Under His Skin

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Authors: Emeline Piaget

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Under His Skin

Copyright © 2015 by Emeline Piaget
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


This book is a work of fiction.  All names, characters, and situations are completely made up.  Any resemblance to actual living or deceased persons is purely coincidental and should be taken as a compliment.  No part of this book may be reproduced without prior written permission from the author.








About the Author

Emeline Piaget is originally from Upstate New York.  She currently resides in Kentucky with her two children and pets.



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Special thanks to my two sweet girls.  You are growing so fast and I’m so proud.  I love you endlessly.

To my mother, I love you.  You are the reason I am who I am, thank you!

To my sisters from different misters, Michelle Symone and Amanda Lauzier, words can’t express how grateful I am that you’ve been on this journey with me.  You are the pieces of my heart!

Mike Fields (#mfc) Mike Fields Coaching, thank you for keeping me from turning into a big blob.  You are not just my trainer, but my friend.  You have helped me not just physically, but mentally.  I can’t thank you enough.

And to my beautiful cousins Megan and Sara, you guys are so amazing to me!  Thank you for all of your support!  I love you guys!









“I’ve fallen in love many times… always with you.”


Chapter 1

June26, 2015



When I walked into the meeting that morning I never expected to hear
name. Ten years ago, I founded a software company.  Initially we began as a small start-up.  It was just me, Petey and Joey in the beginning.  I brought Petey and Joey on to help after I developed my first program.  Petey has been my best friend since the fifth grade when I moved into the area.  As a kid, I was really awkward and Petey was the first person to befriend me. We had a lot in common back then.  Neither of us was very athletic.  We both loved
Star Trek
and action figures.  As we grew older that love of action figures translated into an obsession with gaming systems.  Between computers, gaming systems and my love of math I found my passion for software development, -especially gaming software.


My company had grown quite a bit over the last ten years and my main focus then shifted to my CEO duties:  I became the chief strategist, product marketer, lead salesperson, and lead product developer.  Having started a company from the ground up, I knew how hard it could be and I liked to give back to the community that helped me become a success.  About three years ago I started a fund called Progetto Aiuto, a nod to my Italian heritage.  P.A. was a fund that was intended to help starting or struggling businesses.  Local businesses looking for investors were encouraged to apply for grants through the P.A. fund.   We usually toured the business, looked over the financials and followed their social media presence as a way to get a feel for the companies.  Every three months the board that I created for Progetto Aiuto, which included Petey, who now went by, Peter or just Pete, and I held a meeting to discuss which business we would pick for that quarter. 


It was Friday and I was geared up for the weekend.  I usually let the board decide which business we chose, chiming in only when absolutely necessary.  I was zoning out just a little bit thinking about my upcoming ski trip, when Jay, the director of P.A. started to name off some of the businesses that were under consideration this month. 


“We have five businesses to consider this time around.  Yesterday I met with a small business that’s looking to expand by opening a second location and selling merchandise online,” Jay said.


“What type of business is it?” Pete asked.


“It’s a clothing boutique:  Bree Elle Boutique on Main Street.  They need help tying together both locations on a network and keeping track of inventory, along with billing and payroll for the sales associates.”


“Sounds simple enough.  When are you meeting with them again, and who’s the owner?” Pete asked.


“Well, we have some other businesses scheduled first.  We have an appointment three weeks from Monday on July thirteenth at 9am.  We’re set to meet with the owner before the store opens.   Her name’s is Addison McDaniels.”


I shook out of my mental fog and looked up just as Pete looked at me.

Chapter 2

June 1994


It was 3:45 pm and school had just ended for the weekend.  I was sitting on a bench studying for Monday’s math exam. Actually, I was doing less studying and more waiting-waiting for her like I did almost every day.  I sat and waited and watched.  I used to worry about getting beaten up by her boyfriend, but for some reason that I didn’t know nor care about, I was invisible to the “it” crowd.  I liked it and used it to my advantage. The clock hit 3:46 pm and there she is.  She is so beautiful it hurts.  I look up as she walks out of the locker room, but not long enough to attract her attention though.  I like my invisible status.  She is flawless.  Perfect honey-brown skin; gorgeous almond-shaped eyes; full, succulent lips; small, perky breasts; toned arms and legs, and a firm ass.  She is the perfect woman.  She’s also captain of the cheerleading squad, which partly explains her incredible shape.  Some days after cheer practice, she hit the gym with her boyfriend, a senior named Chad Reynolds.  Chad is the center for the school hockey team and he played lacrosse in the spring. Today is just a practice day and yes, I do know her schedule.  You could say I’m just a little obsessed with her.  As she heads to the gym for practice, just like I have done almost every day for the past four years since I started high school, I sit on a bench and steal glances at her:  Addie McDaniels.

Chapter 3

“Hey Nicky,” Pete said.  “Still pining away, I see.” He walked over to where I was sitting.


“How’s it going, Petey?” I chuckle.  “You ready for the test Monday?”


“You know it’s going to be brutal.  Mr. Mitchell said it counts as half of our grade.  I’ll be studying all weekend.  I’m sure you’ll ace it, though.”


“I don’t think the test will be


“Not that bad, says the math genius.  Hey, you feel like coming over this weekend for some Nintendo action?”


“Yeah, sure, I’ll swing by and kick your ass in some Zelda.”

We both laughed and continued talking.


I wouldn’t say I was a genius, but I was really into math.  I’d also found out recently that I really liked computers.  My father had recently purchased one for his home office and he let me use it a few times to type up some papers for school.  The speed of that thing amazed me.  Soon after, I discovered computer games and was hooked.


Practice was almost over and I knew she would be heading back this way any moment. Petey and I were still talking when I saw her walk around the corner.  She looked right at me and smiled.  I thought I was going to die of happiness.  S
he finally noticed me
, I thought, and smiled back

Then I thought that my eyes were deceiving me because she waved.  I blinked really hard a few times and she was still smiling right at me.  I blinked again and she was walking in my direction; I must have been dreaming.  I lifted my arm to wave at her just as she reached me.


“Hi Addie,” I said.  She didn’t break her stride as she walked right past me.  She didn’t even notice me.  I just watched her, pretending to listen to Petey.


“Hey Trish!” She said.


I turned and looked behind me to see Trish Maloney standing there. 


“Hey Addie!  Are we still on for tonight?”


“The party at Jeff’s?  Hell yes, it’s the end of the year and I’m ready to celebrate.”

“Is Chad going too?”


“I don’t know.  He said he and the guys from the lacrosse team were going to hang out for a bit and then they might show up.  I hope he doesn’t.”


“Why, what’s up with you guys?”


“He’s been flirting with that bitch Shelby.  He says it’s all her, but I think he’s a liar.”


“Well Todd told me she had been showing up at practices, but that Chad kinda blew her off.”


“Lisa told me there was blowing going on, but it wasn’t him blowing her off.”


“Seriously? Did you ask him about it?”

“All he said was that she flirts with him but he’s not interested.  ‘Baby, you are the hottest girl in school, why would I want anyone else’?”


“Addie he’d be crazy to cheat on you.”


“I don’t even want to think about.  I just want to party tonight! I’ll swing by and pick you up about 8.”


“Okay, see you then.”


I continued to watch her walk down the hall toward her locker. I watched until she was out of sight.


“Does that sound cool Nicky?”


“Huh? What?”


“I should have known if Princess Addie was in sight you wouldn’t hear a word I said.  I said do you wanna come by for pizza tonight?”


“Petey, it’s our senior year and we only have a few weeks of school left, let’s do something different.”


“What’s that?”


“Let’s go to the party!”


“You mean the one at Jeff’s house?”


People had been talking about this party for weeks.  Jeff’s parties had been legendary.  A tradition passed down from his older brother Billy.  Every year they threw an end of the year bash that people talked about until the next year.


“Yeah, why not?”

“Are you trying to get us gutted and stuffed man?”


“Seriously Petey we’re seniors and from what I hear there are so many people at those parties they’d never notice us.  Come on Petey let’s live a little.”


“Aw man, I don’t know.”

“I’m going either way so you might as well come with me.”


If it meant there was a chance to see Addie McDaniels, I would fly to the moon and back.


“Yeah, okay fine!  What time do you want to meet?”


“I’ll be by at 8:30.”

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