Underestimated Too (33 page)

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Authors: Jettie Woodruff

BOOK: Underestimated Too
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‘Morgan,’ I quietly spoke, looking down to her tiny
hand in mine.”

‘It’s okay. I get it.’

‘What do you get? Talk to me.’

‘You don’t want me to remember, do you?’

‘No, Morgan. I don’t.’

She smiled a sad smile and left me. I’d long
forgotten that she may be faking the whole loss of memory thing. She didn’t
remember. I was sure of it, and my worst nightmare was that she would. She
would remember everything and not love me. I wasn’t sure I could live without
her now. I’d take a bullet for her. I’d give up every penny for her. None of it
meant anything without her.

Chapter 28



“I did my best to keep Derik away from her and out
of the house. I sent him on every business trip that I didn’t want to take. I
hated leaving her, mostly because I hated seeing her wake afraid and alone when
I wasn’t there to save her. She hated it when I left too. I did take her a
couple times. She hated it. She hated the boring meetings that I had let her sit
through. She hated to sit in the hotel room.”

“That’s because you wouldn’t let me leave the hotel
to shop or see a movie or anything,” I complained out loud, looking to Deidra
for support, thinking about the stripes on my ass from the last time I went out
and did something without him.

 “Needless to say,” Drew continued with a snide
grin. “On the occasions that I had to go, she whined like a two year old,
begging me to send Derik. The only good thing about leaving her was coming home
to her. I’d get so mad at her for sending Marta away. I didn’t want her to be
alone. It didn’t matter, she did it anyway and was waiting at the door for my
return. Sometimes we didn’t make it away from the door before we were naked,
making love on the cold marble floor.

‘Oh, my god, don’t you ever leave for five whole
days again. Do you have any idea how much I missed you,’ she asked, throwing
herself in my arms after a long drawn out go to hell deal that I lost. I should
have sent Derik. Five days away from my wife and I come home a failure.”

That was not a good night, I remembered. He did the
same thing then that he does now when he comes home after a bad day at work.
Drew losing a deal was like spitting in his face. He couldn’t handle it. I’m
sure it had something to do with Michael telling him what a failure he was.

“Removing her arms from around my neck, I said, ‘I
need a shower.’ It wasn’t her. I was happy to see her. I was pissed off at
myself. Three quarters of a million dollars and I flushed it down the drain,
handing it over to Brinkley.

‘Yeah, okay,’ she said disappointed.

I tried to wash it away in the shower, to not think
about it. I tried my best not to hear Michael’s voice telling me what a loser I
was. It wasn’t working. I was pissed, and trying my best not to go back to the
Drew that wanted to hurt Morgan. I was struggling. I was struggling so hard.
She should have left me alone. She shouldn’t have pushed her luck.

‘You never quit, do you Morgan?’ I asked, turning to
her sneaking in the shower with me. She was instantly frightened when I slammed
her wet body against the tile.

‘What do you want?’ I asked, kissing her fiercely.

‘Drew, you’re scaring me,’ she rasped in a shaky

‘You should be scared. You should be terrified of
me. Why did you come in here? What do you want?’ I asked, twisting her nipple
hard between my fingers.

‘I wanted you,’ she whimpered.

‘You wanted me? You wanted me to do what?’

‘Drew, stop,’ she begged.

I didn’t stop. Who the hell did she think she was?
She didn’t tell me to stop. She didn’t have that power or that control. I held
the control. I pulled her hair and kissed her lips right after I back handed
her with my knuckles. Her tears flowed, uncontrollably while I shoved her
against the wall and took her, putting her in that dark place I’d once kept
her. I pounded in and out of her fighting the Y-chromosome entrenched deep in
my soul. I didn’t want to be this Drew. I was hurting her. Why couldn’t I

“That’s the day I truly knew I was in love with
you,” I told Drew and Deidra. “Drew hit me for the first time that day. Well,
the first time that I remembered, and I still wanted him.”

Drew and I briefly stared at each other in a way
that only he and I could understand before he continued, “Morgan cried, ‘Drew,
it’s okay. You’re okay. We’re okay.’ I stopped and looked down at her crying
eyes. I never wanted to see that again. Promising myself that was the last
time. I was never hurting her again.

‘Why, Morgan? I don’t deserve you. How can you say

‘I love you,’ she cried.”

Drew paused and turned away from the window. “We
said I love you before, but that was the first time she’d ever said it like

“Like what?” Deidra asked.

“Like she’s looking at me right now. Like I am the
only person she sees. Like her whole world is me,” Drew explained. “I struck
her, forced myself on her and she was telling me she loved me. We were not
okay. This was not okay.” Drew resumed his position at the window, facing the
alley. “I kissed away her tears and pulled out of her, saying, ‘I’m sorry. I’m
so sorry, baby.’ Letting go of her legs, she dropped them, and I held her wet
body close to me while she clung to me hopelessly.

‘Please don’t stop, Drew,’ she begged, wanting me to
make love to her.

Pulling her up while our eyes stayed entranced, she
wrapped her legs around my waist and I made love to her like I’d never done.
She didn’t stop crying the entire time. It was the most emotionally fucked up situation
I had ever known.  

Morgan never mentioned that night. She let me off
the hook without making me feel worse than I already did. She even lied to
Marta and told her she’d walked into a door with her nose in a book. Marta
laughed, believing the lie to be the truth.

I tried even harder to make her happy after that
night. There were still plenty of times I fought the Drew I didn’t want to be.
Morgan had a way of pulling me back in. Just her soft voice saying
easy Drew
was usually enough to remind me how delicate she really was. I often wondered
what went through her mind. Was her life before the accident hidden somewhere
in her subconscious? Some of the things she did made me believe that it was.”

Deidra stopped Drew, asking me about being in love
with him, how I felt different between him and Dawson. I took over, talked
about being gone and what I had been doing while I was away. I didn’t mean to
get so involved in my story and tried to remember how I felt when Drew talked
about being in love with Skyler. I didn’t want to make him feel bad. I really
didn’t think he loved her like I loved Dawson.

“Dawson truly loved me,” I explained.

“Dawson didn’t love you, Morgan,” Drew adamantly

“It doesn’t matter. We’re past that.”

“Are we, Morgan? It’s been long enough, let’s talk
about Dawson, or is there too much nostalgia there for you?” Drew hastily

“Fuck you, Drew. You don’t know shit about Dawson.”

“You two are like fire and ice,” Deidra accused.
“Drew, you can’t get mad at her for falling in love with someone when you did
the same thing. And, Morgan, you’re not allowed to say fuck you to your
husband, not here and not at home. Okay?”

We both took deep breaths but didn’t respond. I
wanted to move past the conversation of Dawson anyway. I wanted to hear more
from Drew.

“Good, so did things get better after you hit her
that night in the shower?” Deidra asked Drew and not me, thank god.

“I’m not sure what you mean by better. Was it any
healthier? I doubt it. Is it better now? I don’t know, you’re the doc, you tell
me. I know it was only a couple days later when my wife there started the next fight
between us,” Drew nodded towards me.

“Go on,” Deidra coaxed. 

“Derik and I had been in my office all morning on

‘It’s lunch time, Derik. How about you go find some
lunch or something?’ Morgan asked in a demanding tone, barging into my office.”

I didn’t ask, I was telling him to get
the hell out.

“Derik retorted, ‘Yeah, why don’t you go back in the
kitchen where you belong.’

‘Derik, just go home. We’re done here. I can finish

‘Seriously, Drew? We have a conference call in
twenty minutes. Callaway’s going to be on it. Did you forget that?’

‘I’d think you could figure out how to jump on a
conference call anywhere in the world by now, Derik,’ Morgan smartly remarked
with a tilted head.

‘Go, Derik,’ I ordered before he had a chance to say
something else. He left, eyeing her with pure disgust from her bare toes to her

‘My god, girl. What are you doing? You can’t keep
doing that. We’re trying to work here.’

‘I’m sorry. I guess I was bad, uh?’ she asked,
sliding out of her shorts. My cock instantly responded when she bent over my
desk, standing right beside me.”


“Rubbing her soft bare ass, ‘I really do have a
conference call,’ I told her.”

Ah man.

“Morgan retorted, ‘Then you should probably punish
me, quickly.’

Standing, I brought my hand down, instantly leaving
my print, marking my territory. She moaned as I rubbed the sting from her ass.
Running my fingers through her wet pussy, I cracked her ass again and again,
gaining moan after moan as my fingers teased her throbbing sex.

‘Is this what you want? You need me to spank you?’ I

‘Hmmm,’ she moaned, backing her ass into my agonizing
erection. Morgan spun around and lifted herself to my desk.

‘Go down on me,’ she beckoned, dropping her head. It
was actually my new favorite thing to do. It had been since that first time
she’d told me to do it. She’d knocked the wind out of me that day. I’d never
tasted Morgan before that. I never had the desire to do that, now I couldn’t
get enough of her taste, her scent, or her writhing hips beneath my mouth.”

I wasn’t sure which I felt more, my wet pussy, or my
crimson face. Why did he do this? He could talk about our sex life to Deidra
like it was nothing more than a business meeting.

“I warned her, ‘Morgan, I have a conference call.’

‘Then hurry up. It’s not going to take long. I

What the hell was I supposed to say to that? I did
as I was told, and she was absolutely right. She was calling out in ecstasy in
seconds, not minutes.

‘Happy?’ I smirked, pulling her up and kissing her
lips, coating them with her own juices.

‘Not completely.’

‘You have to sit here and be quiet for a few minutes.
I have to get on this call.’

‘Go ahead.’

How the hell was I supposed to lead a conference
call with her naked on my desk? That wouldn’t be the problem. I no sooner
dialed in when Morgan was on her knees, releasing my rock hard cock in her
hand. I talked about the growth in the new Los Angeles store, trying to keep it
together while my wife stroked my cock in her hand. I was leading a conference
call with confidence, glancing to the numbers on the screen, then back to
Morgan’s hand.

‘Derik, take over. Go to the week of the fifth
graph,’ I ordered. I wasn’t okay anymore. Morgan’s fingers lightly squeezing my
balls and her lips covering my head did me in.

‘I’m going to kill you,’ I promised as soon as I hit
the silent button on my desk phone.

‘Want me to stop?’ she asked, looking up to me with
seductive eyes and then dipped her head, taking as much of me as she could.

‘Oh, god. I swear you have no gag reflex.’ I moaned.

‘I don’t. You taught me that, remember?’

‘What?’ I asked when she stopped.

‘Why did I say that, Drew?’

‘Say what?’

‘Why did I think you taught me that?’

‘I don’t know. I probably teased you about it or

‘No, it didn’t feel like that.’

‘Morgan?’ I questioned, wanting her to finish what
she’d started, or let me get back on my call. I didn’t want her thinking about
that. I didn’t want her to remember me forcing my dick down her throat, telling
her I would teach her how to control her gag reflexes. I’d said it often. Thank
god she put it aside and gave me one hell of a blow job.

Those same memories consumed me too. I stood, holding
her hair with one hand and stroking my cock with the other. She opened her
mouth and waited, like she’d done it that way all along. I hadn’t done that
since she’d been home, not like that anyway. It was out of my control. I saw
the look in her eyes. It wasn’t lustful anymore. This look was afraid. The one
that I’d once loved to see on her face. The old Drew was winning. I couldn’t
care about what was going through her mind at the moment. It was too late. I
was past the point of return.

“You ready, baby?” I asked, pumping my dick on her
lips. She didn’t reply and kept her lips parted slightly, just like I’d taught
her, like she remembered. And just like old times the first bout squirted to
her lips. Massaging my come around her lips, I pressed into her mouth as the
next shot entered her mouth. Morgan sucked me clean, just like she’d done a
thousand times before and then turned away from me. I’d lost her. I’d lost her
and me both. Why did this have to be so hard for me? Why couldn’t I just show
her how much I loved her?

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