Unknown (3 page)

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Authors: Christina Quinn

Tags: #Vampire, #Paranormal Romance, #Erotic Paranormal Romance, #Vampire Ballet, #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: Unknown
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“Speaking of Aleksi, I’m inviting the Vampires to the party.”

“Isn’t that… dangerous?” Kendra shrugged at my question.



The night of Kendra’s party I spent most of the evening in my apartment. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go. Garrett would be there, it was a given, he had a gift for just showing up. On top of the Garrett problem was my reaction and attraction to Aleksi.

It was midnight by the time I decided to stop by the party, and one thirty by the time I left my apartment. I had a problem with perfection. I always wanted to look as perfect as possible. Which meant perfect hair, nails, and clothes. It was an unhealthy obsession, on some level I knew I did it to compete with my friends. They were ballerinas and I was on the road to becoming a college professor. They were perfectly petite with physiques like fashion models, and I was just short. Whereas I was fit, I wasn’t as tiny as they were. I bounced between a three and five while they were both a one to the famed size zero. Next to them and the whole company, I felt like the fat friend. That was what I saw when I stood in front of the mirror, even as I adjusted the lace on the Victorian choker at my throat and straightened the cameo. The dress I wore was simple, and more importantly warm; winter in Oregon could be brutal. The dress looked like an oversized gray off the shoulder sweater that hugged my body. The gray knit fabric stopped tastefully above the knee. For shoes, I went with a blood red pair of stilettos with a black lace overlay and a clutch that matched.

I continued to stare my face in the mirror. I was pretty. My eyes were hazel, wide, and almond shaped. My lips— full and pouty. All of these features were set in a heart-shaped face. I had long, sable hair that when wet reached the small of my back. After curling it was slightly longer than my elbows. My skin was that dark olive that so many spent hours tanning to achieve. The end result was somewhat sultry and exotic. After eyeliner and bright cherry red lipstick, I was a knockout—or at least that’s what people told me.


The doors to both Kendra and Leslie’s apartments were open and music softly drifted between the two. People stood in the hallway. Some faces I recognized, some I didn’t. Mostly it was Kendra and Leslie’s Company, but I noted a few surreally pale faces seated amongst the others. It seemed a little obscene, but everyone knew Vampires flocked to the arts since the beginning of time. I moved through Leslie’s apartment, a few of the dancers nodded at me and the vampires just stared…hungrily. Neither of my friends were in there, but neither was Garrett or Aleksi. I was half tempted to just leave
. Leaving now would be impolite.
I made my way to Kendra’s much larger apartment. Hers was the two bedroom on the floor, the extra bedroom had once been Garrett’s long ago.

Kendra’s apartment was immaculately decorated, as always. The furniture and electronics were all almost excessively expensive. Everything looked shiny, new and modern. Making my way through the people there I felt like I was moving through Disney’s Tomorrowland. Scanning the crowd, I unfortunately, found Garrett before I found Leslie or Kendra. He was kissing one of the male dancers like he was trying to drink the man’s very soul, while Anna sat in his lap. Her skirt was hiked up, her panties were visible to the whole room and his hand was tucked into that lace.
You should have expected this
. I stared for a moment and my heart actually hurt. I relived that moment again, coming in with my acceptance letter, and finding him in our bed sandwiched between one of the male soloists and Anna. Was it Anna?
Yes, and he asked you to join.
It was the day I found out I was accepted into the accelerated program for a Ph.D. in Eighteenth-Century Literature.

Kendra rounded the corner with Aleksi and her face contorted when she saw Garrett, Anna and the other male on her couch. Aleksi’s brilliant blue eyes settled on me. Even as my gaze fell to the floor, I could feel the weight and press of the vampire’s attention. Still, I wanted to attack Garrett. I pretended like it hadn’t played a part in my chosen path of celibacy, but it did.
You can’t attack him, you’re in public.
I set my jaw and let out a shaky breath that seemed dreadfully close to being on the edge of tears.
Congratulate her now and leave.
I fumbled with my clutch.

“What the fuck Garrett!” Kendra yelled, her voice causing the murmur of the room to fall silent.

“I’m sorry, I’m being rude. Would anyone else like to join?” Garrett snickered and Anna and the male beside him joined in. “Autumn?” He purred my name and I snapped my attention back to him.

“Just get out. I didn’t invite you. I don’t want you here,” Kendra continued to shout. Anna stood and pulled down her skirt, covering her panties.

“I came with John and Anna,” He snickered darkly at his own double entendre. “Oh, c’mon Kendra. We all used to be so close.”

“You really should leave,” Aleksi spoke causing my eyes to raise. He was still staring at me and for a moment I wasn’t entirely sure if he was talking to me or Garrett. His gaze left me and keened on Garrett. “I doubt anyone besides those on the couch want you here.”

“Oh, but Autumn does. Can’t you smell it from here? I know you can.”
It’s time to leave.
I blinked at Garrett mortified.

“Congratulations, Kendra. You’ll be spectacular,” the sentiment came out in what was a short string of words which blurred together.

“Autumn, don’t.” She sighed as I turned to leave.

I practically staggered into the hall.
Don’t cry.
I drew a shaky breath and paused at my door.
Don’t cry, you’ll ruin your makeup.
With my keys in hand, I leaned my head against my cool door and shut my eyes for a moment. I was shaking with frustration. With the tremor in my hands I couldn’t have unlocked my door so I didn’t even try.

A shadow appeared on the painted wood, towering over me, covering me in darkness. I turned around to find Aleksi, and my heart leaped into my throat. The nervous fidgeting returned, my hands went to smooth my skirt, the edge of my bangs and then folded in front of me. I gripped my clutch and keys white knuckled. The keys slipped from my hand and he bent and picked them up before I could register the clink of them hitting the tile.

“Here,” he breathed as he slid the key into the lock. My eyes closed for a moment as he moved close and I was greeted with the soft wafting of his scent
. Thank him for opening the door and tell him to leave.
I didn’t. I just stared as he let himself into my apartment and led me with a hand on the small of my back. The click of the door behind me sounded like a bomb going off.
Make him leave.
I swallowed and smoothed my skirt again.

“I…I thought vampires couldn’t enter a home without an invitation,” I managed to warble out as I set my clutch on the counter.

“A home, yes. An apartment… it gets muddy.”

Again, you sound like a moron, Autumn.
“Can I get you a…”
Nice one, genius.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do. I would normally offer you a drink but…” I trailed off. I felt my face grow hot with blush as my heart beat sped up.

“You don’t know what to with a Vampire guest.” His voice was so dark and intimate it made my shoulders break out in gooseflesh. I grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and turned on the faucet. “But part of you wants to offer me that drink.” I swallowed again as I fell into stillness with that very true statement.
Show him out. Thank him and ask him to leave.

After I had filled the cup, I turned the water off and swallowed again turning around. He had taken a seat at the kitchen island.

“No, that’s not true. I just… I don’t want to be a bad host.” I nervously traced my finger over the glass.

“You have such poise, even when flustered.” His voice made me shiver again and I sipped my water slowly. “You strive for control in your life, but not internal control like most. I’ve watched you. You’re eager to do what others tell you, but you struggle when someone leaves you alone. And if you cannot find a rule in your head to follow for a situation—like with Garrett and the offer of the drink—you freeze and look to others around you to take the lead.”

“Y-you’ve been watching me?” His answer to my question was a self-satisfied little smirk. I was both terrified and flattered. Terribly flattered?

“Tomorrow, meet me in rehearsal room B at seven.” His voice was heavy and dark. My toes curled in my heels.


He fell quiet at my question and those amazing eyes darkened. He stood and walked over to me and I turned to face him. His body was inches from mine and I longed to close the space between us. He leaned towards me and I tilted my head to the side expecting a kiss. Instead his hand slid to my neck directing my head to the side, elongating my neck. I could taste my pulse in my throat as felt his breath on my neck. He slid the lace of my choker aside like Garrett had Anna’s panties, but he didn’t bite me. No, he brushed his lips against my pulse, causing my body to quiver almost violently. A small, self-satisfied purr left his lips at my reaction. I offered my throat up to him, standing on my toes, but with every inch I moved forward he moved back. He let his tongue slide over my dancing pulse before he raised back to standing. My knees were rubber, I actually had to put my hand on the counter to support myself.

“Seven,” He purred before turning from me. And then he left without looking back or another word, leaving me to stand weak-kneed and half panting in my kitchen. My mind was ablaze with what might happen at seven. Then a thought crossed my mind that I should have considered before. Can vampires even have sex?






Beep. Beep. Beep. I shut my eyes tight. Beep. Beep. Beep. I groaned and opened an eye
. 5:30 AM, the blue light of my clock illuminated the still, dark room. Another groan left my lips as I slid out of my warm bed and into the cold of my bedroom. I turned my alarm off and picked my tablet up off of my dresser and pulled up my daily workout. Half an hour of Pilates later and I was in the shower.

It wasn’t until I was a little more awake and alone with my thoughts that my mind wandered back to Aleksi. Seven. It sounded like an order, and that tickled something deep inside of me. Just thinking about it made me press my thighs together as the hot water cascaded down my body. I could imagine him kissing down my stomach, dragging his fangs teasingly over my trembling flesh. My hand slid that path I could see in my head and my fingers did the work that I imagined his tongue doing. Shuddering and panting against the ancient tile I whispered his name. I envisioned his hands curling around my bottom, locking my hips in place as he teased me. His tongue exploring me aggressively between nips of those teeth on my all too tender flesh.

A loud moan broke my lips as my body tensed with that white-hot pleasure. I raised en- pointe as my hips pressed forward towards the ceiling and that imagined mouth.
You’re going to slip and die. They’re going to find you dead in the shower with your hands on your snatch.
I pulled my hands away from my body as I panted against the wall. My knees were shaking as my body still hummed. I tapped my fingers against the tile and then there was a loud knock on the door.

“Need a minute,” I yelled. I quickly showered and wrapped my bathrobe around me. The plush terrycloth felt freezing against my heated skin.

Wet footsteps trailed me across the old wood floor from the bathroom to the door. The pounding resumed. I knew that knock very well, it was Kendra. Still, I took a few deep breaths trying to calm my rapidly heaving chest. When my breathing had gone back to normal, I opened the door.

“You’re running late.” Kendra noted as she stepped in.

“I know. Trust me, I’m very aware of this.” I turned from her and ran back to my bedroom.

“I start rehearsal with Aleksi today.” She called from the kitchen. I could hear her turning on the Keurig and spinning my carousel of coffees.
Say something nice. Don’t be jealous.

“Really? That’s great.”

“From what I’ve seen so far, this stuff is pretty racy. It’ll be nice to do something contemporary for a change. It’ll be a challenge, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to have that body of his against mine.” She giggled.
I just bet you are.
I stilled as I pulled on my pinstriped pencil skirt. I actually stayed half bent over for a handful of breaths.

“What about Dmitri?” I inquired standing to zip up my skirt.

“Dmitri…” She trailed off. I pulled my black ribbed turtleneck on while she huffed and sighed trying to come up with words to say. “Dmitri…” She trailed off again. “He doesn’t count. He’s fucking at least three other girls in the Company. And Aleksi is just mind blowing. Have you seen him dance?”

“Yes, I saw him after Swan Lake. I don’t even know how to describe it.”

“I wanted to say sorry about Garrett. I really didn’t invite him. It’s hard to believe he’s the same Garrett I met at my Julliard audition.”

“You don’t need to apologize.” I called before I turned on the blow dryer. The fifteen minutes of white noise was welcome. “Are you going to be late for rehearsal?”

“No, they don’t want me there until ten. So what happened with you and Aleksi last night?” I blinked, pausing as that sentence reached my ears. I then went back to wrapping my hair in the clamshell curlers.

“Nothing really. He came to see if I was alright, and then he… asked me to meet him at seven tonight.”
Asked? More like demanded.

“Oh?” I could practically hear her eyebrows raise in shock. “Like on a date?”

“I don’t know.”

“How can you not know?”

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