Underneath It All (Storm Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Underneath It All (Storm Series)
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Sebastian spied him
starting to sit up and said, “I did not want to make you get up. Hey, you sure you’re feeling well enough for this? You look a little,” his friend waved a hand up by his own face, “Ahh, what is the word? Don’t help me.”

Rob smirked. He couldn’t wait to hear what Seb came up with.

“Ugh. It is not coming to me. Like an old shirt.”

“You mean ragged

His friend plopped onto the couch. Watching a six-f
oot-four man flop anywhere was pretty funny, but Rob held in his amusement. “Yes.
Mon Dieu
, I hope English gets easier for me at some point. But yes, you look ragged.”

“I’m fine, just groggy from taking yet another nap. I got bored waiting for people to liven up my day.”

“You have the attention span of a roll of hockey tape.”

“Now you’re
a comedian, huh?”

I heard that one from Jordan, actually. I’m just trying to make sure my
friend is up for company.”

If Rob didn’t have an arm in a sling and
also nothing close by to grab, Sebastian would’ve been pelted, but he decided to let the man go for now. Once he was back on his feet, he’d find a funny prank or three to play on him. “Old man. Shut the hell up,” he said with a grin. “I can blow by you any day of the week.”

Sebastian was about to
reply when the doorbell rang. Rob rose to answer, just to prove he could.

With a little smile, Sebastian said,
“Ah, you are, what is it, saved by the bell. I remembered that one!”


Rob opened the door and Alaina gave him a quick peck as she passed. A warm feeling like caramel, his favorite candy ever, flowed over him and he rolled his eyes at himself.

“Hey, Sebastian.”

Sebastian said, “Hi, Alaina. Would you like anything to drink? Someone needs to act like a good host around here. I’m so thirsty, and yet, Rob has given me nothing.”

Rob flipped him off, but
Sebastian ignored him, keeping his focus on Alaina, who said, “Water is fine.”

Seb looked over, his eyes filled with mirth. “Rob?”

“Water’s good.
You’re dismissed.”

Sebastian proved he’d seen Rob’s earlier hand gesture by returning it behind Alaina’s back before leaving the room. Rob
indicated the couch and Alaina sat. Before Sebastian returned, Rob joined her and stole another kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth and instantly losing himself. A quick kiss was never enough for Rob when he was with Alaina, and soon they were locked together, mouths moving over the other, never staying in one place long.

throat cleared and Rob lifted his head with no small measure of regret. Sebastian raised an eyebrow, a leer firmly on his face. “Would you like me to leave? He’s injured, you know. Exertion probably isn’t good for a man of his advanced age.”

Alaina blushed
, a hint of a smile playing across her features nonetheless. “No, I’m sorry. That was rude of us.”

Rob laughed. “Oh, please. You have no idea how many times I’ve walked in on Seb and Sarah sucking face.
Sometimes doing more than that. Yuck.”

Sebastian dropped into the recliner situated perpendicular to the couch.
“Oh, come on. We’re sexy. I bet you secretly liked watching.”

“Liked watching you give Sarah a tonsillectomy every other day? Not likely. Why don’t you
make yourself useful and tell us what movies you brought?”

Alaina, who was watching the scene in apparent amusement,
judging by the smirk gracing her lovely face, asked, “You know you two squabble like an old married couple, right?”

“Ewwww, who’
d wanna marry that guy?” Rob asked, using his good hand to point at Sebastian.

not someone I want to be with for the rest of my life either, dude.”

“And my point is proved
.” Alaina finished with a chuckle.

gave her a mock glare, but went over to the entertainment center, where he’d dropped the cases. Holding them up one by one, he briefly described each, and after a short debate, they decided to watch the comedy. He slid the DVD into the machine, and Rob grabbed the remote. This was his house, after all, and control of the remote was rightfully his. Soon, silence prevailed as they all got caught up in the plot.

He wished his stupid arm wasn’t messed up. Cuddling with Alaina was fun and he was missing out. Looking over at her, he caught her eye and smiled. As if she
guessed the direction of his thoughts, she touched her fingers to her lips and then to his before returning her attention to the movie. A goofy expression was no doubt plastered all over his face, and he didn’t care in the slightest.

Alaina shifted and
her button-down shirt exposed more of her creamy breasts. Rob remembered acutely how good they tasted and how well they fit into his mouth. As his blood heated, he suppressed a groan. He wanted Alaina, wanted to be intimate with her in the worst way. Would she be amenable to taking their relationship further?

How would that work, though? His shoulder couldn’t take any weight and hurt like hell when he was jostled. Rob chewed the inside of his cheek, considering different positions.
He could be pretty inventive with that kind of thing, but this was a dilemma.

“Earth to Rob…”

He started, even though Sebastian had whispered the statement. Rob glanced at the other man, wincing as pain sliced down from his shoulder through his arm as he turned his head. “Sorry, man. What’s up?”

When Sebastian subtly jerked his head toward Alaina
, Rob closed his eyes, realizing he’d been staring at that open patch of skin. Yeah, good thing she was still absorbed in the movie or he would’ve been busted salivating over her breasts.

Sebastian grabbed their water bottles and took them into the kitchen. He returned a few moments later,
but when he didn’t sit, Rob paused the movie.

“Sarah texted me. She’s been going
through some boxes she hasn’t even opened since she moved to Buffalo and is starting to sneeze. I told her not to do them and that I would take care of it, but she does what she wants.” He addressed Alaina. “She’s allergic to dust. She apologized and feels really bad, but she wants me to go get her some medicine then help her move the boxes out of the basement. You know, like I suggested earlier.”

“No probl
em,” Rob said, rising.

Alaina expressed similar sentiments and Sebastian waved
as he went out the door.

onto the stoop, Rob asked, “Are you doing the same thing I did to you right around this time last year? Leaving me in the lurch to face my woman alone?”

” Sebastian smirked. “Serves you right.”

“You wanted that time with Sarah.”

“And you want this time with Alaina.”

“I hope I never told
Alaina about that or she’ll definitely be suspicious. Hell, she’s not stupid, she’s probably already suspicious.”

“She’s going to be even more
so if you don’t go back inside. Good luck.” Sebastian dodged the half-hearted attempt by Rob to whack him on the arm with his good hand and grinned in total unrepentance as he jogged away.

went inside, debating on whether he should let the lie go or say something else to make the whole thing sound more legitimate. In the end, he sat and took Alaina’s hand in his, not saying a word, and she didn’t ask.

A short time late
r, though, she started and stood. “I almost forgot! Hang on.” After going over to her monstrous messenger bag, she withdrew a large manila envelope. Not exactly what he’d hoped to see her to pull out. It was, after all, doubtful she kept sexy lingerie in a manila envelope. “The kids insisted on doing some crafts for you.”

“Oh yeah? Let’s have ‘em.”

Returning to the sofa, she tucked her legs underneath her and handed Rob cards from the envelope, one by one. He found himself getting choked up as he read their carefully done messages telling him to feel better soon.

Alaina was
smiling softly when he finally raised his gaze. She said, “They’re a sweet group of kids.”

“They’re awesome. Tell them I appreciate the thought and I miss them tons.”

“I will.”

They watched the rest of the movie
, and then Rob took a deep breath. He couldn’t wait any longer. “Would you…want to go into the bedroom?” He felt more nervous than he ever had when suggesting sex, and his voice cracked on the last word. Rob was mortified, his face heating.

am I, fifteen and in some girl’s basement trying to make it to first base?

But Alaina, nice girl that she was, let him off the hook with a joke.
“I had no idea you were such a blushing virgin.”

“Yeah, well…”

“I don’t think this is a good idea, hon, you’re still recovering.”

Rob groaned. “I know, but I want you so much, and not that I’m complaining about anything we’ve already done, but I’m dying to make love to you.”
Make love?
“I want to be inside you.”

Alaina bit her lip and Rob prayed.
Despite not being the smartest thing to do, given his physical condition, he craved her. So, so much. It scared him, but was also exciting. His stomach fluttered as he waited.

After a moment, s
he stood and reached out her hand. “Come on.”


~ * ~






They walked
hand in hand to the bedroom. Rob winced as he looked around. He hadn’t been the tidiest guy lately and hadn’t thought to clean before Alaina arrived. “Sorry for the mess. I’m normally kind of a neat freak. Having Sebastian’s crap spread all over the house used to drive me crazy.”

Alaina gave him a disbelieving look.
“Oh yes, I was expecting spotlessness. What with just the bum shoulder and subsequent surgery, how could you let yourself get behind on mundane housework?” Taking in the unmade bed littered with all the pillows he needed to keep his position at night, she asked, “So how do you want to do this? I’m sure your shoulder is really sore, and I don’t want to make you feel worse.”

“We don’t have to do anything.” He was pretty sure his groin kicked itself
as he forced out the words, but the last thing he would ever do was pressure Alaina.

to do something. In fact, I want to do a lot of things. But I would gladly wait if you might get hurt.”

“Don’t you worry about me. I’m a big boy.”

After pivoting, she sat on the bed with a grin. “I know, baby. Remember, I have up close and personal experience.”

He barely held in a pathetic moan as he remembered her mouth on him. So warm, so wet.

With effort, he tuned in again as she said, “It occurs to me these things I’m thinking about require you to be wearing far less clothing. You don’t have to take off your shirt, though. I’m sure that’s not easy or comfortable. Besides, that’s not where the most interesting area is located anyway.”

He barked out a laugh. Rob hadn’t been expecting an answer like that. Waving toward his jeans, he
said, “I’m at your service.”

Service, huh? I like the sound of that.” Pulling him closer by the waistband, she said, “I have your permission to get rid of these?”

“Do you actually expect me to say no?”

“No man would turn down the chance to have sex, I imagine.”

“I guess that’s your answer.”

Since he was in no position to help—the damn things had taken him a couple of minutes to put on this morning, but he hadn’t wanted to look like a bum again when he saw Alaina—he let her take charge. She pulled his jeans and boxers down to his thighs then urged him onto the bed. “Lie back.”

Rob tried not to show the pain the action caused him. He was already hard and desperately hoped she was ready, with a very real fear for his sanity if she pulled back on the reins now.

Alaina regarded him with a
half-smile. “Can I straddle you?”

Rob snorted.
“Again, you think I’d refuse?”

“You’re pretty easy, you know.”

“I’m not sure if that’s an insult or a compliment.” Rob smiled, and she shook her head, smiling too. “Might want to keep that info to yourself, though. Can’t have women trying to knock down my front door.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” An expression passed over her face but was gone before he could decipher
the meaning. “One thing…”

Alaina bit her lip
, and his eyebrows drew down. What was going on? “Of course.”


“Oh.” He gestured toward the nightstand with his good hand. “In the drawer.” Relief flooded his veins that she wasn’t making him stop.

Alaina cocked her head, studying him.
“What did you think I was going to say?”

“I don’t know,” he lied.
“Not a whole lot of blood flow to my brain right now.”

She dropped a condom on the bed next to
him then climbed on top. Whatever blood remaining up north traveled south at light speed, and Rob actually got dizzy. Then, when she began to unbutton her shirt, he forced the feeling away. Passing out right now would be really uncool.

Fidgeting, which only served to inflame him even more, she asked,
“What?” Alaina fingered a button on her shirt, and he licked his lips.

You’re beautiful. I can’t believe you’re here. Like, literally, here.”

Why not? You’re gorgeous. And I like you.” She slid her jean-clad pelvis over him, and he gasped from the rough sensation against his over-sensitized skin, his erection bouncing against his stomach.

“Like driving me crazy,” he forced out through a locked jaw.
If he got any harder, he could use that thing as a weapon, and if she didn’t hurry up, he was gonna blow before she even undressed.

“That’s the idea.” Her shirt fell
from her shoulders, and she shrugged off the garment before unhooking her bra. Rob groaned and she looked down, her eyes flaring as his erection flexed again.

“Take off the rest.” His voice so
unded like he’d been chewing gravel, but no way was he putting the brakes on this to get a glass of water. No, he’d gladly suffer the lust-induced parched throat.

After r
ising once more, Alaina unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs along with her panties. Meanwhile, Rob thought about his eighty-year-old, next-door neighbor to forestall the impending climax as he drank the sight of Alaina in like Gatorade after a long shift on the ice.

“Rob?” Alaina’s voice cracked

is gaze flew to her worried face, and he wanted to reassure her, to make sure she knew how turned-on he was. “You mesmerize me.” Jerking his head in the general direction of his groin, he said, “Ride me. Please don’t make me wait anymore. I might not survive.”

Her face relaxed.
“We wouldn’t want you to die of unfulfilled sexual need.”

He picked up the condom and asked with a sheepish grin
, “So, um, can you help me with this? Pretty awkward to do one-handed.”

“Oh! Uh, sure.” She took
the small square from him and, biting her lip, struggled to open the package.

When she continued to have trouble
, the color on her cheeks picked up and Rob figured he’d better save her before she combusted. “Never done this before?”

Alaina shook her head, staring in the general direction of his pecs.

“Why don’t you give that back to me for a sec?” She handed the condom over as if it was a bomb, and he ripped the slippery plastic with his teeth then gave it back. “There you go.”

the latex circle from the wrapper, she studied it before finally starting to put it on him.

He watched with a mixture of amusement and raging lust
. “Be sure to save space on top. For, um…”
You freaking moron, just spit it out.
“So the condom can catch everything.” The last sentence rushed out of his mouth, and he briefly closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he forced them open once more as Alaina rolled the condom down his length so slowly and carefully he wondered if she thought she was preparing him for brain surgery—wasn’t too far from the truth considering where his brain resided at the moment.

After she’d finished ap
plying the condom, she met his gaze. “Are you sure I’m not going to hurt you? We can wait, seriously.”

“Maybe you can, but I can’t.”
If she backed out now, he would combust, no question. His bedroom would be covered in itty-bitty, horny Rob-pieces. “Don’t jostle the shoulder too much, and we’ll be fine. I want this. I want you. I don’t even know how to tell you. Words are inadequate.”

You really can be a romantic, can’t you?”

“I’m swearing you to secrecy on that.”

“You’re safe with me.” Alaina frowned again. “I’d feel awful if I made your injury worse.”

ying not to sound as desperate as he felt, Rob answered, “Hopefully I’ll be too distracted to feel it if you did. Seriously, it’s not polite to leave a guy needing like this.” He softened his words with a smile.

After another moment of hesitation, during which Rob died a thousand deaths,
Alaina climbed back on the bed and slowly moved her leg so she was once again on top of him. With his good hand, he brushed two fingers over her to be sure she was ready, briefly pushing them inside as well. She arched and cried out and Rob’s mouth dropped open. If she reacted like that to his fingers, what would she do when he gave her more?

One way to find out.

Grasping her hip while trying his damndest not to pant like a dog, he pulled her closer until his erection lined up with her opening. She pushed down and Rob was enveloped in slick, tight heat. His eyes slammed shut when she squeezed her internal muscles.

“Good? Not hurting you?”

“F-fine,” he choked out, opening his eyes to watch where the two of them joined. She slid further down, and Rob could swear she had been created specifically for him. Alaina fit him like a glove. He laughed to himself at the cliché, but as any oxygen meant for his brain was re-routed to his groin, that was the best he could do.

Once he was fully seated within her depths, Rob’s breath caught. “God, baby, move.”

Her eyes closed and her mouth opened slightly as she placed her hands on his chest, thankfully avoiding his injured side, and began a slow grind. Taking in Alaina’s pleasure was the best form of torture possible and ratcheted up his own. She opened her eyes and looked at his face. “You feel so good.”

“You do too. I can’t believe how much
. So, so perfect.”

er expression briefly clouded over once more, and Rob frowned. What was that about? A similar thing had happened just a little while ago, and he didn’t like it. He’d have to subtly quiz her—later.

More important things to do now, like figure out how to make her come. Normally he’d rub her
in time with his thrusts, but since he wasn’t in charge here and only had one working hand, he wasn’t sure what to do. Asking Alaina to touch herself seemed all kinds of wrong. She obviously wasn’t a virgin, but Rob got the feeling she wouldn’t be comfortable displaying such an intimate thing to him.

Damn shoulder.
He wanted to do more—so much more—to Alaina, to give her pleasure and if he was lucky, take his own. Rob couldn’t move like he wanted to and was beyond frustrated. Sure, this felt great, but he had enough experience to know it wouldn’t be enough for Alaina to achieve release.

She sped up, her pelvis shifting to put more pressure where she wanted. Scant moments later
, Rob’s orgasm tickled the base of his spine. He needed to hold out for Alaina and tried to stop the freight train threatening to derail his self-control.

As she looked down at him once more, he asked, “Are you close?”

“Yeah, just need—”

Need t
o finish before I lose my mind.
“Tell me.”

“Can you sit up?”

His mind went blank. “Huh?”

“Can you sit on the bed?”

“Oh. Yeah, sure. Why?”

“I want to wrap my legs around you.”

“Well, then…”

Helping him to sit, Alaina never broke contact. Rob’s free hand went around Alaina’
s waist to help her drag up and down his shaft. Apparently there was a second benefit to all that weightlifting. Fire built, and then Rob was at the point of no return. With a hoarse shout, his release crashed into him, taking Alaina with him as she stuttered out her own release.

Alaina climbed off him
, and they both lay back on the bed, a silly grin plastered all over Rob’s face. He glanced at Alaina, who was catching her breath.

I don’t want her to leave.

Normally Rob didn’t have women over to his house at all. He went to theirs instead, or he had sex while on the road. That way, when the sex was done he could leave and avoid an awkward discussion. Plus, then the women never knew where he lived. More than once, some girl had gotten attached to a player and basically staked out his place, waiting for him to return. Luckily Rob had never experienced that sort of creepiness himself.

It had never occurred to him not to have Alaina
stay the night, though. On the contrary, her sleeping with him felt right. After moving enough to dispose of the condom in the trash next to the bed, Rob then rolled to his back once more.

“Can you…” He
waited a beat then tried again, “Would you…”

Spit it out, you ass.

“Would you
want to stay?”
When the hell did I become this stammering fool?

“Like for how long?”

He turned and saw the wariness in her eyes. “I was thinking overnight. We can have brunch in the morning, and I’ll tell you about what’s going on with the foundation.”

She thought for a moment.

Way to move too fast, dude. You freaked her out.

“I can do that.”

Relief washed through him. “Okay, good. My brain is in no shape to explain the latest happenings to you right now.”


“No, fried.”

“You goof.” She whacked him lightly on his good arm.

BOOK: Underneath It All (Storm Series)
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