Undying Vengeance (28 page)

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Authors: K. L. Burnham

BOOK: Undying Vengeance
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Chapter Forty-Two

onovan was lying
on the couch when Armani walked in. Armani paused and looked around his house. It amazed him how something so majestic and glorious could feel so cold and empty. He grasped the necklace around his neck and rolled the engagement ring between his fingers. Putting the ring to his lips he tenderly kissed it and placed it against his heart. How he ached for Simone. Killing Adam, Alex and Gabe brought no peace. Revenge only made his pain worse. He could not live as a vampire with these feelings for all of eternity. Armani thought about waking Donovan but decided against it.

He slipped quietly passed Donovan and glided up the spiral staircase stopping at the top to meditate. Seeing Simone was magnificent but served only as a knife stabbing deeper into his heart. How can one have closure when you’re not willing to let go of the past? Surely avenging Simone’s death was to bring him this idealistic term thrown about so easily by humans. ‘All you need is closure and the pain will be healed.’ Armani thought and swore. What did they know? People appeared to know nothing. Death was closure, not the mere righting of a wrong. Being a vampire in The Dark One’s was not the life Armani wanted or needed.

He walked into the bedroom filled with rage and hate. He pulled the sheets off the bed heaving them into a corner. Why did the angels take her away from him? They were capable of performing miracles if God allowed. Why did He deny him the one thing he wanted most in this world? Armani was afraid he knew the answer.

‘The Lord gives and the Lord takes away,’ a voice whispered.

“Shut-Up!” Armani screamed his face red. His body convulsed and he fell to the floor. Turning his head aside, he vomited. “He’s taken from me for the last time.” Armani said through gritted teeth.

Armani rolled on his back and stared at the burgundy ceiling. It reminded him of better times when he and Simone would lay in bed talking about their future. Now, here he lay staring at the same ceiling thinking of what could’ve been.

Hours past and Armani stirred, sitting up to look out the window. It was dark. “Damn it all to Hell.” He cursed himself for falling asleep. He raced to the bathroom with the speed of a gazelle.

Ten minutes later he was showered and dressed. Hunger pained him but that was the least of his worries. Armani slipped on his black cape and adjusted the collar. He stared at his reflection in the mirror. Cold, dead and empty eyes stared back.

“I’m a monster and I must save myself from what I’ve become.” Armani said. He grabbed his mask and placed it on the left side of his face. He slipped on his black gloves and stepped into the hallway. What he heard stopped him in his tracks.

A violin, it’s majestic and glorious sound soothed him like a mother’s lullaby. Whoever was playing was a master of the instrument. The music grew louder as he walked in the direction of the music room. He peeked around the corner and saw Donovan sitting in a chair, violin held to his chin, bow in hand erratically and lovingly playing his violin. Donovan’s body moved with the music with such passion it brought a tear to Armani’s eye. He knew too well how music had the power to move your soul. Armani was tempted to compliment Donovan but didn’t. Instead he turned, floated down the stairs and stopped at the front door. He clutched the door knob and bid his home and Donovan a silent farewell.

Chapter Forty-Three

rmani tapped his
foot while waiting in line at the grocery store. Didn’t these people sleep? It was the middle of the night and there were scores of people shopping. He was on a mission and lacked for patience.

“Long line, huh?” A man in front of him asked.

Armani agreed and gazed at the basket of groceries the man was carrying. Milk, eggs, cereal, microwave meals . . . simple bachelor foods. The tall lanky man noticed and chuckled.

“Yep, I’m living the single life.” He smiled. “It’s hard to cook for one.” He cocked his head. “What’s up with the mask covering half of your face?”

Armani wanted to beat this man senseless. Some people seemed to lack in the privacy department. What kind of question was that? “Does it matter to you?” Armani shot back.

The man shifted the basket to his other hand. “It doesn’t. Sorry I asked.”

‘You should be,’ Armani thought. “You’re forgiven.” He stated flatly. “The burn unit at the hospital is a bitch. Enough said. Do you understand now?”

The man turned his back on Armani, placing his groceries on the conveyor belt. The cashier smiled at him and Armani.

“You know who that is, don’t you?” She asked the man.

“No.” The man replied.

“What cave have you been living in?” She asked. “That’s Armani Belvedere, the lead singer of the band, ‘Faded Cross.’” She gushed and smiled a thousand watt smile at Armani.

“Ah, ok.” The man responded. “That’s wonderful but unfortunately I don’t listen to rock. Country music for this boy,” he laughed.

Armani wanted to leave. He had what he needed and wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of here. “Correction, madam, I was the lead singer of ‘Faded Cross.’ Those days are over. The band is dead to me now.” ‘My life was over and soon will be.’ He thought.

The cashier didn’t respond. The tall lanky man quickly paid for his groceries and bustled out of the store without a backward glance.

“Forgive him,” she said scanning his purchases. “He’s a regular customer here and quite odd, I might add.” Picking up the dozen roses she inhaled. “Who’s the lucky lady?” She closed her eyes enjoying the fragrance.

“That would be my fiancée. Now if you’ll please hurry I have places to go.” It took all of his willpower not to scream.

“Yes sir.” She responded. “These are odd things to buy.” She stated scanning the price of the roses.

Armani was sure the things seemed a rather odd combination: a gas container, roses, a card, a large box of matches and coal.

“I suppose so but when the furnace is broke at your house one must do what you gotta do to keep warm.” Armani knew that would shut her up. He was trying his best to be polite but if she kept asking questions he would snap.

She didn’t say another word and bagged his items handing him the roses. “I don’t want to crush them.” She smiled. “Have a nice day, Armani and reconsider singing. Your voice is Heavenly.”

“Not in this lifetime.” Armani smiled, thanked her and rushed out the door to his Navigator. Blakesley Cemetery was his next stop.

The ten minute drive to the cemetery he managed to do on auto pilot.

The cemetery was dark, cold and dreary. Lamp posts lit the first couple rows of tombstones.

Armani pulled up to Simone’s tombstone. The angel had been repaired and he thought he saw the stone lips smile at him when he exited the car while cradling the dozen roses like a delicate newborn.

Armani walked to where Simone’s body lay six feet under. Her soul was free and at peace singing with the angels in Heaven but he felt like a failure. If only he had been alert he could’ve saved her from the attackers and none of this would’ve happened. But dwelling on would’ve, should’ve and could’ve wouldn’t change what happened. He had been drugged and was helpless to protect her in her time of need. It was time for him to lose the shackles and escape his own private insane asylum.

He stared at the angel admiring what a glorious majestic being she was and wondered if this is what the angels looked like who took Simone to Heaven.

Armani dropped to his knees, wiped the snow away, kissed the ground and set the roses against the marble stone, fresh tears falling like a waterfall.

“Simone, I miss you and I can’t live without you. You are everything to me and you are free now. But, the choices I made are too much for me to bear.” He paused and took a breath looking around the cemetery. Avenging her death and saying goodbye wasn’t closure for him. He knew what he was going to do to obtain closure and in the end he would be with Simone forever.

“I am coming home, my sweet Simone.” Armani said and rubbed the marble stone. “All I want is to hold you in my arms. I am dead inside and only you can bring me to life.” He stared at the roses and wept. Armani pulled off his white mask and wiped the tears. Life as he had known it was over and the life he now lived was soon to end. He set the card next to the roses. He stood and stared at the stone angels face. A peace comforted him like a warm blanket on a cold winter’s day.

Armani turned and walked away from the grave. Before getting in the Navigator he glanced at Simone’s grave and smiled. He would see her soon.

The black hawk flew overhead watching Armani. He sensed that something wasn’t right. His needed to make haste and warn Donovan of Armani’s pending plans before it was too late.

The hawk’s eyes glowed yellow and he flew fast zigzagging up and down in the air like a man on a roller coaster. Time was of the essence and he needed to alert his master of what he had seen and heard so Donovan could stop Armani from sealing his own fate.

Chapter Forty-Four

rmani exited the
highway in search of the abandoned warehouse
he had researched online. It was the perfect place to end his life. All he wanted was to die and be with Simone and not live a pathetic existence for all eternity as a vampire. He had been deceived into crossing over with the promise that once he avenged Simone’s death he would be reunited with her and that was far from the truth. Donovan had told him that to force him to comply with the request to become a member of The Dark Ones. As far as Armani was concerned, Donovan and Victor were both self-serving vampires only looking out for the good of them selves first and foremost and The Dark Ones second.

Armani pulled into the parking lot of the large abandoned warehouse. Chills ran up and down his spine. The McKeller Furniture sign stood at the entrance. The old warehouse was dark and eerie reminding Armani of the haunted attractions in horror and thriller movies. Armani parked and stepped out of the Navigator wrapping his cloak tight around him. He pulled the coal, matches and full gas can out of the backseat.

“Perfect,” he said staring at the roof of the warehouse. The fall was far enough to kill him as long as the pool of fire he was jumping into burned with intensity. With his jaw set stubbornly he walked to the center of the building where he’d build the fire.

He spread the coal in a large circle and placed wood on top. Armani walked around the circle, a crooked grin on his lips. What would Donovan think when he couldn’t find him? Armani will have won in the end. He would not live his life being something he didn’t want to be. What would Victor think? He’d be upset but he was the type that would get over it and replace Armani with a new recruit. What of Rex? Armani sighed. His best friend would be devastated but time would heal his wounds and his best friend would move on and live a productive life. Armani smiled. Everything he owned was willed to Rex. Armani was a wise man and had met with an attorney making sure his riches went to Rex when he died. He left no loose ends upon his death.

Armani shuddered. His keen ears heard a rustling in the bushes a few feet away followed by a low growl. The hairs on his neck stood. He turned, shocked to see a large man, head held high with long flowing gray hair walking towards him.

“Who are you and what do you want?” Armani asked in a demanding tone.

The man’s black cape swished around him and he raised his hands in the air. Long bony fingers with nails three inches long protruded. He got closer and Armani saw his eyes were glowing bright blue like the sky on a clear summer’s day.

“Do not be afraid, Armani.” The vampire said his voice low. “I am here to bid you farewell.” He stopped in front of Armani and gazed down at him.

Armani swallowed and looked up into the vampire’s eyes. “Who are you?”

“I am Julius, the founder of The Dark Ones.” He smiled and stepped back. “No, we have never met but I’ve seen and heard of many a vampire such as yourself who are turned against their choosing and I want to applaud you for the strength and courage to choose your own destiny.” He turned and stared at the old building. “Good spot for a suicide.” He stated. He fixed his eyes on Armani. “If I were you I’d make haste and complete your mission.” He paused. “If that’s what you really want to do.”

Armani picked up the gas can and poured it on the coal and wood. “That’s what I’m trying to do but I keep getting interruptions.” He said hinting for Julius to leave him. “Why are you so concerned with me fulfilling this quickly?”

“That’s easy,” Julius said. “Donovan will be here soon to stop you. That damn hawk of his had his eyes on you at the cemetery and surely rushed to your home to warn Donovan of your intentions.”

Armani took off his mask and threw it aside. “I realize that but how do you know so much?” He asked confused.

Julius smiled. “I am five hundred thirty one years old.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “Didn’t Victor tell you that I am the one who found him as a helpless beaten child?” He asked. “I rescued him from his despair and turned Victor into a vampire.”

“I think he may have mentioned something like that. I don’t really remember.” Armani stated not hiding the irritation in his voice.

“Yes, that is me.” Julius said like a proud father. “The problem is that Victor needs to be destroyed. He has chosen evil and we need you to help defeat him.”

Armani shrugged. “That’s not my problem, Mr. Julius. You can take care of that problem with Donovan. He’s a good vampire. You don’t need me. After all, I didn’t choose to be a vampire. I was deceived and I am choosing to end my life tonight.”

Armani rubbed a match on the box and threw it on the gas covered coal and wood. Small flames licked and lapped and within minutes the fire exploded into massive flames.

“Get to the top of that building and do what you have to do.” Julius ordered.

Armani grasped Simone’s engagement ring attached to the necklace and placed it inside his shirt. He stared at Julius. It was odd that he was so intent on him killing himself. “Why are you so interested in my death?” He asked.

“Quite frankly, Armani, I’m not.” He said walking away from Armani. “I’m not staying to watch. I was sent by an angel of God to try to persuade you to choose life.” He turned one last time. “And you don’t have much time. If you fail, Victor will curse you and make it impossible for you to ever die. You will forever be a vampire with no hope of escape and the memories of Simone will haunt your aching heart forever.” He raised his arms and said, “You can join me in the fight for good or you can kill yourself. It’s your choice, Armani.” Julius closed his eyes and ascended to the stars, his black cape and long gray hair flowing behind him.

Armani shook his head. What next? He stared at the fire roaring before him. He was ready to finish this once and for all. He ran toward the door and floated to the top of the stairwell counting thirty flights of stairs. If he were still a human he’d be too drained to throw himself off the building and was thankful for the first time to be a vampire.

Armani clutched his cloak, walked to the edge of the building and stared out at the forest surrounding the warehouse. A cool breeze blew on his face. He inhaled the fresh air and smiled. It was time. Steadying himself he looked down at the massive fire frolicking to and fro waiting to be fed. Armani was pleased with his work.

“Soon,” Armani whispered. He stepped away from the ledge, dropped to his knees and clutched the necklace. He kissed the ring and tucked it inside his shirt next to his heart. “Now and forever we will be together my sweet Simone.”

Armani raised his head to the Heavens and screamed, his body shaking with sobs. He hoped he would be reunited with Simone. Julius’ visit troubled him. He was having second thoughts about suicide but then again Victor and Donovan had lied to him to make him cross over. Why should he be faithful to the ones who lied to him? That made no sense. And for all he knew Julius could be lying to him too.

Armani stared straight ahead and saw a vision of Simone dancing in a beautiful lacy white dress. “Oh, my love I am coming home to you this night.” Armani said and stretched out his arms trying to grasp her but she disappeared. Armani wanted to hold Simone more than anything in the world. His heart ached like a parents at the death of a child.

“I’ve struggled long enough with this existence. Life will never be the same without Simone!” Armani hollered into the empty dark sky. “I will wake a new man reunited with my beloved.” He slowly walked and stopped at the buildings ledge. Tears cascaded down his cheeks. “God, forgive me for the choices I have made.” He sincerely prayed.

Armani closed his eyes and saw Simone and the way her beautiful angelic smile lit up her whole face. He saw the two of them on the boat when they first met and danced together and her true excitement and glee upon his marriage proposal a couple years after. He felt the longing the two of them had to start a family once they were married.

He opened his eyes and thrust his cape behind him with force lining his toes along the buildings ledge.

“I rebuke the darkness that has imprisoned me for too long. It is time for me to take my last breath and fall out.” He looked toward the Heavens. “God, surely you understand that no man can live with the pain, agony and loneliness that I have endured these past few months without Simone.” He sighed, closed his eyes and whispered, “Forgive me.”

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