Unraveled (Woodlands) (18 page)

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Authors: Jen Frederick

BOOK: Unraveled (Woodlands)
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I took him all the way to the back of my throat, twisting my hand around the base as I sucked and tasted him. This was turning me on so much. I squeezed my thighs together to relieve the torment between my legs and when that didn’t work, I reached down with one hand to rub myself.

“That’s enough,” he said, his voice guttural and low. When I didn’t respond at first, he tugged lightly on the ponytail. “No more.”

“Why not?” I pouted a bit, sitting back on my heels. My jaw was pleasantly sore but I felt cheated that I hadn’t tasted his come and felt the hot jets of his seed wash over my tongue.

“Because,” he growled, lifting me onto his lap again. He pressed a button and the seat motored backward until it was almost flat. My hair fell around us, forming a curtain. “I need to be inside you. I want to fuck you so hard that you’ll remember it tomorrow and the next day and that the next time you have a fantasy you’ll be thinking of this moment and how thick and hard I was inside you.”

I nodded wordlessly. This was an okay alternative. Gray kicked up his shorts with a flick of his foot and caught them in one hand. In swift, economical motions, he was sheathed and ready for us. “Come here.” He pushed my hips upward. “I need to taste you to see if you’re ready.”

“I’m ready,” I pleaded.

“Let me see.” He was implacable. I moved up the seat until I was nearly kneeling on the back bench. He pulled me down until I was almost sitting on his face. All thoughts of discomfort fled the minute his tongue was on me. “You taste so good, baby. So good.” Copying his actions from before, I braced my arms against the roof of the Rover, trying to hold myself steady while he explored every inch of me between my legs with his talented tongue. He didn’t just lick me. He sucked on my lower lips. His tongue formed a spear that he pressed inside me. He bit and nibbled and
me as if I was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted and as if he could never get enough.

When my arms and legs couldn’t hold me anymore, I collapsed, breaking the connection between his wicked mouth and my most sensitive parts. I slid down his body until I felt the broad head of his erection pushing against me. Gray took over then, placing one hand on my hips to steady me and fisting his cock in the other.

A low noise rumbled in the car but I wasn’t sure if it was coming from him or me. The sensation of him pushing his stiff thick length inside me was almost too much.

“How long as it been?” Gray said behind gritted teeth.

“Twenty-six months,” I whimpered, moving slightly.

He clamped down on both my hips. “Don’t move.”

But I had to. Inch by inch, I worked my hips over him until finally, finally he was fully seated. Every part of him was straining against the effort of thrusting into me, allowing me to adjust to his size. I hadn’t remembered this at all, how full I’d feel, how connected I was. This wasn’t temporary for me and as he stared at me, eyes glittering with a deep emotion, I guessed it wasn’t just temporary for him either. But by unstated mutual decision, we let the moment pass without comment.

“Now,” I told him and he let go. He pulled on my hips and it was all I could do to hold on because he was making good on all his promises. Bracing my hands on his chest, I rode him, slowly at first because it took some getting used to. It wasn’t just that he was big and I was small but that I was unused to having a man between my legs. The feeling was so good, though, the strokes of his hard erection rubbed every inch of my inner flesh.

Gray’s hands were everywhere. He stroked my back and pulled lightly on my hair so that my breasts thrust toward him and my head tipped back. Leaning forward, he captured a nipple in his mouth and then opened wider to mouth more of my breast.

He wasn’t a quiet lover. He told me with groans and grunts and whispered sounds of approval exactly what he liked. His eyes rolled back when I squeezed him on a down thrust.

“Like that, baby,” he grated out between clenched teeth. When my nails curled into his chest he encouraged me. “Make your mark, kitten.” Our sex was noisy, messy and full of teeth and nails—and it made me wild. I rode him harder and he met my movements with hard thrusts of his own. Tension built until my toes were curled under my ass and my fingers were dug hard into his chest, but I wasn’t getting the release I needed. I hadn’t ever known I could ache like this.

Sensing my frustration, Gray flipped us around so that I was underneath him. With one forearm braced by my head, he lifted my whole body up with his other hand. His movements weren’t as furious now. As he supported the weight of his body, the muscles in his arm flexed. It was an unconscious action, but the visible signs of his core strength was incredibly sexy. When he moved inside me, he was slower and deliberate, minutely readjusting as if he were searching for something. It felt good but not…
oh my God.
What. Was. That?

The plump head of his cock was rubbing against something deep within me and my whole body went tense at the shock of pleasure. I released a loud whimper, no words, just a conglomeration of letters. Maybe a vowel. If I could verbalize something coherent it would be nothing more than a litany of oh gods, ohmygod, ohmyfuckinglord.

Above me, still holding my lower body suspended off the car seat, Gray thrust over and over so that the head of his dick just kept rubbing over that one spot until I couldn’t keep it in any longer. I turned my face to the side and latched on to his forearm, biting down to keep from screaming my head off.

His response was to laugh, a guttural ferocious thing. Sweat dripped off his forehead and onto my chest, running down between the valley of my breasts until it mingled with our combined juices. “You like that?” He sounded smug but I didn’t care. I was lost in some other world.

Without waiting for a response, he started pounding me, thrusting in and out as hard as he could. The pace got faster and more frenzied and as he reached the end of his tether, his motions became jerky and without rhythm. With bared teeth and an animalistic shout, Gray came. I could feel the pulse of his come as it jetted into the condom, so strong was his release.

Not done with me yet, he braced his body with his knees. With one hand, he pushed my knee outward and with his other he began rubbing my clit. It was a position only someone with tremendous strength and balance could pull off. Even though he’d come, he was still hard as a rock and he plunged in and out of me, all the while rubbing my clit until I was mindless again, thrashing my head from side to side as his fingers and cock sent me over that cliff once again.

Collapsing on top of me, he began kissing my forehead, my cheeks, my lips in soothing gestures. I was too stunned by the force of what had just happened to move. Instead, I lay in the curve of his arm as he soothed me with long strokes of his hand over my sensitive body. He left me only for a minute to remove the condom and tie it off, sticking it into the pocket of his shorts. I protested minutely. “Shush, these can be washed,” he whispered, lying down on his side. Pulling me against him, he returned to petting me.

“That was…” I trailed off. I couldn’t think of the right words to describe what had happened. “The best coffee I may have ever had.”

“Maybe it’s because it’s been a long time,” he said kindly.

“Mmm.” Maybe. But maybe it was because we were so connected and in tune with each other right at this moment. It was hard to remember what sex with Will had been like. It had been so long ago, but I hadn’t ever recalled feeling like this—where the orgasms still tingled at the ends of my fingertips. We were young and inexperienced. I was surprised at how good it was with Gray because the first few times I’d had sex with Will, I hadn’t enjoyed it. I was too nervous and we both barely knew what we were doing.

But I didn't feel awkward with Gray as I’d imagined I would. It could have been because he was experienced, but I just think it was
and how I felt like I knew him. Gray knew what he was doing and his enthusiasm and watchful attention to my needs made it an incredible experience. “Has it been a long time for you?”

Gray hemmed and hawed and then turned a bit pink around his ears. I laughed low. I was too replete and satisfied to even be upset at the thought that he’d been with other women. Besides, I was the one in the car with his big hand stroking every inch of my body. Not anyone else.

"Why, Gray Phillips, are you a ho-bag?"

"No," he exclaimed. He rubbed a hand against the back of his neck, throwing his muscles into relief and making the cords of his neck stand out. It was a very sexy look on him but he seemed too agitated for it to be an affected pose. Perhaps everything looked sexy about Gray right now, from his vulnerability to his muscular body. "I have a couple friends with benefits," he finally admitted.

"A couple?" I raised an eyebrow.

This made Gray's flush travel from his ears down his neck. "Three," he mumbled.

I shot bolt upright. "You sleep with three different girls!"

"Not at the same time." He covered his eyes. "When you have FWBs it's all about the sex. I don't pick up girls at bars and take them home at night because, well, it’s dangerous. Pregnancy. STIs. So I just have sex with three girls who are just as careful as I am."

"And none of these girls have feelings for you?” I asked skeptically. I couldn’t imagine having sex with someone more than once and not having feelings for them but this was the world I was heading into.
What a bleak future,
I thought.

"Hell no. One of them is a resident at San Diego General. She barely has time to shit and eat so we hook up only when she remembers she’s a sexual being, which is like once a month, if that. At most, I'm a live action dildo for her."

"And the others?"

"Why are we talking about this?"

"Dunno. I'm kind of intrigued." I was. I should be more appalled but he was like an introductory course in modern mating and I was obviously in need of an education.

He sighed heavily. "Okay, the one I see more regularly is an on-base nurse. She does all the blood tests. We got to talking one day and one thing led to another. She doesn't want to be tied down to a military guy but right now, we're all that’s in her path."

"A nurse and a doctor. You going to want me to dress up in nursing costume?"

There was a prolonged silence as Gray appeared to contemplate this for far too long. "Gray!" I pretended to be shocked.

"Sorry, sorry," he finally said. "Not that I'm asking, but would you?"

I shook my head at him but didn't say no. The idea of dressing up in a costume to have sex with him wasn’t a turn off. Not at all.

"So the other?" I prompted.

"EMT," he muttered through his fingers.

"What was that?"

“EMT," he said more clearly.

"You do have some kind of medical fetish,” I declared. "What are you doing with me? I'm a knitter. Should I take you over to the osteopath school and find some nice student for you?"

"Shush, you.” Gray pulled me down. "I don't know why they're all in the medical profession. Probably because they have the same hang-ups as I do about safety before sex. It doesn't matter. I don't have it all that often and it's meaningless."

"I don’t think so." I reached down and stroked his chin. The stubble on his chin that had appeared in the afternoon and grown into the evening was prickly against my palm. I actually loved the feel of it, so different than the smoothness of my own. The contrast made me shiver. The roughness of his stubble against my breasts and my neck had been thrilling. Just the remembrance was sending tendrils of excitement through my bloodstream.

"Why's that?" he mumbled, sounding distracted. I drew my hand away slightly and his head followed me, seeking out my touch. I allowed myself a tiny private smile. We

“It seems to me you do have relationships. They’re girls you have friendships with and then you have sex. Isn’t that some kind of attachment?”

"No, because all we do is have sex. At times that are convenient to us. There are no preliminaries. I call her up or she calls me up, we meet, do the deed, and then go home. No sleepovers. No cuddling."

"That sounds really... Cold." I wanted to say awful.

"It's not," he replied curtly.

"But how can the sex be any good?"

"It's good if you know what you're doing." The sides of his lips quirked up. "And I do."

"I know you do." I traced a finger in and then out of the grooves on the sides of his mouth. The gold flecks in his eyes glowed. As if they were beckoning me, I leaned forward and placed my lips softly against the sides of his upturned lips. He didn't move but just allowed me to explore him. Bracing myself with my left arm, I ran my free hand over his chest, savoring each hard ridge. The curve of his shoulder flowed into a large muscled arm and lightly furred forearms. In contrast to the indolent ease of the rest of his body, his large hands were gripping the cushion. I was gratified by this show of both control and desire. I had no doubt that Gray could make my body feel good. It was the rest of me that I was worried about.

"You have a beautiful body,” I told him, whispering soft kisses over the high cheekbones and the peak of his nose.

"I think that's my line," he choked out.

"It's not a line.”

Gray reached for my wandering hand and pulled me down gently over him, repositioning me so I lay between the V of his legs.

"Maybe not." He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. His lips were both soft and firm, and at first, it was just a plush meeting of flesh. When he parted his mouth and I felt the wetness of his tongue against the seam of my lips, I couldn't stop my own answer. The touch of his tongue against mine made me shudder. Collapsing against him, I clutched at his shoulder and ate at his mouth with a fervor matched by his own hunger.

He pushed his hips up, his groin pressing directly against my center. The sensation was so exquisite that I nearly came from just the pressure.
This is so much better than touching myself.

"My God," he whispered against my lips. "Say it again."

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