Underestimated Too (41 page)

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Authors: Jettie Woodruff

BOOK: Underestimated Too
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My safe word was Nicholas. Whenever I felt
threatened or afraid of Drew that was the safe word I picked. Deidra told me to
use something comforting to Drew, something that he loved or cherished. There
were only two things I could think of that he prized. One was me and one was
Nicky. I didn’t want to choose my name, not when I was the one about to receive
his wrath. Nicholas was the safer choice. He loved him so much and would never
hurt him.

Chapter 34


Jumping from my distant thoughts, Drew wrapped his
arms around me. “You okay?”

“Yes. You scared me.” I leaned into him.

“What are you thinking about?” Drew asked, turning
me away from the window to look at him.

“Nothing, really,” I lied. I couldn’t tell him what
I was thinking about. I knew he thought I was staring out the window,
reflecting on our appointment with Deidra. I guess I was doing that too, but what
I was really thinking about was Alicia. I wanted to know how things went with
our little accomplice. Did he agree? Did we offer enough money? Maybe he called
the cops and had her arrested. Maybe she was in jail for extortion or
something. No. No. Stop it, Morgan. She’s not in jail. Celeste would have
called Drew.

“Morgan, we’re going to be okay. I promise,” Drew
said, pulling me tight to his chest and kissing the top of my head.

“I believe that,” I offered. I did believe that.  I
couldn’t imagine not having Drew in my life. Drew and I stood in front of the
window, kissing, losing ourselves in each other’s touch. Drew felt too right to
be wrong. I did belong with him, and we would conquer this tempest. I knew we
would. We had to.

“You’ve got a birthday in two days. I’m going to
give you the best year of your life,” Drew promised. I didn’t believe that. I
believed that we would be okay, our okay. I wasn’t that naive. I could have
easily told him I’d heard it all before. I wanted to believe him. I couldn’t,
and I didn’t believe the empty promise. He’d hit me again. I was sure of it.
Eventually he’d change, over time, but I was sure it wasn’t going to be in a
year. It took him a lot longer than a year to get this way, I was sure it was
going to take longer to weaken the monster inside him.

“Do you think spanking you is abuse?” Drew whispered
hot kisses to my neck and chest.

“God, no, and stop saying that word. I hate it.”

“Does that mean I can lay you over my lap and paint
your ass with my hand print?”

“That means I want you to do that.” I moaned, slanting
my head, allowing better access to my neck.

“What do you want?”

“What do you mean? I just told you what I wanted.”

“No, I mean, what do you want. Tell me what you want
me to do. I don’t want to control you.”

“Drew, you can control me in bed. I love that about

“How do you know? You’ve never told me what you
like. Tell me what you like and what you don’t like, besides the prod. I know
you hate that thing.” He smiled, pulling me to the bed with him.

“Actually, I don’t hate that anymore. I hated it
when you used it on me and didn’t let me come. That was torture. Now it just
intensifies it when I do come.”

“You like it?” Drew asked, hopeful.

“Yes. I know, I’m as screwed up as you are.”

“And I made you that way.”

“You didn’t, Drew. I think Deidra is right. That
started way before you.”

“But things could have been so much different. I
could have made things better for you.”

“But you didn’t, and that is in the past. We’re done
with that. Remember what Deidra said? We’ve hashed all that out. Everything’s
on the table. Now it’s time to leave it there and move forward. Let’s make them
better now, Drew. You can’t keep staring at that door. It’s closed now. You’re
never going to see the door that’s been opened for us if you keep staring at
the closed one. Can we stop being serious for a little bit?” I asked, ruffling
Drew’s hair.

“Yes, you were about to tell me what you like that I

“I’m too embarrassed to tell you that.”


“You’ll think I’m a pervert or something,” I

Drew flipped me over, towering over me on the bed.
“I already think that. Tell me.”

“It’s something that drives me crazy.”

“Does it make you wet?” Drew teased, running his
hand up my bare leg and underneath my nightgown.

“What do you think?” I asked, cocking my leg for him.

“Tell me,” Drew rasped, massaging my liquids through
my slit, right to my aching clitoris.

“I love to watch you stroke yourself,” I confessed.
It was probably one of many things that turned me on about Drew.

“Take your clothes off,” Drew ordered, standing. He
removed his dress shirt and slacks, taking his already erect cock in his hands.

Coming back to me at the foot of the bed, Drew
positioned himself between my legs, stroking long drawn out strokes up and down
his shaft.


This was hot. This was so fucking hot. I couldn’t
take it. Drew stroked himself between my legs, letting the head of his cock rub
with just the right amount of friction. I was going to come. That quick, I was
going to come.

I knew I was ready, I didn’t know Drew was. As soon
as I called out, grasping the covers in two fists, I opened my eyes, feeling
his warm liquids merge with my quivering sex. Watching Drew spew out, massaging
his come into my slit, up and down, was electrifying, sensational.

“Damn it, Morgan. I didn’t want to do that,” he
complained, sliding inside of me. I didn’t want him to do that yet either.
Feeling him easily slide in me left me wanting more.  “Give me a little bit,
and I will make it up to you.”

Drew did that too. I snuggled close in his arms and
we watched reality television. I heard Drew snicker a couple times but was too
preoccupied to pay attention to the dumb show. I wanted to call Alicia. It was
driving me crazy to no end. Drew helped with that once he was able to perform
again. I helped with his ability by lying across is lap and letting him spank
me while he continued to watch television. By the time he finally finished, I
was going crazy wanting him inside me.

“Come up here and sit on my cock,” he prompted.


Drew held my hips, watching his hardness disappear
inside me. I was doing just fine until he made me go faster. That was it. I was
falling. Of course Drew didn’t let it be that easy. He flipped over, positioned
my hips where he wanted them with just a slight elevation and inserted two very
deep fingers.

“Drew, no, don’t do that,” I begged, feeling the
gentle pressure on my G-spot. I hated when he did that. He shushed me,
continuing to do what he wanted to do.

“Drew—hmmm, fuck,” I moaned, feeling the inevitable.

“Yes, baby, come for me,” he mumbled, adding
friction to my already overzealous clit. That was it. I was spent, releasing
warm come to his hand which he massaged back right to my pucker before
entering. I came again with Drew in my ass and his fingers dancing on my nub.

“You’re sleeping in the wet spot,” I threatened,
dropping to the bed in a pant with Drew, dropping with me.

“I don’t mind. I love it when you wet the bed.”

“Oh, my god, stop it, you can’t talk about it.”

Drew laughed, kissing the back of my shoulder. “I
love it.”


“Promise me you’re going to be back here by seven,”
Drew requested. What the hell? Deidra said he wasn’t supposed to do that.

“I should be,” I retorted, annoyed. Did he think
just because he made the time clear up to seven, I was going to be okay with
it? It was normally five. I knew his thought process; he was giving me enough
time. It was only four thirty.

“No, not should be. I need you back here by seven.
We have someone coming for dinner tonight. Make sure you’re home.”

I breathed a deep breath. I hated entertaining his
rich clients, especially the women that thought they were holier than thou.
“Okay, take care of my little man; I’ll see you after bit.”

“Marta is taking him for a walk.”

“Don’t you think it’s too hot for that?” I asked. I
didn’t want her to take him for a walk. I liked doing that in the evenings or
early mornings. That was our thing. Oh, lord. I had PMS. I didn’t care that
Marta took him for a walk. “Never mind, it’s fine. I’ll see you later.”


“That has literally been the longest ten years of my
life,” I complained, meeting Alicia at the entrance of the library. It really
did feel like ten years.

“Mine too,” she agreed, nodding towards a bench in the
somewhat shade. “Celeste is suspicious. She would kill me if she knew what you
were up to and I was helping you. I still think this is a bad idea, and you
should let it go.”

“Don’t tell Celeste anything, I already know what
you think, and… Tell me already,” I pleaded. I couldn’t take it a second

“He’ll do it.”

“He’ll do it?” I exclaimed. Adrenaline instantly
pumped through my veins. I didn’t know whether to be happy or disappointed. My
mystery novels suddenly became real. “What did he say? What did you say? How
much? Is he agreeing to the makeover?”

“Geesh, Morgan, breathe. I propositioned him with
five grand, he came back with ten.”

“Is that a lot? How much do you pay people to do
something like this?”

“I don’t know, but I agreed to the ten. Guess how
much I got for the necklace?”

“More than ten I hope.”

“Twenty three thousand, what do you want me to do
with the rest?”

“Keep it. I can’t take it home.”

“And you think I can just take thirteen thousand
dollars home?”

“True. Okay, we’ll donate it or something. What’s
the plan?”

“You’re going to need Drew’s driver’s license and his
social security number. I gave Clay a picture of Drew from Vincent’s birthday
party. He’s going to get his hair cut the same. We have to meet him in an hour
to buy a suit. I didn’t want him going in there in some cheap, ugly suit. You
know the respect thing,” Alicia added.

I grinned, thinking about Celeste, preaching that.
Drew thought like that too. You had to dress the part you played. It made sense
though. If this guy went in there with jeans, he’d be questioned for sure. “Clay?”

“Yeah, that’s his name. I didn’t ask a last name. I
figured it was best for all parties involved not to know.”

“Yeah, but remember Mark Fortune? That backfired on

“Morgan, this isn’t
The Gray Train
. This is
real life. We could send this guy to jail.”

Reasoning wasn’t part of my ability at the time. I
was too close to turn back now. There was something in that box that Drew
didn’t want me to know about and I was going to find out.

We ate lunch and then met Clay at Paris Graham. That
was the only place I knew of to buy men’s suits. I loved going in there with
Drew and watching him be fitted for one. I wasn’t worried a bit when Clay
called Alicia, telling her he was running late and couldn’t make it until six.
I kind of wanted to defy Drew. I already knew what I was going to say if he did
get touchy. Call it a test. My birthday was in one day and I would remind him
of his words the night before.

“Morgan, we have to go. We have to be at your house
for dinner.”

“They don’t need us and you know it. We’re just
going to sit there and roll our eyes at each other. They can make a business
deal without us there. We have to do this now. I may not be able to get out of
the house again until next week.”

“Then you go home. I will stay and take care of

“Alicia. What is your problem? If you need to go,

“I am not leaving you here. Drew and Celeste both
would kill me.”

By the time Clay finally got there, Alicia was
really pissing me off. I knew what she was worried about, why she was so
insistent on getting me home. It was none of her business. If Drew hit me, it
was on him, not her. She didn’t come out and say that’s what she was all
worried about, I could just tell. She needed to mind her own business.

Yup, definitely PMS.

This was so going to work. Clay wasn’t an exact
replica, but I’ve seen Drew’s license. He could pass for sure.

“Yes, we’re on our way,” Alicia lied to Celeste. We
weren’t leaving until I saw that Clay could pass as Drew. I ignored Drew’s
call, responding with a text that we’d be there soon.

 “That’s it,” I decided after the third suit.

“Great. Let’s go!” Alicia insisted, essentially
dragging me out of there.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Drew yelled
in a whisper when I decided I should probably answer. His quiet tone told me
that our company had arrived.

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