Until Midnight (3 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt,Cerise DeLand

BOOK: Until Midnight
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She smiled like a well-kept cat and put the soles of her feet to the bed, then widened her thighs.

“Oh, god,” he groaned. “Your pussy is the same dusky rose as your nipples. Deep

inside, you’re even darker shades. Did you know?” he asked on a breathless sound.


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

Her answer of “no” was a blend of sound and mindless desire. No other man was

so eloquent with her.

Adam took her knees in his hands and pushed them apart. “Your lips are so

soaked, they glisten. And the folds of your pussy are as pretty as lace.” He traced the edge of one with a fingertip and she bucked. “Shh, baby. I’m gonna know each one,

learn each delicate little line with my fingers.” He feathered a finger along her seam.

“And my mouth.”

She swallowed hard. No man had ever been slow with her. “Start now.”

“Aw, honey, I’m enjoying the view.” He bent to blow into her tiny pouf of hair.

“Pretty kitty, she shivers for me.”

“She purrs for you, too.”

“Let me see,” he crooned as he inserted one finger inside her sensitive channel.

Nicki bit her lower lip and her hips rose off the bed.

“She likes to be petted,” he told her as he inserted another finger and another to stroke her.

Her core swelled and pulsed. “She wants more. You!”

“Does she?” he asked as if he had no idea, then suddenly, slid into her, his cock

huge and hard and so damn long Nicki mewled in delight.

“God!” She ground her teeth. No man had ever filled her completely. “That is


He halted. “You’re telling me.”

Nicki gazed between her knees. Adam stood with his head thrown back, his eyes

squeezed shut, his toned body paralyzed in ecstasy.

His eyes snapped open. He grinned wickedly. “With all the cream this pretty cat’s

hoarding here, she must’ve been waiting for a long time for one good man. And I am that man.” He tipped his chin. “Got to have a piece of you. Hook your legs up around my waist, baby. Hang on.”


Until Midnight

She hugged him to her with her strong muscles. The fullness of him inside her had

her biting her lower lip, wanting to arch, but not daring to let go and lose him.

He began to rock into her then. Slow and steady, his hips plunged and took his cock deep and hard. With his cool nimble fingers, he spread her pussy lips and found her clit. “It’s big for me,” he grunted. “But I’m gonna make it bigger, harder, baby.” He massaged her, round and round until she keened.

Then, fast as lighting he was gone. Her pussy empty and crying.

She screamed in denial.

He put a hand to her tummy. “No worries, baby. I need to taste this pretty cunt.”

His breath was on her delicate tissues. Hot and fast, he blew on her pussy as he

parted her lips and blessed parts of her with tiny kisses. “Sweet,” he murmured as he traced a circle around her clit. “Hot,” he told her as he nuzzled the inside of one lip, then the other. “Succulent,” he growled as he inserted two fingers in her core and made her buck, then gentled her with a hand to her soft curls. “Let me eat you, honey. Got to get myself all wet with your juices.”

He spread her wide. She felt herself surrender to his command. She’d never been so open, so exposed. Never been so well nibbled and licked, stroked and sucked. He

couldn’t seem to get enough. She never wanted to stop him.

But then wild as thunder, she broke apart. An orgasm that shook her cunt, pounded

through her stomach and tore her up and open.

She clutched at his shoulders. Rocked with his mouth on her. And screamed with

the pulsing release of the most intense orgasm she’d enjoyed in years. One that was stronger and longer than any that had ever ripped her apart.

His cheek on her thigh, he kissed her tender flesh there. “Sweet baby, you are a


She gasped for breath. “Please fuck me now,” she begged. She never begged a man.


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

“Honey, my pleasure.” He gave her clit a parting kiss, then rose up on his knees

and winked at her.

She reached down to grip his waist. “Do us right, Molloy, before I break apart in a thousand pieces.”

He sank his cock inside her in a long slow hot glide. She took him, all of him, and sighed at the fullness she’d never known before him. He gripped her hips and hauled her up on his thighs to plunge into her with a smooth glide that stroked her cunt and made her gasp with delight. He plunged into her with deliberate might that had him hitting the top of her cervix and making her feel complete for the first time in her life.

She grasped the sheets, lifted her head, watched how his long red cock rammed into her pussy and she screamed as he increased the tempo and rocked her into pulsing

madness. His fingers on her clit, he pinched her and possessed her cunt with the

command of a dark desert marauder.

No man had ever possessed her. No man had ever truly fucked her. Not like this.

Not with the power and might and sheer white-hot fury of a sensitive caring brute who was the best damn mate she’d ever had. In bed or out.

The climax crashed down on both of them like a desert storm, tossing them into a

whirlpool of sensation, spasms ripping through their bodies again and again, almost as if they were one person. On and on it went until she was sure she had nothing left in her, but then her body would quiver again and yet again. Through the thin latex barrier she felt the hot spurts of Adam’s semen as his cocked pulsed and flexed.

And finally, spent and wrung dry, they collapsed. For a long moment they lay

together as sanity returned and their breathing returned to normal.

Adam slid carefully from her body and Nicki rolled to one side and he took her in

his embrace. “I see what the Israelis pay you for.”

He chuckled and hugged her. “I’m worth my salary?”


Until Midnight

She leaned back to gaze into his beautiful, heavily lashed blue eyes. “Oh, honey,”

she sighed, her hand caressing his pecs and his ribs, cradling his very erect, very warm and ready cock. “Worth every shekel.”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

Chapter Three

The gauzy overdrape at the sliding door drifted in the current of air from the lazily turning ceiling fan. Nicki and Adam lay on the rumpled bedclothes letting the fan cool their sweat-slicked bodies. Her head was cradled against his powerful shoulder while his lean fingers idly stroked up and down the length of her arm. She drew in a deep breath, inhaling the musky scent of him. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had taken her to such sexual heights before, if ever. Or left her body with such bone-deep satisfaction.

She sighed and tucked herself closer to him. And realized if they spent any more

time together they’d need a much bigger supply of condoms.

“We need to talk.” His deep voice penetrated her thoughts, shaking her to


Nicki sighed. “I’m not sure I have the energy. And I can’t believe you do.”

He bent his head to nip at the tender flesh of her neck and then soothe it with his very sophisticated tongue. Tiny shivers raced through her and unbelievably, she felt a tiny flutter in the walls of her pussy. What was it with this man? He was like some kind of erotic drug to her.

“If you want to stay alive,” he told her, “we need to have a conversation. And I

can’t do it coherently when we’re both naked.”

“I guess you’re right.”

Reluctantly she pushed herself up as Adam swung his legs over the side of the bed.

Her hand automatically reached out to the hard-muscled surface of his back. Fingertips grazed across the scars near one shoulder blade and defining his rib cage.

“Badges of honor?” she asked, not really expecting him to give her the correct

answer. In their line of work, misinformation and misdirection were all-important.


Until Midnight

“In a manner of speaking. Maybe someday I’ll tell you about them.” He stooped to

pick up his shorts and tugged them on. “I hate to ask you to cover that delicious body of yours, but we have some key issues to discuss and I want to be able to concentrate.”

“Spoilsport,” she laughed, but obediently climbed out of bed and pulled shorts and a t-shirt out of a drawer. Scraping her thick hair into a pony tail, she slipped her feet into her thong, pulled it up and yanked on her shorts and t-shirt. Then she turned to smile at Adam. “Satisfactory?”

“Naked is better,” he grinned, “but of necessity this will do.”

Nicki thought it spoke volumes that despite their skimpy attire, both of them

shoved their guns into the small of the back.

“Let’s get something to drink,” he suggested, “and take it outside to the patio. I think we both need fresh air to think better. And as long as we’re inside I might just forget myself and want to fuck you again instead of taking care of business.”

Nicki laughed. “I can’t figure out of that’s a compliment or not.”

“Oh, definitely a compliment.” His eyes darkened to navy, heat sparking golden

lights on the black surface. “Trust me.”

“All right, then. Outside it is.

They grabbed bottles of water from the villa’s fridge and slipped out through the

sliding glass door. Adam paused to drink deeply from his water before capping the


“Come on,” he told Nicki. “Let’s walk a little. Even though we’re outside it helps to keep me from putting my hands all over you.”

She laughed, but obediently followed him along the narrow path through the lush

tropical foliage.

“So what did you do with the body?” she asked.


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

“That’s one of the things I want to talk to you about. I dumped it where no one will find it for a very long time. We don’t need the local
coming around asking questions.”

“Again, I’m very curious as to how the hell he got in here,” she mused. “Not only

does this place have more security that the White House, but you have to actually know one of the four owners to be able to stay here.”

They had reached a curve in the path and discovered an ornate white wrought iron

bench someone had strategically placed in the shelter of two huge bougainvilleas.

“Let’s sit for a minute.” He winked at her. “I think I can manage to keep my hands to myself as long as we’re not touching.”

“I’ll try to make myself unappealing,” she assured him.

His laugh was rich and full. “Honey, I don’t think you could do that no matter how hard you tried.” His face sobered. “Want to tell me how
wangled your


No details, she reminded herself. “Nemesis did a delicate job for one of the owners.

He told me I had a standing invitation to rent one of the villas any time I wanted, as long as it was available. What about you?”

He shrugged. “Same kind of story. Great quirk of fate we ended up here at the same time, don’t you think? And lucky for you.”

She refused to give him the satisfaction of an answer. It had been a long time since Nicole Welles had needed anyone to save her ass. “While you were disposing of…the

goods, did you manage to check around and see if there were any other strange people hiding in the shrubbery?”

“No one that I could see.”

The two of them might have looked relaxed to a casual observer, but Nicki knew

Adam was as constantly aware of their surroundings as she was.

“That doesn’t mean there isn’t anyone else,” she pointed out.


Until Midnight

“I think we both know that. But since the first attempt on you misfired so badly, if there are more assassins here, they’ll want to be a little more careful before they try again. Which gives us a little breathing room.”

“What a comforting thought.” She drank a long swallow of her water. “It would

have been nice to know who the jerk was.”

“No problem. Before I tossed him I printed him.”

“Printed?” She raised an eyebrow. “With what?”

“Don’t tell me Nemesis doesn’t have those dandy little digital fingerprint readers.”

He turned back to her. “I’d think a high class security specialist like you would have all the latest gadgets.”

“I do. We do.” She was still staring at him. “I just didn’t expect a stranger to be carrying one around in the jungle. Are you sure you’re not on some kind of assignment for Mossad?”

“I told you.” His face lost every trace of good humor. “I’m thinking about my

future. Anyway, I have this nasty habit I can’t break myself of. I carry it wherever I go.”

His smile was forced. “You never know whose fingerprints you might need to read.”

“So what did your little gadget tell you about my killer?”

“Just because I’m, shall we say, between jobs, doesn’t mean I can’t still use the

resources of Mossad. The little gadget also transmits so I sent them to the main office and asked someone to run them for me.” He uncapped his water bottle and drained the rest of the liquid. “Come on. Let’s go back to the bungalow. I think I’ve cooled my libido down enough that we can finish this conversation without me attacking you.”

“What’s next?” She stood up and brushed a stray leaf from her shorts.

“There’s a map of the resort in each bungalow. Let’s look at it and try to identify places where someone could be hiding in wait. And you need to tell me about any of the jobs Nemesis has done in the past year—specifically those where you took the

lead—that might put you in someone’s gunsights.”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

Nicki gave an unladylike snort. “That list could be endless.”

“Maybe so, but we still need to look at it. And by then I might have an answer on

the prints.”

They hadn’t taken more than a few steps back toward the bungalow when an

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