Under the Winter Sun (Elemental Enchanters Series Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Under the Winter Sun (Elemental Enchanters Series Book 3)
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“How’s your dad?” Thomas asked.

“He’s fine. He liked his art supplies.”

“That’s good. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine. You?”

He lifted a shoulder. “First Christmas without my dad.”

Her heart sank. “I’m so sorry. How’s your mom?”

“As can be expected. I don’t know. It’s all weird. It’s like I wanna feel bad, and I do, but he was a Cimmerian. What am I supposed to do with that?”

Ava nodded. “I’ve been trying to figure that out myself.”

“You want any punch?” he asked.

“No, thanks.”

“You wanna dance?”

She let out a small laugh. “No.”

“Let’s go outside, then.”

“Okay.” She followed him and found Natalia, Gabriel, and Eric speaking with Katarina and Peter. She silently cursed. Her body tensed, and she slowed her pace, which only delayed the inevitable. She couldn’t retreat inside and risk looking like a scaredy-cat.

The group greeted Ava and Thomas with a Merry Christmas as the circle opened for them to join. She glanced up at Gabriel’s pale profile, the sharp jaw, the crystal blue eyes. He wasn’t wearing his usual button down white shirt. Instead, he wore jeans and a black sweater that hugged his muscles.

“So glad you’re here,” he said and gave her a one-arm hug. She breathed in his scent. He smelled like juniper. They pulled apart and for some reason Ava blushed.   

“Merry Christmas,” Katarina said. Why was she being nice to Ava? Did she know that Peter broke Ava’s heart for her?

There was an uncomfortable silence, but what was Ava supposed to do? Hug Katarina and pretend like they were best friends? Fat chance.

Katarina whispered something in Peter’s ear. For a brief second, Ava felt her nervousness. It satisfied Ava.

“We’re gonna go dance,” Peter said as they turned for the door.

Fine by her. She didn’t want to be near him. Ava exhaled and relaxed a little. She didn’t want to think about them dancing. Or the way she felt being in his arms. Or his kiss. She had to shake the memories away. She’d never experience them again. Tonight was going to be a good night.

“Ava, how are you holding up?” Natalia asked.

“I’m fine,” she said, though a bit wary. Had Gabriel said something to Natalia again? Did everyone know about her and Peter?

Natalia seemed to hesitate before she spoke. “I don’t know how you are so strong.”

She shifted her weight. Couldn’t they talk about the weather?

“She’s a champ,” Thomas said. “So Eric did you catch the game earlier today?”

Ava let out a breath, grateful for Thomas’s subject change.

Natalia yawned. “Gabriel, let’s go see Moira.”

Gabriel turned to Ava. “I’ll be right back.”

“Okay,” she said, but felt a little sad. Did he always do whatever Natalia said? Why did he let her control him?

She wasn’t sure how long she stood outside not really listening to Thomas and Eric talk about football. How people could incessantly talk about one game boggled her mind. But she guessed others probably thought the same whenever she discussed books.

“We’re gonna get a drink,” Eric said. She hadn’t realized they stopped talking. “You want anything?”

“No, I’m good.”

“We’ll be back.”

And Ava was alone. She hugged herself as she peered up into the dark violet sky with millions of glittering stars. It was beautiful and she wondered if the spirits were watching them. Was Luci watching her? What did she think of Ava? Was she a disappointment? She wanted to talk to Luci. She had her chance when she sought the Necromancer, but the Cimmerians ambushed the whole spirit calling. What if that wasn’t really Luci’s spirit? What if she never promised Ava’s soul to Havok?

Ava sighed, and made her way to the bench. Of course it was true. She was wishful thinking.


She clenched her teeth and gripped the edge of the bench.

“Can we please talk?” Peter begged.

“Not tonight.”

“Please. I need to explain—.”

“What’s to explain?” she raised her voice, staring into his brown eyes.

“I didn’t do this on purpose. It just happened.”

“Yeah, because you couldn’t handle things when they got tough. Or because you gave up? You know, you were having a hard time, and I was there to help you through it. Was I too much for you?”

“You wouldn’t let me help you.”

“Because I didn’t want to come to the Manor? I told you why. And obviously you didn’t care enough to try and fix this.”

“You made it clear that we were done.”

Angry words boiled on the tip of her tongue. “I made it clear? I seem to remember begging you to not give up. But you had already moved on.”

“You gave up on us long before that.”

Her necklace glowed. It was supposed to be a good night. She was supposed to have fun. “I don’t want to argue.”

“Neither do I, Ava. But that’s all we do now because you’re too stubborn to listen.”

She stared at Peter, gripping the edge of the bench. Water dripped from her fingertips.

“Peter, there you are.” Katarina bounded toward them, but stopped short. “Am I interrupting something?” Her brown eyes looked perplexed.

“No. He’s all yours,” Ava muttered under her breath. She stood up and scurried inside.

Gillian found her and linked their arms. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she said a little harsher than she meant. She wanted to know why Gillian was suddenly her friend again. Was it because she and Peter broke up?

Nicole walked up to them with a cute smile. “Hey.”

“Hey,” Ava said.

“This is quite a party.”

“Yeah.” Ava wanted to leave, but took a deep breath. She had every right to be there and to have a good time.

“I have to admit,” Gillian said. “It is kinda fun. But then I feel guilty.”

“Jeremy would want you to have fun,” Ava said.

“You’re right. I’ll be back.” She found Lance and they resumed dancing.

“I saw you dancing with Link,” Ava said to Nicole.

She looked down at the floor, but Ava didn’t miss the shy smile. “Yeah.”

“Are you two…?” She was starting to sound like Melissa.

“I don’t know. I’ve liked him ever since we were five. It’s quite a coincidence that the same thing happened to us. We’re kinda lucky, in a way. As messed up as that sounds.”

“I understand though.”

“So are you Gillian friends again?”

Ava lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know what’s up with her. It’s almost like she’s happy now that I’m not with Peter. She acts like everything is fine and dandy between us, but I’m not ready to forget everything. At the same time, I want her friendship back, you know? I need my friends.”

“I get it. I can see how it would be hard.”

“It’s strange. She’s returned to her sweet self that she used to be before our powers developed.”

“She misses Jeremy, and she doesn’t want to lose anyone else. She told me a lot.”

“I’m glad you can be there for her. It’s been too hard for me.”

Nicole frowned. “We’ll get through this. One day at a time.”

Link walked up and joined them. Eric and Thomas passed through and made a circle, still engrossed in a deep conversation about football. Nicole and Ava laughed at some of the dancers. Some were good but others concerned them with their crazy moves. Out of the corner of her eye, Ava saw Gabriel making his way through the crowd toward them.

“Did Nathan and Sean make you drink some of their homemade whiskey?” Eric asked Gabriel.

He rolled his eyes. “They tried, but didn’t succeed. I left Natalia there.”

Eric shook his head. “She’s gonna get you for that.”

He shrugged and turned to Ava. “How’s your day been?”

“It’s been good,” she said, and it was the truth, except for that small episode with Peter. “So does Savina do this every Christmas?”

He chuckled, leaning against a table. “Yes. She’s ridiculous around this time of year. She loves her flowers and decorations.”

“I’m surprised she still had the party.”

“She knew it would bring out a little happiness for everyone. It’s great to see people with smiles on their faces.”

“It is. There are so many more people here. Are they here for the holidays or are they coming with us?”

“A little of both. You met Sean and Shannon and all the rest right?”

Ava nodded. “Yeah.”

He laughed. “They’re coming with us. They’re absolutely crazy, too. They know how to party.”

“I hadn’t noticed,” she said sarcastically. “Dad seemed to miss them.”

“Yeah, he was having a good time in there.”

“Whatever you do, do
take them up on their offer for a drink,” Eric said. “They will not stop. They did that to me once. Never again.

“Are they that bad?” Thomas asked.

“I got so sick one time…” Eric launched into a story with Thomas but Ava tuned him out. She looked out on the dance floor and saw Peter smiling with Katarina. What was so special about her? Was her grief more important to him?

“Is it getting better?” Gabriel asked.

“I don’t know. I try not to think about it, but the more I try not to the more I do. I still dream about him.” She remembered the creepy dream from this morning. “Can we talk about something else?”

“Sure. Who’s your favorite author other than Poe?” he asked.

“Emily Dickinson right now.”

Gabriel chuckled. 

“I’m glad you got that. I do love her poetry, though.”

“It’s very good.”

“Who’s your favorite author?”

“That’s a hard one. I love Hemingway, Dostoyevsky, and random other authors.”

“I really dislike Hemingway. And I’ve never read Dostoyevsky. But Jeremy loved
War and Peace

“That’s a good one. You should read
. It’s extremely long, but really good. And Hemingway isn’t for everyone. What have you read?”

The Old Man and the Sea
.” She rolled her eyes. “It was sad and annoying. I mean, why couldn’t the old man have the fish without so many problems? And then he didn’t even end up with the fish.”

Gabriel laughed. “Anything that’s worth having isn’t easy to gain—you should know that.”

“That’s true. But still. Don’t make me read a book about a struggle between a man and a fish. Man kills the fish, but no one except the sharks savor it.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “You’re really passionate about this aren’t you?”

“I’m just saying. You think I’m bad, you should hear Mel. She hated it more than I did. I think she actually burned the book once she was done with it.”

They laughed so hard, her stomach ached, but it was a good ache.

“That felt good,” she said.

“Laughter is good. It heals the soul and mind.”

“Yeah. I haven’t had too much to laugh about lately.”

“I know.” His blue eyes pinned her with a heated look. “Tonight, relax and
not to think about anything. I know, I know, easier said than done. But it can be done.”

“I’m trying.”

“Gabriel,” someone called, breaking their intense gaze. “Save me from them.” Moira laughed as she clumsily grabbed Gabriel’s arm. “Let’s dance.” She didn’t give him time to answer before she dragged him out onto the dance floor.

Ava felt a surge of jealousy.

“There goes Moira.” Eric shook his head. “That girl cannot hold her liquor.”

“I take it she knows Gabriel well,” Thomas said, staring at Moira and Gabriel.

“Yeah, we’ve all known each other a few years. She loves Gabe, though.”

“Why do you say that?” Thomas asked.

“That girl has been hanging onto him since I can remember. She’s completely opposite of him though.”

“Does she have a boyfriend?” he asked. Not being subtle.

“No. She has the biggest heart, aside from Joss, of course.”

Thomas seemed enamored with Moira as he stared at them. When the song ended, they found their way back. Thomas took the opportunity to dance with Moira, which she agreed.

“Let’s try it,” Gabriel urged Ava.

“Oh no, that’s okay.”

“What’s it going to hurt?” He gave her a puppy dog look.

“It’s not fair to look at me like that.”

He rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the dance floor. Her heart raced. She couldn’t dance. And the last time she danced was with Peter.

Gabriel leaned in, and she froze. “Just for tonight, let loose,” he whispered in her ear causing her to shiver. “Don’t think. Just do.” His heartwarming smile stirred something inside her. “I promise, it will help.”

“How can I be happy when they’re—.”

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