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Authors: Cherry Adair

Tags: #Romance

Undertow (41 page)

BOOK: Undertow
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´You·re touching me in every way that counts right now. Let me pleasure you.µ

He cupped both breasts in his palms and stroked his thumb over the hard tips until she moaned low in her throat, her head shifting restively on his chest, her fragrant hair tickling beneath his chin. Í love you, Teal Wil iams.µ He said softly.

Both her hands came up to cover his, pressing his palms to her breasts. ´You make me ache,µ she said brokenly, not acknowledging the words. Ah. So she didn·t need to hide in an engine room to avoid the truth. Zane smiled. His prickly Teal.

Her skin was as smooth as warm satin and incredibly sensitive to his touch as her beaded nipples showed. ´Here?µ

´Hmmm«µ Her hands pressed his palms more firmly where she wanted them.

´Too light.µ

He opened his mouth on her bared shoulder and bit down lightly. Teal li fted her hips, then pressed them back into the unforgiving, rock -hard erection pressed urgently against her.

Źane, please«µ Her voice rose pleadingly.

Sound carried and was amplified on the water, and she wasn·t whispering.

Zane nibbled her ear. He explored the shel of her ear with his tongue while rubbing the hard buds of her nipples in the center of his palms.

´You·re torturing me!µ Her breathing was ragged and goose bumps rose al over her skin.

Her short nails dug into the backs of his hands, which m oved slowly over her breasts in a caress intended to drive her mad.

He trailed one hand down the middle of her body, teased a circle around her navel, smoothed his hand down her bel y, until he came to the downy triangle between her thighs.

He felt her sigh travel through her body in a head -to-toe shudder.

He slowly slid his palm up her thigh as he inhaled the fragrance of her skin.

Inexplicably, his throat closed. Everything about Teal turned him on.


´Patience. Trust me. Look at the stars. Have you ever seen them so clear?µ

This was for her, but his own brain was fogged with lust as he strung out her impending climax. He knew her body. Knew what made her hot and how to cool her.

He built each peak, let it simmer, turned up the heat, let her c ome to a rol ing boil «

´Beautiful,µ Teal said breathlessly, trailing her fingers lazily down the back of his hand as he teased her. As eager as he was, every inch of bared skin distracted him, and he had to stroke and caress before going to the next favorite place.

´The poets are right,µ she whispered. ´The stars do look like diamonds twinkling on black velvet.µ

Every atom of his body was suddenly fil ed with a powerful adrenaline rush, and the stars turned into a kaleidoscope above him.

She laughed softly. ´That·s just making me hotter.µ

Ĺook at the stars,µ Zane told her, his voice stern but softer than a whisper against her ear.

Śee Albireo over there?µ

´Don·t give a flying flip! Let·s go to the cabin.µ Her voice was ragged.

´There·s no one to see or hear us.µ

Ánd a bright, moonlit night,µ she whispered unevenly. Ít·s hot, there might be boats out there somewhere with their windows open.µ

He brushed the soft cleft between her thighs, then slid a finger into her wet heat. ´Then we need to be very, very, very quiet.µ Her hips lifted, but he used his palm to press her against his straining erection. This was al for Teal, but he tortured himself with the clenching of her butt cheeks against his dick.

She was so wet his fingers were saturated, and he could feel the smal , internal convulsions, impossible to control.

Suddenly, she was fighting him. Śtop. Sto-p.µ It took a second, but he final y realized what she·d said. He immediately stopped, but God, it wasn·t easy. ´What·s the matte«µ

She rol ed onto the deck on her hands and knees, head bowed, bare skin glistening with sweat. She was panting, gasping for air. Ć-can·t take any more.µ

Before he could reach for her, Teal·s mouth came down over his jutting penis. The shock of her warm mouth over his sensitized flesh rendered him deaf, dumb, and blind. While his life flashed before his eyes, Teal sat up, then slid one long leg across Zane·s hips to straddle him.

Moonlight glinted in her eyes as she placed her hands on his chest to balance herself. Back arched, nails digging into his pecs, she sheathed him to the hilt.

She said his name on a taut, uneven breath as they climaxed together. Their bodies bucked and heaved, clenching as wave after wave of intense pleasure split their atoms apart, then reconfigured them to make a strong new whole.

After what felt like an eternity, or a nanosecond, Zane rol ed over, onto the hard deck, taking her with him, their bodies stil joined. He tightened his arms around her, nestling her head into the curve of his shoulder.

´Marry me, Teal. Marry me and drive me crazy every day for the rest of our lives. I want to grow old with you. Even,µ he laughed unevenly as her internal muscl es milked him. Éven if I age before my time. I love you more than I ever imagined loving a woman. You·re funny, and infuriating, and the woman of my wildest dreams.µ

´You do realize we·re right in the middle of having wild sex, right here in front of any one looking, right?µ

Í·d noticed. Just say yes so we can get back to where we were.µ The tendons in his neck were about to snap with the tension of holding off the powerful orgasm that was building to an agonizing peak. His hands, gripping her hips, shoo k with the anticipation of relief at any second.

He fumbled for his swim trunks somewhere beside him.

Teal groaned. Ćan·t we just complete one project at a time?µ

´Hand!µ Zane instructed.

She lifted her hand weakly from his chest. Zane grabbed it and slid on the emerald ring he·d salvaged what felt like a lifetime ago. It fit her perfectly. ´Where did ³µ The orgasm hit them both at the same time, and Zane gritted his teeth as Teal pumped her body faster and faster to take him in.

When it was al over, except for their uneven breathing, he cradled her against his chest again. Their skin was slick with sweat, they were both out of breath, and he·d never been happier. ´Don·t you have anything to say to me?µ he demanded, his voice uneven.

´Thanks for a pleasant evening?µ Teal teased, laughter in her voice, she kissed his chest. Í

love you, Zane,µ she said soberly, taking his face in her palm and looking deeply into his eyes. Í love you more than I ever thought possible to love another human being. I love t hat you wear your magic cloak and surround everyone you love in that magic. I love your boat³with the new engines³and I love your island. But most of al , I love your humor, and your passion for what you do.

I·ve loved you since the first time I saw you, and even though that love has changed and grown over the last twenty something years, I·ve
loved you. And always wil .µ

Áh, woman. You·re going to lead me a merry chase for the next eighty-eight years, aren·t you?µ

She kissed his jaw. Éven if I have to chase you in my walker.µ

´Good thing I won·t be any more than an arm·s length away from you, then.µ He kissed her tenderly, his entire body suffused with love. ´You are, Teal Wil iams, absolutely perfect for me in every way.µ

She held out her hand and the ring shot off sparks of green and white fire in the moonlight.

Í love my ring, thank you. It couldn·t be more fitting.µ

Zane got to his feet, hauling her up with him. His knees were weak, his heart steady as he looked down at her kiss-swol en mouth, and her love-drenched big brown eyes. Ĺet·s get some sleep. I want to dive tomorrow. See how the
is doing first thing in the morning.µ

Ís that where we are?µ Teal turned to stare out at the moonlit water. She leaned back against him, and Zane wrapped her in his arms, resting his chin on her silky hair.

Í got us close as I could in the dark.µ

´With your magic cloak, she·s going to be right where we left her, just waiting for us. You·l see.µ

* * *

Teal and Zane dove at dawn. The sparkling colors of the fish rainbowed in the water as the morning sun·s buttery rays filtered through the crystal clear, turquoise water.

They·d agreed not to be disappointed if they couldn·t find the wreck. Between the storm, the explosion, and the debris field left by the
Slow Dance
, it might take years to recover her again.

Despite her pragmatism, Teal wasn·t al that surprised, real y, to see that Zane·s coordinates had been right on. And that the
unsettled by the explosion, had spil ed al her treasures in a flashy display, just waiting to be brought to the surface.

When they broke the surface, Zane kissed Teal until she had to break away to drag in a shaky breath. ´What was that for?µ

Ál of this is great,µ Zane·s Cutter-blue eyes were dark and fil ed with tender emotion as he cupped her face in both hands and held her gaze. ´The
and her smorgasbord of priceless treasures are the frosting on the cake. But you, Teal Wil iams, ar e better than gold bars or coin, better than any emerald. Hel , better than my magic cloak. I·l be grateful every day for the next eighty-eight years with you, my most priceless treasure of al .µ

Titles by


Night Fall

Night Secrets

Night Shadow


Edge of Darkness

Edge of Danger

Edge of Fear


Praise for the novels of Cherry Adair


Á relentless page-turner with plenty of enticing plot twists and turns.µ

Seattle Post-Intel igencer

´[A] fast-paced and intricately plotted tale of danger, deception, and desire that is perfect for readers who like their romantic suspense adrenaline-rich and sizzlingly sexy.µ


Ádair has done it again! The chemistry between Hunt and Taylor is red-hot, and the suspense is top-notch.µ


Á very sexy adventure that offers non-stop, continent-hopping action from start to finish.µ

Library Journal

´Get ready to drool, sigh, and simply melt.« Fascinating characters, danger, passion, intense emotions, and a rush like a rol er-coaster ride.µ

Romance Reviews Today


Á breathtaking ride « I couldn·t turn the pages fast enough! No one does hot romance, ice -

cold vil ains and nonstop adventure better.µ

³Mariah Stewart, author of
Dead Even


Śexy, funny, and wild! Hang on and enjoy the ride!µ

³Andrea Kane,

author of
Scent of Danger


Á thril ing, mysterious, sexy read.µ

³Stel a Cameron,

author of
Kiss Them Goodbye


Á sexy, snappy, rol er-coaster ride!µ

³Susan Andersen,

author of
Shadow Dance

This is a work of f iction. Al of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author·s imagination or are used f ictitiously.


Copyright © 2011 by Cherry Adair.

Al rights reserved.

For inf ormation address St. Martin·s Press, 175 Fif th Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

ISBN: 978-0-312-37192-0

St. Martin·s Paperbacks edition / January 2011

St. Martin·s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin·s Press, 175 Fif th Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

eISBN 978-1-4299-2871-7

First St. Martin·s Paperbacks eBook Edition: December 2010

Don·t miss Nick Cutter·s story!

More treasure, adventure,

and romance awaits «


ISBN: 978-0-312-37198-2

The next book in the Cutter Key series from

New York Times
bestsel ing author


Coming Summer 2011

BOOK: Undertow
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