Unorthodox Therapy (13 page)

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Authors: Lilah E. Noir

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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“Do you understand, pet? Tell me what you should know,” Thomas said with a calm yet firm voice, not showing any signs of anger.

“Y-yes... I do. I must remember... Please, enough, Thomas. I can't take this anymore.”

“Yes, you can. And you will. There's still so much to learn, Lina. Are you telling me you'll forfeit before I get you off? Your pussy is burning.” The mischievous sparkle rose back into his gaze as he stroked my swollen lips and cupped them. He kissed me very lightly and allowed himself a tender smile. “Relax. You're doing great and you handled your punishment better than I expected. I'm proud of you, pet.”

The way he alternated between kindness and torment made me wonder if he really might have a split personality. I was just beginning to relax into the salty taste of the kiss, and even attempted to slip a tongue in his mouth, when the blissful sensation in my brain got sliced in two. His strong fingertips twisted my nipples so hard my screams echoed through the basement. Thomas backed away and smirked at my distress, still keeping the throbbing tips of my breasts in his iron grasp.

“W-why are you doing this?”

“Because you enjoy pain quite a bit. Good girls get rewarded.” He leaned forward, and kissed and licked my nipples. He put his hand in the pocket of his jeans and removed a silver chain very similar to the one around his neck. “Your pretty pussy turns your mind into mush. I need you focused.”

Both ends of the device had elaborate clips attached. Thomas pulled one of my nipples forward and squeezed the clip, holding it open. Had he shown them to me before the caning episode, I would have been terrified but at that moment, I only felt slight anxiety.

“Relax.” His voice was low and seductive when the nipple clamp sank its teeth into my trembling breast. The pain didn't even register until he adjusted the screw on my other nipple and the chain hung between my breasts. I cried out and frowned. “The greater pain will come later when I release them.” He winked and kissed my cheek. “Now, tell me if you realize what you've been doing.”

What the fuck was he talking about?

“Do you realize to whom you belong? Do you realize the kind of damage you did to yourself and me with your behavior? I told you before we started the punishment, but I don't think you fully comprehend it.”

He rubbed and teased my swollen clit, all the while speaking in a soft tone. A defiant thought made its way through the waves of lust and agony in my bound body.

“I'm not your property.”

“You agreed to play under my conditions.” Thomas grabbed the cane again and landed a harsh strike on the very same spot on my thighs he had marked earlier. I was proud my tears didn't start flowing again but the pain was excruciating. “You're mine until you're out of here. You’ve got a way out if you insist on being a coward. I haven’t heard ‘infinity’.”

I didn't want it to happen. I wanted to reach the end of this experience, to allow him to push me out of my comfort zone filled with smoke. I wanted him inside me. I longed to feel his passion, but it was hard to admit it out loud.

He didn't allow me too much time to ponder and smacked my ass with the cane again. His hand was back in my hair.

“Do you realize it, Lina? Admit what you are, that what you were doing only made your life worse. Face it.” He enhanced every word with another smack, setting my welts on fire. “Say what you are.” Thomas yanked the chain between my breasts and it felt as if he was literally ripping my flesh. I was about to faint.

“I know!” I screamed out in defeat and started sobbing. “I fucking know.” My voice was filled with agony as the yells reverberated in the huge, dark space. “I know it hurts me. I know it's an easy way for me to hide from problems. It's slowly killing me, but I can't help it, okay?” My head dropped to my chest and I kept crying as the sense of desolation filled my lungs. “I need smoking so I can get on with my life, so I can keep balance. Do you fucking think I'd poison myself if I could stop? But I can't.” The sob tore through my chest and sore throat. “I'm not the strong role model everyone thinks I am. I'm weak, pathetic and flawed.”

I closed my eyes, expecting to get another punishment for my hysterical outburst. The greatest humiliation to me was crying in front of someone and admitting my weaknesses, but my tears wouldn't stop and disgraceful hiccups ripped my lungs to pieces.

Thomas put his finger under my chin and raised it so I had to face him. His expression was so filled with compassion and understanding, it was unbearable. He kissed me slowly, my lips, chin, and cheeks, as his thumbs rubbed my shoulders in slow, circular movements. My messed up state – the tears, the ruined makeup and the snot – didn't disgust him.

Thomas wiped my face with the edge of his discarded shirt and kissed me again.

“You're wrong. You're much stronger than you give yourself credit for, Lina. I know who you really are. You don't need addictions to face the day. You're capable of handling your habits.” He pressed his lips to my forehead and held me until my sobbing subsided. Then, in his typical fashion, Thomas changed his tactics. My shoulders shivered in discomfort when he grabbed the cane again. Instead of hitting me, though, he rubbed the smooth edge of it against my pussy. I was still wet and horny, in spite of the intense emotions, maybe even because of them. “And I'm more than capable of taking care of you, pet.”










It took me a few minutes to calm down as much as I could. Thomas held me but didn't make any attempts to remove the restraints. My emotional pain had subsided but the physical sensations were burning white hot all over my skin. The welts were pulsing as if the cane was still making contact with my tender ass. I was terrified by how easy it was to embrace the torment, how I adjusted to the pain, how I’d started to grow to love the safety of the rope.

Thomas interrupted my train of thought by sliding his fingers into my lubed asshole. It wasn't as uncomfortable as before, but the anxiety resurfaced even in my strangely serene state. He wiggled his finger, searching for the sensitive shortcuts that would make me go wild. A moan tore from my lips.

“So, Lina...” His entire digit sank into my tight ass and worked to widen it. Mortification was stirring the messed-up cocktail of my emotions. So disgusting, so primal... but the sheer intimacy of the act was delicious and made me crave him so much more.

If only it wasn't so difficult to say it.

Thomas kissed my neck and asked his next question casually, just like a therapist would ask his patient.

“What is your issue with anal sex?” He pulled his fingers out of my asshole. Just when I thought he'd take mercy and spare me any further humiliation, the sound of him spitting deprived me of my hopes. I had no chance of looking back to see what he was doing, so when Thomas shoved two fingers past my slippery hole in one swift movement, my loud cry of pleasure came completely naturally. I wasn’t able to control myself, just like I hadn’t been able to stop the tears earlier. He used my moment of abandon to pick up the pace of his thrusts. Once my muscles began to loosen, Thomas went on fucking it aggressively, not giving me any chance to adjust. It was rough, vicious.

“I... What are you talking about? I’ve got no problems with anal–” This was the wrong answer since it earned me another rough smack on the left butt cheek. His teeth sank into my neckline, leaving a stinging mark.

“I told you I wouldn't tolerate dishonesty. How much more trouble do you want to get into during your first time?”

“What makes you think I'm lying?” I croaked and rested against the restraints. My forearms would be killing me for the next few days... amongst other things.

“Whenever I play with your ass you get excited... and even wetter.” Thomas put emphasis on his words by fingering it even harder and rubbing my drenched pussy lips with his free hand. “But your whole body tenses up and you get such a tortured look on your face.” He pulled my hair back so I was forced to face him. I couldn’t look away. “Just like now. I think you enjoy it but you believe you shouldn't. You're so strained when you channel your entire energy to resist and defy your needs. It's a horrible waste of resources, Lina.” The young man spat on his fingers again and stretched my already gaping hole by adding a third. The shame wasn't strong enough to beat the sheer elation mingled with the hurt of the clamps and the guilty pleasure of humiliation. I shuddered as I heard myself howling like a common whore being fucked in a back alley. “Just like now. I can tell you love it and you want more than my fingers in your ass. Come on, pet. Spit it out.”


“No to what? What are you afraid of? Do you think you'll get addicted to it, that you'll love it too much? Or is it some feminist inhibition?” He continued to whisper dirty words in my ear. “You're so fucking wet right now, I bet you'd flood the room. You’d squirt all over if I fucked your ass, if I stretched it with my cock. Come on, pet, admit you crave it.”

“It's so embarrassing...” I had no idea where I got the strength to fight back, especially when he was right about everything.

“Get over your mortification, little one.” He caressed my face again and jerked a tress of my hair so hard some fresh tears ran down my cheeks. “It's crucial for you to let me know about everything that troubles you or the therapy will never work.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. How much worse could it possibly get? He had all the trump cards. It would be a bad idea to hand him one more, but at this point, any attempt to act like a shy, squirming maiden would be beyond ridiculous.

“A few years ago...” I uttered, practically whispering.

“Look at me while you're talking, Lina. Speak louder. I can barely catch what you're saying.” Thomas slapped my face gently, tapping the pillows of his fingers against my cheek. “Breathe, pet. It's okay. You’re safe.”

My eyelids fluttered open. It took me a few seconds of blinking to focus on his face. After a deep inhale, my strong, steady voice filled the dungeon.

“I had this lover a few years ago.” The memory of that period of my life, and the insane, wanton pleasure I'd experienced, filled my mind. Of course, it always went hand in hand with a burning taste of degradation. “He was the first and only man who ever fucked my ass. It took him a long time to persuade me. Finally, I agreed with great reluctance...” I still couldn't believe how I’d been talked into it. Just like now with Thomas. “He was a master of anal sex. The things he did to my body...” Thomas didn't look too pleased with my shameful little tale. His jaw clenched and the expression on his face grew darker the more details I revealed. Oh well, he asked for it. “He fucked me so well and gave me so many orgasms, I literally soaked his sheets, but when we both calmed down, during the afterglow, he just got nasty. He called me a pathetic anal slut and said I was no different to any other common whore. The worst part was...” This was the hardest part to confess. I hesitated a moment before saying it out loud. “I didn't immediately leave in spite of all his painful words. I went back to him for more. I lied to myself, fooling myself into believing he was calling me 'whore' to simply spice things up. I hoped he didn’t really mean it or want to harm me.”

Thomas nodded in understanding and let go of my hair. He stood in front of me, clearly hesitant to know more. Finally, he sighed and crossed his arms.

“He took pleasure in degrading you by using your body’s reactions.”

It was so typical of Thomas to summarize in a few words what I could have spent hours talking about. I hurried to finish my confession before the shame had a chance kick in.

“He started treating me like a fuck toy and became verbally abusive at all times. Dirty words do turn me on,” I admitted shyly, “but he went out of his way to hurt me emotionally by saying I was only useful for my holes, that I was a dumb cunt. In the end, I couldn't take it anymore.” I swallowed with great effort. “He came all over my face and made me stay like that until his sperm dried.” The thought of how much I adored those acts of humiliation made my entire body burn. “Then he wrote 'anal pig' on my forehead as well as 'useless cum dumpster'. He made me watch myself in the mirror while he fucked my ass. I... I was stupid horny and came a few times.” The confusing memories triggered the sense of guilt I'd kept hidden in my subconscious. I looked down, feeling as small and useless as I had during those dark hours of depravity.

Thomas reached out to cup my chin and stared at me. My skin was probably shining with tears.

“This might be the biggest surprise of the evening. What did you do then?”

“I realized it was an unhealthy relationship and in time, he'd completely destroy my self-respect.” I blinked a few tears away. “I took a shower, let it all go down the drain, and then kicked him to the curb.” Thomas's eyes didn't give away any of his emotions or thoughts as I gave the last details. “Even though I'd only gone back to him twice after he fucked my ass for the first time and started abusing me, it was still two times too many.”

Had I expected Thomas to be angry or disgusted? That he’d feel like he was wasting time on me when I was already damaged goods? Probably. But I never dreamed he would burst into sardonic laughter. It killed any shame still lingering in my mind and replacing it with wrath. How dared he?

“Whore, you say? Anal slut? You still have a lot to prove, pet. I'm not sure you’ve shown me what a slut you can be.”

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