the space between them

not as wide. Will didn’t move and he looked comically at a loss for

words. “Did I ever…I mean, did I act as if—”

“No,” Tara interrupted. “I don’t think I’ve ever had to ask before.

Usually males send all kinds of signals. I admit I’m having trouble

reading yours. You don’t prefer other males, do you?”

“No!” There was a dusky tinge on his skin. “Hell, I hope I don’t

give that impression.”

“No, not really, but—”

It was his turn to cut her off. He waved a hand in a helpless sort

of gesture. “I enjoy talking to you. I don’t come by here every day

just to slaver all over you.”

It was such an old-fashioned way of putting it she smothered a

laugh. Like something you might read in one of the old earth

romances her mother favored. And a very archaic attitude for an Sspecies male. They tended to be straightforward about sex, to

acknowledge their fierce carnal drives and not put a polite slant on it.

“What if I wanted you to slaver?” She stood and grabbed the hem

of her shirt, lifting the garment over her head. Underneath she wore

nothing else. With a quick twist, she pulled loose the tie at her waist

and her pants slid downward. Tara stepped out of them and stood

there nude, her heart pounding just a beat faster. “We’ve probably

seven more weeks on this ship. Why not pass the time as pleasurably

as possible together.”

* * * *

She was so beautiful it took his breath away. Yes, Will knew he

was a damned romantic at heart and that happened to be a curse, not


Annabel Wolfe

anything to reveal to someone else. But Tara Valmont had an

unfortunate effect on him. For a moment he stopped all respiration as

he realized she now stood gloriously nude in front of him, all long

supple limbs and smooth skin, her hair in the usual loose tumble over

her shoulders, her tawny eyes darkened to the color of precious

molten Earth gold. Taut breasts were tipped with pink, luscious

nipples and he could see the entrancing female V between her legs,

her pussy shaved bare, exposed and enticing. The tilt of her chin was

challenge and his body responded on cue.

Prefer males? Nothing could be farther from the truth. He wanted

her. He wanted her
and it surprised him. Adventurous females

with a tendency to be outspoken and dangerous occupations were not

something that usually drew him. The world he favored—and the

females—inspired order, not spontaneous, wild lust.

Tara was anything but calm and cool, and yet he’d found himself

drawn to her ever since they’d first met back on Epsilon just after her

arrival. It had been at a formal political function, and Will had spotted

her across the room long before they were actually introduced. She’d

worn a daring low cut gown, the scarlet color complimenting her

slightly golden skin and enhancing those lovely eyes.

Right now his cock swelled so fast he felt lightheaded, and the

loose, casual pants he wore didn’t do much to conceal it. Her head

tilted at a slight angle, Tara studied the sudden bulge between his legs

with an expression of amused appreciation. “I have to say I hoped for

that reaction.”

She moved closer, breasts swaying just slightly, the nipples erect

now. Her tongue stole out lick her lower lip in a leisurely sweep. In an

intensely seductive movement, she ran her hands down the sides of

her body, starting at her breasts and lingering on the dip of her waist

before curving over the contours of her hips. She skimmed the plane

of her stomach and touched her pussy, rubbing lightly in a slow

circular brush across her clit. “That feels good.” Her voice was husky.

“But I’d rather have your hard cock.”

Under His Command


If he’d been capable of saying something, he would have. But his

voice seemed stuck somewhere in his throat.

Tawny eyes challenged him. “Naked is required, I’m afraid. It can

be done the other way, but I like it better skin to skin. Why don’t you

take off your clothes?”

Take off my clothes

Good idea. Will stood, his hands fumbling as he jerked off his

shirt and ripped loose the tie on his pants. His rampant erection

throbbed as he slid the material downward.

Tara’s eyes widened in a flattering way and she laughed

breathlessly. “Nice. Have I mentioned I’m half-bred? You’ll like


Audacious didn’t really begin to describe the sexy Dr. Valmont.

Will swallowed convulsively and pre-cum beaded at the tip of his stiff

cock. “I’m sure I will.”

Not exactly a sophisticated response he thought with an inward

groan, but thankfully she just lifted her brows and moved close

enough to put her hand on his chest, palm against where his heart

thudded in an erratic rhythm. Tara looked into his eyes and her other

hand brushed his thigh and then slim fingers circled his cock. She

gently squeezed and a ripple of pleasure washed over him.

“Big and hot and hard. Uhmm.” Tara lifted up on tiptoe and

kissed him while still stroking his erection. He wasn’t surprised that it

was as impetuous as everything else about her, the play of her tongue

in his mouth erotically teasing, her hand skillfully working him so he

gasped and his balls tightened.

Will touched her for the first time, a slide of his fingers through

her luxuriant hair as he cupped her head and at least attempted to take

some charge. The kiss became a duel between gentle exploration and

wild need.

The tight tips of her breasts brushed his chest and he lost.

“Sit.” She ordered, giving him a push. Will sank back down in his

usual chair, a little weak-kneed anyway, so it worked out perfectly.


Annabel Wolfe

Tara lost no time in climbing on his lap and straddling his hips. “I

need to fuck you right now,” she said breathlessly. “We can use a bed

later. Feel how wet I am.”

She guided his hand to between her legs and sure enough, her

pussy was sleek and warm as he cupped her. The fragrance of her

arousal evoked a primitive reaction and he grasped her hips to steady

her as she positioned his swollen cock at her small entrance.

Aware of the disparity of their sizes, Will let her choose how fast

to absorb his length, fighting the urge to lift his pelvis as she worked

to take his erection all the way to the thick base. Slender thighs

spread, she panted and made what was probably the sexiest little

sound he’d ever heard when she finally braced her hands on his

shoulders and began to move.

Her breasts were gorgeous, full but not huge, the nipples a deep

rose, pale flesh swaying with her undulating movements. Will helped

as she settled into an up and down glide, flesh into flesh, male into

female. Tara arched her neck back, her eyes half-shut, and moaned

when he slid one hand across her smooth thigh and thumbed her clit.

It was true, he wasn’t the type of male who hauled every female

he met off to the closest convenient flat surface to mate with her, but

he did know what kind of stimulation his partners liked during



“Yes,” she said fiercely, her face flushed. “Make me come.”

He did it again. A shudder racked her body.

She was beautiful, abandoned without self-consciousness, her

sexuality both flagrant and—speaking as a healthy male—arousing as

hell. As her climax began she gripped his biceps so tightly pain

mingled with the pleasure, his release rising, rising, until the burst of

ejaculation tore a low, animal sound from his chest. The female in his

arms went limp, sprawled in delectable nude relaxation, her head

pillowed on his shoulder.

Under His Command


At some moment, he guessed he started breathing again because

he didn’t pass out. Time was an abstract concept as he drifted in

orgasmic aftermath.

“How many other lovers?”

The personal question, murmured against his damp skin, made

Will stir a little. There was no reason not to be honest. “Only two.”

“I guessed it wasn’t many.”

That rankled a little. He’d felt the force of her orgasm. “I’m sorry

if my lack of experience—”

“By the stars!” Tara’s head lifted and she stared at him, all

gloriously rumpled naked female. “That isn’t what I meant at all. You

might have noticed I liked every minute. I still do.” She wiggled her

hips, his cock still sheathed to the hilt. “What I meant was I guessed it

about you on an emotional one. It wasn’t a judgment on your

performance. No complaints here.” She paused, and then asked, “Did

you love them?”

“Yes.” He knew how naïve it made him sound, but on the other

hand, it was true. “One relationship lasted for five years, the other for

three. I would have chosen either one of them as my life mate and

married, but circumstances sometimes change beyond your control. It

didn’t work out that way either time.”

Tawny eyes regarded him with a peculiar thoughtfulness. “I

suppose it is only fair for me to give you the same information. I’ve

had over a dozen lovers.” She shrugged her shoulders. “And no, I

didn’t love any of them. I tend to concentrate my energies on my


Will caressed her bare shoulder. “We’re quite different.”

“Yes,” she agreed in her practical straightforward way. “I’m

attracted to you obviously, but I am not sure why. Oh, you’re

handsome, but every S-species male on this ship is good looking.”

They watched her too. Will had noticed with uncharacteristic

jealousy more than a few glances sent her way as they walked past a


Annabel Wolfe

group of military personnel if he escorted her out of her quarters,

which he did frequently since he couldn’t seem to stay away from her.

“Perhaps we can learn a bit from each other. Wrap your legs

around my waist.” He rose, holding her easily against him, and strode

into the sleeping chamber to her bunk, their bodies still entwined.

“The first time was your way, Tara. Let’s try it my way now, if you

can stand to let me be in command.”

She bit him playfully on the shoulder. “I can try.”

Under His Command


Chapter 8

As predicted, there were no communications from the planet they

could now see on the tall row of screens, but surface scans showed

life forms, both in the bunkers, where it was expected, but also in the

main compound which had been evacuated. Jake said neutrally, “Let

me go.”

“No.” Kel had an implacable look on his face. “What I need is to

not be up here, wondering about what is going on down there on

Anaya Two. I’ll lead the recovery party, you safeguard this ship.” He

turned. “If at any time you think things have gotten out of hand or we

stop talking to you, just leave us there. That’s an official order. Got it,

Captain Ammati?”

“I’m noting it in the command log, sir,” the captain said, her

fingers tapping as she entered the information.

“I think I can remember that one.” Jake could feel the tension

between his shoulder blades. “You’re taking two transports down.

Who’s flying?”

“We have three pilots trained for military deployments like this on

board. One of them is currently under disciplinary confinement, so I

would think it is obvious she’s excluded. I gave orders for Lieutenants

Brown and Devonham to ready their crafts”

“Brown is only level 3.”

“He can handle this. He’s just giving us a ride.”

“Peyton is better qualified.”

A muscle in Kel’s cheek twitched. “
Valmont is not

active duty at this moment, Colonel Naiad.”


Annabel Wolfe

True enough, but while Jake had no problem with his superior

officer—and friend’s—strict regulation enforcement policy usually,

he felt giving this rescue attempt the best chance possible superseded

the rulebook.

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