Unveiled (16 page)

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Authors: Colleen Quinn

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Cape May (N.J.), #Historical, #Fiction

BOOK: Unveiled
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Christopher looked up and, seeing her expression, finished the dance with Ella and came to her side. She was dancing with Stephen Pemberton by then, laughing at something he said. The train of her white gown was tossed over her arm, her bridal veil having been removed long ago, and her hair gleamed in the gaslight like polished onyx.

“Come,” he said, interrupting her dance, heedless of Stephen’s indignant expression. “I think it’s time we said good night.”



he champagne lace peignoir felt wonderful against her damp skin. Katie brushed out her long, black hair, then added a touch of scent behind her ears the way Eileen had shown her.

A glass of wine waited beside her in the dressing chamber of the hotel. Katie drank of it deeply, thinking of the night ahead. She was now Christopher’s wife. A pleasurable rush swept through her, followed by an uneasiness. Would he be gentle? Would he be kind and considerate, or would he take advantage of the situation?

Katie recalled the time she’d slept with John Sweeney. She had been barely eighteen, and he had been so handsome, so charming with his wild Irish grin and his jokes. She had thought she was in love, for no one made her feel the way he did. And when he’d taken her in his arms and promised her he’d never leave her, she’d believed him. She gave him the most precious gift she could have offered any man: herself.

And he took it.

Katie cringed as she remembered what followed. It wasn’t that he was rough or unkind. It was just that the entire act seemed distasteful and unfulfilling. She didn’t know what all the fuss was about, what all the books and poets and songs referred to. It couldn’t have been that painfully embarrassing moment when John Sweeney tried to penetrate her. He thrust himself into her, ignoring her gasp of pain. He groaned, his pleasure almost immediately spent, then he lay on top of her, breathing hard.

“God, Katie darlin’,” he’d whispered. “What a woman you are!”

A woman. Tears came to Katie’s eyes as her lover lay in her arms, her fingers brushing his dark curls. She felt cheated and empty, as if her initiation into womanhood should have been more meaningful. And when she’d found out she was pregnant, he’d left her alone to fend for herself, taking her heart with him.

It’s in the past, Katie told herself. Tonight was a new beginning, a fresh start. Finishing her glass, she placed it on the table and walked out to the bedchamber, determined to be brave.

Christopher saw her approach and his breath stopped. If she had looked beautiful as a bride that day, she looked breathtaking now. Her hair, brushed until it shone, was a glossy black against her fair skin. Her nose, turned up and sprinkled with freckles, was a delight, and her eyes, bluer than the sea, sparkled with sweet anticipation.

“Fan, you look gorgeous,” Christopher said, obviously sincere.

“No, you do.” Shyly she indicated his satin robe, decorated with a rich paisley pattern and trimmed with red edging. “That’s pretty. It looks so luxurious. It suits you.”

“You never cease to amaze me,” Christopher said with a chuckle, taking her in his arms. “You’ve grown up with so much money, so many riches, and you always appreciate them as if seeing them for the first time. I think it’s what I like best about you.”

Katie managed a smile, aware that she’d have to be more careful. She was Fan Scott now, and had to stop thinking like Katie O’Connor. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then withdrew for a moment, returning with a wrapped package in his hand.

“I know you received a lot of wedding gifts, but I wanted you to have something from me. It’s not much, just a remembrance of this day.”

Tears filled Katie’s eyes and she opened the box excitedly, tearing at the fragile paper and the silver ribbons.

Inside, on a bed of velvet, was a necklace. A gold shamrock glittered from the end of the long chain with a solitary emerald winking from a heart-shaped leaf. Picking it up with reverence, Katie saw the inscription on the back.
To the beginning. May it always be this wonderful. Christopher.

A tear dropped down Katie’s cheek and her eyes lifted to Christopher’s. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed, admiring the gift. “I’ve never had anything like it, and I’ll treasure it always.”

“The shamrock’s for luck,” Christopher said, indicating the charm. “Although I don’t think we’ll need it. Fan, there’s a lot of things that we’ve never talked about, but I want you to know that I really mean to make this marriage work. We get on well together, we have a lot of fun, and we both like to laugh. I want to keep that alive between us.”

Katie nodded, her eyes glistening.

“And I want to start a family. I’ve always liked children, my reputation to the contrary, and I’d like to have a few of my own. When I saw you talking to that little boy at the wedding, I knew you’d make a wonderful mother. I’d like to give you a son of your own.”

The pounding started in Katie’s chest and she thought her heart would break. God, how she longed to tell him that she already had a son, a wonderful child that he would adore. But how could she ever? How could she confess the existence of an illegitimate child?

“I’d also like to become more established. True, we’ll have your dowry and all that goes with it, but eventually I want more. All of that is none of your concern, however. But I do want you to know that I think we’ve made a good beginning, and that we have a splendid future ahead.”

What was he talking about? Katie was so disturbed by the mention of children that she scarcely noticed. But then he took her in his arms and kissed her slowly, leisurely, with a barely restrained passion that made her want to cry out with pleasure.

No one kissed like Christopher. Katie firmly believed he possessed some kind of magic, for as soon as his mouth touched hers, she forgot everything, all of her trepidations and uncertainties. He demanded a response from her and she gave it, forgetting John Sweeney, forgetting the past, forgetting everything but how much she wanted him.

“Fan…” His voice was a hoarse whisper, revealing everything he was feeling. He nuzzled her throat. “Fan.”

“Please,” she whispered. “I know it’s silly, but just for tonight, would you call me Kate?” When he looked at her searchingly, she managed a smile. “My father used to do that when I was little. He always wanted to name me Katie, but my mother wouldn’t hear of it.”

“Of course, if that’s what you want. Kate.” His mouth met hers and Katie sighed with pleasure. She didn’t think she could have gone through with this if he continued to call her by someone else’s name. No, she needed to know that he was kissing her, wanting her, loving her.

He kissed her again and all rational thought left. She could only feel, her body keenly aware of the cool linen beneath her, the scent of Christopher’s limewater, the crackle of the fireplace behind her as he lowered her to the bed. When his mouth left hers and his hands began to untie the laces of her gown, she lifted slightly, making it easier for him to loosen the lush fabric and pull it away from her overheated skin. Katie cried out when his mouth made intimate contact with her flesh, trailing enticingly from her throat to the soft valley between her breasts.

Every part of her was alive, tingling with warmth and sensation and want The nerve endings of her skin seemed to cry out for him, responding to his touch with a wild pleasure that she’d never before experienced. She could sense that he was forcing himself to go slowly, teasing her subtly until she was practically sobbing.

When his mouth took one of her nipples, even the sound of his suckling seemed like an aphrodisiac and powerfully erotic. Blindly Katie reached for him, wanting to return the pleasure, wanting to make him feel as out of control as he was making her. She heard his soft laugh, then he held her hands at her sides.

“No, Katie. Not yet. Please. I won’t be able to hold on if you do.”

Frustrated, she had no choice but to obey him. Still, the pleasure was delirious as his hand swept over her, down from her breasts that were swollen and aching and wet, down to her belly and lower.

Katie gasped as his hands caressed her thighs, making her cry out desperately wanting more. His fingers teased her, touching her everywhere except where she was throbbing and needing him, exploring the silken inner flesh of her thighs and the soft black curls above. When she thought she couldn’t stand it another moment, his fingers slipped lower, giving her what her body unashamedly pleaded for.

A grateful sob tore from her throat and she arched her back unconsciously, wanting every sensation, everything he could possibly give her. His mouth continued to caress her, placing burning kisses along her belly and legs. And when he replaced his hand with his mouth, she thought she’d go out of her mind.

Her fingers buried in his hair and she writhed in pure pleasure. Her breathing came faster, her voice caught in weak little gasps as the tension mounted. Her aching flesh responded wickedly to his mouth, and she cried out as wave after wave of pure pleasure flooded through her.

Never had she felt so drawn out of herself, lost to a world that she’d never dreamed existed. Her body contracted, her fingers dug into the sheets, her toes curled against the mattress. He seemed to know exactly what was happening to her, and by the time she opened her eyes, stunned by the intensity of what she was feeling, he was reverently kissing her breasts once more.

“My God,” he whispered, softly caressing her cheek. “I just can’t get enough of you.”

Katie flushed, but her eyes held him, aware of the firelight in their dark depths and the emotion they contained. She was his then. Whatever he wanted, she would return this incredible pleasure.

Her hands reached out and caressed him boldly, hearing the sharp intake of his breath as she touched him where he was hot and throbbing and almost painfully hard. Smiling back at him, Katie took control and imitated his actions, returning his kisses with a passion that made his blood boil. When her hair brushed his thighs and she returned his intimacy, he almost lost control.

“Stop,” he commanded, drawing her up on top of him. “I want you so badly. Please…”

He entered her, her body still astride him, and Katie gasped with the joy of it. She was so warm, so aroused, and so ready for him that it began again almost instantly for her. Hearing the soft sounds she was emitting, Christopher lost all control and thrust deeply into her. Katie’s breath caught and she swallowed hard as intense erotic pleasure swept through her. She clung to him, moving with him as a ritual older than time possessed them, taking them past the physical into a realm where reality didn’t exist.

They didn’t speak, but something changed between them. From this moment on, Katie knew she wouldn’t be afraid again. Somehow everything would work out. When their passion was spent and she collapsed into his arms and he stroked her sweat-streaked hair, she knew that it had happened.

God had finally forgiven her.

She awoke to the soft sounds of the church bells ringing and the crash of the waves on the shore. For a brief second she couldn’t remember where she was, for the bed was so luxurious and the linen as fine as silk. She was even more astonished when she realized that she was not alone. She struggled up on one elbow, a rush of joy sweeping through her.

Christopher. He was still asleep, his eyes closed, his breathing quiet as he lay on the snowy pillow. Somehow she hadn’t thought about this, that she’d awaken beside him, but it was heavenly and she didn’t want to move, afraid of breaking the spell. He looked so innocent, his wavy black hair falling over his forehead, tempting her to touch it. His mouth was perfect, full and generous, and his body, barely covered with the sheet, brought a blush to her face as she remembered the tremendous pleasure he had given her last night.

Her wedding night. Katie sighed, aware that no wedding could ever have been as wonderful, or the night that followed as romantic. It was almost too perfect, and the Irish in her was afraid.

Live, Katie darling. Be happy.

Katie smiled, wiping at the tears of joy that misted her eyes. It was foolish to be anxious. She was married now, and the life that could have disappeared at any moment was now hers. She was Mrs. Scott, and no one could say otherwise.

A delicious giggle surged up within her. She would awaken like this every day, with Christopher at her side. Aye, she may not love him yet, but she wanted him. Last night had proven that. Love would come, she was certain. She had the rest of her life to make this work, to form some kind of a new family. And somehow she would find a way to bring Sean into their lives so that he could grow up like Christopher, happy and secure. She wasn’t sure how she could accomplish that, but she’d think of something. Katie had learned to stop questioning fate. She had been meant to answer that ad, to become Fan Pemberton, to marry Christopher. It had all happened for a reason.

Christopher rustled in his sleep and she smiled fondly at him. Ah, he was so good-looking, so carefree. There were times when she felt so much older than he, having lived as she had, but she didn’t begrudge him his money. She allowed herself the pleasure of looking at him, her eyes memorizing every small detail as if he would disappear….

“Did I pass inspection?”

Katie gasped as she realized he was fully awake and was watching her with a grin. She tossed her pillow at him, hearing his laughter, but before she could stomp out of the bed, he caught her wrist, dragging her back against his chest.

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