Unleashed (17 page)

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Authors: Crystal Jordan

BOOK: Unleashed
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He slipped to the mattress beside them, glad his bed was big enough to hold them all. Silence enveloped the room, and Quill figured they were trying to sort through the huge changes that this night had wrought. Life would never be the same again, no matter where they went from here.
Kienan curled an arm under his head, looking at Gea. His brow furrowed for a long time; then he nodded as if he'd made a decision, smiling.
She lifted an eyebrow. “What?”
“You get into too much trouble left to your own devices.” The wolf's voice was rusty, but the smile stayed in place.
“I can get myself out of trouble, so don't worry about me.” She folded her arms over her chest.
“Too late,” the men retorted together. Never in his life would Quill forget the utter terror of racing through the night, praying he got there in time, hoping she wasn't being tortured or raped or murdered. Or all of the above.
Kienan sighed, and there was contentment in the sound. “I've been thinking a lot about what to do with the rest of my career, and I've figured it out. I think you need a partner. Me, specifically.”
Sounded like a good idea to Quill. He knew Gea was a capable, competent investigator, but he wouldn't mind knowing Kienan was working alongside her. And he'd rather that the wolf-shifter not go back to the covert ops that had put so many shadows in his gaze and scars on his body. It might be selfish, but if Quill was going to be mated, he wanted them with him. He wanted to know where they were, not wonder if they were still alive after weeks of no contact while they were on a job. Private investigation might take them out of town for a day or two, but it was nowhere near as deadly as black ops.
A derisive snort came out of the fox-shifter. “You want fifty percent of my business, just like that?”
“I have enough to buy in, and you know I can do the work.” Kienan reached out with his free hand and ran a fingertip down her arm. “Or I can start my own PI firm if you're really not comfortable with it.”
Her eyes narrowed to slits. “So I either share with you or compete with you?”
“Yes.” He gave that decisive nod again. “This is what I want to do, and I want to do it with you.”
Her lips pressed together, but Quill could see her stubbornness beginning to waver. “Let me think about it. I've been hanging on to my independence so long that . . . this is enough for today.” She waved a hand to indicate the three of them, the commitments they'd just made to each other.
“There's time. We have the rest of our lives.”
She grinned. “Yeah, we do, don't we?”
“Sounds good to me,” Quill said. And it did. The band around his chest tightened, but he'd gotten used to the feeling, the way love gripped him, forced him to feel. It wasn't bad at all. Everything had fallen into place far better than he could have anticipated. Things could still fall apart, but he'd survived before, and he'd survive again. He could only take one day at a time. But for every one of those days, they were his. His for the rest of his life. In bed, out of bed, whenever he wanted them. Just as they could have him. Whenever, wherever. With them at his side, he didn't feel weak. He loved them, they loved him. That was a strength he hadn't even known existed until them. Somehow, with Gea and Kienan, giving up a little control didn't seem like such a bad thing. He couldn't imagine relaxing his iron-fisted grip on any other aspect of his life, but for them?
It was worth it.
Gea stared at the pale face of Constantine Breckenridge as she explained the situation his mate was in. His eyes had gone glassy with pain when she'd related Tam's parting words to him—that she was done with him. A bit of Gea's heart had broken being the one to relay a message that caused the kind of agony that seared into a person's soul. But she'd promised Tam, and Breck paid Gea to be upfront with him.
“I'm sorry we couldn't get her out. The best we could do was get out alive in order to let you know what was going on.”
“I appreciate that.” He didn't look happy, but he didn't look angry either. That was a relief, but there was little she could do about it. What happened had happened.
She was just grateful Quill, Kienan, and she were all right. She hoped for the best for Tam and Breck, but she was selfish enough to be glad she wasn't in their shoes.
“According to one of our contacts, Stefan, Tam, and his one remaining guard boarded a transport to London an hour ago.” According to one of Kienan's many mysterious contacts, in fact. She pushed aside a flash of guilt that she'd seen to her own relationship before she'd seen to her work. Tam was willing to go with Stefan, more or less, and stopping them before they'd left town wouldn't have helped her reclaim whatever Stefan had stolen. “From what I could glean from her, she's on her way to England for a job. He has something he's threatening her with to make her do it for him.”
“Then it appears I have some business to take care of in London.” Breck's chair squeaked as he shifted, downed a glass of amber liquid, and set it on his desk.
Gea hesitated for a moment before she offered, “Do you want help? I have an . . . associate who might be available to assist. He's apprised of the situation.”
The blond man lifted a brow, running the tip of his finger around the rim of his empty snifter. “Is he?”
“Yes, I'm taking him on as a partner. And a mate.” Her heart fluttered at the thought, but her voice was remarkably steady. She'd committed to the relationship, and she was an all-or-nothing kind of woman. So, she was all in.
The man's eyebrow arched higher. “I thought your mate was Quilliam North.”
Figures Breck would have had her background checked out. He was too careful not to. She shrugged. “He is, too.”
“Interesting.” He steepled his fingers and pressed them to his lips. “This other mate, what's his name?”
“Kienan Vaughn. You might know his cousin, Pierce.”
“Indeed.” He grunted. “I'll keep Mr. Vaughn in mind, contact you if I need extra manpower. For the moment, I think I need to take care of this on my own.”
She nodded. “If you're certain.”
“Yes. Thank you for all your work. I'll transfer your commission to your account immediately.”
“Thank you. Good luck.”
His laugh held little humor. “I'll need it. Good-bye, Ms. Crevan.”
The screen went blank and she sighed, shaking her head. What a mess. Stefan wasn't a man she'd cross lightly, and she couldn't even imagine what he'd taken from Tam that she would be so willing to die for. She shivered, glad she was away from him. She could have gotten out on her own, she was sure of that. Stefan wanted Breck warned off, and he was calculating enough to realize Gea was the best person to do it.
But it had felt damn good to have her mates come for her. It had proved to her, once and for all, that they were nothing like her father. And she was stronger than her mother. She didn't
to rely on them—she was capable of taking care of herself. She'd been doing just that for years. Why that hadn't gotten through her head before now, she didn't know. Pure terror.
She drew in a breath, felt old resentments and fears crack and give way. No more letting them rule her life, make her decisions for her. Time to move forward. She and her mates would make mistakes, hurt each other. They already had. But they'd get through it. In their own way, each of them were survivors. Neither of her parents had been. They'd been dependent on others. That wasn't her, and it certainly wasn't Quill or Kienan.
The scents of her mates came to her, and Kienan ran a broad palm down her arm, nuzzled the nape of her neck. “He didn't want help?”
She sighed and leaned back into him. “Not yet.”
“I might not be able to get there in time if I'm not in-country.”
Rolling her head on his shoulder, she tilted her head to meet his beautiful silver eyes. “I know, but we can't force him.”
“True enough.” He brushed his lips over hers, tender and reverent as always. “I have some contacts in England that I can tap if it becomes an emergency.”
“Why am I not surprised?”
Quill chuckled, moving into his office to join them. “Because you're a very smart woman.”
She turned to him, allowed them both to embrace her, and she embraced her very fine fate. Whatever happened, she had them at her side. They'd thrown themselves into danger for her more than once, and she knew they'd do it again without hesitating. How could she walk away from men like them? The bottom line was, only a fool would do so. Only a fool wouldn't love them with all her heart. In a world like theirs, something could always go wrong, she could always end up alone, but while she had the chance at love, she was going to take it. Unlike her mother, she could and would still stand on her own two feet, supporting her mates as much as they supported her. It would be a bond of
—she wouldn't give her whole self up to it. She was who she was; they knew it, and they loved her for it.
“I love you,” Kienan whispered. “Both.”
“I love you, too,” Quill and Gea echoed. She tightened her arms around them, and they held her closer. A grin curved her lips, joy unfurling within her.
What more could she ask for than this?
Not one damn thing.
Reclaiming Temptation
is hands moved down Tam's naked back, his lips brushing a kiss over her shoulder. The sweet touch was in sharp contrast with the way his cock thrust inside her. He sat against the headboard, and she straddled his lap, her hips rising and falling as she rode him.
Deus, she was so wet. So hot. So greedy and needy.
“Tam,” he groaned. “My beloved.”
A pang went through her at those words. Breck would never call her
again. He would never even see her again. This was just a dream. She knew that, but she reached for it anyway, held it close, grateful for any escape from reality. Even if it was an empty, pointless fantasy. She'd take what little she could get.
Her dream lover cupped her hips, pulling her tight to the base of his cock while he ground his pelvis upward. A gasp strangled from her, and she didn't care if it was a fantasy. It felt good. Sex with Breck had always been good. The best of her life. In the privacy of her own mind, she could admit that. Nowhere else.
Pain mingled with her pleasure, but even in dreams, Breck wouldn't be swayed. He wanted her attention. All of it. All of her. His mouth opened over the sensitive tendon that connected shoulder to neck, and he bit down. A shudder went through her and her hips arched, forcing him deep inside of her. The stretch was divine, and her sex spasmed. Tingles broke down her skin in a wave of sensation that bordered on perfection.
Grasping the edge of the headboard behind his wide shoulders, she used it for leverage to pump herself on his cock, faster and faster. More. She wanted to come. Her breathing was little more than gasps of air, but it drew his scent to her. Masculine musk mixed with expensive cologne. Pure Breck. She drew in a deep drag of that smell, like a blisshead taking a hit. She loved that aroma.
He rocked his pelvis upward, meeting each of her movements. She ground her clit down on him, felt the rasp of the hair at his groin against her sensitive flesh. His fingers bit into her hips, and she watched his jaw flex, knew he fought an orgasm. She purred, loving that she could push him as much as he could return the favor.
“You're so beautiful, beloved.” His eyes were so blue she could drown in them. “I love you.”
Boom. She exploded, her body seizing as she catapulted over the edge into ecstasy. Her sex clenched around his thrusting cock, and she threw back her head, arching into him. He drew her nipple into his mouth, biting down on the tight tip. Mouth falling open in a silent scream, she felt another wave of climax wash over her, and her pussy milked his cock. His body went rigid; then she felt his seed pump into her, filling her. The moment stretched on, so lovely and perfect that she wished it would never end.
But it always did. Nothing this good could ever be real, or hers to keep.
Tam startled awake, jerking upright in her seat. Sucking in a breath, she tried to calm her rabbiting heartbeat. Just a dream. Nothing more. Reality returned with a hard crash. Pushing locks of hair out of her face, she glanced around. It appeared they'd just arrived in London.
“Have a nice catnap, Felicia?” Stefan's silky voice all but purred. His hand closed over her shoulder, the gesture affectionate to anyone who looked.
Affection, hell. She clenched her jaw, fighting the urge to shrug away from his touch. He would only tighten his grip to the point of excruciating pain, enjoying the twisted little mind games he could play. He had her right where he wanted her and he knew it. Anything he asked, she would do. Everyone had their weakness, and he'd found hers.
Damn it. Damn
Arching an eyebrow at him, she smiled. “Yes, it was a lovely bit of rest. Shall we?”
When she rose, he had no choice but to release her or let the others on the transport know he was an abusive bastard. His bodyguard-cum-assassin Leland pushed into the aisle in front of her, making sure she couldn't run once she got off the transport. As if she would. If she'd wanted to escape, she would have done it by now. The trouble was, until she got back what he'd stolen, she couldn't leave. She just had to bide her time.
Stepping out into the open air, she dragged in a breath of London. Home. Or the place she'd been born and raised until she was ten. When she'd started down the road to perdition she was now on. Sighing, she followed along behind Leland, swallowing her gorge when Stefan brushed too close and his overly sweet scent filled her nose.
It took little time to get to the luxurious flat Stefan kept in town. The Royale was an interesting establishment that allowed exclusive clientele to stay short-term as hotel guests or buy the suites outright as condominiums with a concierge service always on staff. This place was one of Stefan's many properties scattered across the globe. Always good to have somewhere to hide if one needed to hole up and lie low for a while. She pushed back the curtains in the main space, watching the stream of people flood by on the walkways below. All scurrying about on their way to work, to school, to pick up their children, or meet with a lover. So normal. So far away from anything she'd ever experienced. That was the life she'd always wanted for Sophie. Normalcy. And Stefan was trying to ruin that for her.
He stood behind her, watching her. Assessing, as he always did. Looking for how to get the upper hand. He'd taught her that trick long ago. She didn't bother turning to face him when she spoke. “When will I see Sophie?”
“Soon, Felicia. Soon.” The platitude in his voice made her hackles rise.
She glanced back, keeping her expression neutral. She arched an eyebrow. “Now, Stefan. Or I'm going to become a great deal less cooperative.”
His eyes narrowed. “You have no room to threaten me.”
“Your power over me extends only so long as I know she's alive and unharmed. If you want me to do what you want, when you want, I suggest you provide some proof of life. And I don't mean a holopic or a vid. We both know those can be forged.” She turned back to the window, though now she looked at his reflection rather than the people outside. “I want to see her, speak to her,
Hug her. Sweet Deus, she wanted to hold that child in her arms so badly, she burned with the need.
She brushed her hands down her hips, smoothing her skirt. “I'm not going even one more step until that happens.”
Rage tightened his face, the expression clear even in the wavy image on the glass. He wanted to hit her, hurt her, and she watched him wrestle with himself for control. Whatever he wanted her to do required skills only she had, which meant he needed her. And he knew there was only so far he could push anyone before the game spun out of his control. His nostrils flared. “Fine.”
Two days later, she walked along the Thames, observing a member of the House of Lords who happened to be out for an evening stroll with his latest mistress. For reasons yet unknown to her, Stefan wanted her to get to know Lord Abernathy. Thus far, he was deadly boring, with a deep affection for German synthbrew and English thoroughbreds. He was attending the races at Ascot that weekend and a polo match at the end of the month. His mistress had tried several times to divert his monologue with sexual advances and, thus far, she'd been entirely unsuccessful. Tam had a feeling if the other woman had been a horse, she'd have had more luck getting him excited.
Deus, what was she doing here? How was she supposed to formulate a plan for doing whatever it was Stefan wanted if she had no idea what his endgame was? His
endgame, besides making sure she wound up dead or behind bars for the rest of her life? She gritted her teeth and willed her fangs not to slide down. Relief flooded her when Abernathy finally got the message from his mistress and they went upstairs to the flat he rented for her.
Tam had already been inside the flat, searched the place and found nothing she wouldn't expect in a kept woman's flat. The only interesting thing was that it appeared the mistress was also sleeping with Abernathy's wife. She wondered if His Lordship knew.
But now what? She could go back to the Royale and watch Sophie sleep, her little face so peaceful and innocent. Tam's heart squeezed at the thought. It was so good to have the girl near. But it also made it easier for Stefan to manipulate Tam. She knew that, and so she resisted returning.
Sighing, she leaned up against the railing that overlooked the river. The water rushed by, inky black in the night. The sound should have been soothing, but it wasn't. Wind rushed at her face, sweeping her hair back. She dropped her head forward, and not for the first time wondered what she was doing, and how she was ever going to find a way out of this mess. No matter what, Sophie had to get out of this alive. Tam would take the risk with her own fate.
“Hello, Tam.”
The words were smooth and so cold they froze her in place. Her head came up and she cast a wary glance over her shoulder. Deus, no. It couldn't be him. It just couldn't be. How had he found her?
“You're wondering how I tracked you down.”
She remained silent, refused to turn and face him. Instead, she watched the river, the ripples of water. Her mind scrambled, her body tensing. She shot a glance to her right, away from him. She could be gone before he could ever catch her. She was a cheetah-shifter, faster than any other animal out there.
“Don't. Don't run from me. Not again.” The ice in his voice cracked, just for a moment, and she heard the pain.
Pain she knew only too well. She'd felt it every moment since the last time she was in his arms. She swallowed, her hands biting into the railing as she gripped tight. “Why are you here, Breck?”
“Because I can't be anywhere else.”
She shook her head, a pang shooting through her. “Please leave me alone.”
“I can't do that.” The words were quiet, almost lost in the wind.

Why won't you just walk away?” The metal dug into her flesh, and frustration flashed through her. “I told Gea to tell you I was done—”
“Done with me, I know.” His tone dropped from chilly to subarctic. “She relayed the message, just the way she said she would. I paid her well to find any information about your whereabouts. She's good at her job, clearly.”
“Clearly.” Tam pried her hands free of the railing, pivoting to face him and look into those deep blue eyes. Her heart clenched. Deus, but she had fallen hard for him. He'd been the worst mistake of her entire career. “If you got the message, then why are you here?”
“I told you—I can't be anywhere else.” His hand lifted and he caught her chin. His gaze searched her face. For what, she didn't know, but she kept her expression carefully blank. This man had already played her as much as she'd hoped to play him. She almost smiled. Breck and then Stefan. She was slipping.
“You can't be here either.” She didn't bother wrestling with him to get away. Speed was her forte, not brute strength. He could overpower her easily if he wanted to. “If you're near me, you'll get hurt. I'll get hurt.”
Sophie would get hurt, and that was the worst prospect of all. She loved that child more than anything in the world. She'd sworn to protect her, sworn to herself that Sophie would have a better life than she'd had—safe, secure, never worrying where the next meal would come from or whom she'd have to con just to get by.
“Stefan will hurt us both, is that it?”
She tilted her head. “That's what he does best, so it's a safe assumption.”
“And he has you working on something for him.” His gaze drifted to the building Abernathy had just entered. “Gea said he's stolen something from you, and you're working with him until you can find a way to get it back.”
“More or less, yes.”
“What's worth that much to you, Tam?” He shook his head, brushing his thumb along her jaw. “No . . . object or amount of money is worth this game you're playing.”
Of course he'd think that of her. All a person like her could care about was money, possessions. Because she was so beneath his contempt, wasn't she? She sighed. Perhaps she
beneath his contempt, thief and con artist that she was. But she knew what love was, knew what her priorities were. She wanted the people she cared about to be safe, and Deus help her, that included the stubborn male in front of her.
She straightened her shoulders and met his gaze squarely. “I've said it before and I'll say it again. I want you gone from my life. I never want to see you again. I'm done with you, Breck.”
Pain flashed through his gaze a moment before temper took over, and anger tightened his features. The eagle's feathers were more than a little ruffled. “That's too bad, because I'm
done with you.”
His grip tightened on her jaw, his fingers biting into her flesh. He slammed his mouth down over hers. The kiss was an act of possession and dominance, but that didn't stop her body from reacting. He shoved his tongue into her mouth, filled her, forced her to taste him. She kept back the moan that wanted to escape but couldn't prevent the way her body bowed toward his, pressing to the hard planes of his muscular form. Her eyes fluttered closed.

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