Under the Cypress Moon (60 page)

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Authors: Jason Wallace

BOOK: Under the Cypress Moon
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Shylah rushed to the hospital at alarming speed, flying down the
back roads until she got to the next town, looking every few seconds in her rearview mirror and side mirrors for signs of flashing lights.  Luckily, she made it without interruption, pulling into the hospital parking lot at a little before a quarter until eight.  She had enough time to get to Mark's room before the earliest release time the doctor mentioned.  It seemed as if, except for the very early rising, the day were going superbly well already.

Shylah felt an impenetrable nervousness fill her stomach as she walked toward the hospital entrance.  She did not know why she felt such a way and was very curious about it but shrugged it off the best that she could.  She cared about nothing at that moment except for getting Mark safely and happily home.  Nothing would be allowed to get in the way of that, she determined as she strode through the front doors.  The feeling in her stomach was not the same bad gut feeling that she had gotten so often lately.  Rather, it was just a gnawing nervous near paralysis, the same that she got so many times around Mark before they began dating and many times since.  It was as if Shylah were once again a giddy schoolgirl with an unbearable crush.

When Shylah saw Mark for the first time that day, he was changing from his hospital gown into his street clothes.  Though he did not turn around and see Shylah standing in the doorway, exposing his bare chest, his very muscular back and rippling shoulders showed.  Shylah watched in anxious excitement.  She thought that she must be falling in love all over again, that, or she wanted Mark so badly, sexually, that the merest sight of his naked torso inspired unparalleled feelings of animal lust within her. 

"Please," Shylah announced, startling Mark so much that he twisted, in nearly searing pain, though he did not make it known, "don't put that on on my account, Baby.  If I had my way, you'd never wear clothes again!"

"I didn't even hear you come in," Mark hastily replied, almost embarrassed.

"Yeah.  I couldn't help but watch you.  It's been a while, you know."

"Been a while?  You just saw me yesterday.  What do you mean."  Mark really was puzzled at Shylah's remark.  He could not figure out what she mean for the life of him.

"You know what I mean, Silly.  It's been... a while.  I haven't seen you like THAT in some time.  Do I need to spell it out for you?  I got to see you, just now, half naked.  If I had it my way, you'd be completely naked.  I haven't got to see you in that way for so long I feel like I'm becomin' a born again virgin.  Now, do you get it?"

"Oh, well, yeah.  Now, I do.  I guess I'm a bit slow today, Honey," Mark said, pulling his t-shirt the rest of the way down and painfully rising from the bed to fasten his jeans.  "I'm glad you're here.  I think I need help doin' this."

"That's the only reason you're glad I'm here, so I can button your pants for you?  No 'good morning, Beautiful?'  No 'How are you today, My Love?'  Just 'Come here, and fasten my pants for me?'  I see how you are, Mark."
  Shylah sauntered casually over to Mark to assist him, knowing that he would probably take her comments too literally and not see the humor in them.

"I'm sorry, Baby.  Good morning, Beautiful.  How was your night?  Mine was wonderful with you by my side
, and when I open my eyes and see your sweet face, it's a good morning, beautiful day.  Is that good," Mark asked, smiling, holding his tongue out of his mouth.

"Yeah, sure," Shylah assured him.  "I guess if you're gonna rob song lyrics, that's ok, except that it doesn't completely fit the situation.  I'll take what I can get, though, I guess."  Shylah added a deep sigh to emphasize her feigned frustration.  In reality, she was happy not only that she got to see Mark and would get to bring him home soon but that they could resume their sarcastic intercessions.

"Oh, Baby," Mark chuckled loudly, "You know I got way more than that for ya.  You come up here when you're done, and I got a big, sloppy, wet, droolin' kiss for ya!  How's that sound?!"

"Like makin' out with a dog.  If I wanted that, I'd just go back to my parents' house and kiss Biscuit.  It'd be pretty much the same as kissin' you right now."

"Well, Biscuit is a damn handsome dog.  I'll give him that.  If you really want him instead of me, I could learn to live with it, I reckon.  That is, unless you might still wanna try kissin' me and see how it goes.  I'll try not to slobber."  Mark stood there, wide-eyed and coy, causing Shylah to burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, losing grip on Mark's pants. 

When Shylah finally regained her control and finished buttoning Mark's pants, she quickly rose to her feet and put her arms slowly around Mark's neck, pulling him in for a long morning kiss.  "I love you, you know."

"I know, Baby, and I love you, too.  I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Probably hook up with a whole gaggle of other women.  I know how you are, or at least, how you were.  You better not be like that anymore."

"Well, not since last Thursday anyway," Mark stated, trying so hard not to laugh.  "I cut 'em down to about three.  That's pretty good from sixteen.  Wouldn't ya say?  But I really don't know what I'd do without you, seriously.  You do take really good care of me, and I mean that.  Sometimes, I swear I must be like a little kid cuz of all the stuff you do for me."

"Well, who else is gonna do it," Shylah asked, sighing once again as she stared into Mark's awe-inspiring greenish-blue eyes.  "You might find you a lot of other women, but I doubt any of 'em are gonna take that good of care of ya.  I guess you're lucky you have me.  But you know what," Shylah asked, giving Mark an even bigger kiss than before, "I'm really lucky to have you, too."

The couple remained locked in place together for another twenty minutes until the doctor strolled in.  "Mr. Crady.  I have good news.  All of your recent tests and scans are looking good.  The swelling seems to be going down quite well.  I think that there is less nerve damage than was anticipated.  The only major concern is your intestines, but as long as you rest well and don't exert yourself, I believe that they, too, will start to heal well, and before you know it, you'll be almost good as new.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call my office.  If you start to experience excruciating pain or any seemingly abnormal symptoms or side effects of anything, call my office for those as well.  Do you have any questions for me right now?"

"No, Sir," Mark politely replied.

"Ok then, Mr. Crady.  I think that you are well enough to go home then.  The nurse will bring you your paperwork and prescriptions and a wheelchair to take you out in.  You can go by either a medical supply store to buy a wheelchair for home or go to the nearest VFW and borrow one from them.  Just rest comfortably as much as you can and don't go anywhere without your wheelchair.  Within a couple of weeks, I would say, you may be able to get around on either a walker or on crutches, whichever is more comfortable.  Do not do anything to damage your stitches or put too much pressure on the abdomen.  Your outside stitches are not water soluble, nor are your internal ones, but eventually, they will be replaced with water soluble stitches, which means that they will either dissolve on their own, or you can wash them until they dissolve.  With each successive appointment, we will check your wounds to see how they are doing and determine if the stitches can be removed.  Ok?  Your first appointment is already scheduled, and the information is listed on your discharge paperwork.  If you have no questions for me, I will leave you and your lovely fiancée here to leave.  I think you have probably seen enough of this place for one month, huh?  If I could give you a piece of sound medical advice, Sir, do not come back.  Stop getting yourself hurt.  Ok?  You have a wonderful day."  Dr. Teresita scurried from the room, leaving Mark and Shylah once again all alone.  They happily resumed their reunion affections, unaware if anyone could see them or not.  (VFW – Veterans of Foreign Wars, a veterans’ organization that provides services and charitable aid to veterans, families of veterans, and others in need)

"He knows we're engaged," Shylah asked, a bit puzzled by the doctor's words.

"Yeah.  We got to talkin' here and there.  Nice guy.  He talked a lot about his wife and kids, and I told him about us.  I hope that nurse gets here soon.  I'm starved, and I can't wait to see my house again!  This place is makin' me nuts!"

It was another half of an hour before the nurse entered with the paperwork and wheelchair, a burly, older woman with what Mark called "poodle hair," a large and very curly mop covering her head that reminded both Mark and Shylah of a school lunch lady.  "Here you go, Mark.  You're good to go.  You can just wheel him out, Ma'am, and I don't know if the doctor told you or not, but you will want to go get a wheelchair for home right away.  You can buy one at a medical supply store or go borrow one from any VFW or American Legion.  Have a great day, you two."

Mark and Shylah left the room excited as could possibly be to get out and head home.  In no time, they passed into the elevator and onto the ground floor, and out the front entrance, Mark left to wait while Shylah pulled the car up to the door.  They left in a great hurry to get food and a wheelchair for Mark.  Shylah decided, on the way, that despite having had such a large breakfast, she would eat again.  She was already starting to experience the extremities of pregnancy hunger and felt no desire to ignore them. 

The day was beautiful, sunny, and warm.  Mark was finally out of the hospital, and he and Shylah were once again in each other's uninterrupted company.  Sara was no longer a threat, so they hoped.  Nothing could be better than the moment being shared in Shylah's car upon leaving.  Surely, only great things were to come, both thought at the same time. 




Chapter 27




No one was happier than Shylah to have Mark home.  She called everyone that had visited Mark in the hospital, including two of Mark's cousins, Jimmy and Bobby Dean Merrick.  Dan showed up at the house shortly after finishing his shift.  The Kings were already there at Mark's house.  Lou had already arrived for work.  Though Jimmy had to work, his brother, Bobby Dean stopped by for an hour to see his favorite cousin. 
Shylah even called Don Birchum, just to inform him of Mark's arrival at home, though she knew that he could not leave the plant.

It was the happiest of occasions any of them could remember.  It felt as if there were one giant, extended family in the Crady home, and it felt good.  It felt right.  It felt the way that Mark and Shylah thought God wanted things to be.  They knew that they were loved by one and all around them.  No joy could be greater, save the day of their wedding and the day that their child would be born.

The day progressed so well, so fast, so purely absent of the recent sickening debaucheries of mindless self-indulgence of others that the joyful couple could hardly believe it when they saw the clock on the kitchen wall strike six o'clock.  The only guests that remained were T.L., Darius, and Pearlina.  To Mark, it seemed the way that it should be.  It reminded him of so many happy times when he and T.L. were younger, spending many wonderful evenings together with T.L.'s parents, only now, Mark had Shylah as so much more than just his best friend's little sister.

Soon enough, however, everyone was gone.  Mark and Shylah were left to their own recognizance, and all that Shylah could think about was how badly she wanted to rip Mark's clothes from his body and make sweet love to him.  They had not been together in a physical way in a week, though to both, it seemed an eternity had elapsed of blissful union removed from them. 
They went to bed quite early so that Mark could attempt to situate himself and see how easily he could get into bed and to let him begin his rest.  Shylah lie in the bed, running her fingers slowly along Mark's bare stomach and chest, tracing the outlines of his muscles and gently tugging on the hairs of his chest.  She knew that she could not have what she really wanted, but at least, she could be close to Mark, could smell him, could feel him, could love him in her own way, lacking of full physical embrace.

Mark was so soon asleep that Shylah felt both happy that he was resting and saddened that she could not have more time with him on his first day home.  The next morning, Mark did not awaken by his normal time.  Eight o'clock came with no response, then nine o'clock.  Shylah finally decided that she needed to get up and start her day, to at least have some coffee and food.  Before she could leave the room, however, Mark's phone began to ring on the nightstand.  Shylah ran around the bed to pick it up but missed the call.  Seeing that it was Dan Brady that had called, she thought it might be of urgent need to find out what it concerned.

Shylah returned the call to Dan and learned that Sara had been arrested the night before, that she had gone to Atlanta and enlisted the help of Mason Church to have her bullet wound tended and had been hidden in the Church home for nearly a week.  Sara would have gone to her stepfather, the good doctor Kenner, but, as they were not speaking, she could not. 

It seemed only logical that the man that had already protected one of Mark's assailants would now protect the other. 
Once Sara was turned in by a neighbor who saw a news report mentioning a reward for information leading to her arrest, there was nothing more that Mason Church could do for her.  He could not stick his neck out for her as he had for his stepson.  Sara would face trial and either substantial prison time or lengthy hospitalization.  Shylah hoped more for prison to be the result, but either way, at least, Sara was off of the streets and no longer a harm to anyone.  The funny yet bad parts about it all, according to Dan, were that Sara resisted arrest, which would result in another charge added to her already long list, and while doing so, she threatened to kill the police officers sent to arrest her, as well as threatening to kill Mark.

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