Unexpected (11 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Unexpected
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And Eli was the one taking her there, making her dredge it all up. He again looked to Ray. She had curled into a ball against the side of the plane, her entire demeanor one of misery. “When did all this happen?”

Scratching his brow, Buddy answered thoughtfully, “Must be seven, maybe eight years now. Not long before she got her brother. She was just a kid then herself, not much more than her mid-twenties. Matt saved her life, to my way of thinking. He gave her someone new to focus on, someone new to love. She's poured her heart and soul into caring for him, and she's done a great job.” Buddy shook off his tension. “She's thirty-one now, but the years have only honed her talents. She's tougher than a junkyard dog.”

“She's not so tough,” Eli said in a whisper. He couldn't take his eyes off her, seeing her discomfort so plainly depicted in the way she held herself.

“She's always gotten airsick. The guys used to tease her something awful about it.”

“She let them?”

“She was one of the guys, Eli. She took it in stride, and dished it right back at every opportunity.”

One of the guys.
That said it more than anything else could.

The plane vibrated suddenly with turbulence and Ray jerked, a small moan escaping her. The tiny sound proved to be more than Eli could bear.

“Ignore us,” he said to Buddy while moving from his seat to go to Ray. He knelt beside her, smoothed back her hair. “Is there anything I can do to help, sweetheart?”

She groaned. “They shoot horses, don't they?”

Eli smiled, but his amusement was bittersweet. Damn, she amazed him. Even while so miserable, she dredged up a smart retort. “Let me hold you. Maybe you'll feel better.”

“I doubt that.”

“You can slug me later, but right now I'm going to insist.”

With Ray grimacing and grousing and putting up feeble resistance, Eli wedged in behind her so his back was to the wall of the plane, his legs surrounding her. Then he easily lifted her onto his lap and settled her head against his shoulder.
certainly felt better holding her. He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.

He heard Buddy start to whistle in a ridiculous show of inattention.

This new insight into Ray had only defined his feelings for her. He felt the silky sleekness of her hair, her soft skin, and knew it to be a stark contrast to her iron will. The things she'd done proved an honor and bravery that few men could ever claim. It went bone deep, was a core of the woman—and made her so very, very special.

It didn't matter that he'd only known her a few days; he loved her and he wasn't going to let her go.

Ray stirred, lifting her face enough to see him. “I do feel a little better now, Eli.”

“I'm glad.” Eli pressed her head back to his shoulder.

Now that she felt better, she felt defensive, too. Eli wasn't surprised that she concealed it with sarcasm. “You know, maybe it's not such a bad idea that I brought you along after all. We've already found something you're good for.”

Eli nipped her small earlobe. Her hair smelled like his shampoo—and that turned him on. He liked his scent on her. He'd like it even better when the scent of sex clung to her warmed skin.

“I'm good for a lot of things, Ray.” He touched the rim of her ear lightly with the tip of his tongue, giving her a new focus, other than the flight. “I fully intend for you to understand them all. Soon.”

He felt her slight tremble before she changed the subject. “What were you and Buddy gabbing about for so long?”

Eli glanced at Buddy. He wore a headset and was still whistling, but Eli wasn't fooled. Buddy was Ray's friend and she trusted him; that meant he wasn't a fool. He was aware of everything going on around him.

“We were just getting to know each other,” Eli lied, then tilted her chin up so he could see her face. “I want you to promise me something.”

Her beautiful dark eyes narrowed in suspicion. “What?”

The urge to kiss that mulish pout off her mouth was almost overwhelming. “Promise me you won't take any chances.”

“What are you talking about?”

He pulled her closer, stifling her efforts to wiggle away. “I don't want you hurt. If things don't look right, or if you feel uncertain at all, don't risk it.”

Ray appeared bewildered by his instructions. “I thought you wanted your brother out.”

“I do. But not at any cost. Not if you get hurt. If it doesn't happen tomorrow, I'll find another way. But I want your word you won't take any chances. Promise me.”

Ray stared at him for a moment, then stubbornly looked away. “I didn't come this far to fail. I will get your brother.”

He'd been under so much pressure, felt so many new emotions, that it didn't take much to make him crack. Eli shook her, surprising himself as much as Ray. “You listen to me, you little witch. I'm paying for this rescue. You work for me. And I say no risks.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open on a disbelieving laugh. “You're insane if you think you can give me orders. Besides, I've told you everything is already planned, there's no real danger, and
I can take care of myself.”

Eli's hands trembled as he framed her face, tugging her so close their breaths mingled. He was torn between wanting to kiss her and needing to make her understand. “I'll have Buddy turn this plane around right now if you don't give me your word. I mean it, Ray.”

This close, Eli could see the way her pupils dilated, how the darkness of her eyes flared with irritation. He allowed her to pull back. Frowning, she looked toward the front of the plane at Buddy.

Eli had known Buddy was listening, but he hadn't known he could hear every word until Buddy said, “He is the boss, hon.”

Eli had the feeling Buddy felt the same way, that he wanted to protect her, too. Thank God the man was married, so he didn't get

With Buddy backing him, Ray had no choice but to give in. “I'm always careful, so it's a stupid promise. Still,” she added when Eli started grinding his teeth together, “you have my word I'll be
careful. Now, are you happy?”

He was about as far from happy as a man could get. Eli shoved her head back to his shoulder. “I won't be happy until we've finished this goddamned rescue and I have you and my brother back in the States.” He thought about that and then added, “Where I can keep an eye on the two of you.”

Ray stiffened, but he didn't give her a chance to protest. “No more denials out of you, Ray. You can't just forget you ever met me once this is over, so don't even try. I won't let you forget. And that, Ray, is my promise to you.”

Buddy, the ass, starting singing a soft song—but no one could mistake the laughter in his tone.

Chapter Seven

s Buddy circled the river, looking for the best place to land, Ray pulled away from Eli. Letting him hold her during the trip had been wonderful, better than Pepto-Bismol for her upset stomach. But his promise, more like a threat, had stayed with her, churning her up whenever she tried to figure his meaning.

Regardless of what he wanted to believe, she knew she wouldn't see him after the mission. It didn't seem worth arguing about when the end was inevitable anyway.

But now they had arrived, so she was no longer willing to take comfort from him, no longer willing to divide her thoughts. She needed all her concentration and attention on burying the memories of that one awful mission—a mission she'd failed, no matter what anyone else said—so she could get the job done.

The landing was rough. The plane hit the choppy river with jarring impact, bouncing a few times before gliding smoothly. Ray heard Eli curse and glanced up to see him brace himself.

Scooping up a pair of compact but powerful binoculars, Ray tossed them to him. “Here, put these around your neck.” Then she picked up a backpack and turned to Buddy. “Everything's inside?”

“Hey, you know I take care of you, babe. I didn't forget anything.” Buddy nudged the plane's pontoons up close to the shore. He left the cockpit to open the cabin door, then peered out into the deserted landscape.

Hot, steamy air poured into the plane, rich with the scent of the lush jungle, brackish water, and dense humidity. Animal sounds rose from the bush, a cacophony of cries and alerts. Ray stared out the door and let it all seep into her, familiarizing herself with the sights and sounds and smells of Central America once again.

Eli picked up the other sack. “This is going, too?”

Ray waited until her heartbeat regulated, then nodded. “Are you ready, Eli?”

“As ready as I'll ever be.”

Ray searched his eyes. “It won't be easy, you know. The heat and the humidity is stifling. It's not too late for you to change your mind. You can go back with Buddy—”

“Do you try to piss me off, or does it just come naturally for you?”

Chuckling, Buddy said, “Oh, for Ray, it's a natural talent.” He handed each of them a fat canteen, suggesting to Eli, “Sip your water often, but don't forget you'll probably be in overnight. Mataya is still too antiquated to trust their plumbing. If you do run out, there are purification tablets, but they taste like shit.”

Eli acknowledged Buddy's warning as he watched Ray load herself down. She stuck a dull black, full-sized Beretta similar to the one Eli had already claimed into a vest pocket. The knife, now contained in a leather sheath, got tucked into her boot with her pants leg pulled down to conceal it. Next, an Uzi SMG got slung over her shoulder and every pocket of her vest was stuffed with ammunition. She held several clips and two boxes of hollow-point bullets. She tossed another to Eli.

“Exactly how many people are you planning to shoot?”

At his dry question, she glanced up. “We're not shooting anyone if I can help it. And if we look prepared, it's less likely anyone will challenge us.”

She made quite a picture standing there, loaded down with weapons, her expression hard and implacable. Eli was prompted to ask, “Do you really expect to be able to walk any distance with that much weight added to your body?”

Buddy laughed. “Ray wears a tool belt heavier than that anytime she's not here in Central American playing Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle.”

Eli gave him a blank look.

“She's a carpenter,” Buddy explained. “Does everything from small repairs to home construction. You should see her place. It's a beauty now that she's completely renovated it from the floors up—”


He finally clammed up, but too late. Eli stared at Ray, but the image wouldn't quite gel.

“It's respectable work,” Ray snapped in reply. “I get to pick the jobs I want, have flexible hours, and can take off when I need to.” She added under her breath, “And I like using my hands.”

Eli decided to withhold judgement on that until he convinced her to use her hands on him. “I didn't—”

“Forget it. We don't have time for it right now.”

Eli wanted to say more, but Ray's narrow-eyed expression stopped him. “Fine. Give me some of that stuff to carry.”

“I'm okay.” She turned to Buddy. “What time do you have?”

They made certain their watches were accurate, and when Eli suddenly removed his, handing it to Buddy for safekeeping, Ray was speechless. Eli winked at her.

“I thought you never took the damned thing off.”

Eli shrugged. “I can be reasonable.”

Ray made an obnoxiously rude sound. “Sure you can. Try to remember that while we're here, okay?”



Buddy sat back and watched the squabble unfold. It amused him because he'd never seen Ray bicker with anyone. She gave orders and they were obeyed, period.

Yet with Eli, she acted more like . . . a woman. His eyes widened with that realization. Eli had said it, and now he saw it was true. Ray was being more womanly with him. Oh, not your average woman. That'd kill Ray. But she had definitely lost some of her edge.

He gave Eli another, more thorough glance. He'd already picked up on Eli's interest, of course. The man wasn't any damn good at hiding his thoughts. But he hadn't figured on Ray feeling the same. Plenty of men had wanted her over the years, but she found fault with all of them, to the point that she sent a few crying home to their mamas. When she tried, Ray could be damned intimidating.

She was picking at Eli, too, but he wasn't going anywhere. He returned her taunts, teased her, and protectively hovered over her. Well, well, well.

In provoking tones, Eli said, “Give me some of your baggage to carry.”

Ray drew up in offense. “This isn't worth arguing over, Eli.”

“I agree.” He crossed his arms over his chest, prepared to wait her out. “Hand something over.”

Buddy bit back a grin—and waited to see what Ray would do.

Making her exasperation plain, she jerked the strap of her canteen over her head, along with the binoculars and two weighty packs of ammo. She threw them at Eli, but to Eli's credit, he caught it all handily.

That only seemed to annoy Ray more. “Don't complain to me later when you start to wear down.”

Eli gave her a tight smile. “Yes, dear.”

It wasn't in Buddy's nature to keep quiet. Beyond that, Ray needed someone to tease her, to shake up her grave, often lethal life on occasion. Up till now, he'd been the only one to fit the bill. Well, Matt did sometimes, but mostly he gave his sister the respect and unquestioning loyalty she deserved.

Now here was Eli, twitting her endlessly, ogling her like a sailor on shore leave, and handing out orders that actually got obeyed. Fascinating. “You know, Ray, I've never seen you give over to anyone before. I wish I had my camera handy.”

Ray lurched around to face him. “Don't start with me, Buddy.”

Her tone was so bad-tempered, Buddy pretended to back up in fear, only to jerk forward again and grab Ray for a bear hug.

Just to see how she'd react, he said, “Don't distract yourself over any fools, honey.”

Eli ignored him, but Ray immediately came to his defense. “He's not as bad as I first thought. He just might do okay.”

Eli rolled his eyes. “Such high praise. Don't make me blush.”

Buddy choked on his laugh. Eli was both entertaining and daring. “I hope you're right, honey, 'cause I have a feeling old Eli here is going to be busier watching out for you than tending his own backside.”

Ray grunted as she tightened the straps of her gear. “That's ridiculous.”

Buddy nodded. “Yeah,
know it. And
know it.” He nodded at Eli. “But I don't think
knows it.”

Eli reached out and took Ray's arm. “Let's go. The sooner we get this over with, the better.”

And damn if Ray didn't let him lead her right off the plane.



Jeremy paced around the yard, trying to get a better view of the current activity. Two guards, one of them so ugly and hairy he reminded Jeremy of the tarantula, were arm wrestling. The others gathered around, cheering them on, shouting and laughing. He couldn't be sure, but he thought they were taking bets.

The hairy guy won. He raised arms as thick as tree stumps into the air to celebrate his victory. Jeremy could have sworn he even had hair on the insides of his elbows.

They called for another challenger, who also lost. Jeremy was bored out of his wits and this was the first real entertainment he'd had. It wasn't much, certainly not what he was used to, but it beat listening to the jungle.

After the forth guy lost, Jeremy got caught up in the excitement. When they asked for another challenger, he swaggered forward. Hell, he'd arm-wrestled Eli in fun plenty of times, and though he always lost, he knew he wasn't a slouch. “I'll try it.”

Everyone grew quiet. One guy snickered, then another, and soon they were all guffawing and pointing. Rapid Spanish phrases of insult swirled around him, but he caught the equivalent of “puny,” “pale,” and “scared of bugs.”

Damn it, he was tired of their disrespect. He planted his feet and shouted, “You're nothing but a bunch of dirty farmers.”

The hairy one smiled, showing big white teeth surrounded by a dark beard. He crept forward, the look in his black eyes evil—but when he got close, he pinched his nose and made a face. “You are the dirty one,” the ape said. “Maybe we should throw you in the stream, whether you want to go or not.

In the stream? With the leeches? Just the thought of those slimy, clinging little maggots made his skin crawl. Jeremy turned and ran back to his hut—and the sounds of raucous laughter lasted for a good five minutes.



It was quiet and hot, the air so thick with moisture you could drown on a deep breath. It seemed every two steps brought her a new scratch or scrape. Ray ignored the small wounds. Eli did not.

After one particularly thorny bush drew a streak of blood on her forearm, Eli caught her shoulder and drew her to a halt. “I'll lead.”

Squinting against the glare of the sun, Ray faced him. “And how will you do that when you don't know where the hell you're going?”

“You can direct me.” He lifted her arm to examine it with a frown.

Ray pulled away. “No.”

He pulled her right back. While he dabbed at her scratch, cleaning it with water from the canteen and a bandana, he said, “It makes sense for me to be in front, Ray. My arms are at least covered, and I'm taller.”

His touch was so gentle, it muddled her more than the heat. He finished and she moved a few steps away. “What does being taller have to do with anything?”

“Don't argue with me.” The heat made him cranky, she decided, given his tone. “Just stay behind my back.”

He stepped around her, not giving Ray the chance to protest further. She sighed in annoyance, but what the hell? If he wanted to take all the abuse from sharp twigs and itchy plants, why should she quibble?

Minutes later, she had to admit they could travel faster with Eli clearing the path. He was so big, he just stomped down stuff that she would have had to move.

The sun was high overhead, scorching in intensity, when Ray called a halt beneath a large shady tree to the side of the trail. They'd been walking over an hour and a half. “I have to eat.”

Eli gave a weak laugh and stretched his back. “I should have known food would be the perfect motive for stopping.”

“Don't make fun. I need to keep up my energy level. You do, too, as far as that goes. Look how much you're sweating.”

“I don't need to look, thank you very much.” He peeled off the canteen and binoculars, then shrugged out of his vest. “I don't suppose there's a stream around here anywhere?”

“There is, but I wouldn't suggest you wander around alone.” Ray, too, removed some of her load, but left her vest on. “After we eat, I'll show you where it is so you can relieve yourself and freshen up.”

He winced. “I hadn't even thought about that.” Now that he
thought of it, he asked, “Where will we be spending the night?”

“Wondering about the facilities, are you? Well, I can promise you this: there won't be any showers or flushing johns. You'll get to see firsthand what type of accommodations your brother's had. If we're lucky, we'll use a temporary shack used to store blocks of chicle.”


“They take it from the sap of sapodilla trees and form it into these odd, loaf-shaped blocks. It's used to manufacture chewing gum. Chicileros gather it during the wet season. If I'm remembering right, the shack should be between the village and the camp where they're keeping your brother. But I don't even know if it's still there. If not, we'll bed down in a cave.”

“You mean like with bats and wild animals?”

She'd expected him to be appalled, but instead Eli looked anxious. Ray shook her head. She wondered if she'd ever understand him. “This whole region is underlaid with limestone rock. It rains every damn day, washing away the land and leaving behind a network of caves and dolines.” At his blank look, she explained, “Deep depressions.”

“Sounds treacherous.”

“Yeah. The landscape is called
Because of that, there's not much surface water, but we should be able to find waterfalls for bathing and plenty of caves to duck into if necessary. The cave may have a few vampire bats, but if we keep a fire going, we'll be safe enough. Besides, bats rarely feed on humans.”

“Rarely, huh?”

Ray grinned. “It's been known to happen. But there are a lot of wild animals around, some worse than bats.”

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