Unseen (The Heights, Vol. 1) (46 page)

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Authors: Lauren Stewart

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #urban fantasy, #demon, #angel, #werewolf, #vampire romance, #shifter, #alpha male, #sarcastic, #parnormal romance

BOOK: Unseen (The Heights, Vol. 1)
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Second Bite

No Experience
a Summer Rains novel

Coming Soon

Darker Water,
Once and Forever #1

A Contemporary Romance

, The Heights, Vol.



I have been lucky enough to get to know and work with some
incredible people whose talents, skills, and attitudes eclipse mine
ten times over. They support me and challenge me and piss me off
occasionally. And I love them for it…whenever I’m not hating them
for it.

A special, special thank you to Angie,
Carrie, Christy, Dawn, Nadine, Paula, and Steph! And to Christina
McKnight, Amanda Simpson, and Jen Blood for lots of other

Lastly, to my children who aren’t nearly old
enough to read my books but who still put up with my crazy and help
me with them:

To Mathis:
Thank you for the awesome title. You are
brilliant. Now go do your homework.

To Zoe
: Unfortunately, the bacon joke didn’t make it into the final
version, babe, but it was really, really funny.
(She wanted Addison to tell Rhyse he smelled like bacon after
he was burnt by the sun. Funny, right?)
Key Characters in the Heights

~ ~

— seer, disposal
technician…kind of

— vampire, King and Prime of
the North American zone

— seer, works as a toy
(diversion), is trying to move to the disposal department, and is
Addison’s best friend

— seer, works at the Heights’
call center and is Addison’s friend

— vampire, works very closely
with the Prime because of her far-above-average skill at wiping and
reading minds

— vampire, marshal of the

— seer-turned-werewolf, after
being accidentally bit, is sent away by the alpha but isn’t told

— angel, guides new seers into
the Highworld as children, in addition to his responsibilities in
the human world

— seer, works as an assistant
historian and is privy to information all other seers aren’t

— demon, works freelance for
Rhyse and, as a level-one demon, can move ‘topside’ freely

~ ~ ~

The Heights (Highworld)
— the
paranormal world embedded within the human world. Each zone has a
Council led by a Prime who makes decisions for the entire zone,
within the structure of the Treaty of All Races, and sees that the
Treaty’s laws are being followed.

Treaty of All Races
—a treaty signed
by the leaders of each race three centuries ago. The Treaty stopped
the wars between the races, the relentless slaughter of humans, and
the uncontrolled creation of more predators.

— a human who, as a child, died
and then came back with the ability to see through the “glamour”
that supernatural beings cloak themselves and their world with. At
eighteen, they are required to join this world and are placed in
jobs that allow the Heights to function and remain hidden. If they
rebel, or go “rogue,” they are considered too great a threat to the
continued secrecy of the Highworld and are killed on sight.

Characters, races, and world facts will be
added as they are presented in the series.

For more information on these characters,
this world as we know it, and how the series will work, go to my


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