Unspeakable Proposal (12 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Unspeakable Proposal
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Chapter 4

Love Always Hopes

Although reluctant at first to leave Miss Priss alone with Teddy, Paul welcomed the opportunity to be alone with EJ. She was stunning in her short red halter dress that showed off her full breast, beautiful legs and the luscious curves of her hips. Long straight, dark strawberry glazed hair flowed down her back almost to her round shapely derriere. Her allurin
perfume assaulted Paul’s senses and instantly triggered his hormones into overdrive.

Soaking in her sensuality as he drove, his dick instantly hardens. Paul’s imagination took a trip to Naughty Town and he didn’t want to come back. Paul’s hunger for her quickly escalated to a dangerous level and threatened to spiral out of control before they reached the restaurant. He instinctively knew that there would be no escaping her charm tonight. Conflicted he struggled to keep it all together.

“Is everything okay? You seem distracted.” EJ asked concerned recognizing that he was uncharacteristically nervous.

“Yeah, everything is fine. I was just thinking.”

“About what?”

‘You look amazing tonight. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen you look so radiant.” He complimented her.

“Thank you. You look kind of cute yourself.” EJ smiled as she continued to play it cool and reserved while inside she was bundle of mixed emotions.

EJ was excited about their date. She had been looking forward to it all week. Sure she knew that it would probably end with a kiss on the cheek like all of her many other dates with Paul had, but she didn’t really give a damn. She just wanted to be near him, smell his cologne and get lost in his hypnotic hazel eyes.

Paul turned on some Jill Scott music to ease the tension not realizing that he was only fueling the thick sexually charged atmosphere. The sexual tension brewing between the two of them was undeniably toxic and they both felt. It was always present, but never this tenacious and strong.

“So where are you taking us?” EJ asked as she looked back to see if Teddy and Miss Priss had finally caught up to them.

“Um we’re going to Ramono’s an Italian restaurant downtown.” Paul responded as he checked his rear view mirror for Teddy’s Navigator.

“I hope they’re okay. They should have caught up by now.”  A concerned EJ responded.

“Yeah I know, unless he went another way. Call Miss Priss, just to be on the safe side.”

EJ pulled out her cell and dialed Miss Priss. Miss Priss answered on the very last ring.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Where are you two?”

“Um, we’re in route. Why what’s wrong?” She lied as she slid on her thong and pulled her dress over her head. Teddy quickly got dressed and headed for the driver’s seat.

“Okay, well… we were just wondering if everything was okay.”

“Yeah everything is fine. We just stopped to get some gas. We’ll meet you there.”

“Alright well… take your time and we’ll see you there.” EJ smiled as she heard the stress in Miss Priss’ voice and the engine of Teddy’s truck abruptly start. Instantly realizing the reason for the delay she assured Paul that everything was okay. “They stopped to get gas. They’re just a few minutes behind us.”


Dinner was uneventful and the four of them found themselves at the pool hall around eleven at night. Despite their happy ending reunion in the backseat of Teddy’s truck Miss Priss and Teddy appeared absolute normal. The brash and somewhat cocky Teddy continued to be Teddy and occasionally eyed and flirted with everything without a male appendage. Miss Priss ignored him frequently playing with her phone and checking her Facebook status alerts. For all practical purposes to the untrained eye it appeared that the sizzle had finally fizzled out of their volatile love affair.

But EJ was a professional at gauging Miss Priss and she could tell that Miss Priss was currently happier than a Label Hoe at an unheard of two for one Prada clearance sale. Yes, although the two appeared totally disconnected it was quite apparent to EJ that they had just experienced a real life love connection.

Paul on the other hand was totally oblivious to the charade. He simply could not take his eyes off EJ. Sure, he was hornier than a bull run in Spain, so his nature was high, his dick was hard and his hormones were all over the place. So naturally his dick smelled pussy and was on full alert and ready. Yet he still had made absolutely no arrangements to get some sexual healing once they left the girls. Trust me the ache in his pants could not be remedied by ten cold showers. Concerned his balls asked his dick, “What the hell is the plan?”

The truth of the matter was that tonight Paul had his eye on a delicious desert called EJ Pie. Teddy was completely right, Paul wanted it, he deserved it and tonight come hell or high water he was determined to have it. No longer constrained by the warped principle that this incredibly vivacious woman was taboo, Paul was finally free to taste her forbidden fruit and he planned to lick the bowl clean. 

Studying her every gesture and lingering on her every word, he loss himself in her striking, rare, blue eyes. Yes EJ was of African American decent but by some freakish genetic coupling had eyes the color of a clear blue Caribbean ocean accented by flawless bronze skin. As you can imagine this was a hypnotic combination and Paul was spellbound. Drowning in her exotic beauty Paul was doomed. 

Captivated he surrendered to his yearnings and for the very first time since they were teenagers considered taking their friendship to a whole new level. He would be an absolute fool not to. EJ was an extraordinary beauty and an extremely rare find. Any man would give his left testicle to have her. Paul realized that he was crazy to wait this long to possess her.

EJ could have any man that she desired. Yet, she had only desired one man, Paul. She tried to date other men but she could not shake her desire to be with Paul. She prayed that tonight would be the night that she said something or did something that made him want her too.

“Is something wrong?” She asked as she discovered that Paul had somehow fallen into a trance and was shamelessly staring at her.

“What? Oh, no… Everything is fine. I was just thinking.”

EJ laughed as she noticed Paul blush with embarrassment. “Again? So what were you thinking about this time?”

“What are you doing when we leave here?” Paul’s dick asked without seeking permission from his brain to speak.

“I don’t know… probably little to nothing. Why?”

“I was thinking maybe we…”

Before Paul could finish his statement the angel’s smiled upon him and his sister spoke. “EJ, I have an annoying headache. And I promised my mom that I’d be home before seven tomorrow morning to go to the Swap Meet with her. So, if it’s all the same to you I’m just going to get Teddy to drop me off there.”

Instinctively reading the play, EJ played alone. “Sure, don’t worry about me I’ll be fine.”

“OK, well we’re going to go. I have to stop by the apartment and pick up a few things for the weekend.” Miss Priss announced as she kissed Paul on the cheek. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Sure.” Paul replied as his gaze fell upon EJ.

“You know what? I might as well ride with you two to the apartment. It’ll save Paul a trip. I’m sure something else to do tonight.” EJ tested the waters to see if Paul would bite. She suspected that he wasn’t ready for their date to end, but she wasn’t quite sure what he had up his sleeve.

“EJ, you don’t have to go! I got you. Besides I have to win my money back. You think I’m just going to let you hustle me and run off with my money? Hell no! You rack and I’ll break.” Paul quickly interjected.

“You know she’s a damn pool shark. I don’t know why you insist upon challenging her.” Miss Priss laughed. She watched as a mile wide smile magically swept across EJ’s elated face.

“Alright, man we’re out. Whip his ass EJ!” Teddy announced as he slapped hands with Paul and kissed EJ on her cheek.

“What time you rolling in?” Paul asked. Teddy didn’t even dignify that bullshit with an answer. “Never mind I forgot what you told me earlier… I’ll see you Sunday.”

Miss Priss and Teddy were a little stunned, yet relieved that Paul didn’t put up an ounce of resistance or launch his normal inquisition. They had no idea that Paul didn’t give a good shit what they did as long as they left him alone with EJ tonight.   

Chapter 5

Love Always Trusts

Paul and EJ continued to play pool while every man in the pool hall wished they could play EJ’s body like the fine instrument it was. No, it didn’t go unnoticed by Paul that every man in there wished they could be him. He watched them as they watched her. Naturally some men were less cultured and reserved than others. In fact some completely abandoned their game of pool and sat back to watch EJ bend over the pool table in her short dress and those stiletto heels. This went on for about a half an hour before Paul realized they’d better leave before he was forced to break his pool stick off in somebody’s ass.

Twenty minutes later they were standing at EJ’s front door. Like a gentleman Paul took EJ’s keys and opened the door to her apartment. He anxiously waited for her to invite him in. EJ shared the apartment with Miss Priss and normally Paul would just walk in, but Miss Priss wasn’t home and this wasn’t a normal visit.

EJ walked in and waited for him to follow, but to her surprise he stood in the frame of the door looking like an extremely tall butterscotch milk shake with whip cream and caramel sauce. Not quite sure what the problem was she just stared at him as she mentally stripped him to his birthday suit. And OMG what a fine birthday suit it was. Speechless EJ waited for Paul to make the first move.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” His sultry, baritone voice asked sending ripples of anticipation up EJ’s erotic core.

Walking into the living room and placing her purse down, she slowly unbuckled the straps on her six inch stiletto sandals. Making sure that Paul got a good hard look at her long legs and her toned bare thighs she took her time. “I don’t know. Why do you need permission? You could be a vampire, a werewolf or even a hungry Zombie killer.” She teased as she walked towards him in her bare feet.

A sexy, devilish grin spread quickly across Paul’s face like sunshine on a spring day. He chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right. Hell, I could be a covert CIA Assassin… or I could just be a gentleman making sure his date gets home safely. You can trust me. I am not a vampire, werewolf or a Zombie, although I must admit that I am a tad bit hungry.”

“I don’t know… You look kind of suspicious. You’ve never asked to come in after a date before.” She continued to seductively toy with him.

Paul chuckled as he leaned against the door jam in a sexy don’t you wanna fuck me pose. Looking like a triple scoop of chocolate Haagen-Dazs ice cream… with the nuts, he looked absolutely edible. Licking his lips as he scanned EJ’s sexy body from head to toe he offered.  “True… But… We’ve never been here alone before.”

EJ’s legs began to wobble and she swallowed hard as it became crystal clear that it was about to go down. Paul was famished and she was on the menu. “I guess you have a point. Sure, please come in.” 

With the sexy swagger of a prowling lion Paul walked in and headed straight for EJ. Immediately violating her personal space he stared down at the barely five foot seven stick of dynamite that had completely blown him away from the second he set eyes on her. His hazel eyes locked on her blue eyes and they both searched each other’s soul for a good reason not to do what they were about to do.

Finding not one sane reason to delay the inevitable Paul husky deep voice asked, “Would you be terribly upset with me if I kissed you?”

EJ’s emotions had her head spinning like a carousel. Heat instantly flushed her body and she became woozy. She could hardly think let alone speak. Yet she somehow managed to murmur as she stared at Paul’s soft and oh so kissable lips, “Not at all. I think I’d be terribly upset with you if you didn’t kiss me.” 

Paul stood almost a whole foot taller than the now barefoot EJ. Bending down to reach her he gently sampled her lips as he continued to get lost in her eyes. Closing her eyes EJ savored their very first kiss and craved a whole lot more.

Gathering her into his long, lean, muscular arms Paul pulled her soft body into his hard manly frame. Naturally, that wasn’t the only thing that was hard. Paul’s dick had been semi hard from the second he saw EJ in that dress and those heels. He was now as hard as a PhD dissertation written in Mandarin Chinese and he wanted her to feel just how hard she had made him. Lifting her body up in the air he forced her to encircle his waist with her thighs as he continued to wrestle her tongue to sweet submission.

Poor little EJ, her heart was beating as fast as if she had just finished running a thirty mile marathon. She couldn’t believe that she was about to make love to the love of her life. Paul’s long nimble fingers slowly glided down her elegant back before sliding across her ass in an effort to support her weight. They both exhaled a deep moan as he squeezed EJ’s firm round ass. EJ struggled to remain conscious as he began to methodically knead it as if it was fine bread dough as he continued to ravish her mouth.

EJ couldn’t keep up with him. His mouth was ravenous and his hands were roaming uninhibited all over her most intimate parts. His dick was now frozen solid and rock hard. It was let’s just say HUMUNGOUS and frankly it scared the hell out of her. After all EJ was still a virgin, she had never had a man before.  Starting her maiden voyage with a man of this magnitude and girth was not going to be comfortable to say the least. Yes, she wanted Paul, but she needed things to slow down an iota.

Pulling away she struggled to catch her breath and regain her composure. She stared at him for what seemed like an eternity before finally speaking. “I’ve never done this before.”

“What?” Paul’s husky voice asked before sampling the sweet nectar of her long neck.

Although innocent this seductive kiss was the straw that broke the camel’s back. “Oh God this feels so damn good.” She groaned.

Paul grinned as he continued to kiss her neck down to the hollow of her throat. “You didn’t answer my question. What haven’t you done before? Made love on a first date… Because, you’d have to admit that technically this is far from our first date.”

“No… I know, but that’s not what I was going to say.” She moaned as Paul licked the hollow of her neck and worked his way up to her delicate chin. “Oh help me Lord.”

Realizing she was officially his for the taking Paul sampled her lips once more before asking, “So what did you mean?”

EJ who was so wet that she could accommodate a light pole as long as it was attached to Paul’s groin, sucked on Paul’s bottom lip. She had saved herself for him and she’d be damned if she’d chicken out now. “Paul…” She hesitated.

“Yes my love…” His deep sexy voice inquired between soft seductive kisses that he strategically planted along her jaw line.

“I’m still a virgin.”

Paul heard her speak but he didn’t really hear what she said. It took a while to process but when it did it floored him like a ton of cement bricks. “What did you just say?” He asked as he abruptly broke their lip lock.

EJ shyly looked into Paul’s eyes. “I said that I’m a virgin.”

Paul stared into EJ’s eyes which were now dark blue with lust for him. “EJ, I didn’t know. I thought that by now you would have…”

“What… Slept with some guy that I didn’t love?”

“EJ… That’s not what I meant and you know that… Look, if you’re not ready for this then I totally understand.”

“Paul, I’ve waited for this moment all of my life, of course I’m ready for it. I’m just a little afraid.”

“Look, you’ve saved yourself this long. EJ are you sure about this?”

“Don’t you get it? Paul I’ve saved myself all this time for you. I want you to be my first. I just don’t want you to be disappointed with my performance or lack thereof.”

Overwhelmed by her confession Paul was basically speechless. Touched he kissed her softly on her forehead and rubbed his face against hers. “I’m honored, but EJ…”

Frightened that he was about to back out she quickly looked at him. “Paul please don’t.”

Paul sighed. “EJ as bad as I want this I think you should save yourself for your husband or at least someone you’re in love with.”

“Is that what you tell those other girls you seduce?” She teased as her eyes pleaded with him.

“Not really.” He chuckled. “But this is different, hell the way I feel about you is different. Besides, I make it a policy not to date virgins. Things get a little too complicated. I think you should take a little more time to think about this. Your first time should be with someone you love.”

“Thanks for that gallant offer, but I have saved myself for the man that I love. I know you don’t want to hear this but that man is you. It’s always been you.”

Despite all of this chitter chatter and back and forward banter, Paul’s dick had not softened or shrank one damn bit. In fact it had somehow become even stiffer than before. The thought of EJ’s tight, hot, virgin pussy enveloping his swollen dick excited him even more than he thought possible. He had to have her.

“EJ I’m flattered, but…” He hesitated, wondering if he should confess his love for her as well. “Are you sure that this is what you want to do?” He asked as he searched her soul, and not her face for an honest answer.”

“Yes, I’ve never wanted anything more in my twenty two years on this planet.”

“You know if we do this we can’t take it back.” He warned.

“I know. I understand that, but this is what I want. The question is what do you want to do?” EJ could tell by the anaconda that continued to squirm in his pants exactly what Paul really wanted to do. Besides he was a man. His dick smelled pussy and it was determined to fuck!

Gently kissing her forehead he said not a word as he unwound her legs from around his waist and set her feet firmly on the ground. He studied her intensely as he weighed his options and made his final decision. EJ was apprehensive. She prayed that he’d go through with it, because she’d be devastated if he didn’t. Taking her by the hand Paul led her to her bedroom. EJ’s heart skipped a few beats as she realized that she was about to officially become a woman.

This Saga is Just Beginning!

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