Read Unexpected Love (Unexpected Series) Online
Authors: Charlene Martin
“Well Bella, I hope we have some classes together, that would be great.”
“I have to agree, Sweetie. You know since I moved here I haven’t met very many people. I started classes in January I took some time off after I graduated, my Ma was very sick and she needed someone to help take care of my young sister. So I stayed home until she was well enough for me to move away.”
“Oh, Bella I am so sorry to hear that. I assume she is well now?”
“Oh, yea honey see is doing just fine.”
“Well, I am glad to hear that.”
Brad shows up with my next drink. “Hey Brad, do you know Bella?”
Brad smiles and says, “Yea we have met.”
Something seems a little off about the way he said that. I brush it off for now. “Hey Brad what was in that last one, because I really like the flavor it was sweet and very easy to go down.”
Brad answers, “It was a screw driver, and it’s made with vodka and orange juice.”
“Well you are a very good bartender, keep them coming.”
He nods, and then walks off.
I look to Bella, “Ok spill.”
She smirks at me, “Spill what?”
“What is going on with Brad and you?”
“What is there to spill? I mean we had a thing for a while. I came, he saw and we conquered, he left and has not been back since. Apparently, I was not enough of a challenge for him. I do not know what it is about college men, but they use their dipstick on you and then think that they don’t have to come back and service you.
I burst into laughter. “Oh my God girl, that is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Dipstick!
She giggles a little, “Ok you are probably thinking I am a slut, but I have only been with a few guys. My high school boyfriend was my first. When I first arrived here, I met a guy and we hooked up, and then Brad, that’s not that many.”
“No, that’s not too bad. Do you play hard to get or do you just kind of date them and then eventually give it up?”
“Well I date them and then when I feel something, I give it up.”
“Not that I am the best to give relationship advice, but I think it is the chase that keeps them invested. So maybe next time you should ignore them and come off as indifferent and when you do sleep with them be the first to leave. Leave making them wanting you.”
“That’s a great idea. I will try that, thanks for the great advice.”
“You are welcome and I hope it works.”
Bella and I talk for what seems like hours. I realize that I have had too much to drink when I can no longer feel my lips. I tell Bella I am going to call it a night. When I stand, I stumble a little. I giggle, this is the first time I have ever been drunk and it’s kind of fun. Tim sees me stumble and rushes to my side. He helps me get up the stairs and into my apartment. I lock the door, fall to the couch, and pass out.
I have to say that Arissa looked like a sex goddess tonight. When I noticed her dressed like that, I had a hard time keeping my distance, especially when those two men were flirting with her. I was surprised that she actually drank. She seemed to hold her own, but I felt a lot better when she settled in with Bella. I was just about to run to her when I see Tim rush to her rescue. So once again, I kept my distance and watched from afar. As someone else stepped in to do what I feel, I should be doing. I want to take care of her; I want her arms wrapped around me. I want her to be mine in every way possible.
I wake up with a headache from hell. I must have drunk excessively last night and my neck hurts from sleeping on this couch. Dragging myself to the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror and I look like the walking dead. My eyes have dark circles around them from the makeup and my hair looks like, well as if I have been having some amazing sex that I just cannot seem to remember. I jump in the shower to wash away the effects of last night. I stand under the hot stream of water while it massages my aching neck.
I had a lot of fun last night and I like the girl I met, I think her name was Bella. I really like her accent and she seems down to earth. I make some cinnamon sugar toast and sit at the bar, when I hear a knock at the door. I open it and it is Bella.
“Hey how are you?”
“I am doing ok; I think I have my first official hang over.”
Bella laughs at me. “Yes, you were hitting those mixed drinks kind of hard last night.”
“Yea for my first college party, I think I over did it.”
We both giggle, “Please come in.”
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Sure what do you have?”
“I have some sweet tea, soda or bottle water.”
“Oh, I would love some sweet tea please.”
I poor us some sweet tea and meet her in the living room.
“I just wanted to say that I had a lot of fun hanging out with you last night. For the first time since I moved here, I feel like I have met a true friend. Most of the girls here are two-faced whores and all they want to do is party. I do not mind partying but you know I have a lot going on and I need someone to be able to have a serious conversation with, go shopping with and just hang out. I don’t always want to be on a man hunt.”
“I had a lot of fun too, I would love to hang out with you and shop.”
“Well how about we start now. I just got my paycheck and I really need some new clothes if I am going to be your friend because girl you looked hot last night. I don’t know if you noticed but every guy in the vicinity was staring at you.”
“No I didn’t notice, but there is this cute little shop I found downtown it’s called “Style For Less,” we can go check it out.”
“Sure let me grab my keys and we can go.”
When we get into the store, Bella immediately starts grabbing things from racks. “Oh I love this one, and this one,” Bella squeals. She is too funny she cracks me up. You would think she was a kid in a candy store for the first time. I think she borrowed the energizer bunny’s batteries. She reminds me of Elena, she was always like that, full of life and energy, where as I am more laid back. I watch her as she runs from rack to rack, until her arms are full. When she can no longer hold anything else, we get a dressing room. She tries on several tops, pants, and sundresses. She looks great in everything. She has one of those personalities that she can pull off any look. I swear she dropped her whole paycheck in that store. We managed to score some great buys. I bought a few more tops, but I was mild compared to her. I might have to find out if she comes with an off switch.
Bella and I hang out as often as we can, we do the weekend parties and during the week, we do various things like stay in and watch movies. Bella works at a coffee shop near the bookstore. Therefore, I go see her on my lunch breaks. Things at the bookstore have really started to go well. We have a steady pace of customers coming in and buying books. I received approval for the movie in the park a few weeks ago. Since then, we do that on Friday nights for the kids. I even got a couple of the hot dog cart vendors to park nearby so that people can have refreshments. They have started to sell popcorn and candy. Everyone brings blankets and we sit outside in the cool air and watch the books become alive. It is amazing getting to watch the kids’ faces brighten, when they see the book characters come to life.
Time seems to be flying by; we are having an end of the summer party tonight. Bella is coming over so we can get ready together.
A little after six, I hear her knocking on the door. “I am so glad you are here, I don’t know what to wear. Please help!”
Bella puts her bags down in my room and walks to my closet. Sifting through all my clothes, she picks out a few tops. “Oh I really like this one.”
It’s a black see through shirt and it has a hot pink tube top under it.
Thinking on it for a minute, I grab my new jeans that have rips on the thighs and a pair of my hot pink FM pumps and the shirts. I run to the bathroom and put them on. When I walk out of the bathroom Bella screeches, “Holy shit you look hot!”
Smiling big I say, “Thank you so much for your help, I am so excited.”
Bella puts on a silver tank, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a pair of silver heels. She looks stunning; her dark skin against the silver of the top is striking. “Bells you look fantastic.”
We work on each other’s hair and makeup. Since both of us have long hair, we opt for the long loose curls.
Bella wants to surprise me with my makeup. I close my eyes and let her get to work. I can feel her putting make up on my eyes and it feels like it’s a lot. I am actually a little nervous. She finishes with my eyes and puts on some lip-gloss.
“Ok, look in the mirror.” I am astonished with what I see. Yes, it is very dark, but it’s like the perfect Smoky eye. It has a light tan just under the brow and then a light gray working into a darker grey. She curled my eyelashes and put on some volatizing mascara along with eyeliner. “Bells it looks incredible, you did great.”
I give her a quick hug and then instruct her to close her eyes. I have to say I am a little nervous; the pressure is really on to make her look as beautiful as she did me.
Since it’s a college party, I decide to go dark. She has blue eyes so I use a dark charcoal gray to put on the base of the lid and then I use a silver glitter to put above it merging it into the brow line. I use the eyeliner to make a line across the lid and then do as she did and curl the lashes and apply the volatizing mascara. I add an almost red lipstick for dramatic effect. When she opens her eyes with the deep blue, it makes her eyes look so dramatic. I love the way it looks.
“Arissa I love it, I was not expecting you to do a Smoky eye too, but since you did I love it. I think it really brings out my blue eyes.”
“Yes, it does.”
I give a quick squirt of perfume, grab my keys and we head for the door.
We walk out to the courtyard and I watch as everyone’s eyes are on us. The girls seem to roll their eyes in disgust, but the men seem to be fixated on us. My bartender friend, Brad fixes me a pineapple upside down cake shot. I haven’t had this kind before, but it’s the last party so I toss it back and toast, “To the end of summer.” To my surprise, it tastes just like the cake. Tim is quick to bring me my next drink, it is a shot of Patron. I look to Tim and tell him concernedly, “I have never done a shot like this before.”
Tim reassures me, “It’s really smooth, just follow my lead.”
He hands me a lemon and then says, “Lick, drink, suck….” I watch as he does it. Then I look to Bella, “You are going to do it with me, right?”
She promises she will do it at the same time with me so we make a toast, “To new beginnings.”
“To new beginnings,” I say as I clink our cups, and I proceed to lick, drink and suck. I taste the salt at first and the Patron goes down smooth leaving a slight burn, but it is the lemon that gets me most. I shake my head trying to get past the sourness of the lemon.
Tim chuckles.
“It’s not too bad I say, the lemon is just the shocker.” Bella nods her head in agreement and Tim collects the cups and leaves. I am sure he will be back with our next concoction soon.
I grab Bella’s hand and drag her to the patio, our makeshift dance floor. A few of the men come up and dance with us and they seem friendly enough. I begin to enjoy myself feeling carefree, until, I get that feeling again. It has been a while since I have noticed it. I was starting to believe that when I moved I left them behind. That all too familiar shiver runs down my spine and I being to look around anxiously. I can’t pinpoint it because most everyone is looking my way. Everyone smiles at me as I lock eyes with them trying to read if they are the one wreaking havoc on me. I am unable to figure out who is responsible. Apparently, Bella and I are the main attraction tonight. My hands being to tremble and I become paranoid. Bella senses my angst and grabs my hand demanding my attention.
“Is everything ok?”
I haven’t explained to her about my past. She has no idea about Damon, or the creepy feelings I get when I feel I am being watched, or that I have vivid dreams of a man that I want to have sex with, not only in my dreams but in real life as well. I don’t really want to tell her now, so I reply, “Yea I am fine, I just need another shot!”
“Shots needed!” Bella yells.
Brad comes running up to me with a shot of God knows what; I down it as quickly as possible. I begin to dance again when I feel these hands grab my hips and pull me back into him, he smells divine and I grind my ass against him. When I ‘drop it like it’s hot’ and bounce back up, I slide myself against him. I feel his erection pushing into my ass. I am really turned on by this. I continue to rub my ass against his hard cock. He holds me tight and nestles his chin in the crook of my neck. Being held this way as we dance feels nice, I try to turn to look at him, but he holds me in place. My pulse quickens with worry. He feels me tense, and then his hands fall away, I turn around to see who was there, but there is nothing, no one.
That was odd. I am so freaked out by the night’s events I call to Bella.
“Bella, my feet are killing me I am going to sit down and rest for a while.”
“Ok, do you mind if I keep dancing?”
“No honey, go ahead and dance. I just need a break for a bit.”
I watch from the chairs as Bella dances with various men, the girl can dance that’s for sure. The thought pops into my head. Maybe I was dancing too provocatively. I mean Bella does look somewhat slutty, but isn’t that the college life? I still feel uneasy about what happened with the mysterious man. Brad snaps me out of my thoughts when he hands me a new drink, I sip it, and watch as everyone around me seems to be having a great time.
This all-American country boy approaches me. He has on wranglers and a flannel shirt. He is wearing a ball cap and has a strange resemblance to Larry the cable guy.
“He hands me a cup and says, Brad said to give you your next shot.”
I don’t usually take shots from anyone other than Brad or Tim, but I am in need of feeling numb. I take the drink and down it. The Cowboy walks off without another word. A few minutes later, I am ready to get back to the party. I join Bella on the dance floor.
We dance to song after song; it feels like I have been dancing for hours. My feet are numb, and I feel numb all over. Bella is practically dry humping the man she is dancing with, I wonder if I looked that slutty when I was dancing. I don’t think I can stomach that thought
Bella has left the party with some man. So much, for her playing hard to get, I guess she is moving on.
I call for another shot and some man hands it to me over the man I am dancing with now. I quickly toss it back, and finish dancing. I start to feel sick. Consequently, I stumble off the dance floor and find the nearest chair. Everything is spinning and my stomach is twisted into knots. I put my head between my legs to steady myself. I take slow deep breaths. My vision begins to fade as I lean back in the chair, I hear a man’s voice ask, “Arissa are you ok?”
I answer, “No I need my bed, and I think I had too much to drink.”
I feel the man’s arms grab me around my waist, and he lifts me with ease. He’s holding me tight as we walk back to my apartment. I reach for my keys from my pocket and hand them to him. He fumbles with the lock and then I hear the door click open. He doesn’t bother to turn on the lights, and the next thing I know I am laid upon the bed and then I hear the door close and lock. I start to fade until I feel someone next to me. As he lays over me, the feeling arouses me. He glides his hand down my side and grips my hip pulling me close to him. I feel him brush my hair from my face and I moan a little. I lie there just feeling everything he is doing. His lips brush mine and then he slides his tongue down my collarbone. I open my eyes to see his face but everything appears black. Why can’t I see? Usually in my dreams, I can see. I try to reach for the bedside light, but it’s not there. My heart starts to beat faster, as I begin to panic. I try to wiggle from his grasp, as I feel my surroundings the sheets and pillows are all different. The recognition hits me hard that this is not my bed. He notices my panic causing him to put his hand over my mouth and growl, “You’re not too good for me now are you?” I try to fight him off, but I am too weak, he must have drugged me. I try to claw him, but he holds my hands, my heart is racing and I am shaking, I don’t know what to do. Tears start to stream down my face and I can barely breathe. I kick at him trying to kick him off me. He is sitting on top of me and I am not strong enough to get him off me. I realize this man is going to rape me and no one knows I am here. Hell I don’t even know where here is. It has to be somewhere in the apartment complex, but I have no idea where. Think; think hard, which way did he take me? To the right and up the stairs, I think. Still trying to fight him off I manage to sit up until he forces me back down onto the bed.