Unforgettable (13 page)

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Authors: P J Gilbers

Tags: #romantic suspense, #love story, #suspense action ebook, #paranormal angel, #hollywood celebrities, #suspense action adult

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Thank you. It’s really

I’m glad you like it. I
have to go to Japan but I’m thinking we should get together when I
get back.”

Fritz figured it

I suspected he would. He’s

Jack and I…”

I know. He called. It’ll be
okay, Sam. But you’ve always got a room here. Even if I’m out of
town my office can make the arrangements.”

I slipped the bracelet on. It was
heavy. Elegant.

I made myself tea, smiling.

Want anything while I’m in
here, Jack?”

I’m hurting. Better make it
a double.”

I made him popcorn and milk and brought
some pain medicine.


You can’t take these drugs
with scotch. You’ll burn a hole in your stomach.”

He captured my arm, slipped off the
bracelet and read it.

Nice. Poetic.

He put it back on.

Need anything else? I’m
going to bed.”

He patted the bed next to

Sam, sit down. Or lay down.
We need to clear the air.”

We don’t seem to be very
good at that.”

This bracelet from David.
If you continue to see him this will only increase.”

How dreadful. A pox…look,
Jack. You and I are not married.”

I want to know how you feel
about me, Sam. If you’re going to get serious with David I just
need to know that.”

He got up and poured himself a scotch
and climbed in bed next to me.

I hate to keep saying this
but I just don’t know what will happen with David.”

You’re avoiding the
question. You and me.”

He lit a cigar.

He pulled me to him and kissed me so
hard our teeth crashed.

Look me in the eyes and
tell me what you’re feeling right now.”

I tried to turn away.

In the eyes.”

I crawled up on his lap, putting his
cigar out but taking a big drink of his scotch.

I couldn’t lie.

I want you. More than I’ve
ever wanted anyone in my life. Or all my previous hundred lives. I
seem to be accidentally falling in love with you. I never intended
for any of this to happen. You, Fritz, David…”

I gave him a small kiss that turned
deep, starving. I was tumbling into insanity.

Then I don’t understand.”
He was panting.

I need David right now. And
I can’t get into a relationship

David but you can’t get into a

I nodded.

Do you have any idea how
totally illogical that is? You sound like the Mad

I know. You should hear it
from this side.”

He grinned.

Maybe I should just get you

He kissed me and I curled into him like
an old tabby.

Sam, I want you. You’re
driving me wild.” His hands were everywhere.

You can make love to
Kolina. “

He laughed. “So could you. She liked
you. She does not discriminate.”

Might be

His eyebrow went up.

Now that I would pay a
whole lot to see.”

He kissed me again, kissing my face, my
neck. I hurt for him, needed him like air.

Stay with me tonight,” he
whispered, rubbing my back, my ass.

I will on one

A condom. You

No. Clothes on, no

The mood shifted.

He stared at me.


No questions and no talk
about David. That’s the deal.”

Why do you want this deal,
why not just sleep alone?”

I played with his powerful hands,
putting his palm on my cheek, and closing my eyes.

No matter how many lights I
have on there are shadows. There are sounds. I swear he’s in my
room at night.

And when I wake up I am
horribly, painfully alone. I’d like to feel you next to me. I
haven’t slept with a man in a very long time.”


We shouldn’t be here,
Gabby. Privacy, remember?” They were tiny orbs of light, flitting
around the light fixture in the hall.

He is going to take care
of her, see? I told you so. Think I should zap them

I like the other two.
David’s got my money. He really cares about her, not just his… you
know what I mean.”

But Jack… the heat between

Come on, woman. I hear
Shakespeare is doing another reading tonight. Don’t want to miss


Jack held my face and I thought he
might cry.

His eyes were soft as he tucked me in
next to him. I fell asleep my back against his belly feeling him
breathe. I fell asleep smiling. I fell asleep loved.


I am tired of this shit,

Eddie was having a

You want something staked
out you do it! You hear me? You fucking do it!”

Okay, Eddie, baby. Didn’t
make any boyfriends in jail?”

Robert got in his face and
tried to kiss him.

He punched Robert, who hit
back. Several times.

Now you gonna tell me
again what you are and aren’t gonna to do?” Robert was spitting in
his face.

He ran in the bathroom

Robert laughed.

Eddie’s always so fuckin’
easy.” Robert laughed and got out the stack of pictures of

How about we take the girl
for ransom?”

Ransom?” Oscar perked

Yeah. What would you

Money. Three fucking
million,” Eddie stepped out of the bathroom.

And a really cool car,”
Oscar said. “My own car. Like a GTO.”

Right. Now it seems more
worthwhile to get her, doesn’t it?”

Gabrielle and Ted listened.
Ted shorted out an outlet in the kitchen spewing flames up the

That was just a warning,”
said Ted. “They’d better start putting this together.”

Gabrielle, tearful,


I woke at five and got up without
waking him.

Fritz walked in the kitchen where I was
making coffee.

You didn’t answer your

I was down here. I slept
with Jack…literally. No sex. Just sleep. But you probably already
know that. It’s like living in a submarine around here.”


What?” I


I didn’t want to be

You’re playing with fire,
my love. Go away with me this weekend.”

And where would we

He wrapped me in his arms and it once
again seemed that we had been doing this for years.

There’s an Inn in
Vancouver. Gorgeous. Green. Quiet. Good music. Sometimes

Sounds like heaven. But I
do have obligations to Jack’s foot, you know.”

It was nice to imagine for
a moment, though.”

We smiled.


The studio was practically

Where is

Closed set. Nude scene,”
Fritz told me as Jack rolled away.

Oh. Do they actually do

No. Although there have
been those who do. But it’s very awkward with cameras in your face,
people watching every hump. And they call ‘cut’ and what’s a man to
do? Most men—unlike women—can’t just turn it on and off like that.
I mean, once you’re loaded…”

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I

We walked to the café on the

Ever get caught?”he asked.
He seemed to have fun no matter where he was.

Yes. Once. In the back of a
Volkswagen. The only thing I had on was my pink socks. Knee

Now there’s an image I can
keep…caught by a cop?”


Get arrested?”

No. And you?”

In a barn once. Back home.
I never knew a person could run with his pants down but with the
right motivation…”

Where is back

Southwold, England. Right
on the sea.”

I’d love to go to England.
I’ve always wanted to see the castles.”

Name the day and I’ll take

Just like that.”

Yes, just like

I suppose Jack would give
you a bit of a vacation.”

I would leave, my dear, and
show you the world.”

And what would we live on
in this fantasy of yours?”

He laughed.

It is a fantasy. But, the
money is very real. I’ve worked hard these past years as Jack’s
manager. I invest most everything I make—after all I have very few
expenses of my own. And now I am quite wealthy.

In fact, I could buy one of
those castles for you if you like. A lot are up for sale. Families
dying out, that sort of thing. They often need repair and
modernizing but it would give us something to do.

Fix up a… nursery.” He
stared long and hard.

Nursery,” I could hardly
get the word out.

Yes,” he whispered and bit
my shoulder. “Nursery. Baby toes, baby bellies to kiss, baby
baths--the sweetest smell in the whole world.”

Emotions I didn’t know existed were
choking me.

I love newborns. You
surprise me. I don’t know what else to say.”

How about ‘let’s make

How about, ‘should I have
the bacon today or stay healthy’? I’m thinking bacon. Two

He looked at my bracelet.

He’s a charmer. Guard your
heart, my little love.”

All during breakfast I thought of
castles. Ancient. Large stones. Large beds. Making love to Fritz
any time I wanted. Being naked with Fritz. And…a nursery. A child.
Something I hadn’t allowed myself to think of in a long

You’re awfully

Just daydreaming. Babies,
nurseries, making love whenever, you and me, naked… You have my
gray cells on over time. I’m a little tired, too.”

I could find a place where
we could take a nap. I’m utterly exhausted myself.” He leaned over
on the table and looked at me upside down like a playful, horny

I was thinking of saying yes when his
phone went off.

Yes? I see. Damn. We’ll be
right there.”


They’re sending him
“Was he bad?”

He laughed. “Shandi has the sniffles
and didn’t think she could suck face. So they’re sending Jack home.
He’ll be in a snit.”

But he wasn’t. He was

Call Gloria, tell her that
we’re taking Sammy to Malibu.”

The beach?”

Yes. We’ll have some lunch,
watch the waves, it’ll be great.”

Fritz called Gloria. “Sunnie’s. Yes.
Meet you there.” He hung up. “She was saying very bad words to

She didn’t want us to go.”
Jack played with a small ball he’d found in the parking

No, she wants us to go back
home and sit in our rooms with the doors locked.”
The drive to Malibu was beautiful, the temperatures were in the
mid-eighties and the sky was filled with puffy white

Wish I had a suit, though.
I’d love to get wet.”

The two men exchanged looks.

They have shops all up and
down the beach,” Fritz said. “And I am an excellent swimsuit

I think I can handle that
on my own…as long as you’re paying.”

As expected we found a boutique but the
prices were outrageous.

Come on, let’s go,” I

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