Unmasked (Revealed #1) (22 page)

Read Unmasked (Revealed #1) Online

Authors: Alice Raine

BOOK: Unmasked (Revealed #1)
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‘Easy girl, I’m really close. Making you come has got me incredibly turned on.’ Yes, I could feel that. He was hard as steel in my hands, and twitching and jerking so frantically it was almost jumping in time to the pounding heartbeat I could feel in his chest.

Applying just the slightest pressure on his shoulder with my free hand, I managed to create enough space between our bodies to allow me to slither down the wall until I was crouched at his feet.

Looking up, I saw Sean eyeing me, his wet hair falling over his brow as his interest quickly turned to a look of lusty desire, leaving his lips parted in anticipation. Palming his cock in a better grip I saw a drip of excitement already on the tip and immediately leant forward to lick it away, cupping his sack with my other hand. He let out an almost pained growl and sank one hand into my hair, gripping at the soaking strands in desperation. He hadn’t been kidding when he’d said he was close; his balls were already drawn up tight to his body and I could feel the tension buzzing in the muscles of his thighs and stomach.

Gazing up at him, I licked my lips provocatively. ‘Don’t pull out, not until you’re completely finished. Understand?’ Whoa! Where did that come from? I was usually so tame. But as crazy as it was, I wanted to taste him, just as he had tasted me. Trying to back up my challenge with a cool, calm look I met Sean’s gaze and saw his eyes nearly bulging from his head in shock.

‘Christ, you’re going to make me come just by talking if you keep saying things like that,’ he gurgled, his voice thick and strained. Smiling shyly, I felt satisfaction bloom within me. Sean was usually the one to shock me with his sexual prowess, so it was nice for me to be the one in charge for a change. Maybe I was discovering a new side to myself. Allie Shaw: sex goddess.

Gripping the base of him, I opened my mouth wide and immediately took as much of his length as I could, sliding him across my tongue until he hit the back of my throat. Well, he was super aroused, so there was no point going for a long build-up – he was way beyond that.

‘Holy fuck!’ he barked, his free hand slamming onto the bathroom wall as he leant over me and began helping me with my rhythm by thrusting into my mouth. The fingers in my hair began to grip tighter, and I knew from his frantic movements that he really was about to go, so I sucked as hard as I could, gripping him tightly with my fist, and put in a final effort to send him over the edge.

With another curse, Sean suddenly pushed my head forwards at the same time as thrusting so I ended up taking him even deeper than before. Just as I thought I might gag on his size, I felt him jerk against my tongue as he began to come in hot, thick bursts into my throat, with a roar loud enough to shake the bathroom mirror leaving his chest.

After several gentler, jerky thrusts he then leant back far enough to slip his length from my mouth and immediately bent to scoop me from the shower floor.

‘Fucking, fuck, Allie, Jesus,’ he breathed hotly into the hair by my ear. ‘I’m sorry, I got carried away. Did I go too deep?’

‘Shaking my head, I smiled reassuringly and licked my lips. ‘No. And just for the record, you taste delicious as well,’ I added cheekily.

Sean’s eyes widened before he shook his head in apparent wonder. ‘You are incredible, woman.’ Carrying me from the bathroom he laid me on the bed and leant to kiss me gently on the mouth before nuzzling his face into my hair. He was murmuring under his breath, words mostly incomprehensible but occasionally sounding like ‘I’m never letting you go.’ Then suddenly he was gone, heading back to the bathroom, before returning with two large towels.

Had he really said that? If he had, then I’m not sure I was supposed to hear it. And surely he couldn’t have meant it, anyway? Lying there while he dried me off, I obediently allowed him his way, even parting my legs when he tapped on my inner thighs to prompt me to splay them for him. My complicity earned me a huge grin, and I noticed that as a reward he was extra gentle as he padded away the moisture from the over-sensitised flesh.

Once again, he insisted on drying my bum for me, even adding a weird little tickle, which made me yelp and slap at his hand and instantly caused him to smirk. Dirty bugger. I still found the whole washing and drying thing a bit weird, but when it made him this happy it seemed easier to just give in and let him have his way. Besides, underneath all of my independent thoughts, I actually rather liked it when he cared for me like this. I probably liked it all a bit too much really, but I’d deal with the aftermath of my feelings later.



Boxing Day morning came and I woke up in Sean’s bed. Letting out a huge yawn, I stretched, immediately realising that my ability to move my limbs meant I wasn’t welded against his body like usual. Rolling over I saw the bed was, in fact, empty, as was the room itself, leaving me alone. Sean had been so insistent that I always be there when he woke up that I’d assumed the deal went both ways, but apparently not. His sudden absence left me feeling a little vulnerable as my overactive mind went into overdrive – was he simply in the gym for his morning run, or had he had his fill of me and decided that it was time to make a break between us?

Chewing on my lower lip, I felt his side of the mattress and found the sheets completely cold, which further fuelled my nerves. Pushing myself upright I decided to check the time, because I knew he always did a run around ten, which could explain his absence. There was no clock that I could see, so I flopped over onto my stomach and reached for my mobile which was on the bedside table.

Ten thirty? God, I never slept in that late. I suppose the almost non-stop sex with Sean must have worn me out more than I first thought. At least the late hour explained his absence from the bed – he’d no doubt got up after becoming bored of waiting for my lazy arse to wake up.

Sliding from the sheets, I pulled back the curtain to bring some light into the room and saw that the morning had broken bright and clear. The sky was blue and I smiled at the beautiful day, before realising that as well as the covering of white that I had become used to, I could once again see the cherry red of my car’s roof, patches of brown gravel, and the vivid green of a holly bush beside the driveway.

Blinking several times as I surveyed the front garden, I noticed that rivulets and drops of water were running off trees and bushes. As obvious as it was, it took me a second to comprehend the sight, but once I did, it settled in my stomach like a lead balloon – the snow was melting.

I was free to go home.

So that was it. Last night had been the last I would spend in bed with Sean. Leaning forwards, I gripped the edge of the dresser to support my weakening legs and drew in several long deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself. No more Sean. The thought almost made me frantic with panic, but what else could I do? Now the weather was clearing he would no doubt be leaving for his film shoot today as originally planned, and I would have to drive away and start the process of mending my breaking heart.

Looking again at the clearing driveway I shook my head. There was no longer any cause or reason for me to stay here, not any realistic reason anyway – a bout of lust for the sexy as sin house owner and some far-fetched dreams of a fairy tale outcome didn’t count.

When I’d initially got trapped here all I’d thought about night and day for those first forty-eight hours had been leaving, but the relief I’d have felt then at being free didn’t emerge at all now. In fact, if anything, I felt quite sick at the thought of leaving Sean.

Sighing heavily, I unclenched my fingers from the edge of the dresser, took three steps backwards, and sank onto the side of the bed. Closing my eyes, I tried my best to be realistic about this – all in all, it had been a pretty incredible few days with Sean. I’d got to spend time with a real life film star, had one of my best ever Christmases, and to top it all off I’d had some amazing, out-of-this-world sex. I needed to roll all of that up into my memory and appreciate what we’d had for what it was: a quick, enjoyable fling.

Blushing, I licked my lips and grinned. If I was being truthful I needed to rephrase that last thought: we’d had a quick, amazing, mind-blowing, best-orgasms-ever fling. My giggles faded with a small sigh. Unfortunately, it didn’t help much that Sean was obviously one of those people who got carried away in the moment and professed all sorts of things he didn’t really mean, which had been nice to hear at the time, but made leaving now even more of a bitter pill to swallow.

Regardless of all the seemingly possessive statements he’d made to me over the last few days, there was no way in the world that someone like Sean – a Hollywood heartthrob – would be interested in more than a quick fling with someone like me, a normal, everyday school teacher. He’d even said as much himself when he’d described how he indulged in short flings every now and then whenever he felt horny.

Rubbing my hands over my face I contemplated what I should do next. My wistful imagination reminded me that I didn’t have to be in school until next week, so technically I could stay with him for a few more days if he wanted me to … but then I shook my head. He would be leaving for work today, even if I didn’t have to. Now the snow was clearing, his flight would no doubt be back on track. I could stay for today, but would I end up being in the way? Surely he’d have packing to do, and various other things to sort out. Chewing on a fingernail I glumly decided that I should leave this morning.

Right now.

The more I thought about it, the more the idea of leaving Sean made me want to curl up in a ball, pull the duvet over my head, and cry. Despite my attempts not to, I’d gone against all my brain’s sensible advice and fallen for him hook, line, and sinker. What an idiot. The searing pain in my chest told me that the feelings I had developed went way beyond lust, but at the moment, when I had to get away with my composure still intact, I couldn’t even begin to process what exactly it was I felt for him. I had a fairly good idea, but the ‘L’ word wasn’t one I could even dare to think about. Besides, was it possible to feel
emotion after just a week with someone?

Wincing, I realised that this could all be about to get
quickly. Continuing the assault on my fingernail I immediately rolled my eyes and dropped my hand back to my lap – that was Cait’s nervous habit and I always used to moan at her for it. Satisfying myself with a long, deep breath, I tried to predict what would happen if I told Sean I was leaving – he would no doubt be all kind and nice about my departure, telling me he’d had a great time, and maybe even trying to console me by swapping phone numbers or suggesting we stay friends.

I, on the other hand, would probably fall to pieces.

Groaning, I leant forward on my knees, trying to calm the sickly feeling swirling in my stomach. I decided that it was cowardly, but the easiest option would be to pack up and sneak out. Could I get away with it? I supposed it would depend where Sean was, but he seemed to start most days with a two-hour training session in the gym, so if I was lucky I could get away before he was finished.

Packing up the minimal number of possessions I had, I then folded the clothes that Sean had loaned me and after debating it for at least ten minutes, caved and wrote him a quick note thanking him for his hospitality and the amazing time we had spent together. I resisted the temptation to leave any contact details – it would be easier if we made a clean break. And besides, if I left my phone number I’d spend the next few months on tenterhooks waiting for a call that would likely never come.

As quietly as I could, I made my way through the house and was amazed when I actually made it to the front door unnoticed. Propping the note on the counter beside the door I placed my hand on the lock to open it and eased it back surprisingly quietly. Unfortunately, my hopes of escaping an awkward goodbye (where I would no doubt get far more emotional than Sean) went up in flames when I heard a sudden loud crash and rushing footsteps.

‘Allie? Wait! You’re leaving?’ Sean called urgently, as he burst from the kitchen doorway and jogged across the large expanse of lounge towards me. I was instantly hit with a bucket load of guilt as I saw the disturbed look on his beautiful face, as he pursed his lips in that quirky habit I’d quickly gotten used to.

Clearly my stealth skills weren’t as good as I’d hoped. Or perhaps I’d secretly been hoping he’d catch me. Who knew? I was in such a state that I was barely maintaining my breathing, let alone deciphering the mass of confusion in my brain.

Shuffling awkwardly on my feet I smiled weakly at him, feeling my chest tighten in a way that told me that I’d definitely fallen harder for this guy than I should have allowed. ‘Yeah … I … uh, well you’ll be flying off to your film shoot tonight and I need to get back …’ Bugger, my voice sounded as lame as my excuse.

Stepping closer to me, well within my personal space as he always did, Sean looked down at me with an unreadable expression on his face, his blue eyes clouding over as he frowned. ‘I can’t believe you were going to leave without telling me,’ he murmured, my stomach dropping as I realised that the expression on his face was a mixture of hurt, confusion, and disappointment.

His reaction confused me; I’d genuinely believed he’d want to get back to his normal life now our snow-enforced tryst had come to an end, but his upset made me feel so ridiculously guilty that I only just held myself back from throwing my limp body into his arms in apology.

Stifling a groan, I thought about just how good having his arms around me would feel. Too good, I thought miserably, and that wouldn’t help either of us in the long run.

‘I didn’t want to … I just thought … it might make things easier if I slipped out.’ I hated my own words, but it was the only way. If I allowed myself to hope that more could come of this I knew I’d only get hurt in the long run. Better to try and stay strong now. But now that he was here, smelling all smoky and spicy and delicious, it was so much more difficult than I’d thought it would be.

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