Universe Hunters: Taken (3 page)

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Authors: C.L. Scholey

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Universe Hunters: Taken
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“You are that desperate for loose flesh you would wear food?” Blazar asked. “Your rituals are strange.”

An odd noise began to emanate from all around the room and ship; perhaps an alarm of impending doom, and Cali looked at Blazar feeling concerned. The ship’s engines powered down.

“It would appear we’ve reached our destination.” Blazar smiled. “It’s time to hunt.”

“You’re leaving me alone on your ship?” Cali asked.

Blazar looked a bit uncomfortable. “Yes. For now. It shouldn’t take long. I’m sorry, but I can’t risk you wandering again. This planet’s atmosphere resembles Earth, but there are no humanoids. Deimos and I must take our natural form before exiting the vessel. It would be too dangerous for you to accompany us.”

Cali was certain she didn’t like the sound of that. “What are you going to do with me?”

“We have a holding cell,” Deimos said. “You will be thafe, I mean safe.”

Cali began backing away. Now she realized what the other rooms were, cells. These aliens
take captives. She turned to run. It was too late. In one swift action, Deimos had her over his broad shoulder. There was no sense in struggling, Cali could feel his muscles rippling as he moved.

Damn, his ass even looks good from this angle.
For a second, she felt like giggling hysterically.
Well, at least his ‘asses’ do.


The holding cell Cali had been plopped into was approximately eight feet wide, eight feet long, and eight feet high. A box structure made of some highly polished silver substance, similar to steel. The walls and ceiling were smooth, the wide door appeared to be glass, but Cali guessed it was much stronger. Blazar informed her the security force field was turned off; she would be safe, if captive. She couldn’t hurt herself if she touched the walls or door; she just couldn’t escape.

So much for being kept—kept in a box. Not a captive, my ass!

There was a silver oblong bottle on the wall that hung down with a spout. Blazar said it held a liquid similar to Earth’s water. There were on occasion, times the hunters brought specimens to their home planet for scientists to study.

Cali examined the spout. She took the small tube into her mouth and sucked. A clear liquid slipped down the clear tube and filled her cheeks. She swished it around her mouth for a moment before determining it was palatable. She scowled suddenly after having a thought.

I’m a God dammed gerbil.


It had to have been hours since she was placed in the cell. If the aliens had no concept of time, Cali worried they might be gone months; she would be dead long before then. The water bottle seemed to fill from another tube, but there was no food. Cali had no idea if she was still in space or on a planet. Her back slid down a wall and she wrapped her arms around her legs, resting her chin upon a knee. She began to sing a silly tune just to hear her voice. Shortly after Cali heard a noise coming from outside her cell. She scrambled to her feet and raced to press her face against the glass.

Thank God they’re back.
“Blazar? Deimos?”

A low growl built in tempo and Cali’s hair stood on end. Her nose crinkled in disgust at the distasteful smell of wet dog. Goose bumps dotted her skin. Cali stumbled back into a corner, her arm stretched across her breasts while her other hand lowered to cover her mound. She pressed her ass against a wall.

The creature that stalked into view was repulsive. It stood on two hairy legs with two fur-covered arms and clawed feet. The dark chest resembled that of a gorilla. Scruffy fur covered its freakishly long neck. Not exactly humanoid, the wolf creature had sharp, white foot-long fangs hanging from its huge extended muzzle. Pointed furry ears twitched in her direction. To Cali, it looked as though the creature had come from hell.

Cali noted its already massive dark black cock, which began to grow as it sniffed at her. Its lips curled in a grin or growl, Cali wasn’t certain. A long fuzzy finger rose to point at her.

“You. A compatible female, at last.”

The beast growled the words but Cali understood.

Deimos and Blazar had changed back to lights before leaving her alone. The confined space was protected, and she would remain unharmed. Deimos told her while protected in the cell she would be able to understand any type of language, a universal translator for universe hunters was essential when transporting captive specimen. She gazed open-mouthed at their true forms; they were stunning. She was looking into Heaven’s embrace. She was surprised to understand when they told her they would return shortly. She was not to fear.

Cali now stood with her back pressed tight to the wall while the beast’s gaze devoured her.

“I will release you female and you will join me as a mate.” A growling hiss followed each expelled word.

Not bloody likely, you ugly fucker.
She wisely kept her thoughts to herself. The beast was at least seven and a half feet tall. Its body mass had to exceed six hundred pounds. It would dwarf the large cell. Its cock was hard and straight, thick and long. It grew larger before her eyes. The beast bobbed and weaved as though searching for an entry into her cell. Massive paw-like hands with long fingers pushed experimentally on the glass. Cali heard a gruff
. It wasn’t just some dumb beast, it could think. Cali was beginning to wish Blazar had kept the force field on.

“Do not fear my strength. Stay where you are, and I will free you.”

Cali hoped not.

The beast leaped at the glass wall. At the last second, it spun in the air and Cali could see why. The back of the beast was bald, the raised leather black armor covering resembling an armadillo curled to protect itself and smashed into the glass. The door to her confines bent inward but didn’t shatter. Enraged, the beast threw back his head and howled in frustration beating at his chest with his fists. A long thick purplish tongue lolled from the side of his mouth. Cali covered her mouth as she screamed. Again, he raced forward, spun, curled in the air, and slammed himself at the glass; it began to buckle and Cali whimpered.

The next blow would send it crashing down. The beast’s power was nothing short of phenomenal. She was right, the beast took a few steps back and ran at the door, it threw everything it had and the glass broke free of the wall when his back struck with the force of a wrecking ball. Using its two massive paw-like hands the beast yanked the door free and gazed at his prize.

Cali couldn’t breathe. There would be no fighting this thing. Muscles bulged everywhere. Drool slid down his furry throat to soak his neck. Wide shoulders tapered to a broad chest, slimming only a miniscule amount before thunderous hips fit for his king cock turned into rock thighs.

“What species are you?” the creature asked. Fetid breath bathed her face and she gagged.
Raw sewage is perfume compared to this.
His tone brooked no resistance. Cali was mesmerized by his sharp claws. When he spoke, she saw a mouthful of pointed teeth. Its black nose was shiny and wet.

“Hu…human. I’m, I’m human.” Try as she might she couldn’t control her stutter.

“Can humans carry multiple births? Do not lie to me; I can smell a lie. I would be angry and punish you.”

“Yes,” she whispered, not knowing what else to say. How could she explain the complexity of ovaries and eggs?

The creature grinned. “A litter of three will do nicely to begin with, human. You are small and three will do. After all, once they are weaned we will start again. I wish at least fifteen offspring.”

Holy hell.

“Um, two is a nice number,” she said, her voice a squeak. What was she saying?

The beast moved closer, its huge muzzle inhaled her scent. When the creature lifted a hand Cali couldn’t help it, she cowered back afraid he would strike. Soft furry fingers trailed down her cheek.

“So smooth, I will be the envy of the others.”


Once they left the confined cell, Cali knew she would no longer be able to understand the creature. What if that pissed him off? While she was thinking that, his massive cock found its way closer to her legs, pointed downward with its length. Cali shoved at his chest not wanting his cock or him any closer.

“Be still, human. I would never take my mate in such a dangerous place. When we join, we will be surrounded by many others who will keep watch for our safety. You are lucky I caught your scent in the wind. I have been tracking you. A great evil walks my world killing my species. Do not fear, I will keep you close. I will not allow what has captured you to harm you.”

Cali knew he meant the Gars, the incautious bugs. The way the beast was acting, she also surmised he wasn’t about to pin her down and have his way with her, at least not yet. A group of admirers watching her have sex had absolutely no appeal. She was no exhibitionist.

For heaven’s sake, I hid behind a tree to scratch my poison ivy ass.

“You need to understand,” Cali said desperately. “I’m not a prisoner, well not really. I know how this looks.” She raced on when he narrowed his eyes onto her. He curled his lips into a terrifying display of fangs. “I was injured by two aliens on Earth. They hunt the creature you are talking about. They came here to kill it. But they didn’t know what to do with me so they stuck me in here. They will take me home after they are done hunting in this galaxy. I can’t stay here. Once I leave this cell I won’t be able to understand you, there is a translator helping us communicate. I may never understand you once we leave this cell.”

The creature relaxed. “It doesn’t matter. There are ways a male can communicate with his female. Like touch.” The beast gently rubbed his hand across her shoulder. “I am not here to hurt you. I am Crone. You will be safe with me. I will care for you. I will make you happy. Please don’t be afraid.”

Black eyes gazed down at her. He looked like a lost puppy and for a second, Cali felt bad for him. She felt worse for herself, bombarded with images of that over-a-foot long cock trying to make its way inside of her while being gawked at by hideous creatures such as Crone.

Happen, not gonna.

“Crone,” she began, her tone desperate.

“You will always understand when I want you. Listen to my tone.”

Crone made a growl deep within his throat. It was desire, want, and strangely enough a safe loving sound. He pulled Cali to his chest so she could feel the rumbling noise beneath his breastbone. Her boobs flattened to his gorilla chest and Cali thought her heart would stop.

“Back away.” Cali heard the shouted command.

Peeking around Crone, she could see Blazar and Deimos. They looked angry. Cali felt a strong sense of relief wash over her. Finally, the cavalry.

“This is my female now,” Crone bellowed.

“The female belongs to no one,” Blazar explained. “She is being returned to Earth.”

“Our females are almost gone,” Crone yelled. His words were a snapping growl and grunts.

“The threat to your planet has been eliminated,” Blazar patiently explained. “You will lose no more of your people.”

Crone howled. He clutched Cali harder to his chest in a desperate way; her bones felt crushed, and she cried out in pain. Deimos scowled and moved like lightning. Cali had never seen anything like it. A man of Deimos’ size should have been no match for the massive beast and yet with less than three blows the beast was curled on the ground. Snarling, Deimos yanked Cali into his arms and strode from the cell, leaving Blazar to deal with their uninvited guest.

Cali remained wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Deimos plopped her onto the healing table, but Cali scooted off. He handled her as though she weighed no more than a toddler. The two stood almost eye to eye. Cali was an inch taller, but with his physique she felt tiny. For some reason she suddenly felt very small and weak. She could sense raw power and wondered at it. Blazar strode in looking none too happy.

“We are airborne,” he said. “The beast is gone. Deimos, you shouldn’t have hurt it. It wouldn’t have injured Cali.”

“It was scaring Cali. And its dangly thing was almost twice the size of ours. Are you certain the length is right?”

Cali shook her head. Men and size, it was even a male alien thing. “Crone didn’t hurt me.”

“He wanted to mate with you,” Blazar said. He circled Cali. “This thing you call a cock has a purpose beyond spewing waste, doesn’t it?”

Cali tilted her head defiantly. “My kind and obviously Crone’s kind use their cocks to mate with.”

“How?” Deimos asked.

Cali sighed. It was honest curiosity nothing more. “A man and woman, or male and female join. A male puts his male part, his cock into a female.”

“Why?” Blazar asked.

Exasperated Cali threw her arms in the air. “To show they love each other, to produce offspring, it can be a pleasurable act.”

“Would you like us to return you to Crone so we can see this pleasurable act?” Blazar asked.

“Hell no.”

“Oh.” Both men looked confused.

“I’m starving and I need to sleep,” Cali said.

“You would like to wear more food?” Deimos asked.

“No I want to eat food,” she whined.

The men looked at each other, shrugged and left only to return with the sticky white substance.

“We do not require sustenance but enjoy this on occasion. We keep it handy for our captives. It never spoils and stores well.”

Blazar demonstrated by holding the substance up, he worked it in his hands and opening his mouth the cottony mass slid past his lips and up his nose. He worked more of the substance between his hands until it was a soft mass with traces of powder and handed some to Cali. With a smile he encouraged her to try. Tentatively Cali put some in her mouth. Some slipped up her nose making her sneeze.

“I’m guessing this is what a cobweb tastes like,” she grouched and spat it out.

Exhausted, Cali climbed onto the table curled up on her side. It was cold and uncomfortable. She felt miserable. Blazar and Deimos came closer; she wished they would leave her alone.

“It’s all right, Cali. Don’t be afraid. I have discovered a way to moderate our light. We didn’t regenerate so that we may stay close to you.” Blazar’s words were gentle and she was curious but remained quiet. “Let us search for what you need.”

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