Under My Skin (Skin Deep) (4 page)

BOOK: Under My Skin (Skin Deep)
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Twin moans sounded softly above my head and I smiled secretively to myself. Never stopping the motion of my fingers on Brandon’s shaft, I shifted slightly and closed my lips around Jackson’s taut, heated flesh. Sucking him deep in my mouth, I slid my hand down and cupped the heavy sac resting between his thighs, tugging gently as I flattened my tongue against him on the way up, swirling it against the head, flicking the small slit there.

I moved my hand back up to his shaft, encircling it and resuming the smooth pumping motion I’d used before. I shifted to the other side and did the same for
Brandon, smiling against his flesh as he growled at the feel of my mouth surrounding him. I switched back and forth between them for a while, reveling in the differences I noted; their distinctive, intoxicating scents, the taste of them, the slight difference in their sizes.

Moaning deeply in my throat, I released them and stood, pressing myself between them, begging for their bodies to encompass me in their heat. I ran my hands through
Brandon’s hair, tipping my face up and begging silently for his kiss. I expected hesitation on his part simply because of where my mouth had been, but there was none. He immediately took my lips in a deep kiss, thrusting his tongue between my lips when I gasped as Jackson’s hands came up and cupped my breasts from behind.

I thrust my hips back, my ass rubbing against the velvet covered steel springing forth between
Jackson’s thighs. His fingers pinched my nipples, tweaking them roughly, and I let loose a low growl, that edge of pain shifting me a little closer to going over the edge of wildness I was teetering on.

I released
Brandon’s lips from mine, nipping at his bottom lip, before turning in Jackson’s arms, jerking his head down to me, and thrusting my tongue into his mouth without preamble. He opened to me, kissing me back just as ferociously as I was kissing him. I reached behind me and pulled Brandon into my back, nestling the hardness of him between my thighs until I felt the tip of him slide through the wetness gathered there.

Oh, holy
! The feel of them both wrapped around me was like nirvana…my own personal slice of heaven. I wanted to be possessed completely by them, to ride this out until I exploded into a million little pieces that would probably never fit back together the same way again. I already knew I was hanging by a thread and falling fast; I had been for months. But now there was nothing holding me back.

Pulling away from them, panting, I moved toward the bed, pushing
Brandon ahead of me until he fell onto it, sliding to the middle and then reclining against the headboard. I climbed on the bed, following him until I was on all fours between his thighs. I wiggled my ass at Jackson, asking wordlessly for him to come behind me. He came to the bed but stopped suddenly, turning and grabbing his jeans off the floor, removing a strip of foil-wrapped squares from the back pocket. He ripped one off the strip and had it open and on before I could blink.

Without warning, I felt him, thick and heavy, probing into the drenched flesh between my thighs. He hesitated as if he was unsure. I thrust my hips back, his fullness stretching me, stinging a bit as I bore down, not stopping until he was buried deep.

Oh, fucking hell
,” he groaned, his hands gripping my hips tightly.

I wiggled against him a bit before turning my attention to the man sitting so patiently in front of me. His eyes had darkened, the gorgeous color of them turning stormy. His lips were parted, his breathing heavy as I took him in my hand and brought him to my lips. I moaned as I closed my mouth around him because
Jackson had chosen that moment to start moving, sliding in and out of me with fluid movements, filling me so deeply on every thrust that if felt like he was hitting things inside that had never been touched before.

I lost myself to the moment, floating away on the feel of Jackson hard between my thighs, of Brandon hard between my lips, the salty-sweet tang of him on my tongue, the bite of Jackson’s teeth on that tender spot where my neck and shoulder meet, Brandon’s hands fisting in my hair.

The crescendo built and built, winding its way through the symphony of passion coursing through every fiber of my being, until all at once it let loose, crashing over me, sucking me down just as surely as I swallowed down every drop of Brandon’s release, licking my lips and releasing him as a scream tore from my throat. I came and came as Brandon growled and Jackson lost his smooth rhythm, pounded himself mercilessly into me, my inner muscles milking him as he spurted and shook, gasping, the heat of his release burning me even through the thin latex sheathing him.

When the tremors finally ceased, he carefully slid himself out of me and left to dispose of the condom.
Brandon reached down and pulled me up over him. He cupped my cheek and, looking into my eyes, lowered his lips to mine, kissing me softly. I sighed and melted into him, loving the tenderness with which he held me.

I felt the bed depress behind me and shifted to look at
Jackson as he laid down. I smiled at him and met his lips, kissing him sweetly before sliding down in the bed to lay flat on my back between them. They both moved to lay on their sides, propping their heads up on their fists to look down at me.

I grinned, unable to hold it in anymore. “So, was it good for you?” I asked, knowing the answer but still wanting the affirmation.

Jackson rolled his eyes and Brandon let out a laugh.

“Who’s hungry?”
Brandon asked as he lightly slapped my thigh, rolled off the bed, and strode out of the room, completely uncaring of his nudity.

Jackson and I looked at each other and laughed before getting up to follow him. Of course, I stopped to grab my robe first, and
Jackson grabbed his jeans, sliding them on. When we got to the kitchen, Brandon was standing in front of the open fridge, rummaging around.

Hearing us walk in, he turned and scowled at me. “You have no food in here, woman!” he growled.

I shook my head at him, laughing. “Yes, I know. I need to go to the store. Why don’t you go get some clothes on and we’ll go grab something to eat? Griff’s sound good?”

Jackson and Brandon both nodded and took off to get clothes. I followed behind a little slower, finding that I was actually a little tender in places that hadn’t been worked that well in a long time.

We all piled into Jackson’s car and headed downtown to Griff‘s. We sat, ate, and talked for a while before going back to my house  to go to bed. It was getting late and I needed to be at the store early in the morning because I had a lady bringing me some stuff to look at.

By unspoken agreement, we stayed at my house, tumbling naked into my bed to sleep, our limbs all tangled together.

In the morning, before my alarm had even had a chance to go off, I was woken by Jackson’s mouth on my nipple, suckling and nipping, and then jerked even more awake when Brandon’s mouth opened over my wet heat, his tongue spearing through the soft folds, flicking over my clit rapidly before laving me from top to bottom. I writhed  between them, moaning and gasping, drowning in pleasure. I stiffened, my back arching as Brandon’s tongue thrust inside me, fucking me as deeply as his tongue would reach. Between that and Jackson’s mouth on my breasts, his hands squeezing and kneading them as he sucked and licked and bit, I was fast approaching the edge.

Brandon’s tongue moved back to flick over my clit again and he thrust two fingers into me, curling them up to hit that elusive spot that only I’d been able to find in the past. No one else had ever made me as wild, had known how to bring me to that peak so fast, so completely. He stroked in again, his tongue moving faster, and when
Jackson latched onto my nipple again, that was it. I was flying, leaping off that edge into the abyss of seemingly never-ending ecstasy.

Breathless, I lay there, my body thrumming and clenching with aftershocks, unable to move. I heard rustling movements and, unable to do more than open my eyes to see what it was, I did, gasping at what I saw. Brandon and Jackson were both on their knees beside me, each of them fisting their rods, their eyes locked on my naked body sprawled out before them.

I felt my body shift into overdrive, my inner muscles clenching again at the sight of their hands moving on themselves, jerking faster and faster, each of them panting as they reached for completion.

I moaned, long and drawn out, and whispered, “Yes, oh God, please…come for me. Come

At once, they both exploded, my words taking them over the top, their groans and growls mingling with my gasps as
Brandon spilled himself across my stomach, Jackson across my breasts. When the last drops of their release was wrung from them, they collapsed beside me, each taking my lips in turn, kissing me gently.

Chapter 4

Halfway through eating my lunch at the counter in my store a couple days later, I heard my phone chime in my purse. I grabbed it to see who had texted and had to laugh out loud.

Allison Anne McCormick, you are a horrible best friend! Pick up your phone and call a bitch, bitch!

I hadn’t talked to Emma in a few days, which, now that I think about it, is pretty unusual. But then again, I’d been a little preoccupied. And I was loving it!

I hit the reply button and typed:
What’s wrong with your fingers, Jensen? Forget how to push the dial key?

o, but I figured you must have been busy if you’d forgotten to call your best friend. Who is trying to plan her wedding. AND NEEDS HER MAID OF HONOR!

I rolled my eyes at her. I didn’t forget that I was supposed to meet her at the bridal store on Saturday to try to find a wedding dress for her, and bridesmaid dresses for me, Leah, and Jenna, and a flower girl dress for Hayden. Emma had already bought her shoes, and the girls and I had ordered ours finally. We’d managed to find shoes that were similar to Emma’s, only ours were studded down the stiletto heel, and the shoes themselves were black with white skulls wearing hot pink bows on their heads, instead of the hot pink of Emma’s.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re just fishing for details.

My phone chimed again with her immediate reply.

No shit, Sherlock. So????????? Spill it, woman!

I laughed before replying.
I think we need a special sundae night for this one! How about Sat. after we do the dress thing? My place or yours?

Yours. No guys allowed, so you better tell them to get lost now. Lol!

I shook my head at her, smiling to myself. I have missed Emma, even though it’s only been a few days since I’d seen her last. But what could I say? Jacks and Brandon had been keeping me busy ever since they finally got it through their heads that I was serious when I said I’d give it a shot.

Things have been going great; they go do whatever they need to do in the morning, come back to me in the evening and, more often than not, wear me out completely before we finally all fall asleep.

We all went grocery shopping together the night before last because Brandon kept whining that he’d waste away if I didn’t get some food in my fridge. Jacks and I could only laugh as he filled the cart with more food than I’ve ever bought at one time in my life. I can’t complain, though, because he actually has cooked up a couple great dinners for us. Jackson, surprisingly, doesn’t do too bad in the kitchen himself. I get by, but I’m no Paula Deen.

Yet, even though things are going so well, there’s still that niggling doubt in the back of my mind.

Dragging myself out of my thoughts, I grabbed the duster and started around the store, dusting and straightening shelves and displays as I went. I stopped here and there to greet customers that wandered in, and I even sold the quilt hanger my mom had brought in the other day.

When six o’clock rolled around, I went through my closing routine and headed out the door, stopping in surprise when I saw
Jackson leaning against my car. I look around, searching for Brandon, but didn’t see him anywhere.

I quirked my eyebrow as I walked toward him, leaning in and giving him a brief kiss before asking, “Where’s
Brandon? And where’s your car? How’d you get here?”

smiled and kissed me again before answering. “Brandon actually dropped me off. He’s got some late appointments at the shop, so I figured I would take my girl out on a date.”

Huh. Wasn’t expecting that one!

“Sure…that sounds good?” I said, though it sounded more like a question. It did sound good; I was pretty stoked to spend some time with him, but I was just surprised, pleasantly so. We’d never been on a date; nor had Brandon and I.

He smiled at me again. Gah! That damn dimple…I swear it makes my stomach drop and my lady parts moisten every time! The corner of my mouth kicked up in a half-smile and I handed him my keys wordlessly. He took them with a wink and, taking my elbow, actually walked me around the car and opened my door for me. His momma must have raised him right!

I settled in the seat of my car and put a hand to my stomach. I mean, I’ve had this man rubbing his naked body all over me, I’ve had his penis in my mouth, he’s been inside me…why am I suddenly nervous? I have no idea why, but I was. It felt like I swallowed a pound of butterflies, and my heart was pounding out of my chest.

I looked over and then quickly away as Jacks got in and started the car, pulling out of the lot and taking me to wherever he wanted to go, and I was okay with that. I didn’t think I could make a decision like that to save my life at the moment.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that he kept glancing my way, his beautiful lips curved in a smile that looked like it was permanently plastered across his face. Which didn’t help my nerves one bit.

He reached over and grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers through mine and stroking my hand with his thumb.

“Did you have a good day at the store?” he asked.

I nodded at first, then cleared my throat and replied. “Yeah, it was okay. Sold an antique lamp that I got at an auction and someone brought me in some kickass old records.”

“Nice,” he said. “My mom actually had a huge collection of records at one time. She used to get them out and play them on this old record player…then she’d grab us up and start dancing around the living room. It was great…” His voice trailed off and he didn’t say anything more.

“Does she still have them?” I asked.

He shook his head no, but didn’t offer any further information.

“So, who’s us? You and your sister?” I asked him. I knew he had a sister and it was just the two of them with their mom. He never mentioned his dad, and I didn’t know how he’d take my asking about it.

“Yeah,” Jacks replied. “That was after the divorce. Mom always seemed to be a lot happier after Dad left. I think we all were, you know?” he asked, glancing at me before turning back to the road.

I looked out the window, furrowing my brow in confusion as we pulled into a long gravel drive that looked a lot like the one beside
Brandon and Luke’s house. I turned to look at Jackson, the question evident in my eyes.

“I wanted to show you something, so I figured I’d surprise you a little. Yeah?” he asked, his voice husky.

I nodded at him and started to get out but stopped when he said, “Uh-uh…let me.” I sat back and waited for him to come around and let me out.

“Thank you,” I told him.

He smiled and leaned in, kissing me sweetly. He pulled back, but his hand came up to cup my cheek, his fingers caressing my skin tenderly. He was being so attentive I wanted to melt into a puddle right there in the drive. Instead, I turned my head and laid my lips against the palm of his hand, kissing it before I nipped it gently with my teeth. I smiled at his gasp and looked up to meet his darkening gaze.

“Allie, baby…God, you’re almost too much,” he whispered. Then he grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the structure coming to life.

I took in my first real look at what was going to be Jackson’s house. It was really big, but not over the top. They were a lot further along with it than I thought; they’d already started finishing the exterior with a gorgeous charcoal colored siding. The front porch was wrap-around, wide and inviting and I could picture some ferns and rocking chairs there, maybe even a swing. The front door was black with a large beveled window. It looked sophisticated yet inviting.

Jacks led me up the stairs and opened the door, ushering me inside. He closed the door behind me and took my hand, leading me through the house. He showed me where the kitchen would be, with a large walk-in pantry, the laundry room off the mudroom where the door to the large back deck area. He indicated that he’d be putting an in-ground pool and hot tub in back there, too, which I
could see myself putting to good use!

He showed me where the living room would be, and then the rest of the first floor that consisted of a bathroom, a guestroom with it’s own bath, and an office. Afterwards, he pulled me to the stairs and nodded with his head for me to precede him. I shook my head at him and complied, smiling when I heard his sharp intake of breath as he watched my ass sway in front of him. When I got to the top, there was a sitting/loft area that I hadn’t realized looked over the living room and foyer.

Jackson turned to the left and led me through a doorway into a huge room that I had to assume was to be the master bedroom. In the middle of the floor, he had spread out a large, thick comforter and had laid out a picnic complete with wine, fruit, cheeses, crackers, and bite sized meats. The sun was still shining through the windows, giving a warm glow to the room.

To the left of the doorway was another door that, upon inspection, turned out to be a large, double walk-in closet. There was another door a little further to the right of the closet that opened up beside a glass fronted gas fireplace. When I walked through that door into a large bathroom, I didn’t want to ever leave. The fireplace was double-sided; the fire was visible through the glass front on either side, in the bathroom

or the bedroom. There was a marble-topped, double sink vanity to the left, a separate toilet area to the rear that had it’s own door, a walk-in shower with a tiled bench seat and multiple shower heads beside that, and then to the right, in a little alcove that was perfectly placed to enjoy the fireplace at the same time, was a large garden tub with whirlpool jets.

That did it. I wasn’t leaving. I’m a bathroom whore and this one made me want to take up residence ten minutes ago.

I heard Jackson chuckling at me and glanced at the doorway where he stood. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders at him. “What can I say? This bathroom is the shit!”

“I’m pretty fond of it myself. But, I can’t take all the credit for the design. I had a little help,” he said.

“Okay?” I said. “Who helped?” I asked, curious to see who it was and why he would have even asked for their help. He’s the architect, so…

“Emma helped me,” he said, taking me by surprise.

“Em? Why would you ask for her help?” I asked him, definitely wanting to know the answer to this one.

“Because I wanted to know what you would like, what would make you happy here.”

Uh…huh? ‘Scuse me? I shook my head, sure I didn’t hear him right. “What?”

He reached out for my hand, pulling me into the bedroom area saying, “Let me show you the rest of the house up here first, then we’ll come in here and sit down. Okay?”

I let him lead me back through the loft, into a short hallway that had a bathroom to the right, a bedroom beside it, and another bedroom to the left. I looked at each room, taking them in but not fully aware of what I was doing, still stuck on the words that Jacks had uttered.

We walked back into the master bedroom and both sat on the blanket covered floor. He opened the wine and poured me a glass. I didn’t hesitate, throwing it back in two gulps and holding my glass out for another. He refilled it with a raised eyebrow, but didn’t say anything.

I took my time with this one, sipping a couple times before addressing the elephant in the room. “Jackson…why would you even try to make your house suit me, to make me happy? It’s
house, so you should do it to suit you. “

“I did, Allie. It
suits me to please you. I sat back for all these months, not really sure of the welcome I would get from you. I thought you and Brandon had a thing going and I didn’t have a chance, but Emma told me not to give up just yet. And then I started noticing the way you looked at me…I realized that I didn’t want to give up on it. I wanted you, Allie…hell, there’s no past tense to it, I want you. Even when I have you, I want you,” he said, matter-of-factly.

“But, Jacks-” I began, stopping when he interrupted me.

“No, Allie, let me finish. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to have you, and I’m telling you now, regardless of what happens, you’re mine. Mine and Brandon’s, but he’s not here to give you his own words. But these are mine; yeah, we may not have known each other for years, but there’s something there. I know you feel it when you look at me. And then the last few days since you’ve finally given in…I’m falling for you, Allie. Fuck, if I’m being honest, I’ve already fallen for you,” he said raggedly.

I could see the effort it took for him to open up and let me see his vulnerability and it felled me. I was completely floored by his words, my first instinct to tell him that it’s too soon, too early; he
feel that way about me already. But looking at him, really
him, I could tell that he was absolutely telling me the truth. It made my heart swell, and, if I was honest with myself, fall a little deeper for him than I already had.

I sat my glass down beside me and moved towards him, leaning over him and tossing my right leg over his legs until I was straddling his lap. Looking directly into his eyes, I kissed him, trying to tell him with my lips just a sliver of what I wasn’t ready to say with words.

We stayed like that, kissing for a while, before he moved me back and started feeding me. I reciprocated, laughing when his teeth nipped the tip of my fingers as I fed him a grape. I felt a lightness that I hadn’t realized was missing spread through me, and I relaxed into the moment, enjoying Jackson’s company. There was a part of me that felt slightly guilty for doing this without Brandon, but surely that’s how this whole thing works. I’d have alone time with him as well, right?

BOOK: Under My Skin (Skin Deep)
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