Unexpected Mr. Right (6 page)

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Authors: Kelley Nyrae

BOOK: Unexpected Mr. Right
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Brianna didn't look convinced. If she kept it up, she'd just tell her what was going on. It's not as if she was doing anything wrong anyway. They'd have to learn to trust that she wouldn't get her heart involved, that she wouldn't get hurt.

"You know no one makes any decisions about this wedding unless you're involved. You're our wedding extraordinaire."

"I am not."

"Are to,” Bri countered.

Finally Nico broke in. “All right kids. Stop bickering before we have to put the two of you in time out. I don't have long to visit tonight."

Bri looked hesitant but she let the subject drop. They finished their food and talked about Luciano and Kaylee's big day.

* * * *

"How'd you get Tabby to forgive you?” Luciano asked when they walked out of the restaurant that night. Before he and Kaylee got together they used to hang out after Luciano's closed and have a beer. Now Luciano has his beautiful fiancé to go home to. He rushed like a mad man to get out of there.

Nico was so happy for his cousin. He'd prayed for years he'd find a woman as wonderful as Kaylee to be happy with.

"I just threw some of the Valenti charm at her,” he teased. “If you want, I could give you some lessons."

Luciano shot him a look that said he didn't think Nico was the slightest bit funny. “I'm the one going home to a beautiful woman tonight while if my calculations are correct you haven't had a date since your big blow up with Tabby."

Shit. He'd hoped no one noticed that. “I haven't found anyone new who has perked my interest. Don't go reading something into nothing.” That's all he needed. He'd given Luciano a hard time about Kaylee a few months before but that situation was different. They were in love. Luciano wanted more than the life he led, he just hadn't known it. Nico didn't.

Luciano stopped him before they went their separate ways. “Just be careful, buddy. If you are up to anything, if there's more to your sudden truce than you're letting on, be careful. Tabby's looking for that happily ever after and if you aren't, I'm afraid she'll get hurt."

Damn. Why did everyone think he was such an asshole? He'd never broken a woman's heart in the past. What made Luciano think he would start now? He knew Nico always make sure the women he dated knew up front that he didn't want a relationship. Why did his own cousin think he would change the rules of the game now by letting Tabby think he wanted anything more than what he did?

She knew what he wanted. A good time, friendship and a little nookie. She denied him the nookie so they had the friendship and the good times. What was wrong with that? “She's not going to get hurt. We're friends. That's all. There isn't anything going on that wasn't before."

Luciano nodded at him. “I just had to say it, Nic. She's Kaylee's best friend and I'd hate for a rift to come between us all."

He started to feel guilty and he didn't know why. He hadn't touched Tabby but not for lack of trying. She was a good woman. Hurting her was the last thing on his mind and he thought he'd been doing a good job until now. Would she take his flirtations the wrong way? Would a friendship mean more to her than she was letting on? He didn't think so. She seemed really intent on this friendship thing.

And so was he. Sure he'd like to have a night or two with her but he also liked being friends with her. Last he checked he wasn't breaking any laws. They wouldn't go anywhere that she didn't want to go. He'd never lie to her. Didn't his cousin know that? Was he really the bad guy Tabby, and now Luciano, seemed to think him? Now he started to doubt himself and that didn't sit well. “Don't worry, cousin. I'm on my best behavior.” Nico turned and walked away.

Next time he saw Tabby he'd make sure she knew where things stood, he wasn't the relationship kind of guy and never would be.

* * * *

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty.” Tabby called to her Siamese cat, Charming. He came running into the kitchen at the sound of her voice. She fed him and then scrambled a couple eggs for breakfast. Once her belly was full she cleaned up her kitchen. She didn't have any plans for today besides housework and vegging with a good book, maybe watching some old movies on TV, one of her favorite past times.

Tabby walked into her living room, lit her candles and curled up on the couch. Her mind drifted toward memories of last night. She really had a good time. It was like the old Friday's before she and Nico started fighting. Actually it was better. Her group of close friends was growing and she thanked her lucky stars to be a part of it. It felt good to have people close to her that she cared about, that cared about her in return.

She'd always had her girls. Bri and Kaylee meant more to her than any two people in her life. Then she gained Luciano, a man that was like a brother in law to her. Now Nico, someone she could talk with, joke with and be herself around.

Charming jumped onto her lap. Tabby stroked her head listening to her cat purr in response. Boredom made her jumpy. She planned on staying home today but her original plan felt mundane. She wanted to do something, be around her friends.

Picking up the phone she tried Kaylee first but found out they had a cake testing appointment today. She dialed Bri next.


"Hey girl, what's up?” Tabby asked.

"I'm visiting with Mama Love. She was mugged last night.” She could hear the concern in her friend's voice. Mama Love owned the house Bri lived in. It was a large, Victorian home that the older woman had turned into apartments. She was a wild lady for her age. In her younger years she'd been a hippie and her house had been a commune. Sometimes it seemed like Mama Love still thought it was the sixties and she was forty years younger. “Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's okay. Just being stubborn as always. She wants to walk to her yoga class but I'm not letting her out by herself. What's up with you?"

Well that meant Bri wouldn't be leaving the house. She could always go there but had a feeling she'd be just as bored sitting around Bri's house as she was at her own. “Nothing. Just bored. You go ahead and take care of Mama Love. I'll talk to you later.” Bri said goodbye and they ended the call.

Tabby stood up, Charming jumping from her lap as she went. After showering and dressing for the day she headed back to her phone. Maybe she'd see if Nico had any plans for the day. If he did then she'd head into the office and see if she could get any work done.

Flipping through caller ID she found his phone number and hit talk. The phone dialed his number and a tired sounding Nico picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hello,” he grumbled.

Oops. She glanced at the clock and it was 9:30 AM. “Sorry, I didn't think you'd still be sleeping. I'll let you go."

"It's cool. I'm up now.” His voice sounded thicker, rougher ... sexier. Kind of hot. Not that she would tell him that. It crossed the line on their friendship guidelines.

"Do you have any plans for today?"

"Not really. I'm going to order Luciano and Kaylee's wedding gift. That's all I really had planned."

She didn't know why but that surprised her. It shouldn't, Luciano was his cousin and they were close but their wedding was still a while off. She hadn't even decided what she was getting them yet. “Mind if I tag along? I'm itching to get out of the house and both Kay and Bri are busy."

"I see how you are. I'm you're last resort, huh?"

"Aw, does poor little Nico have his feelings hurt? Bet you haven't come across a woman who doesn't have you on the brain 24/7."

"You think about me, Tabby. Admit it."

"And feed into your ego? I don't think so."

"You just did, Slugger."

Damn. She didn't think about that when she spoke. “Well you think about me too, don't you? What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is I'm not afraid to admit it. You are."

He had her again. He was too good for his own good. Or her good actually. “So do you want company today or what?” Better to change the subject before she got herself into any more trouble. He had a way of getting her to say things she knew she shouldn't, to admit to feelings she didn't want to admit.

To her surprise Nico sat quiet for a few moments before responding to her. From her experience with him, he usually jumped at an opportunity when he found something that really interested him. His delay spoke volumes. So this was it. He'd realized just a friendship would be too much work. Trying to avoid an awkward moment she said, “Actually, never mind. I'm thinking I might just hang here today.” Without much affect she tried to push her disappointment aside. She wanted to spend some more time with him. To gain that friendship they'd agreed upon.

She heard him exhale a heavy breath before he said, “Wait. I'm not letting you off that easy. I'll be there in an hour.” He hung up the phone.

* * * *

Nico almost told her no. Almost. He thought about what Luciano said to him the night before. “Tabby's looking for that happily ever after and if you're not, I'm afraid she'll get hurt.” The idea of hurting her sat like a heavy weight on his chest. If he ever did want to settle down, it would be with a woman like her. But he wouldn't. Not for a long, long time at least. And she knew that. Hell she knew it better than he did. She reminded him every chance she had. He didn't have to worry about her forgetting it. Because of that, he knew she wouldn't get hurt. Not only would he not let her, she wouldn't either.

So he knew he could say yes like his body begged him to do. Knew he could indulge in this new friendship they were forming. He just hoped like hell he wasn't making a mistake. He'd never forgive himself if he hurt her.

* * * *

Tabby sat next to Nico in a cab as they headed downtown. She wasn't sure exactly where they were going but it didn't really matter. She just enjoyed getting out of the house and spending time with him. “Do you already know what you're getting them?” she asked.

"Yep.” Nico pulled a picture of Kaylee and Luciano out of his pocket. They were hugging one another, holding each other. “I wanted to do something special for them.” He handed her the picture. “I'm getting this put on a plaque. Underneath the picture it will say, Il vero amore e senza rimpianti."

His words flowed through her ears and landed with a smack in her chest. They were musical. “That's beautiful. What does it mean?"

"The real love is without regrets."

She looked at him utterly amazed by his words. He'd put a lot of thought into this. Nico had a romantic side. She couldn't have been more surprised by the knowledge. Apparently she wore her shock on her face. “What?” he asked. “Don't look at me like that. You should have seen what I really wanted to do. Photoshop a leash around Luciano, maybe throw a ball and chain in there. Then I decided I should go with the whole fairytale thing and not be so realistic."

At first Tabby could do nothing but stare at him in utter shock. She didn't know if his words were serious or meant as a joke. In reality, she thought probably a mixture of each. Thank God they were just hanging out as friends. When he winked at her she realized that he'd really been joking. Unable to hold back she playfully punched him in the arm.

Nico rubbed it. “Handicap me why don't you? I might not be able to use this arm for the rest of the day, you know? And you wonder why I call you Slugger.” The last part he whispered.

Yeah right. She knew better than to think that punch hurt him. “And the Oscar goes to..."

"I see how you are. Give me a hard time for trying not to bruise your ego. I think you think you have an arm on you. Sure like to use it a lot."

Tabby gave him the evil eye and Nico held up his hands as if in surrender.

"Hey, don't hit me again. I'm just teasing you."

"Mr. Serious make a joke? No way.” They both started to laugh. A few seconds later when silence commenced in the car she said, “Seriously. I think your gift is very sweet, Nico. I'm surprised."

"You give me no credit, Tab. Just because I have no plan of tying myself down to one woman for the rest of my life doesn't mean I don't know what love is."

"You don't want that for yourself?” she couldn't help but ask.

"Not right now. I have everything I need in my life. I'm truly happy and I enjoy my freedom. I don't know if I'll ever want to give that up."

"Loving someone shouldn't mean giving something up, Nico. If it does, what you get in return is so much more that it makes the sacrifice worth it.” She felt that deep to the marrow of her bones.

"You're right. That's my point. I don't see how I could be any happier than I am now. If and I mean a big if I ever were to decide to settle down with a woman she'd have to be special enough to make me want to do it with no regrets. She'd have to add that much joy to my life. I don't know if I ever see that happening. Everyone is built differently, Tabby."

They were definitely built differently. That was the main difference between them. While he thrived on the single life, she yearned for something more, something bigger. “We're built differently,” she clarified.

"We make great friends though, Slugger."

She smiled agreeing with him. “That we do."

* * * *

They went to a little engraving gift shop and ordered Nico's wedding gift. Noticing a coffee shop a couple doors down they headed over, ordered drinks and sat at the outside tables.

"Doesn't Bri have a coffee shop?” he asked.

"Yeah but can you imagine her reaction if we showed up together?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot you're hiding me,” he said with a wink.

God that sounded so bad when he said it. “I'm not hiding you. I just don't want them to get the wrong idea."

"They'd harass you for spending time with a heathen like myself?"

Not really. It's not Nico they thought a heathen but Tabby who they thought couldn't take care of herself. How did she explain it to him without making herself look foolish? “It isn't you they won't trust, it's me. They'll be scared I'll fall for you.” She sipped her latte. “They know my dreams better than anyone else. They're scared that I pick the wrong people to try and accomplish those dreams with.” The words made her sound so needy. She hated it. She really didn't need a man, she wanted one. In her mind there was a big difference.

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