Until Then (Cornerstone Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: Until Then (Cornerstone Book 2)
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She grinned, proud of her accomplishment. “I wanted to do something special for you.”
Because I love you.
She wanted to say those three little words, but she held her tongue, afraid he wouldn’t return the sentiment.



Simon’s mood did not improve much after that night. In fact, it seemed to swing in every direction during the busy wedding season. If only he would open up to her about what was really going on.

They sat in her apartment quietly eating dinner together for the first time in two weeks.

She glanced over at him and noticed dark circles under his eyes. “You look tired. Maybe you need to take a vacation.” She was trying to be helpful, but he looked at her like she was insane.

“This is my busiest time of year.”

“I know, but we never see each other.” She pouted. He owned his own company. Couldn’t he take some time off now and then?

He reached across the table and took her hand. “I’m sorry, Chelle. It will get better.”

She tried to smile, but couldn’t even manage to fake one.

“In fact, I have the next two Saturdays off.”

Her eyes lit up. “You do? No weddings?”

“Well, I have Friday and Sunday weddings, but we should do something this Saturday. What do you wanna do?”

She jumped up from her seat and climbed into his lap, hugging him with all her might. “It doesn’t matter. Whatever you want. I just wanna be with you.”

He pulled back and looked at her. “It’s a date.”

She beamed at him and softly touched her lips to his over and over. He returned the favor, until his arms tightened around her, and their kisses became more intense.

The food on their plates was cold by the time they came up for air.



Picnicking at the beach in Grand Haven, walking the pier, and strolling along the boardwalk was the plan. Michelle had been looking forward to this all week. A whole day together. The perfect date with Simon. It sounded like a dream.

Just as she was packing a towel and sunscreen into her bag, her phone rang. “Hey! Are you on your way?”

Simon cleared his throat. “I’m so sorry to do this, Chelle, but I can’t go.”

She dropped hard onto the kitchen bar stool. “What? Why not?”

“I have to work.”

She should have known it was too good to be true. But she was confused. “You don’t have a wedding today.”

His end of the line was quiet for a few beats. “Sarah’s sick, and Maggie had nobody else to fill in for her today.”

She gritted her teeth together, so angry she could barely see straight.

“Chelle, I’m so sorry. Rain check?”

She didn’t respond.

“I know you’re upset. Why don’t I stop by after the wedding.”

“Fine.” That made her feel a tad better.

“It might be kinda late.”

“I don’t care if it’s three in the morning. You better get your butt over here.”

He chuckled at that.

One thing was for sure, if she didn’t see his face before morning, things were going to get ugly.



The clock had not yet struck twelve. Michelle was watching the Tonight Show while she waited. Well, she wasn’t really watching. Her eyes were fixed on the clock. The more minutes that ticked by, the more anxious she became. Her crazed mind concocted all sorts of scenarios. All of them ended with Simon kissing Maggie again. She was relieved when the click of the key in the lock announced Simon’s arrival just after midnight.

He strolled in happily and dropped his bags just inside her door. “You waited up for me.”

“Yeah. I wanted to see you. Why would I go to sleep?”

He shrugged and walked to her kitchen. He returned to the living room with a glass of water and sat down close beside her on the couch.

“How was the wedding?” She was afraid to ask.

“It went well.” He took a sip of water and smiled a little. “Really well.” It spread wider across his face and turned into a full-blown smile.

She looked at him curiously. “What is with you?”

“What? It was just a really fun wedding.” He set the glass on the coffee table.

“Tell me about it.” She wanted all the details, but she knew she would probably get the abridged version.

“It was at the Public Museum downtown. Really fun group. Poor Maggie took the bridal party outside for pictures and ended up getting drenched in a downpour.” He laughed.

Michelle didn’t find it very funny, but she gave him a fake laugh to humor him. She was secretly glad things hadn’t gone perfectly for Maggie for once.

“They had the carousel running for all the guests,” he continued, “which made for some fun pictures.” She noticed the corner of his mouth turn up a little, like he had left out an important piece of the story. It annoyed her immensely, and she wanted to slap that look right off of his face. “And, boy, did they like to dance.”

The wedding was fun. I get it.

She reached for the television remote and clicked “off”.

“Are you tired? Do you want me to go?”

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his chest.

He rubbed his hands up and down her back. “I’m sorry about today. I’ll make it up to you. I’ll come over for dinner a couple nights this week if I can. Maybe we can go out to dinner and a movie one night. We haven’t done that in a while. Next Saturday is the bonfire at Pete’s for the Fourth.”

She heard him speaking, but his voice started fading out as his soft caresses soothed her into a deep slumber.



Simon said he wouldn’t be too late, that he was just stopping over for a couple quick card games with Tom and Uncle Pete after work. Once again, Michelle sat alone in her apartment watching the clock.

At nine, she tried his cell phone and got no answer. The hours crawled by. When the hour hand hit eleven, she dialed his phone again. Still no answer.

Groaning, she grabbed a pile of unopened mail from the counter and stomped into her bedroom. She angrily tossed the mail across the room, scattering it about the floor. Climbing under her comforter, she pulled the covers tight around her face and drifted off into a fitful sleep.

In her groggy, half-asleep state, she felt the covers lift and the bed dip as a warm body climbed in next to her. She pretended to be asleep, and slowly inhaled the familiar scent of Simon.

He brushed the hair back from her forehead and planted a kiss there.

She didn’t move.

He snuggled up to her and draped his arm over her hip. “Chelle,” he whispered.

She wished he didn’t have a key to her apartment.

He planted a soft kiss on her lips and shook her lightly.

Her eyes slowly opened and met his.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” He softly stroked her back.

She said nothing.

He kissed her again.

No response.

He leaned over her, and his lips found her earlobe — her weakness. When he did that, she could almost forgive him anything.

She rolled away onto her back and looked up at him. “Why didn’t you call?”

“We lost track of time.”

She eyed him. “Was Maggie there?”

He opened his mouth to speak, then pressed his lips together, as if he was deciding something. “Yes,” he replied, not looking her in the eye.

“What happened?” She glanced over at the clock. It was well past midnight.

“We played cards.”

“With Maggie?”

“No, with the guys.”

“What about Maggie?”

“We just talked.”

Michelle swiftly sat up, pushing his arm away.

Simon rolled onto his back and began softly running his fingers up and down her arm. It was very distracting.

She didn’t look at him. “Can you please stop that?”

His hand stilled.

“What did you talk about?” Michelle had a feeling there was more to the story.

“She was really upset. She went to a meeting tonight with a couple who wanted to hire her for their wedding, and it turned out to be Ben.”

“No.” Michelle felt sick to her stomach.

“Yeah, it was pretty messed up.”

“Is she OK?”

“Why don’t you call her, Chelle?”

The room was silent for several eternal minutes. It broke her heart that Maggie had seen Ben so unexpectedly with his new fiancée. She knew how devastating that must have been, but she wasn’t ready to talk yet.

“I can’t,” Michelle finally said.

“You don’t have to go to Fourth of July if you don’t want to.”

“Why would I not go?”

“Well, you’re mad at Maggie, and she and her family will be there. You might not have any fun.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

He sat up next to her then. “Stop saying stuff like that.”

She swallowed hard.

“Michelle.” He searched her face. He only called her Michelle when he wanted her to take him very seriously. “I’m sorry. I really am. Please don’t be angry with me.”

“Do you wanna end this, Simon?” She wasn’t afraid to ask the tough questions.

He closed the distance between them and replied with a sweet kiss. “Does that answer your question?”

She wanted to believe him. More than anything, she wanted them to work. She wanted happily ever after with Simon.

But what she wanted and what God wanted for her were two very different things.


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