Until You're Mine (4 page)

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Authors: K. Langston

BOOK: Until You're Mine
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They would both be the death of me. My mind immediately wandered back to the conversation that took place in my office three nights ago.

My mouth feasted from the soft skin of her neck. “Archer,” she breathed.

“Fuck,” I grinded my hard cock into her stomach. With one arm wrapped around her waist, I hugged her close while my other hand held her neck in place. I could fuck her right here and now if I wanted to, but her consent would make it so much sweeter. “You know what I want. Just fuckin’ say yes so we can move past all this petty shit,”


“I hate that word. Have I ever told you that? It should not be part of your vocabulary.” I dragged my finger across her swollen lips before I demanded them once more. Her cherry flavored mouth made it damn near impossible to pull away. I looked into her eyes. “Tell me what you want. What will it take?”

“I want you to be mine.” Her eyes were so wide and sure. She knew exactly what she wanted, giving me one more thing to adore about this woman.  

“Not possible.” I said shaking my head. 

“Why do you deny this?” Katherine pulled my hand from her face, guiding it to rest just above her breast. Her heart pounded wildly beneath my palm as she breathed in and out with shallow breaths. “Feel that? This is what you do to me.”

Jerking my hand from her chest, I immediately released her and took a step back. I was pretty sure if she put her hand on my chest right now, she could feel my entire body vibrating with need, just like hers. I knew exactly what she was feeling because I felt the very same way. I wanted her just as badly, but I was scared to fucking death. Deep inside the darkest corner of my heart lived a beast, a wild animal that had been caged for so very long, afraid to be set free, afraid to love.

This impossible woman continuously taunted him, and that irritated the piss out of me. “Why the fuck are you playin’ so hard to get? You know you want this too.”

She lifted her chin, holding my gaze. “I don’t do one night stands and I don’t have meaningless sex. I’m not that girl. ”

I took a step forward. “I can give you anything you want…except my heart.”

“What are you so afraid of?” Katherine took in a step.

“Why do you have to be so goddamn perfect?” I asked, looking down into her consoling eyes. “Why can’t you just be the bad girl I want you to be?”

“I can be that girl. I can be whatever the hell you want as long as you accept all of me. The good and the bad.” Taking another step forward, our bodies collided. She placed her tiny hand over my thundering heart. Once again, the pull was powerful, unyielding.

Fucking terrifying.

“Let me in. That’s all I’m asking. I want all of you, Archer, not bits and pieces.”

Snaking my arm around her waist, I tucked one lone piece of hair behind her ear. “Why can’t you just let go of your self-righteous morals for once. Give in to what you feel instead of what you believe.”

This tug of war had been going on between us for months. Neither of us wanted to give in or concede, and each battle was fought with more intensity than the last. It was a wonder we both hadn’t forfeited. I’d come pretty damn close. The feelings that came along with pursuing her were so damn strong, yet I had to have her.

“Then what would that make me?”


Shaking her head, she laughed. “I need to get back to work.” Standing on her tip toes, she cupped both of my cheeks. “To be continued.” She kissed me once on the lips, then again on the cheek before she turned and walked out, leaving me with a raging hard on and a feeling in my chest I never ever wanted to acknowledge.

“Arch!” Holden elbowed me, bringing back to the here and now.


He pinned me with a glare. “The ring.” he said though gritted teeth.

“Shit. My bad.” Grinning, I fished the ring from my pocket and quickly handed it over.  

If looks could kill, Maddie would have struck me down before God and everybody. Katherine on the other hand, sniggered beneath her palm.

I smiled bigger.

Preacher cleared his throat.

Holden turned back around and Maddie’s face completely transformed from cold blooded killer to the woman my cousin had fallen heart over dick for. Maddie stared at her soon to be husband with so much love and adoration, it made me nauseous. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy for them. They were crazy about each other, and it gave me comfort knowing Holden had found someone to love and take care of him. Someone who would be there for him. Besides me, he hadn’t had that in a really long time. But love wasn’t something I wanted or needed in my life.

Fuck that shit.

“I, Nathaniel Holden Brooks, take you, Madison Claire Waters, to be mine forever. I vow to give myself to you completely. My heart and soul belong to you alone, as long as we both shall live.”

Biting her lip, Katherine gazed up at the two of them. Tears shimmered at the rims of her eyes, and it took everything I had to stand in place. Happy or sad, I never wanted to see her cry.

“I, Madison Claire Waters, take you, Nathaniel Holden Brooks, to be mine forever. I vow to give myself to you completely. My heart and soul belong to you alone, as long as we both shall live.”

One tear escaped, trickling down Katherine’s flawless face, but it never had a chance to fall. The second she swiped it away, her eyes found mine. All I wanted to do was take her in my arms and never let go.

The fuck was I saying?

Looking away, I stomped down all of those needy feelings and shoved my hands back into my pockets. The lack of control when it came to her pissed me off to no fucking end. I didn’t want to
anybody. I hadn’t
a goddamn soul in a long ass time. Needing people lead to pain. Pain I never wanted to feel again.

“By the power vested in me and the state of Mississippi, I now pronounce you…
each other’s
. You may kiss your bride.”

Cheers erupted throughout the church. Per Mrs. Water’s strict instruction the night before, I waited until Maddie and Holden were halfway down the aisle before I stepped to the middle and gave Katherine my arm. Slipping her tiny hand to rest at the crook of my elbow, I noticed her take in a sharp breath. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were flushed pink.

The need to comfort her took over and my hand automatically covered hers. “You look beautiful.” I whispered from the corner of my mouth.


Rubbing her hand wasn’t enough, so I squeezed her fingers. “Ride with me,” 

“Ok,” she smiled that stunning smile that made my dick hard and my heart soft. “I just need to grab my stuff right quick. Wait for me here?” I nodded, shoving my hands in my pockets.

Sure, why the fuck not.

“Mr. Brooks,” Katherine’s father greeted as he stepped into the small corridor.

“Mr. Vaughn,” I replied sternly.

I’d met Richmond Vaughn last night at the rehearsal dinner. The imposing man walked with a confident gait and seemed to hold me and everyone else around him with an accusing eye. He was a man of God; he knew sin when he saw it. Looking around slowly, he clasped his Bible with long fingers. Once he was certain the coast was clear, his brown eyes- the same color as his daughter’s, turned cold and hard. He shoved one hand into his right pocket as his tattered Bible taunted me from his left hand. He leaned in closer. I didn’t move an inch.

“I’m only gonna tell you this once. Katherine will never be yours. She’s God’s child. My daughter.” Raising the worn black Bible, he tapped it to my chest. “Do you good to remember that.”

My eyes never left his as anger rolled hot and heavy through my gut. I fisted the fabric of my slacks to keep from laying him the fuck out. Inhaling a deep breath, I silently resolved not to ruin Maddie and Holden’s wedding day. Fuck, sometimes I hated having a conscience.

Katherine stepped up beside me. “Ready?”

“Princess,” Blood rushed my ears at the clipped term of endearment. I could no longer comprehend what he was saying. I just heard noise. She’d yet to tell me the whole story, but from what little I’d heard, there was clearly a riff between the two.

With the same cold hard eyes he’d given me moments ago, she glared up at him. “What?”

He dipped his chin to his chest, assessing her. “I expect to see you at service tomorrow.”

“I’ll be there.” she assured.

Without another word, he turned on a heel and walked back into the sanctuary.

She looked up at me, her eyes insistent. “Can we please go now?”

The man had no idea what he’d just done. He would never know the effect his words would have on me. No one tells me what I can and can’t have.

Especially her.




A kiss makes the heart young again

and wipes out the years.

~Rupert Brooks




“What the hell should I do?” I had Maddie and Tabitha hemmed up in the corner. Bouncing from one foot to the other, I clutched the keys to Archer’s hummer tight in my hand.

“Will you stop being such a chicken shit? Wasn’t it you who told me to go for it with Holden? Just do it already.”

“I already told you what you need to do.” Tabitha reminded, sipping from her goblet of red wine.

The three of us had spent the last 48 hours together. I’d decided the first time I met Maddie’s old roommate, Tabitha Warren, that I liked her very much. She was honest and always said exactly what was on her mind. That, along with her fierce loyalty to our friend had quickly earned my respect. However, her idea on how I should win Archer’s heart was not exactly what I’d had in mind. Was I actually considering her advice? Yes, I was. My poor body had had enough.

Holden stepped up behind Maddie. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he kissed and nuzzled her neck. 

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