Untamed Wolf (10 page)

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Authors: Heather Long

BOOK: Untamed Wolf
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“I never really liked it.”

. “Oh, babe, stupid boys don’t know how to kiss right.”

“Really?” She sniffed once, then a tremulous smile curved her lips. “Do you know how to kiss right?”

“I don’t know,” he whispered. “You tell me.” Then he closed his mouth on hers.


he moment
his lips brushed hers, electricity seemed to amp through her nervous system.
Warmth and softness. Coffee and male. Heat and security
. Swamped by the sensations, she parted her lips. His tongue swept inside to tangle with hers. All her earlier aches and pains seemed to evaporate as the world narrowed to where his lips teased hers. Her bones became liquid and her blood super-heated. Desire coiled through her as she curled fingers against his face.

She wanted to hold her breath lest the pleasure assaulting her from the simple kiss stop, yet the massage of his mouth over hers was relentless. She couldn’t catch her breath much less hold it. A low growl vibrated in his throat, and she groaned at the increased sense of urgency. The blanket slid away and his arms came around her, buffering her against the cold on her back.

Leaning into him, her breasts brushed the bare skin of his chest. Her nipples stiffened at the contact and a tremor skated over her. Her wolf surged and she nipped his lower lip. The contact sharp enough to draw blood. Shocked, she jerked away. A dozen apologies trembled on her tongue, but died unspoken at the golden eyes gazing at her.

“Hello, sweet wolf.” He ran his tongue over his lower lip, and the feeling of something purely feminine and satisfied settled in the vicinity of her gut. With agonizing slowness he closed the distance again, then whispered, “Fix what you hurt.”

He wanted her to… She lapped at the small cut, tiny flicks of her tongue, the action as natural as taking her next breath, yet as alien as taking flight. His rumble of pleasure stoked her confidence and she pressed a tiny kiss to the injury, then to the corner of his mouth. When he didn’t reject any of her overtures, she nuzzled along his jaw. The faintest rasp of the stubble on his cheeks pricked and delighted her.

The scrape of teeth against her jaw drew her attention back to him, then he kissed her lightly before catching her lower lip with his teeth. Palming his shoulders, she braced herself to feel his teeth. They didn’t wound, the draw over her lower lip seemed to only increase the tension more.

When he finally released her lip, she shuddered. “No one’s ever kissed me like that.”
Even Brick—the wolf who’d kissed her in Three Rivers—hadn’t left her quivering. She could barely remember the way he’d touched his mouth to hers, or the feeling of his hand around her throat—light, without hurting. It seemed so…perfunctory.

Nothing about Dylan was so mundane.

“I gather you liked it?” Curiosity and the barest hint of arrogance marked his words. He was pleased with himself. Well, as a matter of fact, she was pleased with him, as well. With gentle strokes of his thumbs along her spine, he loosened some of her tension. Between the fire at her back and Dylan pressed against her front, she was toasty.

“Maybe.” At the first hint of skepticism, his eyebrows rose.


A devilish sense of play coursed through her, and she could almost feel her wolf’s tail thumping. Was that what he’d meant earlier? Usually so distant, she could
the wolf as though she were pressed as close to Dylan as she could get while not totally displacing Chrystal. Such an odd concept. In addition to wanting his nearness, her wolf didn’t want to give him too much credit. Teasing sounded so much better.

“Hmm,” he didn’t sound too displeased by her words. “Only a maybe.”

“Sorry.” Not even close to sorry. “I thought it was nice.” She found it impossible to lie about his phenomenal kiss with a straight face.

“I understand.” Dylan rubbed his nose against hers once again. “I just need to work harder. Let’s try this.”

He slanted his mouth across hers, and she forgot to think again. She went from being perched on his lap to straddling his legs. The pallet beneath her knees cushioned her bruised skin, and she ignored the pull of the stitches on her back. When his tongue swept forward, she thought herself ready for the duel and groaned against the sensuous invasion.

Flattening her hands to his chest, she savored the rigid cut of his muscles. He was dense, thick and so beautifully constructed. Against his mouth, she said, “I want to paint you.”

“Anything you want,” he told her, then captured her tongue and sucked on it slowly. The coiled feeling in her gut went taut, and she clamped her thighs against his, suddenly aware of the rough denim against her sex and the moisture escaping her. She would soak his jeans…a frisson of unease injected itself into her pleasure, and she broke the kiss to stare at him.


The corner of his mouth curved and his cheek dimpled. “I can smell your desire, and I’m not saying no. I just want to know you’re sure.”

He cared so much about her feelings, her certainty… “I’m not sure about a lot of things. Does desire smell sweet and tart at the same time?” She tried to take in his scent, the delicious musk she associated with him. He was so—masculine. Sunshine, snow, and wind…maybe the differences were what he meant about their wild halves?

“Hmm.” Narrowing the space she’d created, he pressed his nose against her throat and then inhaled a deep breath as he glided his palms over her ass. Aware of the intimacy of the action, she bit her lip. His heart pounded beneath her hands, she could feel the race of his pulse. His relaxed manner wasn’t nearly as true as he pretended.

I’m affecting him the same way he is me…
A thrill shot through her and she arched her back, pressing her breasts higher as she tilted her head away. The action opened her to his inspection, but also invited him. Sliding a hand to his head, she took the chance of nudging him closer.

“Sugar,” he murmured against her throat, then pressed a kiss there. At her urging hand on his hair, he dipped lower to the curve of her breast. “Like lemon merengue pie. All decadent and sweet, yet you know there’s a bite waiting to get you when the cream swirls on your tongue.”

Oh, God.
His words destroyed her. The electric shivers spread from her center to tremble every muscle and her pussy seemed to spasm of its own accord. She ached to feel him touching her everywhere. She dug her fingers into his chest as he laved his tongue along a slow path to her nipple.

“Are you wet for me, sweetheart?” He didn’t wait for her to answer, thankfully, because she couldn’t quite find the words. Instead, he traced a finger over her hip, then down between her legs until he could caress the seam of her labia. Even anticipating the contact didn’t prepare her for the scalding brush of his flesh gliding against hers. He gathered some of the moisture against the calloused pad of his finger, then teased a slow stroke around her clit. Aching for him to touch her, she gasped as his lips closed around her nipple.

Her mind shut off, and it was all about experiencing him. The faint scrape of teeth, the hard pull of his sucking mouth and the insanity generating tease of his finger against her sex. Somehow he seemed to be driving her mad without ever touching her clit. She dug her claws into his shoulders and the world seemed to vibrate as he thrummed his tongue over the pebbled tip of her nipple. Everything in her middle contracted and she cried out.

. She didn’t want to shift. Not now. Panic streaked through her. She tried to withdraw her claws, then the sensual assault ceased. Dylan cupped her chin with his hand, and tugged her face toward him. “Chrystal.” Command elongated her name, and her gaze snapped to his.

“You’re safe,” he told her, and she believed him. The promise licking every word coupled with the fierce determination in his eyes. “Nothing will happen that you don’t want to have happen. If you want me to stop, just say so.”

“No,” she whispered, panting. She wanted his hand between her legs again, she wanted to feel his stubbled cheeks rasping against her soft skin. She wanted him—a convulsion seemed to shudder through her and the world teetered. What she desperately did not want was to rip herself apart in his lap.

“Talk to me, pretty girl.”

“I’m trying not to shift on you.” Even her voice sounded alien to her ears, low and throaty with the barest hint of a growl.

Golden eyes studied her. “Focus on me, sweetheart. Follow my voice. Just like you did out there, remember?”

Only a little, but she gave a jerky nod anyway. Why was her body so out of control? A flashfire of need roasted over her skin and she flushed.

“Damn, you blush all the way to your breasts.” The raw note in his voice threatened her precarious control. The faintest hint of copper touched her nose, setting off another wave of fear.

“You’re bleeding.” Oh God, he was. Her claws had bitten deep into his skin, leaving score marks.

“Hell yeah I am.” Why did he sound so damn cheerful about it? “You lost control, babe. It’s all good. It means you were enjoying yourself.” Something smug existed in his tone. Gnashing her teeth against her lower lip, she curled her fingers into her palms. The last thing she wanted to do was cut him again.

His mouth closed over hers once more, and she gasped. He took advantage of her gasp to lave at her lower lip. The soothing action settled the discord twining through her. “First things first, darling. You don’t get to keep hurting yourself. I’ll bite your lip anytime you want.” He nipped her as if to prove his point, jolting a laugh from her. “Secondly, you’re not shifting. You’re getting amped and it’s exciting. It feels a little the same way, but if you feel real pleasure, you should experience your wolf rising to the surface. It’s utterly natural. What do you see in my eyes?”

Trusting the faith and confidence in his tone, she met his hungry gaze. Wolf eyes gazed at her steadily. Beneath her hands, his pulse continued to race. Her heart stuttered at the tightness in his expression and the flush under the golden tan of his skin. “Your wolf.”

“Yeah, you do, baby. He’s right here with me, very aware of you. He wants a bite. We both want to hear your cries of pleasure and see you come apart. You were close, weren’t you?” The knot in her belly pulled tight at his words.

“You do like to talk, don’t you?”

Head canted to the side, he didn’t look remotely bothered by her question. “Do you enjoy what I say?”

“Yes.” Even if she didn’t quite understand how he turned her inside out. “It makes me…I’m not really good at the dirty stuff.”

The soft chuckle stroked over her senses like a caress. “Don’t police your words with me, pretty girl. Just tell me what you feel.”

“Hot. Needy. I want to touch you and…I really liked you touching me.” At her admission, he cupped her breasts.

“Like this?” His thumbs traced over her nipples leaving tiny electric shocks in their wake. “Or like this?” Resuming his downward path, he trailed his touch to her thighs then cupped his hand against her pussy. One finger nudged at her entrance and she arched her hips in anticipation. “Oh, I think we might have a winner.”

How did he do that? Laughter burst through her tension. Her claws retracted and she tried to mirror his touch, running her hands over his chest. The faint scratch marks were still there, but they’d closed and the wound along his shoulder seemed to have faded. “You’re so beautiful.”

“I think the word you used before was…godlike.” The last came out a husky baritone and his finger pushed into her. She clenched her inner muscles at the sweet invasion and jerked her gaze to his.

“I did say that, didn’t I?”

“Mmm-hmm. I remember it vividly.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. He slid his finger in further, and her eyes drifted closed. “Are you still embarrassed by it?”

“I’m a lot of things right now, but not embarrassed. Can we?” How the hell was she supposed to ask all the questions she had when only one really burned within her?

“We can do anything you want, babe.” His lips were next to her ear and he traced the whirls with his tongue. “We can go fast.” The pump action of his hand drew his finger out then thrust it in again, triggering another spasm within her sex. “Or we can go slow.” He dragged his teeth along her earlobe as he rolled his thumb over her clit. “I can use my hand…” He repeated the earlier combination even as he massaged her breast. The pleasurable assault shattered her defenses one at a time. “Or I can used my mouth on your sweet pussy, just like this.” His tongue thrust against her ear and he squeezed her clit between his thumb and forefinger.

Her body exploded as though rockets detonated within her, and she cried out as the first twist of an orgasm wrenched her thoughts away. His sigh chased her as he stroked her clit, driving her climax further. “Oh, baby. I hear you…give it to me.”

Shaking and trembling through the onslaught, she clung to him. When his mouth returned to hers, she kissed him, a starving woman desperate for the taste of heaven he delivered. Only when the quaking slowed and she rested her forehead to his was she able to begin getting her breathing under control.

“Dylan,” she whispered against his cheek. “I’m sorry.” How could she take so much and give him so little?

“What on Earth for?” He leaned away, his eyes narrowed. She could feel the thickness of his erection where she rested against his lap.

“I—I came and you…”

“Enjoyed the ever loving fuck out of it,” he told her without hesitation. Drawing his hand from her, he raised his fingers. “See, you came all over my hand, and it was beautiful.” When he sucked one finger between his beautiful lips and groaned, her whole body began to speed up again. “God, you taste as good as I thought you would.”

Blushing, she had to ask… “Do you think we could try those other ideas you were suggesting?”

Wearing a wicked grin, he lifted her. Once he sprawled her back against the pallet, he rose over her. “Hell yeah, baby. We have all night.”

Chapter 9

hile seduction hadn’t been
high on his list of priorities when she’d first roused from sleep, pleasuring her became his only goal. The wind whistled as it cut around the cabin, the fire crackled as the flames licked over the wood, and her heart beat an intoxicating rhythm, drawing him closer. Bracing his weight on his palms, he kissed her slowly, letting their tongues tangle together. Awareness of her injuries kept his wolf in check, though his beast ached for her nearly as much as he did. Of all his lovers, his wolf had never been so involved before.

Nuzzling a path to her ear, he murmured softly, “If you want to stop at any time, you just tell me.” His balls might fall off and his dick be permanently imprinted by his zipper, but he didn’t care. Her willing surrender took him out at the knees, and neither he nor his wolf wanted to take any advantage. If it meant ordering her to defy what she might think he wanted, so be it. “I mean it.”

“I don't want to stop.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging him closer, but he leaned away.

“Chrystal. Promise me, if you get scared or just change your mind or anything…you say no, and I'll stop.” His dominance was an issue, no matter how he or his wolf played it. They wanted to take care of her. The small taste of her pleasure was addictive, and they wanted to explore it fully. He wouldn’t bully her into taking him as a lover, something a very dominant wolf was capable of. Chrystal’s sweetness coupled with her inexperience and disconnect from her wolf made her…

Her claws pricked the back of his neck, and her eyes went pure gold. “Stop talking. I don’t want to say no.” The growl sent a wave of lust crashing through him. The snarl and snap of her teeth, the ferocity in her eyes—no, she wasn’t rolling over for him simply because he wanted her. Everything inside him was on fire for her. “You asked me if I’d been kissed…”

“I did,” he agreed, tracing a path of kisses down the slender column of her throat. She didn’t resist him at all, no reticence to having him there. His wolf snapped at him when his teeth grazed over her pulse. No, until she understood the value of biting, he would never take advantage.

“…I like how you kiss.” Her throaty whisper went straight to his balls. His jeans needed to go.
“All I want is to do all those things you were describing.”

Okay, he needed some control. Fisting the covers, he pushed himself up so he could admire the expanse of her skin. Her injuries looked so much better, and he scented no infection or fresh blood. Still—buying himself time, he gave her body a leisurely once over from the soft mounds of her breasts to the flare of her curvy hips. She needed to eat more. No muscle definition impeded the silky sensation of stroking her skin or resting against her. She was tiny compared to him, yet she fit him beautifully.

“Tell me what you want, sweetheart.” Desire turned her scent piquant. Every time he said something remotely suggestive to her, she responded.

“You.” Utter simplicity itself and he groaned.

She stunned him.

He bent, pressing his lips to the curve of her breast he’d yet to play with and she shuddered.

“I liked it when you cupped my breasts and played with the nipples.” The strain in her breathy whisper shook him. Sweet baby was trying to play with him. Drunk on the offer, he nuzzled a path down to the stiff nipple. Using his tongue, he traced the pebbling and gave into the urge to draw the full nipple against his lips, sucking it.

She clutched at his head and her fingers stroked across his scalp. When she wrapped her legs around his thighs, he braced his knees. Contrary to her lush and tiny physique, she was not remotely weak. Still, she would never survive a real fight—not that she’d have to fight.
. His wolf agreed, the cat came the closest they’d ever allow something to hurting her.

He lavished the nipple with gentle flicks of his tongue intertwined with hard sucking pulls until she cried out from it. Laughing softly, he traced his tongue across the valley between her breasts. He could spend hours here, playing with her nipples. Every swipe of his tongue earned a low moan, or gasp. Adoring each sound, he intended to stay right where he was until he had his control fisted. She tried to drag him up for a kiss and he nibbled on the turgid peak, sucking it against his teeth until her whole body arched. He glanced up to see her half-lidded eyes staring at him in dazed wonder.

“I’ve never…”

Blowing cool air across her damp nipple, he enjoyed the way her skin rippled in reaction. “Never what, babe?”

Her throat convulsed once, and she whispered. “Never gone all the way.”

All the way.
Dropping his face to the valley between her breasts, he held himself still. “No sex at all?” How the hell had she made it through her heats?

“No.” With light strokes she ran her fingers over his scalp. “My mother told me when it came on, to lock myself up, so I did. I found—other ways to relieve the tension.” Heats struck females pretty brutally during their teen years. As adults, most could control the urges or simply found someone to scratch it for them.

A virgin. Dylan had always avoided being in that position before—always. Too intimate. Too much emotion. Too likely to lead to a clinging female. Harsh, but he recognized his own needs and his flaws. He wasn’t the type to stay.

“You’re upset.” The worry—and the note of rejection underscoring her words—jerked his head up. She’d stopped moving, and the flush in her cheeks gave way to a pallor beneath her olive skin tone. “I shouldn’t have told you…”

“No, you absolutely
have told me.” Cupping her chin, he met her gaze. “You take my breath away, Chrystal. You survived heats without finding someone to help you. You haven’t had a real lover. You’re almost too good for me, sweetheart. I want this to be perfect for you.” No other man—human or wolf—had touched her.

“Dylan…” Her hand flexed around his nape. The petal softness of her fingers teased him.

“Yes, babe?”

“I’m sorry I don’t know more than I do…”

Enough was enough. He caught a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling the tip. The blatant openness in her reaction fascinated him as she shivered and goosebumps raced across her skin.

“Don’t be sorry, sexy. Don’t ever be sorry.” No more waiting, no more putting her through hell while he wrestled with the decision. His wolf agreed. She needed them, and he wanted her. Yes, it would be intimate, far more than he’d ever allowed himself with a female.

But she isn’t just any female…

He teased her breasts until she writhed. To his utter delight, she couldn't sit still. The more he licked, kissed and nipped, the more she responded. Sliding down her length, he kissed over her abdomen to the juncture between her thighs. “I promised you a kiss,” he said, his only warning before he drew his thumb along the seam of sex. The labia were damp, swollen and the hood of her clit was visible. Need stabbed him as he drove himself nearly as mad as he did her. Soaking in the rich heat of her desire, he dipped his head to follow the path of his fingers with his tongue.

When Chrystal arched her hips and cried out, his last tenuous hold on control began to shatter. He locked his lips around her clit and drew on the tight little bundle until she shuddered. Cupping her ass, he held her place as he feasted on every nuance of her reaction. She came apart so quickly, he was barely ready for the burst of spicy wetness slicking her folds. As promised, he kissed her lips and stabbed his tongue up inside of her until he could feel the liquid heat coating him. He braced her hips with his hands as she began to writhe and her low soft cries climbed.

When his teeth grazed her clitoris, she stiffened and as he drew it into his mouth, sucking it once. A flick of his tongue sent her screaming out his name and he grinned. He stroked her through the orgasm, indulging himself in the sweet cream flavor of her pleasure. As the quaking in her muscles quieted, he slid a finger inside of her, glancing up the flat of her stomach to watch her back arch. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on his finger and it took a little effort to work a second one in, but he began to thrust slowly, pulling out and pushing back in as her breath began to speed up.

Curling his fingers just slightly, he found a spot inside that had her writhing in seconds. When her fists bunched against the sheets, he caught her clit in his mouth and thrummed it with his tongue. Her legs locked on his shoulders and she came again, her cries almost hoarse. He wanted to just play here, test what brought her pleasure, how far could he take her and drown in the flavor of her cream as she climaxed over and over.

When she tugged at his hair with impatient fingers, he lifted his head. Drunk on the taste of her, he smiled. “Yes, beautiful?”

Beautiful didn’t do her flushed and sweat-slicked body justice. His own seemed to be boiling under his skin, and he ached to strip down and slide his cock inside of her until they didn't know where he ended and she began, but after everything—no, he wanted it to be perfect for her.

“I want to touch you.” Though she panted the words and her eyes glowed in the firelight, he heard the mixture of order and demand. Her command filled him with pride, however, because she’d told him exactly what she wanted. With a hint of regret and more than a measure of longing, he pressed one last tongue lingering kiss against her pussy.

“I’ll be back soon,” he promised her—and himself—before pushing himself upright. Her laughter drifted over him like a filmy garment and his wolf rolled around in the sound. Happiness looked fantastic on her. Stripping his jeans gave his cock some relief, and her humor vanished into unvarnished lust as she roved her gaze over him.

The scorching sensation of her admiration had him fighting the need to lunge forward, pin her to the pallet and take—the violent craving shook him. “I don’t think I can be gentle.” The admission cost him. He’d spent all of his precious control to get as far as they had.

“I don’t want gentle,” she said, startling him with the directness as she rose to meet him. He dropped to his knees and caught her hands before they touched his cock. One stroke from her and it would be over. When he came—damn, if he didn’t want to be inside her. “I want you, Dylan.”

When she tugged her wrists from him, he released her. “If it hurts—your back, your body—” Her hand clapped over his mouth, silencing him.

“Yes, I will tell you.” With her free hand she traced his chest, everywhere her fingers grazed left his skin hypersensitive. “I want your cock inside me. I want to feel you thrust. I want to know you’re coming apart as I hold you, and I want—” He asked her for all her desires, and she gave them. Catching her hips, he lifted her onto his lap. His cock nudged her entrance as he settled her weight.

Holding her gaze, he gave her the control to take him or not as he balanced her lightness. She was so petite, the last thing he wanted to do was…with one thrust she sank down on his cock and suddenly he was enveloped in the hot, clamping heat of her sex and her mouth fused to his.

Wrapping her hair around his hand, he plundered her lips. He tasted her, thrusting his tongue in time with his cock as hips began to piston. With a lurch, he tumbled her back onto the pallet, and her legs locked on his hips increasing his access. He lifted his head. He wanted to watch her come again. Every glide sent another roar of pleasure racing down his spine. His balls were so tight he thought they might burst and still he thrust.

Nails digging into his back, she opened her mouth in a silent scream and he shifted, slid his hand between them and found her clit. “Open your eyes,” he told her and stroked that swollen little button. Her scream turned to a pure howl as her sex clamped down around him in spasms of pure carnal sensuality. The call of her wolf song rushed him until he thrust blindly, coming in a violent rush of color, scent, and sound. Somehow her mouth found his and their cries mingled together.

Every tremor quaking through them jerked his cock, and he thought the hot jets of his release wouldn't end. Spent, he collapsed against her. Sliding one slick arm under her back, he rolled over so he lay flat and she sprawled atop him.

“Wow.” She exhaled in a howl-hoarsened voice. “I had no idea…”

Rubbing her back gently, he chuckled. His heart squeezed in his chest and his wolf exulted at having her so near, though he could feel the fur rubbing inside his skin as if he strained to reach her. “I’ll see your wow and top that in a moment.” Panting, holy hell, she had him panting.

“In a moment?” She eased away to stare at him with wide eyes.

Nudging her head back into place against his chest, he said, “Oh yeah. Let me catch my breath, beautiful. I have so much more to show you.”

Her delicious scent coated him, and he wanted more.

A lot more.


it ever going to stop snowing?” They’d slept well past when the sun should have risen, but the leaden gray skies showed not even a hint of sunlight. Her body still hummed from Dylan’s early afternoon wake up call. When he joined her at the window, he slid his arms around her.

“We’re still fine for a few days,” he told her against her ear. “If we need another hunt, I’ll go.” Considering her epic failure during the last hunt, she didn’t blame him. His hand slid over her ass and he pinched her lightly. “Stop that. Hunting is an acquired skill, and you’re still learning. I’d rather you had better conditions to learn under.”

Laughing, she rested her head against his shoulder. “I know, I just—you’re already cooking and cutting firewood and giving me stitches, it would be nice if I did something for you.”

“Hmmm.” The way he made a single syllable so lascivious set off another set of giggles for her.

“I have no problems with that, but I meant contributing to our stay here.”

“So did I.” He nuzzled her cheek. “You look great in my shirt.”

“Well, I hope you have a way to do laundry because I’m wearing more of your clothes than you are.” Not complaining at all. The teasing increased the sense of belonging she’d never experienced before. Hell, she wasn’t even sure ‘belong’ was the right word.

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