Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts) (20 page)

Read Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts) Online

Authors: Maria K. Alexander

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #holiday, #reunion

BOOK: Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts)
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Soft romantic light bathed the banquet room at the Waldorf hotel. Crimson tablecloths offset the pale color of the walls, and each table held an enormous red and white poinsettia arrangement in the center. Lighted trees were scattered throughout the room, casting a warm and festive glow.

Kate wove her way through the crowd hoping to avoid Robert Morgan, an older client who had taken a fancy to her that evening. She’d danced with him three times already, and she’d had enough. A quick scan of the room showed Edward dancing with the wife of another client. He seemed to find plenty of women to dance with but couldn’t be bothered with her. In fact, he’d hardly paid attention to her at all since they arrived. Well, that was just fine.

Just as she attempted to snag a cup of coffee, Charles approached her.

“I see you finally managed to escape the clutches of Mr. Morgan,” he said.

“An almost impossible task. I’ve been tempted to hide out in the bathroom the rest of the night.”

“To avoid him or my brother?”

“Maybe a little of both.”

“Generally, I don’t interfere in my brother’s personal life—”

“But you’ll make an exception this time?”

He ignored her sarcasm, a trait so similar to Edward she almost laughed aloud.

“I’ve spent the past five days with him, and I can tell you it wasn’t pleasant.”

She hoped Edward had been good and miserable. “Really? That’s too bad.”

“Normally he loves Vegas and though he was attentive during business meetings, there were times his focus faded, especially in the evening. He didn’t stay out late at the tables and spent a lot of time at the pool or working. Very unlike my brother.”

“Maybe he’s finally growing up,” Kate replied.

“It’s certainly possible, but I suspect his attention wasn’t full on because his thoughts wandered to you.”

Kate gave him a wary look. “You give me more credit than I deserve.”

“You don’t see how twisted up you’ve gotten him. I’ve never seen him like this before and it makes me wonder...”

“Wonder what?” she asked when he didn’t continue.

“Wonder if you’re just as twisted up about him. And given that you’re both avoiding each other tonight, I’d say I was spot on.”

And here she’d thought she’d been doing a good job maintaining their truce. Well, the hell with Charles’s twin perception. She lifted her chin and gave him the same determined look she used to give her parents when she refused to give up her point.

“I can see you’re as stubborn as he.” Charles set down his drink and lightly grasped her wrist. “Come, let’s dance.”

She sighed, resigning herself to no rest or coffee, and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor. She smiled as they passed co-workers and clients. There were a lot more clients attending than she’d expected. The Weston brothers certainly put on quite a lavish party.

Charles was as accomplished a dancer as Edward. There was none of the usual awkwardness when dancing with someone the first time. She relaxed and enjoyed the melody. When the music climaxed, he twirled her and unexpectedly she found herself dancing with Edward.

She flashed him an annoyed look. “Somehow I don’t think that’s the first time you’ve pulled that move.”

He gave her a playful smirk. “No, we used to do it all the time. Would you have danced with me otherwise?”

“I guess we’ll never know since you felt compelled to trick me.”

“And now that you’re in my arms, I’m not letting you go anytime soon.”

He pulled her closer and she tried to fight the effect his body had on her. The touch of his thighs against hers, the feel of his hand around her waist had her heart racing. But it was his eyes that captivated her, pulled her closer to him.

“Vicky told me about her business proposal,” Kate said when the song changed.

“What do you think?”

“I think it’s a fantastic idea and perfect for her.”

“She’s been worried about your approval.”

Kate furrowed her brow. “I always thought my sister couldn’t care less about my opinion, and now I find out she’s actually looking for it. Weird.”

“Not surprising, though. She looks up to and admires you. She sees what you’ve accomplished. What you’ve gone through and overcome.”

“I guess we’re more alike than I realized. For so long I’ve felt isolated from her. The divorce was difficult for her, and every time I tried to talk to her she would shut me down. Eventually I stopped trying.”

“How do you feel about my part in it?”

She could see the tension in his jaw while he waited for an answer.

“It bothers me she didn’t feel comfortable coming to me, but I understand why.” She reached up to touch his cheek. “I’m glad she chose to confide in you. It’s what I would have done.”

She couldn’t read his expression. He glanced away like he wasn’t sure what to say and then turned to kiss her forehead.

“Thanks. I’ve been worried you would be upset about another secret between us.”

Kate thought about the adoption to Lucas and wondered if not telling him constituted as a secret but pushed the thought aside.

“Has Nick heard anything more about the flowers or Sal?” Edward asked.

“No. Sal was at work outside Philly when they were delivered, but he could have paid someone to do his dirty work for him.”

“Right. I was thinking…,” he said with caution, “…that maybe you shouldn’t be alone while these things keep happening.”

“It was only one thing. It’s not like he’s stalking me or anything.”

“Are you certain about that?”

No, but she wasn’t about to let him know that. “I feel completely safe in my own apartment. I’m not going to let Sal, or anyone, drive me away.”

“I was suggesting you stay with me or I with you. It would be convenient and—”

“Oh, so this is about sex now?” she shot back.

A puzzled look crossed his face. “This has nothing to do with sex. I’ll sleep on the couch. I want you safe.”

“And I can’t be safe without a man around? I’ll have you know I’ve flipped my brother Nick a few times during self-defense training. So don’t underestimate me.”

She felt him stiffen. “I’m not suggesting you can’t defend yourself, and I think you know it but are intentionally missing the point.”

They stopped dancing and now stood glaring at each other. Her face felt flushed and her heart pounded. The nerve of him to think she couldn’t take care of herself. Well, she didn’t need him—or anyone for that matter.

“I’ve had enough dancing for now,” she said.

She turned to leave, but Edward grabbed her hand.

“Sod it,” he said and yanked her off the dance floor.


Edward couldn’t remember ever being more pissed, but he didn’t care, even as Kate’s string of curses trailed behind him. It was time they had this out—one way or another. He held her hand firmly and led her to the terrace. The gust of cold air against his cheeks did wonders to cool his temper. He only hoped it had the same effect on Kate.

He’d thought things had been going pretty well with her, given the circumstances. Then he blew it by practically demanding he stay with her—as if she’d really do that.

Once outside, she jerked her hand out of his and moved to stand by the railing. “What the hell is with you tonight? How dare you drag me off like some type of Neanderthal.”

He’d been called lots of names by women, but never a Neanderthal. With her hands on her hips, eyes opened wide, and nostrils flared, Kate looked like a lioness ready to attack her prey. And although he shouldn’t, Edward found it arousing.

“I wasn’t about to allow you to walk away from me again,” Edward said.

“Allow me?” Kate said through clenched teeth. “You’re not in control of me.”

He took a step closer to her. “I wasn’t trying to control you. I’m trying to get you to see reason.” He held up his hand when she was ready to cut him off again. “Hear me out. If Sal could get someone to deliver you dead flowers, then who’s to say next time it won’t be something worse?”

“You don’t know that.”

“True, I don’t. But I saw his face in the church courtyard. He’s sick and determined to get to you. And from what you and Nick have told me, he has the money and resources to do exactly that.”

She didn’t say anything but looked down at the ground. Since her breathing appeared calm and even, Edward decided to take a chance her anger subsided. He took another step closer and cupped her face.

“I’m concerned for your safety.” He lowered his voice. “I’m sorry if I upset you. It’s just…I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you.”

After a moment of staring at him, Kate swirled and faced the city beyond the railing. Edward rubbed at the tension in the back of his neck, doubting his ability to break through her stubbornness. From the looks of it, he supposed anything between them was hopeless.

“Damn you,” Kate whispered, whirling around to face him again.

The fiery look was back in her eyes. Edward couldn’t be sure if that was a good or bad sign.

“I want to hate you. I want to tell you to fuck off and stop caring about me, but—”

“But what?”

A tear escaped her eye and slid down her cheek. “A part of me is glad that you do.”

“And the other part of you?”

“Is terrified of what it means.”

He used his thumb to wipe the dampness from her face. “That makes two of us.”

She paused and swallowed. “Am I the only one who gets seriously turned on when we fight?”

He almost laughed aloud at her question. “Luv, my dick is so hard right now walking would be a definite challenge.”

Several emotions passed across her face. But the one that stayed, the one that was the strongest was need. As furious as he’d been only moments ago, seeing that raw need on her face made him forget his anger.

“I don’t know what to do anymore. What do you want from me?” he asked.

“I want to forget about my family’s businesses, Sal, and everything else.” She paused and licked her lips. “I want you, Edward. I just want you.”

They reached for each other at the same time. She tilted her head and met his lips when they crashed down on hers. This was no gentle kiss. Mouths fused with intensity and desperation, a crescendo after months of wanting.

Tongues dueled, each trying to take the lead but neither giving up control. He pulled away from her long enough to slide his lips down her neck, feeling her shudder when he gave her shoulder a gentle bite.

“I’m sorry about earlier. I let my Italian temper get in the way. Again. Edward, I need you. Make love to me, here, now.”

His mind whirled, and he fought to separate his lust from logic. While he wanted her badly enough to take her right there on the terrace, he figured it wasn’t a good idea given anyone from the party could find them. And he wanted her completely to himself.

He pulled back to breathe, to attempt to rein himself in from the wildness he felt. Her face was flushed with passion, with desire for him.

“I’ll call for the limo,” he whispered in a husky voice.

“That will take too long.” The sexy gleam in her eyes made him want her hard and fast—at least the first time.

“Right. How about I get us a room?”

“Perfect.” She shuddered.

“You must be freezing. Come here.” He opened his jacket and pulled her into his warmth. “I just need a few minutes before I can walk through a room full of people without embarrassing myself.”

Chapter Fourteen

Edward handed the hotel desk clerk his credit card and drummed his fingers on the counter as he waited for the paperwork to be finished. He scanned the lobby for Kate, who had disappeared into the gift shop ten minutes earlier, and saw her round the corner and make her way toward the front desk. The naturally seductive swing of her hips turned many a head of the males who watched her pass. She only had eyes for him, though, and gave him a wide smile when her gaze met his.

He barely listened as the clerk reviewed the checkout policy and handed him an envelope with the key card. He reached for Kate’s outstretched hand and briskly led her to the bank of elevators. Another couple entered with them, much to his dismay. Kate caressed his hand, her mere touch causing his heart to pound and making him instantly hard again.

The doors barely closed after the couple got off on the fifth floor before he pulled her up against him. Her mouth was soft and hot and made him want her as he’d never wanted another woman.

Her quiet moans practically undid him and tempted him to take her against the elevator wall. Overcome with the need to feel her, he slid his hands under her dress and between her legs. Heat radiated off her skin and he felt the dampness through her panties. He slid a finger under the elastic and stroked her. She gasped and rocked into him, giving him the encouragement to continue. He slid another finger in and increased his movements in and out. She bucked against him and with a cry, shattered in his palm. It took all of his control not to explode with her.

“I’d forgotten how good you are at that,” she said, pressing her lips to his.

“Christ, luv. We may not make it to the room.”

He felt the elevator slow and pulled her dress down just before the doors opened. With unsteady hands, he opened the hotel room door. Soft, warm light filled the room, but neither noticed their surroundings. They could have been in the middle of Madison Square Garden and they wouldn’t have been aware of anything or anyone but each other.

Impatient hands fumbled with clothes. She yanked off his jacket and after struggling with the buttons on his shirt, jerked it open, scattering studs across the carpet. One slide of the zipper and the dress slithered over her hips into a pool at her feet.

He slowed down long enough to let his eyes take her in. She hadn’t worn a bra and her breasts heaved with breathlessness. A skimpy black thong barely covered her. But it was the sensual way she looked wearing the black-lace garters that had him sucking in his breath. He lifted her chin to stare into her dark eyes.

“You’re magnificent,” he said, kissing her.

He leaned down and caressed her breasts, then pulled a distended peak into his mouth. He moved quickly down her body, urgently in need of tasting her. After unfastening the garters, he tugged off her thong and leaned forward to sip the wetness he could see glistening on her. He plunged his tongue deep inside her, thrilled when she cried out his name in an even more explosive climax than before.

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