Undone (4 page)

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Authors: R. E. Hunter

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Undone
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As soon as the professor’s attention had landed elsewhere, Embry zoned out, daydreaming about the guy in the hallway. She knew all of the cases, and she would grab any notes she missed from Jeremy. As class drew to an end, she was pulled from her thoughts by Professor Coleman calling her name.

“Miss Jacobs, please come see me before you leave.”

Embry nodded nervously.
What could that be about?
Jeremy leaned over and asked the same question.

“I-I’m not sure. I thought I did okay. I did okay, right?” She was freaking out.

“You did fine, Blondie. I’m sure it’s nothing. Go see what she wants. I’ll wait for you outside.” Jeremy gave her a small, encouraging smile.

“Thanks, Jer.” She was lucky she had made such a good friend in her section.

Embry headed to the front of the classroom and waited as Professor Coleman finished up a conversation with one of the other students.

“Ah, Miss Jacobs,” her professor said, waving her over.

“Hi, Professor.” Embry said, nervously twisting her hair between her thumb and forefinger.

“You impressed me today, Embry. You knew the cases and fielded every question I threw at you.”

“Thank you, Professor.”

“You were one of the students interested in becoming my research assistant, is that right?” Coleman asked.

“Yes, I was.”

“Well if you’re still interested, I’d like to offer you the position. You’re sharp, Miss Jacobs, and I think you’d do a great job. Some of the research pertains to topics that we won’t cover until later in the semester, but I have no doubt you’ll be able to keep up.”

“That would be great, Professor. I’d really like that. Thank you,” Embry said calmly.

“Wonderful. See me after Monday’s class, and we’ll set up a meeting. Go enjoy your weekend.”

Embry practically skipped out of the classroom. She couldn’t believe it. Not only had she impressed her professor, but she got the position she needed. That definitely called for a celebratory drink. Embry nearly ran right past Jeremy in her excitement.

He grabbed her arm. “Bree, what happened? Everything okay?”

“More than okay,” Embry sang. “Coleman said I impressed her, and then she offered me the research assistant position!” She jumped up and flung her arms around his neck in excitement.

Jeremy gave her a quick hug. “Wow, that’s awesome. Congrats!”

“Thanks!” Embry said, pulling away. She was embarrassed she had jumped into his arms. “Anyway, Morgan and I are going to that social tonight to celebrate. Want to come?”

“Thanks, but I’ve got a hot date tonight.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Oh, a hot date? Really?” Embry questioned.

“Is that so unbelievable?” Jeremy gave her a fake pout.

“No, no,” she said, backpedaling. “I didn’t mean it like that.” She laughed nervously.

“It’s okay, Blondie, I’m messing with you.”

Embry shoved Jeremy. “So who is this hot date?”

“Becky from section four.”

“Dating outside our section, interesting,” she joked.

“Well she’s no Embry Jacobs,” he said, tugging on a lock of her hair, “but she’ll do for the night.”

Embry’s mouth popped open. She’d gotten used to his flirty ways, but hadn’t realized that Jeremy was such a man-whore. “Well, um, have fun with Becky from section four,” she offered.

“Thanks, Bree. And congrats again. Have fun tonight.” Jeremy gave Embry a wave as he left.

She headed to the parking lot with a bounce in her step and dialed Morgan as she went.

Morgan picked up on the first ring. “How bad was it? I have wine, but do I need to stop and pick up some hard liquor?”

“Wine is just fine, Morgs. We’re celebrating!” Embry cheered.

“I told you, Bree! I knew you’d do well! Let’s get ready at your place. I’ll be over in an hour, and you can tell me all about it.”



Morgan burst into Embry’s bedroom, her arms overflowing with clothes and shoes. She looked at Embry and shook her head, mumbling something about “coming prepared.” Embry just stared as Morgan dropped the clothes on the bed and arranged them into outfits.

“What, did you bring half your wardrobe? I’m already dressed if you haven’t noticed.” Embry stood in front of her full-length mirror studying her outfit. She wore a blush tank top with gold accents, dark skinny jeans and nude heels. Her long, blond hair fell in waves around her shoulders, and her green eyes popped with the subtle smoky makeup she applied.

“You look cute, babe, but we’re going out. Let’s do it up a little, impress all the sexy future lawyers we’re gonna be in school with for the next 3 years.” Morgan wiggled her eyebrows.

“What are you talking about? What about Brett?”

Brett was one of Embry’s oldest friends, and he and Morgan had been dating for four years. Embry knew that as much as Morgan liked to flirt, she’d never do anything to mess up their relationship.

“Hey, I can still look good! Anyway, I wasn’t talking about me. But you, my dear”—she gestured at Embry with a stiletto—”could use a bit of sexy in your life.”

“Who says I don’t have sexy in my life?” Embry asked, hands on her hips.

Morgan’s face softened. “C’mon, Bree. I know things were rough with Jack, but unless you’re really holding out on me, there hasn’t been anyone even remotely serious since. It’s been five years. You should at least put yourself out there.”

Embry cringed at the mention of her ex-boyfriend. The last thing she wanted was to be reminded of her painful past. “I’m never going there again, Morgan. Especially not when I need to be one-hundred percent focused on keeping my scholarship and making it through law school.”

“I know, I know. All I’m saying is just be open to it. I want to see you happy. You put so much pressure on yourself, I’m afraid you’re gonna crack.”

“I’m fine.” She saw Morgan’s face drop as she shut her down. “Come on, I can still have a good time! Show me some of the skanky outfits you brought for me.”

“Hey, I wear these. They’re not skanky, just slightly slutty.”

“Mmhmm,” Embry joked.

Morgan went through the pile of dresses until she found the perfect one. “Here, try this one.”

Embry shrugged out of her clothes and slipped into the dress. Morgan placed a pair of black, peep-toe heels on the floor, and Embry stepped in. She examined herself in the mirror. The dress was perfect. It was short, hitting Embry mid-thigh, and hugged every curve. It had a nude bodice with a black lace overlay and a deep V-neckline. She twirled and faced Morgan. “Well?”

Morgan clapped her hands and bounced up and down. “There’s the sexy! You look great! That dress was made for you.”

“The heels aren’t too much? I feel like a giant,” Embry said, looking down on Morgan. Embry rarely wore heels. At 5’8”, she was tall enough. She didn’t like towering over everyone.

“Are you kidding me? You have legs for miles, girlfriend. You look hot.”

Embry laughed. “If you say so. Let’s grab a drink before we go.”



“The girls are back!” Morgan shouted as she danced around the living room.

Embry chuckled at her already tipsy friend.

“I just can’t believe it, Bree. You’re back! We’re gonna have so much fun!”

Embry couldn’t help but smile as Morgan picked up a wine bottle and sang into it while bouncing around. They’d rarely had the chance to go out together over the past five years, but they had partied together in high school. Field parties. House parties. Diner parking lots at two a.m. The memories were endless. Embry hadn’t realized how much she missed it.

“So tell me more about the people in your section. Any prospects? What about Jeremy? He’s hot! Anything going on there?” Morgan prodded.

“He is hot, but he’s just a friend. Besides, he’s a total man-whore. I’m pretty sure he’s sleeping his way through all of the first year sections.”

Morgan raised her eyebrows. “You could use a little man-whore in your life.”

Embry rolled her eyes.

“Any other fine specimens in your section?”

“You’re like a teenage boy, you know that?”

Morgan laughed. “Yeah, yeah. Brett and I are like an old married couple. I need to live vicariously through you!”

“Ha. Well, there is this one guy …” Embry thought about the guy from the hallway.

“There is?” Morgan shouted. “Who is he? Tell me more!”

Embry sighed. “I wish I knew. I ran into him in the hallway, and we just had this … moment. I don’t know. We locked eyes, and it was like neither of us could look away. Instant butterflies. I’ve never felt that before.”

“You’re such a whore!”

Embry chuckled.

“What does he look like?”


“Okay, that’s a start, but I’m gonna need a bit more description.”

Embry pictured him walking toward her again. “Dark hair. Bright, bright blue eyes. Full lips. Muscles … oh god, his muscles.” She gave Morgan a sassy smile. “I think I might need a minute alone.”

Morgan’s eyes bulged, and then she fell into a fit of laughter. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this over a guy. He was a student, right? Maybe he’ll be there tonight! We need to find the hallway hottie!”

“Hallway hottie?” Embry asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Yes. Hallway hottie. We are going in search of the hallway hottie!”

Butterflies flapped around in Embry’s stomach at the thought of seeing him again.

Morgan’s shriek pulled her out of her thoughts. “Cabs are HEAAAAAAAAAAA!”

“Really, Pauly D?” Embry teased.

“Shut it. I’m a little tipsy and a lot excited. Let’s go!” Morgan threw herself into the cab.

Embry slid in beside her, deciding that it would be a really good night.



The club was packed. People were everywhere, sweaty and writhing in one big mass on the dance floor. Soft blue and purple lights lined the walls, and bright strobes from the DJ booth danced across the floor. The bass pumping from the speakers vibrated through Embry’s chest. Morgan grabbed her hand and pushed through the crowd..

“There are a few levels. I think they said the social was on the second floor,” Morgan yelled over the music. “The stairs are toward the back.”

Embry nodded and concentrated on making her way through the wall of people bumping and grinding around her. They found the back of the club and hopped in line to get up to the second floor. As they got closer to the staircase, she noticed a small room that looked like some sort of lounge. Sheer panels illuminated by muted white lights hung from the ceiling and draped the walls, bathing the room in a soft glow.

The line moved, and although Embry was aware of Morgan tugging on her arm, something in the lounge caught her attention. Piercing blue eyes filled with an emotion she couldn’t begin to understand found her and pinned her to the spot. Even though she had only seen them briefly, she’d recognize those eyes anywhere. Her hallway hottie was sitting at the lounge bar.

Her belly clenched. She took him in slowly. Designer jeans, black button-down shirt tailored perfectly to his muscular build. Sleeves rolled up to the elbows exposing tanned skin and thick veins. Embry noticed him swirl the amber-colored liquid in his glass as he waited for her to finish her greedy perusal of his body. She lingered on his face. Just the right amount of dark stubble dusted his strong jaw, and the dimple in his left cheek appeared as his mouth quirked into a small, knowing smile. He was perfect.

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