Untouched (30 page)

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Authors: Sara Humphreys

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Untouched
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She had shifted into her panther.

Snarling, she turned toward her captor and crouched low, instinctively preparing to attack. Her glowing yellow eyes darted toward Samantha, who sat growling loudly in her prison. Kerry tried to reach out with telepathy, but was met with a void. Confused, she looked to Malcolm and tried to connect with him. Still nothing. What the fuck was happening?

Kerry’s bright yellow glare landed on their masked kidnapper. Before she could pounce, their kidnapper drew a gun, pointed it directly at her head, and motioned to the open cage behind her. Kerry didn’t know a whole lot about being an Amoveo, but she was pretty sure that “bulletproof” wasn’t in the job description. She was trapped, and she knew it. Growling, she reluctantly backed into the open cage and watched powerlessly as the door swung shut. The lock snapped closed with a sickening click.

Brent stood behind her jailor with a look on his face that resembled something like regret. The Punisher squatted down in front of the cage and finally removed the black ski mask. A long mane of dark hair spilled out, and Kerry found herself staring into the face of a vaguely familiar woman. She snarled. Was it Dante’s sister? Her mind raced. Marianna was descended from the Bear Clan, like their father, and she’d seen a tiger when she’d touched this woman.

Realization dawned, and a low growl rumbled in her throat. It was the woman from the pictures at The Den.

It was Pasha Zankoff.

Her cold green eyes glittered cruelly at Kerry through the thick bars. “You may be a half-breed and only part Amoveo, but I’d say the binding powder worked quite nicely on you.” A nasty grin cracked her face. “By the way, roar all you want. No one will hear you out here. Joseph finally left for the square, but when he comes home, now that’s when the fun really begins.” Then with a twisted, satisfied smile, she stood and covered the cage, leaving Kerry in darkness.



Kerry tried for what seemed like hours to connect with Dante, Samantha, and Malcolm. However, time and time again she was met with the same void. Nothing. Exhausted and frightened, she lay down in the massive steel cage. Being surrounded by absolute darkness, Kerry had no concept of time. She had fallen asleep, but had been unable to walk in the dream realm. How long had she been here? Hours? Days? Only one thought kept going through her head. Where was Dante?

Frustration simmered relentlessly as the reality of her predicament became more clear. She’d been alone before meeting Dante, but that was nothing compared to what she felt at the moment. The emptiness that haunted her now cut even deeper, because now she knew exactly what she was missing.

Chapter 17

Back in his own suite, Dante swore loudly and threw the note across the room. He needed help. Who could he trust? There were only two other Amoveo left that he thought—no—he hoped, he could trust. Dante threw out a silent prayer that he was right. He held his breath and reached out to William and Steven, but this time, much to his relief, he found some success. Instead of a void, he discovered William’s distinctly sharp energy and connected. Moments later William materialized next to him in the suite, but there was still no sign of Steven.

“Thank God!” Dante sank onto the couch and put his head in his hands. Relief had replaced some of the fear that had threatened to consume him.

“What on earth is going on?” William stood stiffly in his pinstripe suit and looked at Dante with thinly veiled disgust. “You look dreadful.” He sniffed and looked around the room. “Where is Kerry?”

“She’s gone. The Punisher has her out at the old house.” Dante kept his head in his hands. Unable to look William in the face, he pointed to the note on the floor. “See for yourself.”

William calmly went over, picked up the note, and read it. “Oh dear,” he said quietly.

“I think he’s got Samantha, Malcolm, and Steven as well.” Dante stood quickly and paced the room. “I can’t believe I let this happen. Son of a bitch!” He stalked toward William and grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket. “He came right in here and took her. I was in the next fucking room, and he took her,” he shouted into William’s emotionless face. “Some goddamn bodyguard I am, huh? I’m her mate, William.” He shoved William away from him and shouted, “How could I let this happen?”

Dante wondered if he sounded as helpless as he felt. He stood there defeated and half expected William to knock him senseless. At this point, he practically welcomed it.

William straightened out his jacket and tie, but his face remained as serene as ever. “If you’re finished having your pity party, I suggest we go and collect our friends. Really Dante, do get yourself together.”

Dante shot him a contrite look—he knew William was right. “Have you seen or spoken with Steven today?”

“No.” William shook his head, and his brow furrowed. “Still no word.”

“Me either,” Dante seethed. “Every time I try to create a mental link with him, I get nothing. It’s the same with Kerry, Malcolm, and Sam. It’s like… they’re gone.”

A sharp rap at the hotel room door interrupted them. Dante and William exchanged a puzzled look. Dante went to the door and looked through the peephole. It was Peter. Dante swore softly and ran his hand through his hair. The last thing he wanted to do was involve Peter. As a human, he didn’t stand a chance against an Amoveo warrior. He couldn’t just ignore him, so he’d have to make something up and send him on his way. Reluctantly, he opened the door.

Pete came right in, and immediately started giving Dante the business. “Jeez, boss. I’ve been waiting for you two in the lobby for almost half an hour. I was starting to get worried.” He stopped dead in his tracks and looked quizzically at William. Before Dante could say a word, the smile faded from Peter’s face. “What’s going on?” He pointed at William. “You’re not Kerry. Hey, who’s the stiff with the ponytail?”

William made a sound of disgust. “Stiff?”

Dante quickly closed the door. “This is an old family friend, William Fleury.”

Peter and William shook hands briefly, and each sized up the other. Dante could see that they didn’t trust each other. He couldn’t blame them, and right now, he was having some major trust issues himself.

“Listen,” Pete said. “I know something is going on. Where’s Kerry?” He looked back and forth between the two men.

“She’s in trouble,” Dante bit out. He struggled to keep his anger under control. It took every last iota of resolve to prevent his eyes from shifting. “I need you to drive us back to the old house.”

“Wait? I thought we were supposed to meet Jacqueline at her place,” Joseph said through confused eyes. “I think that coot waving a shotgun around today made it pretty clear that he didn’t want us there.”

William’s voice slammed into Dante’s rage-clouded mind.
us? He will just complicate matters. I don’t want to baby-sit a human.

Dante ignored William and gave his full attention to Peter. “I know, and as far as I can figure, Joseph is probably to blame for this mess. Listen, I can’t explain. I just need you to drive me out there.” He looked at his friend and found his serious face held nothing but acceptance and trust.

“Whatever you say, boss.”

I’m quite serious, Dante. I don’t think we should be bringing him. He’s a human, and as a result—he’s weak.

Dante silenced him with one deadly look.
us, and try to get a read on the situation. Kerry, who happens to be half human, hasn’t learned how to use our form of travel.
He felt the need to remind William of Kerry’s heritage.
nowhere, and I want options. Besides—I trust him.

Well, I don’t.
The resolve in William’s voice matched the determined set of his jaw.

“Hello?” Peter stood at the door of the suite. “Are you two going to just stand there glaring at each other?”

William brushed past Peter to the door. “I’ll be taking my own means of transportation and will meet you there.”

Peter rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “Whatever, man. Let’s get going. I can’t imagine whatever she’s gotten herself into is going to improve with time.” Peter took out his gun. He checked to see that it was loaded and then shoved it back into his holster. “It’s always good to have this old girl handy,” he said, patting the lump in his jacket. “Especially out there, man. You never know what kind of creepy crawlers you could run into.”

Dante and William exchanged a knowing look as the three men walked out the door.



“Can’t this car go any faster?” Dante barked from the passenger seat of the Mercedes.

Peter continued to white knuckle the steering wheel and kept his sharp eyes trained on the dark highway. “I’m getting us there as fast as I can. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

here, Peter should stay outside.
William’s stern voice cut into Dante’s mind with his usual razor-sharp precision.

Dante knew he was right.
Fine. Do you see anything unusual yet?

No. It’s very quiet. Too quiet.

Dante cursed softly and glanced at Peter. “I’ll need you on the outside and ready to get Kerry out of there as quickly as possible if things go bad.”

“Boss, come on.” He looked over at Dante, but the determined look on his face sent a clear message. Pete let out a frustrated sigh. “I suppose you won’t want me calling the local cops on this?”

“I’ve already got a cop—a retired cop—but a cop.” Dante forced a strained smile, but couldn’t squash the ache in his chest. He’d kept trying to connect with Kerry, but nothing worked. The inability to touch her mind terrified him. It left him feeling empty and lost. He used this fear and frustration to fuel his anger.

Whoever took Kerry, whoever had the audacity to lay so much as one finger on her, would pay for it with life itself. Dante didn’t consider himself a violent man, but right now, that was the one thing that dominated his thoughts.

They turned into the gravel driveway, and Peter shut off the lights of the car. The bayou, blanketed in the early evening shadows, seemed to sense their presence and sounded unnaturally quiet. Peter stopped the car just inside the entrance of the driveway.

The two men got out as silently as possible and crept toward the seemingly empty house. Dante led the way along the edge of the drive, and crouching low, ran over and hid behind the crumbling fountain where William sat waiting.

Peter looked at William quizzically. “How the hell did you get here so fast?” He glanced at the empty driveway. “Where the hell is your car?” he whispered.

“That’s not your concern,” William muttered without taking his eyes off the house.

Pete flicked a glance of annoyance to William. “Really?” He scoffed audibly. “You sure are a dick.”

“Can you two give it a rest?” Dante hissed. “We’re here to find Kerry, not to have a pissing match.”

“Point taken,” Pete said without a second glance at William. He drew his gun and peered around the edge of the fountain. “Are you sure she’s here?” He kept his voice low. “There are no cars, and I don’t see any lights inside. If I hadn’t been here earlier, I’d never believe that there was a photo shoot here today. I don’t even think this place still has electricity.”

Dante crouched between Peter and William, closed his eyes, and focused on the energy that surrounded them. That odd ripple he’d felt earlier that morning was still there. Whatever was causing it had to be coming from inside that house. Kerry was in there, and that’s all that mattered. Rage bubbled up uncontrollably, and his body trembled. Before he could stop it, his eyes shifted and glowed brightly. He knew Pete would see it, and he didn’t care. All that mattered was getting Kerry.

, William thought to him bluntly.
house. I can sense it. We should call for help. We have no idea how many people are in there.

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