Unforgettable Embrace (42 page)

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Authors: Joanne Clancy

BOOK: Unforgettable Embrace
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"Sorry about that," she wiped the little puddle under his glass and passed it to him. He looked at her like he thought she'd gone a bit mad. She kept a fixed smile on her face, wishing the ground would open up right there and then and swallow her. "Cheers, to Jen and Victor," Batt said, raising his glass in a toast. "Cheers," everyone chimed in. Rachel drank her champagne too fast and the bubbles went up her nose, causing her to blink rapidly. "Almost time for dinner, I don't know about you guys but I'm starving," and with that she let out a rather loud accidental burp. "Attractive," Holly mumbled under her breath, giving her sister a disparaging look. Rachel blushed crimson and quietly said "excuse me." "You burped, auntie," Simon laughed, "that was so funny." He proceeded to let out a long and loud burp, copying his aunt.


"Excuse me," Rachel got shakily to her feet and made her way to the bathroom. She felt like crying her eyes out. She knew she was making a fool of herself but she seemed to be out of control. She took a few deep breaths and forced her tears away. You can't cry now, she told herself in the mirror, you don't even have makeup to cover up afterwards. I need some fresh air. She made her way outside to the beautifully sculpted gardens. Dusk was falling and the spring air had turned quite nippy. She felt cold in her flimsy dress and bare shoulders. She lit up a cigarette, which was unusual for her. She'd quit smoking several years previously. She'd only ever smoked a few cigarettes when she'd been drinking anyway, but she felt so tense that she had a sudden overwhelming craving for nicotine. She bought a packet of Benson and Hedges at the bar and made her way outside. The garden was empty, except for her. She sat at a little table in the corner, that was hidden away from the merriment inside. She was glad of the peace.


She unwrapped the gold packaging and withdrew a slim stick. She lit it and brought the cigarette to her lips, inhaling deeply. Somehow, the motion of inhaling and exhaling the smoke so purposefully seemed to calm her down. She gathered her thoughts together. Batt doesn't seem particularly ecstatic to see me, she mused as she puffed away. Of course, it probably doesn't help that I'm acting like a tit. He must think I've gone bonkers, already I've spilled champagne on him and almost sent the whole table flying. I'm going to go back in there, eat my dinner and start enjoying the evening, she decided firmly, and before the night is over I'll have sorted out our relationship one way or the other.


She stubbed out her cigarette and gazed across the lawn and out to sea. She suddenly had that odd feeling she'd been having all day that there was someone watching her. She glanced around sharply but she couldn't see anyone. She shivered in the cool night air and decided to make her way back inside to the festivities. "Hello, Rachel," she jumped at the voice beside her. She squinted in the dark, trying to make out the face. "Scott?" she said, incredulously. "Yep," he said, smiling. She could see his teeth flash in the darkness. "What are you doing here?" she asked, trying to fight an overwhelming urge to run away. "Well, I just really wanted to see you," he said. "I missed you." "You missed me," she repeated. "Absolutely," he said emphatically. "I can't stop thinking about that night we spent together. I know it meant something to you too, Rachel, didn't it?" "Hmm," Rachel replied dismissively. Something told her not to tell him that he was being ridiculous, that all they had shared was a drunken kiss, nothing more. She glanced around to see if anyone was close by. She measured the distance from where she was sitting to the door. She wondered how long it would take her to make a run for it. Could she make it inside before Scott?


Suddenly, she thought of Batt and knew that he wouldn't be too impressed if he saw her chatting to the man she'd kissed. How would she explain Scott being at Jen's wedding? Come to think of it, why was Scott at Jen's wedding? All these thoughts ran through her mind. Scott was rambling on about how much he missed her and that he wanted to be more than friends. Her main concern now was that Batt would find her outside talking to Scott. A few more people had stepped out into the garden. Their laughter and chatter carried towards her on the still night air. "Let's go for a walk, Scott," she suggested, jumping to her feet, suddenly feeling brave now that there were more people around. "We need to have a serious chat."


Chapter 59



"Where's Rachel?" Batt asked, noticing that he hadn't seen her in a while. "She must still be outside smoking her cigarettes," Liz said, tucking into her food. "That was almost half an hour ago," Batt said, sounding concerned. "Oh you know, Rach, when she gets a bit tipsy, she gets talking to random strangers. Who knows who she's flirting with now," Holly said, immediately regretting the words as soon as she'd said them. Batt looked pained as he said, "you know her best, I suppose." Liz stared pointedly at Holly, who was concentrating on her soup.


"Rachel certainly is missing out on this delicious food," Will said, savouring every mouthful of his main course. "It's not like her to miss a meal, especially one as scrumptious as this," Liz said, putting her fork down on the table. "I'm starting to get worried," she said, looking at Batt. "I'm sure she's just lost in chatting up some man," Batt said evenly. "Don't be ridiculous! Liz snapped. “Rachel isn't like that. She loves you, Batt, whether you believe me or not. She was hoping you two could reconcile your differences tonight and get back together. So what, she had a drunken kiss with a stranger. She regrets it every day. Haven't you ever done anything wrong?" She jumped up from her seat and stormed off. "I'm going to look for her myself," she said over her shoulder.


The rest of the table continued their meal in silence, which was only broken by the children's chatter. Liz came back a little later, looking pale-faced. "I've searched everywhere," she said. "She's not in the hotel. I can't find her anywhere." "She has to be here somewhere," Holly said, trying to keep the panic from her voice. "Let's try to stay calm," Will said, "we don't want to upset Jen unnecessarily. We should try calling Rachel's mobile phone." Holly dialled her sister's number, but there was no answer. “Her phone's going to straight to voicemail.” “I remember we all turned our mobiles off earlier so that they wouldn't be ringing in the church. She's probably forgotten to turn hers back on again,” Liz said.


I'm going to ask at reception,” Batt suggested. “They're bound to have seen her if she left for some reason.” “I didn't think of that,” Liz said, sounding a little relieved. “I'm sure there's nothing to worry about,” Batt said as he put his napkin on the table.


He made his way out of the banqueting room and headed towards reception. The reception area was quite busy and the poor receptionist was looking quite frazzled. Batt barged his way to the front of the queue. “Have you seen a tall woman, with blonde hair in a long dress?” he asked. “I don't mean to sound rude, sir,” the receptionist replied, “but there are quite a few women matching that exact description staying at the hotel tonight.” “Her name is Rachel Jenkins,” Batt proffered. “Rachel Jenkins?” an official looking man standing near the front desk interrupted. “Yes,” Batt said shortly, looking the man up and down. “Do you know where she is?” he asked Batt. “What business is it of yours?” Batt asked rudely.


My name is Detective James Stanton,” the stranger introduced himself. “I have reason to believe that she may be linked with a man named Scott Delaney. It's of paramount importance that we find her as soon as possible.” “Who is Scott Delaney?” Batt asked. “We believe he may be involved with the disappearances of three women in England,” the detective explained, “Rachel may be in grave danger.” “Oh no,” Batt muttered, his face turning ashen. “We've just searched the hotel and we couldn't find her.” “Did you search outside?” Detective Delaney asked. “No, not yet,” Batt said. The detective quickly made his way towards the garden doors. Batt was close behind him.


Scott took Rachel's arm as they walked further along the garden path. “I don't understand why you're not willing to give me a chance,” he said. “We seemed to really click that night we spent together.” “Oh for heavens' sake, Scott, it was a drunken kiss, nothing more,” Rachel cried in exasperation, “I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but there is no future for us together. I'm still in love with my boyfriend. I never loved you, that kiss meant nothing to me.” Scott stared at her, his expression changing from incredulity at her words to rage. His eyes flashed furiously. “How dare you speak to me like that,” he hissed at her. “You used me, just like the others. Women like you need to be taught a lesson. You can't just kiss someone and tell them it meant nothing.”


Ow, Scott, you're hurting me,” Rachel tried to wriggle out of his grasp. He was squeezing her arm painfully tight now. She glanced around to see if there was anyone nearby. They were on their own, and he was dragging her towards the woods that surrounded the edge of the garden. “Please, Scott, let me go,” she begged. “I'm sorry I hurt you, honestly.” “Sorry isn't good enough,” he said flatly, dragging her now. Rachel was scared. Scott was looking at her like he hated her. Oh please God, she said silently, help me. She tried kicking him but all she managed to do was send her shoe flying. She punched him, but he squeezed her arm tighter. “Help me, somebody help me!” she began to scream. “Shut up!” he shouted at her. “I'm warning you.”


Rachel!” she suddenly heard a familiar voice shout her name. She swung around and saw Batt running towards her across the garden. A tall, lean man who was just ahead of Batt, running at full speed towards them. Scott pushed her and she fell to the ground. The next thing she knew she was in Batt's arms. He pulled her up from the grass and wrapped her in his arms. “Rachel, sweetheart, are you ok? Did he hurt you?” he asked frantically, pushing her hair out of her eyes. “I'm ok, just shaken up,” she said, trembling.


What's Scott doing here?” Batt asked. “I honestly don't know, she said, “I came outside for a cigarette and next thing I knew he was beside me, saying he'd come all the way from England to see me and try to make things work between us. I told him he was being ridiculous because I was still in love with you.” “I love you too, darling,” Batt said, holding her close, “I'm so sorry for everything.” “It's not your fault,” Rachel said. “I should have been more forgiving,” he said. “I knew how much you regretted kissing him and you were honest enough to tell me about it.”

Detective Stanton passed them, with Scott in handcuffs. Several more police officers had appeared and were helping the detective to escort Scott from the premises. Rachel looked at him as he passed them. He gave her a smile that was so evil, she shivered. “You were next,” he said, still grinning at her, “you were next.”


Detective Stanton stayed behind and advised Rachel that he'd need to talk to her and take a statement from her the next day. “I gave that guy a lift to the reception,” Batt said, staring after Scott. “He said he was part of the wedding party but his car had broken down.” “We have reason to believe that he's been in Ireland for a few days,” the detective said. “Why are the police involved?” Rachel asked. “Scott Delaney is wanted for his involvement in the disappearance of three women. We have reason to believe that he may be responsible for their murders.” “Holly mentioned that she heard about those poor women on the news this morning,” Rachel said. “How did you connect him to me?” she asked. “Well, the rash you had on your face is a rash from kissing dead people. You told your doctor about Scott and she was trying to contact you. She couldn't get in touch with you so she called us. We knew he'd gotten the ferry to Ireland but we lost him at the port. Your doctor's call may have saved your life and the lives of countless other women in the future.” “I feel sick,” Rachel shivered. Batt held her close. “It's o
ver now,” the detective said. “Try to enjoy the rest of your weekend and we'll take your statement on Monday.” He patted her arm and walked away.


I feel sick,” Rachel said, leaning against Batt for support. “Those poor women. I can't believe how close I came to being Scott's next victim. He seemed like such a normal guy.” “It's all over now,” Batt soothed her, stroking her hair. “I can't even think about how close I came to losing you. You are so lucky to be alive, my darling.” “I am so lucky to have you,” Rachel said, nestling closer into him. “I love you,” Batt said, looking deep into her eyes. “I love you too,” she replied. “I love you forever.”


About the author



Joanne Clancy is a writer from Cork, Ireland. She is an avid reader, an obsessive writer and a tea fiend.

Joanne is the author of Unforgettable Embrace and Unfaithfully Yours, both of which were in the top thirty most downloaded books in contemporary romance during January 2012.

Joanne’s third book will be published in February 2012.


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: https://twitter.com/JoanneC_2009


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