Undercover Attraction (2 page)

Read Undercover Attraction Online

Authors: April Rankin

Tags: #erotica, #sex, #anal, #cop, #stripper, #vibrators, #handcuffs, #kinky sex, #modern romance

BOOK: Undercover Attraction
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“I can’t wear this! It's about five sizes
too small!” Jenna started stuffing it all back in the bag, but Amy
stopped her.

“Just put it on. I checked with the sales
lady to make sure it would fit, and I know what size shoes you
wear. So put it on willingly, or we will hold you down and dress
you like a kid.”

Jenna groaned again. Leave it to Amy to buy
something way out of Jenna’s character. She supposed she was
fortunate there was no bondage gear in the bag.

“Fine. I’ll try it on, but it looks too
small.” She grabbed the bag, and dug her black Lucky skirt from her
dresser and turned towards her bathroom.

“Oh, wait. This goes with it,” Shea, Amy’s
college roommate said, holding out a tiny bag that said 'Victoria’s
Secret'. The grin on her face could definitely be described as

Jenna dumped the bag onto her bed. There sat
the smallest piece of material she had ever seen. Black and lacy,
it was no bigger than a piece of dental floss.

“A thong! You got me a thong? What is wrong
with you people?” Jenna looked at all of them, their smiles evil
and eyes hinting at a morbid sense of humor.

“Come on, sis, it’s time for a makeover. We
are helping you feel sexier than you ever have in your whole life.
Now go get dressed. We don’t have all night.” Amy slapped the
little scrap of lace in her palm and pushed her towards the
bathroom door.

She stood there eyeing the little outfit as
if it were evil for a moment, disbelief engulfing her mind that she
had let her sister talk her into this madness.

Amy did have a point, though. All Jenna ever
wore were conservative little suits that befit a professor. She
didn’t own a single scrap of fabric as provocative and naughty as
the things they had brought her. The closest she had was the silk
and lace bikini cut panties she had bought on her one trip to
Victoria’s Secret two years ago, but they had never had the luxury
of hugging her butt as of yet.

She decided to throw caution to the wind.
What would it hurt to dress sexy and go out for one night?
were they going, anyway

Jenna stripped reluctantly, eyeing herself
in the full length mirror on the back of the door. She actually had
a good body. Granted, she liked to eat, so she could never be
described as dainty- after all, she could stand to lose a few
pounds here and there- but her size sixteen clothes always fit her
nicely while her height of five foot eight inches distributed her
weight rather well. She had a lot of curves in all the right
places. She'd been told plenty of times that if she actually made
an effort to look good, she really did.

Her hair was medium brown and her eyes dark
green. Her features weren’t really plain, but she wasn’t
extraordinary either. She had always thought her mouth was too
full, her eyes too big, and her nose, well, it was just a nose,
resting on her face in a way that wasn't worthy of special comment.
She did like her high cheekbones, though, a gift from her mother’s
side of the family.

She grabbed the thong, glared at it for a
moment, and slipped it on. She gasped when the material slid across
her bare flesh. It felt absolutely, well,
was the
only word that came to mind. Bending to retrieve the bra from the
bag, she shivered when the back of the thong slid into crevices
that hadn’t been caressed in years.

Taking a deep breath, she put the bra on. It
was fairly comfortable, surprisingly staying up on its own without
straps. She had to admit, the effect was definitely sexy, the black
lace thong and bra embracing her curves like a lover, dark against
her lightly tanned skin.

She stepped into her skirt, her favorite
Lucky’s brand, sighing at how the material rubbed against her bare
cheeks, hugging her hips and backside like a glove as she zipped

The top came last and it took her a few
moments to unbutton each of the small eyelets along the bust line.
She poked her arms in, hoping it wouldn't fit, wincing when it did.
Damn Amy.

After re-hooking each of the hooks, she
almost fainted at the sight of her own reflection.

She definitely could do sexy, much to her
own bewilderment. The corset top barely covered the black bra. Her
breasts were pushed up, giving her those perfect little arcs seen
on models and movie stars in their Grammy gowns.

She felt like a different person. Someone
hot, daring, sexy.

But she did have to do something with her

Someone knocked on the door.

“Are you coming out, or are we coming in?”
Amy yelled through the wood.

Jenna hesitantly opened the door, laughing
when they all stared at her and began making cat calls, howling
like wolves.

“O-M-G, you are hot! Now let’s do your hair
and makeup.” Amy pulled her back into the bathroom, and guided her
into the chair at her vanity. The other three girls followed,
rummaging through cabinets and drawers, getting anything they
thought might be useful.

Amy straightened her hair, effectively
getting rid of all the little waves that usually had Jenna pulling
her hair into a bun or ponytail for lack of better styling.

Mackenzie and Shea sat rows of makeup along
the counter while Taylor, another childhood friend, inspected each
color option before deciding on one and handing it to Amy.

Jenna sat still as her sister painted her
face, watching Amy dip brushes into various colors then apply the
powders to her face as if Amy were an artist.

Her sister gave an approving nod after
several minutes and stepped back to let the others inspect her
work. When all of them nodded agreement, Amy set to work on Jenna's
lifeless hair again, tugging and pulling in different directions as
she ran the straight iron through the thick strands.

By the time they were done, Jenna could
honestly say that she looked like a stranger in the mirror. Her
hair was straight, with little flips at the ends that framed her
face. Her makeup looked flawless, as if a professional had done it.
Then again, given Amy’s experience at dressing to party, she
probably could be considered a professional. Their ministrations
and her outfit made Jenna look and feel sexy.

The brown and gold on her eyelids made her
eyes appear even darker and brighter than they usually were. Amy
had applied just the right amount of tint to her lips to give her a
dewy I-want-to-be-kissed look.

Jenna was amazed.

“Come on girls, time to go,” Amy announced
with a pleased smile on her face.

“Amy, where are we going?” Jenna asked as an

Amy turned back to her, “To eat first. Who
knows after that!”

And that's what Jenna was worried about.




The five of them piled into Mackenzie’s
Highlander, and took off in the direction of Vegas. Granted Jenna
lived only about 30 minutes from the huge city, but she rarely went
there herself.

The city promised more excitement and bustle
than Jenna was prepared for. She just stayed in her sleepy little
town, or went to the college on the outskirts of the noisy, bright

They arrived right on time at the
restaurant, which happened to be a rather boisterous Hooters.

Amy hadn’t lied about reservations, though.
They were shown to a darkened booth across from the bar, already
stocked with a round of drinks and a large plate of hot wings. The
waitress handed them all menus and left them alone.

Amy lifted her drink for a toast, everyone
following her lead. “Here’s to my big sis. Hope you find fun,
alcohol, and lots of mind-blowing sex tonight.”

Giggles and
followed, and
they all took a sip of their drink. It was delicious, and Jenna
heard Mackenzie sigh in bliss.

“My favorite, Jamaican Me Crazies. These
will put me on my ass quicker than a hot surfer in spandex!”

“I prefer that hot little number I saw
creeping out of Amy’s room the other night. He was a stud!” Taylor
piped up.

Amy threw a chunk of ice at her from across
the table, as Jenna just giggled in embarrassment for her sister.
“Shut up! Jenna doesn’t want to hear about my sex life. We're here
to talk about hers!”

Taylor’s mouth fell open, “So you admit to
sex with him. Ooh, do tell. And Jenna doesn’t have a sex life!”

Amy looked at Jenna, who only raised an
eyebrow in morbid curiosity, trying to keep the attention from her
own sex life- or lack thereof.

Amy sighed, “We had sex. He might have been
hot, but had no idea what he was doing in the sack.” Amy stuck her
bottom lip out in a pout, disappointed.

“What? After all the rumors about him?” Shea

Amy held up her pinky and wiggled it,
laughing. "Can't use what he doesn't have."

Mackenzie snorted, choking back a laugh.
"Maybe you should start asking for a preview."

Amy stuck her tongue out at all of them.
“I'll remember that next time. Then again, I might get a preview I
like tonight.”

They all shared a secretive snicker, looking
at Jenna as if the joke was on her.

“Oh, no. What are you talking about?” She
asked them, narrowing her eyes on the mischievous girls.

“Nothing you won’t enjoy. Now drink up,
another round is coming in a few.” Amy told her, smirking at all
the others.

Jenna reached out and picked up a wing,
dipped it into bleu cheese, and nibbled on it while she looked over
the menu thoughtfully.

True to her word, Amy’s waitress came with
more drinks and took their orders. Mackenzie slid her drink over to
Jenna, with a sad look.

“Here, hun, I am the driver tonight. I can’t
get smashed if I have to look after all of you drunk girls

Jenna didn’t really want to get drunk, knew
that the hangover in the morning would be misery, but she supposed
she could have Mackenzie’s drink to celebrate her big three-o. No
sense in letting it go to waste.

They sat there in idle chit-chat until their
food arrived with another set of pretty mixed drinks. Jenna was
glad that she had ordered a giant burger to at least soak up some
of the alcohol her sister was pouring into her.

After the first two drinks and half of
Mackenzie’s, Jenna was feeling a bit loopy and too careless for her
own liking.

The waitress took their empty glasses,
making room for their plates before leaving them to their meal.

“Drink up, sis. There are plenty more where
those came from. You are
partying tonight, on me. Just
remember this when my birthday comes around.” Amy downed the rest
of her drink then reached for a fresh one.

Jenna did the same and smiled sweetly at her
sister. “For your birthday, I am
taking you to the Abbey
to learn all the attributes you don’t possess from the nuns.”

Amy laughed, barely avoiding choking on her
fries. She sputtered for a moment then washed it all down with her

They finished eating, surprising actually,
that they could eat without spitting food everywhere with all of
their laughing and carrying on. The waitress came again, clearing
their table, asking if they wanted dessert. They all declined, left
a fat tip and left for their next destination.




Jenna couldn’t believe it. Her sister had
brought her to a strip club.

They'd practically had to drag her into the
establishment, so against it was she. She had never been to one of
these clubs where men were put on display and women paid to see

Honestly, she was somewhat intrigued by the
idea, but also nervous because she didn’t know what to expect.

Unfortunately, it was too late to run.

She now sat at a comfortable lush couch at
the front of the stage. She had Amy and Mackenzie to her left and
Shea and Taylor to her right, effectively blocking all escape

Chairs and sofas lined the interior of the
club, quickly filling with women sitting on every spare inch,
talking and laughing excitedly. Amy had dragged them all to the
sofa closest to the stage, claiming it would get the most

Yeah, that’s what Jenna was afraid of. She
didn’t want action. She wanted a jacket to cover her ample chest
and a blanket to cover her legs.

A sexy half-naked waiter came to take their
drink orders, Amy ordering a “wet pussy” for Jenna and herself.

If what she had heard of these places was
true, she might have one of those herself soon enough, whether she
wanted it or not.

The hot waiter brought them their drinks,
mentioning that the show would begin within the next few minutes.
Amy chatted with him for a bit, flirting shamelessly, until he
moved away to take more orders from the other patrons.

“Amy, why did you bring me here?” Jenna
whispered to her sister just as the lights began to dim.

Amy laughed, “The new main attraction, of
course. Well, that and you need some dick.”

“What?! I do not! And what main

“Their newest dancer is supposed to be
awesome. He can do things that make the women scream for more. And
that’s just his show.”

Jenna crossed her arms over her chest. “I
can’t believe you would drag me here. You could have asked me

“You wouldn’t have come if I had asked.
Besides, this is supposed to be fun. Let go for once, you are way
too uptight, little goody two shoes. You're supposed to be the one
corrupting me, not me corrupting-” Amy abruptly broke off in a
scream when the announcer claimed to have the best line up in

Amy looked over at her while the announcer
went on to welcome everyone, “Jenna, we both know you don’t have
fun. It’s time. Who knows what a good one-night-stand could do for
you. Don’t think about tomorrow, or what will happen later. You
have to have fun for
every once in a while. Promise me
you'll try. There might be a sexy man here for you tonight, you
never know.”

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