Unobtainable (44 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Rose

BOOK: Unobtainable
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We sat silent for a few minutes, listening to Clay and Toby fighting over the toss of the coin as EJ leaned his ass against the edge of the pool table and eyeballed the ceiling impatiently.

“Do you have any idea why he’s not pressing charges?” I asked, breaking the hush.

Harley nodded, meeting my eyes with a worried look. “Yeah, I do.” The uneasiness behind his eyes spoke volumes.

“Tell me you didn’t,” I felt my brows slowly knitting together. “You didn’t fucking go to him, did you?”

When he didn’t answer I sat shaking my head, my jaw twisting with anger. Harley’s silence said it all, my head was ringing, I had to move before I did and said something I would regret. I tugged my hand free and jumped up off the couch, I needed to clear my head or partake in some liquid fire, a shot or two would help me to calm down.

“Dyson, please?” Harley begged, as he tried to take back my hand, only to have me yank it away. “I had to do something, baby.”

“Don’t fucking
me!” I yelled, my brother’s heads turning our way. “You went to that fucker while I was rotting in a fucking cell. Very nice! It’s good to know where your loyalty stands.”

“What’s going on?” EJ asked.

“None of your fucking business, that’s what,” I roared, as I stormed behind EJ’s bar and helped myself to a decanter of amber liquid, not sure what it was and not really caring as long as it burned all the way down.

There were mumbled voices all around me, my head was spiraling as I downed the fourth shot and took a deep breath.

“Maybe you
know after all,” I started, filling another glass with whiskey and shooting it back. “Seems my husband went to visit Mr. De Palma last night at the hospital…strange, I had no guests come visit me.”

“Dyson, I did come to see you, they wouldn’t let me in,” Harley pled his case. “I swear the only reason I went to the hospital was because I was scared Bruno would do something stupid.”

“You went to see your ex instead of Dyson, the man you say you love?” Toby asked, eyeing Harley up and down.

“He did do something stupid and paid for it,” I snarled, taking another shot from the near empty decanter, my head was spinning.

“Try and understand,” Harley implored, taking the decanter from my hand and corking it. “I did it for you.”

“No. You did it for
,” I struggled to free the decanter from his hand. “I don’t know that you really do want to be free of him, maybe deep down you’re still pining for the son-of-a-bitch.”

Harley released the decanter and grasped my chin in his hand. “I know you didn’t mean to say that, you’re drunk, so I’ll pretend I never heard it. Maybe you better go lay down for a while to clear your head and think. Think really hard about what we have here, don’t blow it all away with crazy thoughts. I love you, only you. And like you, I’ll do anything not to lose you…anything!”

“Come on kid, let’s go for a walk,” Clayton said, taking the decanter from my hand.

“Bring it!” I slapped my hands to my chest defiantly.

Clay draped his arm over my shoulder and laughed as he escorted me up the basement stairs. “You could use a bit of fresh air before you have that nap, Rambo.”

“I’m not tired,” I slurred.

“Yes you are,” Clayton insisted.





EJ’s eyes were fixed on me.

“Care to explain what that was all about?” EJ asked, as we all sat at the bar and he twisted off the caps before handing us each a beer.

“He wasn’t supposed to ever find out,” I told Dyson’s brothers. “But I can’t lie to him.”

“Good thing too, it wouldn’t be very beneficial to your relationship to lie to Dyson. I’m no expert on relationships, but my wife would turn my balls into a fucking handbag if I lied to her. You’re married now, it’s all serious from this moment on. Everything you say and do can and will get you an uncomfortable place on the couch for the night.”

“Let me share a little marriage wisdom with you,” Toby said. “Once that ring goes on your finger you best be loyal to her, sorry him, and him only. What possessed you to go see your ex?”

“Swear to God, I was only thinking about Dyson.”

“So how did you convince Bruno not to press charges?” EJ asked, taking a long swig from his beer bottle.

“It wasn’t me who convinced him, I actually never talked to him at all,” I looked at each of them before going on, “I fully intended on offering him money to fuck off…it was my bitch of a mother.”

Toby gasped, “Say again?”

By the stunned looks on their faces, I could tell they never expected her name to come into this or any other conversation.

“Yep,” I assured them I hadn’t lost my mind. “I was waiting to speak to him when she came in. I don’t think she was too pleased when she saw me. I started emancipation proceedings, in case you didn’t know. One of the detectives came in to ask me a few questions and when he was done she came over to me out of the blue and started talking.”

“Go on,” EJ persuaded me to continue.

“It seems she missed him. They have been having an affair for years, it apparently started while we were together. They had some kind of a fight that set him off. She kicked his ass out and figured he was desperate for money and lost his shit. Mommy dearest even said she was sorry for all the shit she caused me…not that I believe a fucking word that comes out of her mouth.”

I tipped my beer bottle to my lips and chugged while EJ and Toby sat quiet, seemingly flummoxed from what I had told them.

“There has to be more, keep going,” EJ said, waiting for a revelation to spew from my mouth.

“When she went in to talk to him, I listened through the curtain next door. He was going for surgery, he sounded happy to see her told her he loved her and begged her to take him back. I wanted so badly to puke. She told him she’d take him back on one condition…that he would drop the charges and move to Spain with her. The fucker said yes, he knows what side of the bread is buttered. Of course he agreed.”

“Why didn’t you just tell Dyson all this in the first place?” Toby asked, uncapping us a new round of beers.

“Dyson needed to vent, he needed to get the last of it out of his system.”

“How do you figure?” EJ asked.

“You don’t know your little brother very well do you?” I asked, with a derisive smile but not expecting an answer. “Dyson likes to bottle things up. He caps it off and makes the world believe he’s okay with whatever it tosses at him. You ever see him lose it? I mean really lose it?”

“Plenty of times,” Toby said.

I shook my head, spinning my bottle between my hands like a whirling dervish. “No, you have not. There’s a man lying in a hospital bed because Dyson’s bottled up rage hit an all-time high. Months of frustration and pent up anger took hold of him yesterday. You wouldn’t have believed your eyes if you had seen what I saw. I know he’ll forgive me in time, I know he will. Dyson just needs time to clear his head.”

Clayton came running down the stairs and hopped up on a bar stool, reaching for Toby’s beer and swigging it back.

“That’s one angry little man,” he said.

That’s when I realized I was doing Dyson no favors by not addressing my own anger and pent-up frustrations for all these years.

“You boys will have to excuse me,” I stood, turning to Clayton. “Where did you leave him?”

“He’s in the spare room at the end of the hall, passed out cold. That kid can’t handle his liquor,” Clay said, before getting up and following me to the stairs. “He didn’t mean what he said man, he’s just confused, it’s been a very long twenty four hours for our little buddy.”

“I know, thanks for being there for him.”

“Sure thing,” he said, with a loud shoulder slap.

My poor baby was lying face down on the bed with a small pink throw blanket over his back. I kneed the side of the mattress but he didn’t stir, he was as Clay had said, passed out cold. I could have gone back downstairs and waited it out, but I wanted to be here when he woke so we could talk. I climbed onto the bed and nestled in beside him.

Before I knew it, I woke to Dyson staring me in the face.

“Have I told you lately how much I love you,” he whispered gently against my lips.

Pressing his mouth to mine, he parted my lips with his tongue and hummed his pleasure as he grinded his package against my thigh. I pushed his shoulders back and narrowed my eyes.

“Baby, are you okay?” I asked, confused with his sudden change of heart.

He was acting like nothing had happened a few hours ago, the mood swing had me worrying that he had flipped his lid.

“I was an idiot. When I woke up I went downstairs and my brothers told me everything,” he lowered his body onto mine, the full weight of him so welcome, the warmth reassuring. “I’m so sorry I went off on you, I didn’t-”

I closed my mouth over Dyson’s before he said anything more and explored his tongue with mine, we had major making up to do and I didn’t give a fuck who heard us. I rolled him onto his back, my weight on his chest, and ground my dick with his. In an expeditious power shift, I found myself face down under Dyson’s weight while his hand slid into the waist at the back of my pants. His other hand reached under us and opened my fly, giving him more room to move.

“I want you, Harley,” he panted as his lips peppered the crest of my ear, his hot breath only adding to my excitement. “I want you, now.”

Dyson’s finger poked along the crack of my ass and pressed against my tightly puckered hole, I let out a distressed cry. Dyson stopped but never removed his finger, the pressure of his touch arousing, erotically menacing. I listened intently to his rapid breathing, there was a slight wheeze coming from the back of his throat. I heard him swallow before he spoke.

“Let me in, I promise I’ll take it slow,” he whispered into my ear, the hot puff of his breath heating my senses. “I’ll even let you be in charge. You can boss me around, you know you like that. Pick the position, you can ride me?”

I know I allowed him to top me before and it felt so good, but I was struggling with myself and couldn’t figure out exactly why. He was my husband, my lover, my one and only.

“Come on lover, let me show you how much I love you,” he licked down the crest of my ear, sucking my earlobe into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue. “I desire you, I need you…baby, I love you, give me this.”

His words and actions ignited something deep in my soul, like a spark lighting the flame of my cold dark heart. He loved me and I loved him, there was no doubt about that. It was time to let go of the past, stop it from messing with my head and allow myself to truly feel something more than just longing. What Dyson was offering was beyond mere sex. He was submitting his body and soul, the most intimate part of his heart for my taking and all he was asking for was mine.

“I love you,” I said, reaching my arm back around his neck, kissing him deeply. “Take all of me, Dyson…make love to me.”

Dyson rolled off of me and dashed to the window, he pulled open the drapes and let the late day sun shine into the window. I looked at him in question and he smiled.

“No darkness, only sunlight.”

There was little to no foreplay needed, I was rock solid as was Dyson. The tip of his cock glistened with a thick bead of pre-cum as I watched him suit up and lather on a thick layer of lube.

“Where would you like me?” I asked.

“I want
to have control.” Dyson lay on his back on the bed holding his cock straight up with a smirk on his gorgeous face. “You should be right about here.”

The lube I applied to myself was cold, sending a shiver up my spine and causing goose bumps to appear on my skin. As I turned my back, Dyson latched onto my hips and stopped me, slowly shaking his head.

“Please don’t turn your back on me,” he asked. “I want nothing to distract me from this moment but your face and those beautiful eyes watching me.”

I stroked my thumb along his scruffy jawline, he took my hand in his, weaving our fingers together, as I climbed onto his lap. My balls settled around his cock as he let out a long contented moan and his hips pushed upward. I leaned forward, our mouths attached, licking, panting, moaning as I lowered myself onto his thick shaft.

“Sweetfuckingjesus,” Dyson muttered, as the head of his cock broke past my tight ring of muscle. The burning sensation quickly left, replaced by sweet bliss as he whispered on a breath, “Take me there…it’s all up to you.”

I lifted my ass bringing the head of his dick to my tight opening and then lowering again. Oh, he was deep inside me as I picked up the pace and rocked up and down his granite hard shaft. As he stroked over my pleasure spot, I tossed my head back and groaned. Dyson placed his hands on my chest, his thumbs rubbing over my hard nipples as he pushed me upright. If I thought he was deep before, he was as far inside me now as humanly possible.

“Fuck yeah!” he cried, as I rode him hard.

No fear, only breathtaking sensations rippling through me as Dyson’s hand circled around my cock and he started stroking me faster and faster.

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