United States Invaded (3 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

BOOK: United States Invaded
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The studio is silent; Reid hangs his head down. He slowly lifts his head towards the camera that zooms into his eyes that show tear. Of course, they missed the small bottle of eye spray President Reid hid on the podium. When he lowered his head and placed his hands over his eyes, he misted his eyes so when he lifted his head he appeared he was crying over the loss of their founder.

“The cause of our founder’s injuries is none other than the United States of America, and in particular, President Brownstone himself. Shocked? I know I was when I was handed the data clearly showing President Brownstone personally being responsible for the death of our beloved President Obsma. President Brownstone has President Obsma’s blood on his hands. I’m telling you; the President of the USA has blood dripping off of his hands! President Brownstone’s personally appointed cabinet officer encouraged the stealing of the electrical power from the peace loving and hard working people in New York City. By cutting the electrical power off at the stroke of Midnight, President Brownstone is personally responsible for the riots. He’s personally responsible for billions of dollars of damage. He’s responsible for the loss of personal property and of course he’s responsible for the death of our beloved founding President Obsma. Can you imagine what would have happened if the British had arranged to kill George Washington on the eve of July 4
1776 out of spite for wanting a better life for his family? President Obsma only wanted to improve the lives of our people and their children and our children’s children. President Obsma took the long view; he planned for generations.


“President Brownstone did this to us. He murdered our founder and in doing so; he damaged the entire world. He might as well have pulled the trigger and shot our loved President Obsma in the head from point blank range. It would have been more merciful if President Brownstone had done that; instead he made hundreds of thousands suffer, thousands died and of course President Obsma suffered head injuries he never recovered from. President Brownstone caused the deaths of hundreds of our children, the monitor behind me is going to show images from the city, hungry and ill people eating snow since that’s all they had. Peaceful people who only wanted to celebrate New Year’s Eve in New York City. A tradition the nation has celebrated for over one hundred years. Look at the pictures of the children who froze to death. Look at the line of small bodies, these are our dead children. Dead children President Brownstone KILLED! His hands, his arms are covered in the blood of our innocents.  The dead aren’t just LSA citizens; he killed citizens from over twenty different countries. President Brownstone is a mass murderer.


“It took us more than a week to restore electrical power that delayed the search teams looking for the President. By the time we found our founder his brain damage was so great, that no matter the amount of services our national healthcare system provided for our beloved founder, we couldn’t save him. President Brownstone’s cutting the electrical power was an act of war committed against the people of the LSA and an act of war against the world.  This is the first time in history a leader of a country, and might I add, a leader who wasn’t elected by the people he rules, has directly committed murder against another of the world’s leaders. Why did President Brownstone order the power in New York City turned off? He did it because he’s a racist. He couldn’t accept President Obsma as President when our loved founder was the duly elected President of the United States.


“President Brownstone is a military man from a family that can trace their roots back to the war against the Native Americans. The President’s family fought for the South in the American civil war; his family fought to keep blacks enslaved. The President’s family fought in the Pacific in World War 2; they fought against the Asian race. The President himself fought in Gulf war 1 and 2. where he personally fought against Muslims. The history of President Brownstone’s family is clear, his entire family has been fighting against racial and religious freedom. His entire family history is filled with racism. President Brownstone followed his family’s racist roots. He couldn’t accept President Obsma as a world leader no matter what country he was the leader of.


“No, President Brownstone couldn’t accept our leader. He arranged to have him killed while in the middle of a blackout and blizzard. He condemned millions to suffer; he condemned thousands to death all to kill his political enemy purely because of President Obsma’s skin color. He murdered our founder because his skin color was different from President Brownstone’s. I ask the world, is this the man who should be in charge of the world’s largest and most deadly military?”

President Reid pauses to let his words sink in, he takes a sip of water, he hears in his right ear, “Excellent, keep it going, the numbers show you’re convincing people. Your speech is the number one topic being tweeted; you’re breaking every record.”

Reid smiles to himself.




President Brownstone turns to address his press secretary, “I see his changed his speech a little, he’s really pouring gasoline on a roaring fire. I wonder what else he’s going to accuse me of. If he keeps going, he’ll claim I was responsible for crucifying Jesus.  He’s starting up again.”


“I’m calling on President Brownstone to turn himself into the World Court to face justice for the crime of murder. I’m calling on all of the peace-loving people of the world to boycott the United States of America until they bring the murderer, President Brownstone, to justice at the World Court. The USA may decide to put President Brownstone on trial in one of their own courts, I say this isn’t acceptable. Who can even understand most of the USA’s laws, imagine laws that are thousands of pages long. I say he has to answer for his crime to the world. He murdered citizens of the world; he should answer to the world for his crimes. He has to be tried in front of a world jury at the World Court.”


“I’m calling on the international banking system to stop trading with and stop using the USA dollar until President Brownstone is brought to justice. I’m asking the world’s strongest military powers to assist us since we; the peace loving people of the LSA don’t have a military. We never planned on fighting anyone, we would never invade anyone, and as such we never thought we would need a military, our police and homeland security agents are enough to protect our citizens. I’m asking the LSA’s good friend, President Puten for military aid and protection from the mass murderer in the White House.”




“Steve, freeze their assets, freeze everything that once belonged to the governments Puten has taken over. John, put us at Defcon 3, I repeat; defense condition Round House now exists. Tell Admiral Zander to flush everything he can, tell General Alexander of the Air Force to flush all of our bombers, tell him to return to flying 25% of our strategic bombers to their fail-safe points. I want fighters flying CAP (combat air patrol) over all of our cities and up to 100 miles offshore. Any commercial flight that hasn’t filed and has an approved flight plan is to be turned back.”

The cabinet Secretaries all knew these orders were coming; everything was already in place when the red phone in the Situation Room rings. Everyone in the meeting knew the significance of the red telephone. It was a direct connection between the President and the commanding general of NORAD. Every head turns to look at the ringing phone, with beads of perspiration on their foreheads. President Brownstone is surprised by its ringing; it usually only rings if NORAD has a warning for the President. The other end of the red telephone is held by the CICNORAD (Commander In Chief, North American Air Defense) meaning America is under attack, or there’s some other military crisis. He picks up the handset, “President Brownstone.”

“Mr. President, Admiral Zander. Sir, our sensors have located Russian nuclear attack submarines lying in wait off of Norfolk and Pear Harbor. Our birds have seen the Russians increasing their defense condition to Red Banner 3.”

“Admiral, how far off our coast are they?”

“Sir, most are five miles off shore, one is only one mile away from the main channel from Norfolk.”

“Admiral, sit on each submarine, if the one within our two mile limit doesn’t surface, you have permission to sink her. They moved into position to block our fleet when President Reid was giving his remarks. Thanks to Rash’s warning, we were able to flush out fleet before they got into position.”

“Sir, I’m repeating, if the submarine within our two mile limit doesn’t surface, we are weapons free to sink her.”

“Admiral, you are correct, please keep us posted.”

“Yes sir.”




President Reid is drowned out by a standing ovation. He raises his hands to ask the people attending his speech to sit so he can continue.

“The LSA is one of a small number of modern countries to be formed without a military; we swore we would never embrace weapons of mass destruction.  President Obsma knew how damaging weapons of mass destruction are. When he was America’s President, he announced the destruction of America’s nuclear arsenal, what did President Brownstone do? He issued an executive order overturning President Obsma’s order. He decided to not only keep America’s weapons of mass destruction, but he issued secret contracts to develop new and more deadly weapons. The only reason anyone would spend money they don’t have to develop a new generation of these horrible weapons is they planned on using them! Yes, I accuse President Brownstone of preparing for world domination through the use of nuclear weapons.”

The applause and cheers cause President Reid to pause before continuing.

“Please let me continue. I stand in front of the world today asking a very simple question, do you feel safe with the keys to the world’s largest nuclear arsenal in the hands of a mass murderer? Do you feel safe going to bed tonight knowing a man who so easily killed our founder is developing and deploying a new generation of nuclear weapons? Our intelligence people have hinted to us that Brownstone is developing real science fiction weapons in addition to increasing his nuclear arsenal, rail guns, and lasers. A murderer will have nuclear weapons in addition to SciFi weapons. Is he going to develop a “Death-Star” next? The only reason for him developing these types of weapons is he wants to dominate and rule the world. Is President Brownstone a political? No, he’s a military man. A US Marine, the most bloodthirsty of all of America’s military. I say to the world; President Brownstone must be stopped; he must pay for his crimes, crimes, not just against the people of the LSA, he has committed war crimes against the peace-loving people of the world. Do we want to bow down to Emperor of the World Brownstone? If he succeeds in building these new weapons which will be able to stand up to him? He can easily crush us with one of his fingers. Think about the man, a bloodthirsty mass murderer with his finger on the button able to destroy the world.”

Screams of BOO BOO fill the press room in the Gray House

“Join us, I ask the world to join us in bringing the criminal Rodney Brownstone to justice. The LSA is hereby placing a reward of $50 million dollars for the capture of President Brownstone. Ladies and Gentlemen, I don’t want to take any more of your time tonight, I ask for the world’s support. I ask the peace loving people of the USA to rise up and overthrow your non-elected President, rise up and join your brothers and sisters in peace, join us in the LSA where we care about your children’s, children’s future. Goodnight.”




The Situation Room in the White House is deadly quiet. President Brownstone stands, “Much worse than we expected. I wish we had had the full recording in advance. Rash, I’m not criticizing, we’re all very thankful to you for getting us what you were able to. You gave us a head start. Without your friend, we’d have been caught off guard and unprepared. Steve, were you successful in getting our assets moved before Puten could freeze them? What about our largest international companies?”

“Mr. President, I agree, Rash for one I want to thank you. You gave us enough time to ensure we survive. We were able to slide our assets out of Russia right out under Puten’s nose. By the time he gave the order to freeze our assets, they were already gone. The majority of our largest international companies all thanked us and moved their funds. Mr. President, since we returned to the gold standard and were the only country that has, in many locations our dollar is worth more than a dollar. As such, I doubt the world is going to move away from our dollar. Reid can talk all he wants; the LSA is the one with a sinking economy, ours is growing stronger every day. Our unemployment rate is down while we’re counting the real number of unemployed, not just those collecting unemployment benefits. Our inflation rate has sunk while the LSA’s has increased. We’ll be free from importing oil within our 18-month goal.”

“Mr. President, Secretaries, speaking for the military, we were able to flush most of our navy before the Russian submarines moved into position, we caught them with their pants down. We found one Russian Oscar class submarine inside our two mile limit. We blasted it with active sonar; we dropped fifteen active sonar buoys over the Oscar’s position. We used the underwater communications to tell the Oscar to surface, or we’d destroy her. Her captain decided to surface because she couldn’t escape. There were so many buoys around the Oscar; she hit many of them when she surfaced.  When she was on the surface, we dropped blue paint on her, marking her as ours, we ’owned’ her. That’s one Russian submarine captain who’ll be counting trees for the rest of his life.

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