Unstoppable Force (Force of Nature Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Unstoppable Force (Force of Nature Series)
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“Her fault too. A woman should be
preparing a dinner for her man, not hanging out with a bunch of construction
workers.” Dean got into his car and lay down. “Fucking bitch is gonna make me
rich, then maybe I’ll kill her ass.”


Conner woke to Lou wrapped around him.
He was trying his best to move her away from him when she moaned and snuggled
into his neck. His entire body went on red alert. Need for this woman was going
to kill him. Trying again, he moaned when she put her leg up over his hip.

He’d held her last night as she’d cried
herself to sleep. Connor wanted to get up and go find the bastard that had done
that to her, but knew from the rest of her story that Dublin had been killed in
jail. Someone had apparently taken exception to his habits at the school. Connor
knew that if the man was even within earshot of one of the guards and they knew
what he’d done, they would have turned their backs on him. He was sure he’d have
done the same thing.

“Lou, honey. I need for you to let me
get up. If you don’t then I’m afraid we won’t be leaving this bed for a very
long time.”
If ever
, he thought to himself. He rocked into her to show
her what he meant and she raised her head to look at him. “I can’t lay here
with you without wanting you. All of you.”

“Why?” Her voice was soft and low. He
leaned his head close to her to take her mouth when she licked her lips. “You
want me, don’t you?”

“More than anything in this world. But I
won’t be able to stop with just making love to you. I want to mark you, bond
with you.” He kissed her gently and could feel his hunger grow for her. “Lou,
if you don’t want me to make love to you then I would suggest that you get away
from me now.”

She giggled. He’d never even heard her
laugh before, he realized, and found the sound of her giggle made him feel
good. He wanted to hear it again and again. He nuzzled her neck again. When she
moaned he licked the pounding pulse he found there and nipped at it.

“I want to feel you come around me. I
want to bite you here when you come.” He nipped again and was rewarded with
another moan. “Do you have any idea what I want to do to you right now?”

“Yes. I saw it in your mind.”

He could feel his wolf snarl at him and
run along his skin.

“I can feel that. I can feel when he
comes to the surface like that.”

He moaned again and rolled her to her
back. She let him take her hands and put them above her head. His body was
burning for her and he could smell her heat. He nuzzled her breast as he
watched her face.

“I want to suckle you here. Take your
nipple into my mouth and dance my tongue over the tip.” She bowed her back up
and he bit her through the t-shirt she had on that belonged to him. “You are
driving me crazy with your scent.”

“You’re so hard. I can feel you all the
way inside of me.” She rocked up when he pressed down into her folds. “I would
like to feel your skin over mine. Touching mine.”

He sat up, but didn’t leave her. As he
watched her breathing hard, he pulled his shirt over his head and looked down
at his tented boxers. He could see the stain forming on the front of them. He
let a little of his beast go, ran one of his claws down the front of her shirt,
and sliced it from her body. Her heaving breast nearly had him howl.

Her panties were soaked. And now that
she was exposed to him, he could smell her stronger. Her need made him wild for
her. He ran his finger gently up her thighs to the juncture at her legs.

The panties didn’t stand a chance. He
tore them from her hips and she danced up and down on the mattress while he
watched. Her bare breasts seem to call to him, but he wanted to drink from her

Scooting back on the bed, he told her to
wrap her hands around the posts. “Don’t touch me yet. If you do then I won’t be
able to hold back. I want to sip from you first, take your nectar into me and
taste of you.”

“Please.” He settled between her legs
and lifted them up to his shoulders. Connor leaned closer to her and inhaled
deeply. She smelled delicious and he was going to gorge himself on her.

Licking along her thigh where her leg
met her body, he looked up at her. Sliding his finger into her heat, he moaned
when she tightened around him. He knew that she was a virgin and was thrilled
that she was his.

Leaning down again, he opened her up
with his free hand and took her tiny bud into his mouth. Christ, he was going
to die from her taste alone.

“Come for me, baby. Come so I can get my
fill of you.” Her body exploded when his tongue joined his finger. She not only
flooded his mouth, but his hand as well. He drank from her greedily and
continued to as she came a second then a third time. Lapping up her cream, all
he could think about was how amazing it was going to feel when he was inside of

Connor moved his way up her body. Nipping
here then laving the tiny red place with his tongue, he tasted her flesh. He
rolled his tongue into her belly button. She tasted of things he’d never
thought of as erotic. Flowers and sunshine as well as her own special scent
that he knew the Fates had made just for him. When he got to her breast, Connor
suckled at the hard tips, pulled each one into his mouth to savor and enjoy. By
the time he got to her mouth, he was so close to the edge that he knew he’d be
hard pressed not to come as soon as he entered her.

He settled between her thighs, holding
himself still as he tried to calm his pounding heart. His cock was at her
entrance and he rocked gently, knowing that when he did enter her, he was going
to hurt her. He kissed her and smiled at her. “I don’t want to hurt you.” She
nodded, and he kissed her again. “You’ve no idea how happy I am that I’m going
to be your first, but I really wish that I could take you as hard as I’d like.”

“I’m not naive or anything. I just
never…sex was never anything I thought I’d care all that much for.” Lou wrapped
her feet over his calves. “Connor, do you think maybe you could…I don’t know,
just do it?”

He laughed. “Yes. I could. And I want to
very much. But I also hate hurt—” She rocked up, using his body as leverage. When
she moaned again, he moved into her deep, punching through her virginity
quickly. He stilled when she cried out.

“Please, just give me a minute.”

He didn’t move, afraid to, if he was
honest with her.

“You’re bigger than I thought. Maybe
this wasn’t such a good idea.”

He could hear her fear and her pain. Moving
slowly he rocked into her again. When she stiffened, he stopped, but moved
again when she rocked up to meet him. This slow movement went on for several
minutes until he thought for sure he was going to die from it.

Just when he thought she might be right,
Lou wrapped her fingers into his hair and held his face in her hands. She
looked deep into his eyes and he was sure into his soul. He let her. Knowing
that she had so very little trust, he wanted her to feel good about their new

“You really don’t want to hurt me, do

Connor shook his head.

“I’ve never meet anyone like you before.
You don’t really want anything from me other than to be your mate.”

“And to me, that’s more than I ever
hoped to receive from a woman. I knew that you were out there, a mate for me,
but I never dreamed that she would be so lovely and as amazing as you are.” She
flushed. “I want you, Lou. I want to make a life with you.”

She rolled him to his back and straddled
her legs on either side of him. Not touching her, letting her set the pace
again, Connor watched her hands as they explored his body. When she leaned down
and took his nipple into her mouth, Connor thought for sure he was going to
expire from the pleasure.

“You have to show me how to please you. I
know the basics, but not enough to give you as much pleasure as you’ve given
me.” He put his hands on her hips and showed her how to ride him. “I want to
give you pleasure, not the other way around.”

“If you were to give me much more
pleasure, Lou, I’d be dead. You have no idea how this feels to me. To be deep inside
of you. Watching your face as you enjoy yourself.”

She moaned and began to ride him in
earnest now. Her breasts beckoned him, begged him, it seemed, and he reached up
to cup them. Warm and heavy, her flesh filled his hands. When he tweaked her
nipples, rolled them between his thumb and finger, she screamed out his name
and stiffened above him. Rolling her over, he took her, buried his cock deep
over and over as she continued to grip and tighten around him. When she bared
her throat to him, Connor licked along the pounding vein and snapped his teeth
into her.

Blood filled his mouth as he came. The
connection between them snapped into place and he could feel her every emotion,
her every thought. As soon as he licked the wound closed, she came again, this
time taking him again. Connor lifted his head and for the first time in his
life, he howled during sex.

 Spent Connor dropped on top of her. He
tried to move, he really did, but he just didn’t have the energy. When she
giggled, he lifted his head and looked down at her. “Never giggle at a man in
bed with you. Especially when he’s just given you the best sex of his life.” She
laughed again.

“The best sex of
life? Shouldn’t
it be the best sex of

He nodded.

“I don’t understand.”

“It was the best sex of my life. And it
will continue to be for the rest of our lives. Every day I’ll make it all that
much better for you.” He kissed her then rolled over until she was spread over
him like a blanket. “Of course we might have to practice a bit every day to get
it right.”

Lou rested her head on her fist. She was
looking at him from his chest when he noticed the tear stains. When he wiped
them with his thumb, she smiled at him. “I’m all right. In fact, I’ve never
been better.”

He pulled her closer. He could feel her
concerns and started to tell her things would be all right when she spoke

“Now what happens?”

He wasn’t sure how to answer that. So he
decided to tell her that. “We make our way and figure things out as we go. You’ll
have to show me how to make you happy without driving you insane and I’ll drive
you insane trying to make you happy. Deal?”

She laughed again and Connor decided
that he’d make it his life’s work to hear her laughter daily, if not hourly. He
held her until he felt her relax against his body then by degrees, his body did
the same. By the time he’d figured out that he needed to get up, he was
drifting off to sleep with a smile on his face.

Now he understood his brothers and their
need to be with their mates.


Chapter 9


The office was closed by the time Dean
got there. It was a big fucking building too. And the security cameras as well
as the big fucking dogs running around it were enough to have him thinking he
should have come back during the day. He was on his third trip around when he
saw the man standing across the street.

“You might want to rethink your place to
rob. I’m pretty sure that the people who that building…” He pointed to the one
behind Dean. “I think they have a real hard-on to keep what’s there away from
people like you.”

Dean looked back at the building then at
the man. “And what makes you so sure that I’m was going to rob this place? Don’t
look to me like they got shit inside.” Which was a lie. He could see that they
had a lot of state of the art equipment in there. “I might just be—”

The man was suddenly in front of him. Not
just like across the street in front, but like he could see his nose hairs
close to him. Dean started to take a step back, but the man laughed. Like he
knew that he’d scared him a bit. Dean wasn’t one for backing down and now was
not going to be the exception. He lifted his chin.

“Like I said, you might want to rethink
that robbery if you want to live.”

Dean looked around, knowing that if the
jerk wanted to, Dean would be dead long before anyone came along to see what
happened to him.

“And you would be right.”

Dean did take the step back then. Then
another. As he turned to go, he heard the man laugh, but didn’t turn to give
him a piece of his mind as he normally would. Instead, he kept running. He was
nearly two blocks away when he finally had to stop and take a breath. Looking
back the way he’d come, he was sure that the man was right there on the same
corner, but the harder he looked, the less he saw. Dean was scared shitless by
the time he was back at his car.

“I’ll show that cunt to scare her poor
old stepdad. The nerve of that bitch.” Dean kicked one of the cans of tuna from
earlier and then stopped dead in his tracks.

There by the car were the sixteen cans
of tuna from earlier. They were stacked up in two neat stacks. He moved closer
to them without touching them and noticed that something was on the top of
them. He leaned closer as the light was so poor here and nearly screamed out
when he spied a can opener. And this one wasn’t one from a trash heap. It still
had the wrapping around it.

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