Unveiled: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy Novel (The Dark Skies Trilogy Book One) (20 page)

BOOK: Unveiled: A Paranormal Urban Fantasy Novel (The Dark Skies Trilogy Book One)
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Right then, I know exactly what I must do.

While both Jax and Mariposa are completely focused on what lies on the other side of the Stargate, I simply turn and walk out of the bakery.

Looking over my shoulder, I see no one is paying the slightest attention to me. With BrightSky at my side, I head back toward the circus big top, then, all alone, I walk east out onto the barren peaty moor.

Luckily, it isn’t hard to find the portal back to Haggerty’s.

Closing the ornate wooden door behind me, only a handful of people remain in the restaurant. Camille is gone. Her shift is probably over.

Again, no one pays any attention to me as I walk out the front door with a red umbrella in my hand. BrightSky is back in disguise.

The stolen Audi is no longer parked at the curb. Hopefully, the owner got their fancy car back.

I stop when I get to the corner, unsure of which way to go. My house and all my belongings are gone. The karate studio isn’t safe. School is out of the question.

I have several hours until sunset. Yet, I don’t exactly know where to start.

Maybe the public library. They have free wifi, bathrooms, vending machines, and a water fountain. Once I’m safely inside, I can figure out what to do next.

It feels strange to be all alone.

But, still, I’m thankful that Ruby and Chad are safe. And Jax is also free to go on his merry way.

I have my sword, and the star-shaped key is safely tucked away in my front pocket. I can still open the Stargate two more times. Hopefully, once I get my uncle back, I will only need to open it once.

Just as I’m about to step off the curb to cross the street, a shiny steel gray pickup truck with dark windows screeches to a halt, cutting me off.

Oh no. Who could have found me so quickly?

As the dark passenger side window rolls down, I grip the umbrella a little more firmly.

At first, I can’t identify the driver. His face in shadows, I see a figure in an army jacket and a black baseball cap.

Then he leans into the light.

“It’s you?” I say to Officer Fitzgerald. “How did you find me?”

“To be honest, I think I just got lucky,” he smiles at me.

“Okay, nice to see you, but I’m sort of in a hurry so--

“Astrid, I know you think we just met,” he cuts me off. “But I was your guide when you and your uncle arrived on Earth.”

“That was you?” I think back to the journal entries my uncle wrote about our guide helping us get settled.

And the voice — the familiar voice — arguing with my uncle in the studio the other day, when I was just regaining my consciousness after Jax hit me with the bow staff.

“Did you think it was a coincidence I just happen to show up at the mall and the house fire?” he asks.

I guess I did.

“The doll.” The only thing I can think to say is, “You brought me Barbie dolls? When I was a little girl.”

“I did. They belonged to my daughters.” He smiles. “Let me just cut to the chase. I’m part of a worldwide organization called the Eye in the Sky. We monitor alien activity here on Earth, among other things. I’m here to help you.”

“Thanks, but I don’t need any help at the moment,” I reply and start to walk away. “I’ll let you know if I do.”

“That’s too bad,” Fitz calls after me. “Thought you might like a little company when you try to rescue your uncle.”

I stop and turn around. “How did you…?”

“Because if you truly are one of the Seven Sisters of Light, you would never leave your guardian behind.” He opens the passenger door. “Get in. We don’t have a lot of time. Let’s go get your uncle.”

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Also by Lysa Daley

ow Available
Uninvited: The Dark Skies Trilogy Book Two

Coming soon: Undone: The Dark Skies Trilogy Book Three

Chapter 1

the spring formal dance was the last thing I thought I’d be doing tonight.

Still, I’ve got to say whoever's in charge of the decorations totally crushed it.

The usually drab school gym is now all aglow in a deep watery blue. Clusters of translucent helium-filled balloons, meant to resemble bubbles, float above cardboard treasure chests and rusty plastic anchors stuck in piles of real golden sand.

A banner proclaiming “Under the Sea” hangs above it all, amid massive glittering metallic sea creatures made from fluttering mylar that also dangle from the ceiling.

The combined effect gives those on the gym floor the impression of being twenty feet beneath the ocean.

Unfortunately, a booming rap ballad ruins the overall dreamy effect. Nevertheless, two hundred of my fellow Oakdale Prep School students don’t seem to care as they dance their hearts out.

Standing alone at the back of the gym, gazing at everyone spiffied up in their formal attire, I feel a pang of sadness. Less than a week ago, I’d been planning on attending this dance too.

No date, sadly. Just going with a group of friends.

Of course, that was before an otherworldly meteorite nearly destroyed my house setting into motion a chain of events that culminated with me discovering that I’m actually an orphaned alien princess being pursued by a shape-shifting bounty hunter who wants to turn me over to an evil alien overlord.

After that happened, going to the dance pretty much got crossed off my to-do list.

Feeling seriously underdressed in my jeans, shabby hightop converses, and an olive green satin bomber jacket, I’m hiding behind a six-foot-tall cardboard replica of seaweed scanning the crowd to find Chad Olson.

And while it is most certainly true that Chad is my one true love, I’ve mentally prepared myself to face the harsh reality that he’s probably here with the queen-of-mean herself; Meegan McGovern.

And that sucks.

“Oh, hell no,” a familiar voice behind me speaks. “Please tell me you haven’t gone all psycho stalker on me?”

“It’s possible,” I confess, turning to find Ruby, my best friend, who’s glowering at me with her hand on her hip. I instantly feel like an underdressed idiot when I get a look at her killer evening gown. “And, by the way, you look like a million bucks.”

Ruby, who’s natural resting state is glamor puss, looks like she belongs on the best-dressed list at Paris Fashion Week. She’s draped in an amazing deep purple gown made from complex layers of silk, tulle and chiffon.

“I know,” she coos with a carefree flick of her wrist. On somebody else that would sound totally conceited, but somehow Ruby makes it work. Despite all this, she’s dateless as well. Just here with our bigger group of friends.

“Wait.” She frowns. “Why exactly are you still here?”

“Nice to see you, too.”

“You know what I mean. Weren’t you supposed to be traveling on a one-way ticket off this planet via some Stargate-wormhole thingy?”

“Something came up,” I shrug, avoiding her pointed look. “Sort of a long story.”

“I’ve got time.”

“Actually, at the moment, I don’t. I need to find Chad. Is he here?” I ask, scanning a sea of rented tuxedos and chiffon gowns. Pink seems to be the color of choice among the ladies.

If you ask me, pink feels a little on the nose, but whatever.

“Yeah, he’s here…” Ruby says, a shadow crossing her face. “Except—”

“I know he’s here with her,” I cut her off. I don’t need to hear the pity in her voice as she tells me my super crush is at the dance with someone else.

The rap ballad fades as Mr. Beglinger, my history teacher, climbs up on the DJ’s stage with a mic. “Okay people, it’s time to announce this year’s spring formal royal court. Would all the nominees please line up.”

Arm in arm, the couples nominated for court make their way to the stage. When the crowd parts, I instantly understand why 82.7% of the girls are wearing pink dresses.

Bringing up the rear — in what I assume is some sort of bizarre teenage hierarchy — is Meegan McGovern gliding along on the arm of my Chad Olson.

All laser-white smile and fluttering fake eyelashes, Meegan struts forward in her massive Pepto-Bismol colored dress. She looks like a walking, talking swirl of cotton candy.

Naturally, a gaggle of insipid girls, dying to get in good with Meegan, clearly received the email blast about the pink puffy dress requirement. They look like a teenage flock of flamingos.

Still, I’m not going to lie. It hurts to see him with her.

I study Chad, trying to read his face. Does he look at her the way he looked at me? Is he happy when he’s around her? Happier than with me?

“This was a bad idea,” I mumble, humiliation rising in my cheeks.

“Astrid, please tell me what’s going on?” Ruby asks, her voice softening.

“Okay, I’m here because Chad may hold the key to rescuing my uncle, and time is quickly running out,“ I begin, hoping to find a way to get Ruby up to speed without having to go into too much detail. “That creepy Sunglasses guy and his men are handing my uncle over to the Draconians tonight. They’re transporting him to a prison on the acid mines of Valdarey, a gajillion light years away. If that happens, I’ll never see him again.”

“That’s awful, but what does Chad have to do with this?”

“The transfer is happening out in the canyons. Because he lives out there and knows the area so well, we need Chad to help us find their landing site. We only know that it’s someplace called Flat Ridge Canyon which isn’t marked on any of the maps.”

“Okay, got it.” Undaunted, Ruby bobs her head. No matter what the situation, Ruby always sounds undaunted. “We just need to get his attention.”

“I don’t know…” I say, feeling more and more like a huge idiot.

Just as I’m about to turn to run away, Ruby grabs my arm. “Don’t chicken out.”

“He’s not going to want to help.”

“Trust me,” Ruby begins. “He’s only here because he felt obligated. The royal court nominations came out almost three weeks ago. No matter how he feels about Meegan, Chad’s not the type of guy to blow her off after he promised to take her to the dance.”

I know that’s true. I know my Chad is a stand-up sort of guy.

“This year’s king and queen are…” Mr. Beglinger’s voice carries over the loud speaker. “Chad Olson and Meegan McGovern.”

The gym erupts in jubilation. The king and queen step forward, bowing slightly as gaudy rhinestone crowns are placed on their now royal heads. Meegan beams. Chad seems less enthusiastic but still grins politely.

Standing straight, his eyes scan his royal subjects. When he spots me, half hidden behind a giant seaweed cutout, his eyes go wide with surprise.

“Oh jeez,” I mutter.

Then, the edges of his perfect mouth tip up into a smile. And my heart soars.

Unfortunately, Meegan follows his gaze. When she sees Ruby and me, her eyes narrow into a death glare.

“Uh oh,” Ruby whispers. “Looks like her Majesty is displeased.”

Meegan swallows her rage and forces that fake little smile back on her face. She leans in whispering something to Chad. Any innocent bystander might think she’s whispering sweet nothings into his ear. But I know better.

Anger flashes in his eyes. Chad nods coolly, says something to Meegan, then turns and moves off the podium toward us.

Flabbergasted, Meegan looks from him to me then back to him. Her face contorts into a mask of fury.

“Oh snap.” Ruby grabs my arm. “That girl is pissed.”

“Don’t you dare!” Always one for a drama-queen scene, Meegan calls after him loud enough for all to hear, “Get back up here!”

Shaking his head, Chad ignores her threats, continuing toward us.

Now, the entire gymnasium full of dance-goers is whispering and staring at me. Fantastic.

“Astrid, what's going on?” Chad asks, his face filled with concern. “I’ve been so worried about you.”

“I’m okay,” I say, feeling my cheeks flush.

“Did you find the Oracle?” he asks, sounding genuinely relieved that I’m okay. “What happened to the Stargate? Why are you still here?”

“Um… well,” I say, unsure of exactly how to respond. “It’s been put on hold because I need help getting my uncle back first.”

“He’s been taken prisoner by those — things,” Ruby cuts to the chase. “We need your help to find him. They think he’s been taken out to the foothills. Flat Ridge Canyon.”

At the name Flat Ridge Canyon, Chad’s face darkens. “That’s a bad place. Some pretty rough terrain out there. A lot of weird stories too.”

“Can you help us get there?” I ask just as the speakers boom back to life.

“Sure,” he says.

“Great! Let's go.” I'm perfectly happy to get away from all of these judgmental eyeballs focused on me.

But before we can take two full steps toward the door, Meegan shrieks like a crazed banshee, “Oh no you don’t, Chad! You are not bailing on me in the middle of this dance.”

Her voice changes as she speaks, getting lower and more gravelly like she’s possessed by a demon.

We turn to look at Meegan standing all by herself up on the royal court platform. The bouquet of yellow roses and baby’s breath hangs limply at her side. She looks kind of pathetic standing there all alone and, for a moment, I actually feel sorry for her.

Chad must too because he says, “Meegan, I'm so sorry. I can't explain right now, but you have to trust me when I say this is more important than the dance.”

Meegan starts to tremble and shake uncontrollably. It gets worse and worse until she’s a blur. Eyes blazing with an unearthly anger, she bellows in the creepy voice, “You will not leave.”

“Uh oh.” I suddenly have a very bad feeling about this.

Meegan’s milky white face flashes red with anger, but then her skin becomes redder and redder until it starts to crackle like the desert floor baking under the noonday sun.

“Whoa, what is happening to that girl?” Ruby knits her brow.

Steam literally starts to roll off of her and flames shoot out of her mouth. Meegan sways back, then spits a massive twirling ball of flames in our direction.

We madly scramble to get out of the way as the crowd panics.

I can’t believe my eyes.

“Did Meegan McGovern just turn into a weird firebreathing she-bitch?”

: The Dark Skies Trilogy Book Two

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