Read Unveiled Treasures Online

Authors: Kayla Janz

Tags: #Erotic Romance/Suspense

Unveiled Treasures (9 page)

BOOK: Unveiled Treasures
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Laughing, she replied, “Give me some time to get cleaned up and we’ll go in to town for dinner, my treat.”

“That’s my girl. I’ll install that garage door opener I brought you and then you can buy your old man a steak,” he said as lit a cigarette.

“I’ll be right back.” She turned towards the house and called for Brutus.

“Brutus. Here, Brutus! Come on, buddy, dinner time!” she yelled. She barely had time to open the door when he came charging out of the trees towards her. With his tail wagging happily, he bounded into the house.

“I’m going to feed you and then get myself cleaned up. I have a date with an older man!” she said to him as she poured kibble in a bowl. He barked in response. “It’s scandalous, isn’t it?” she said laughingly. “What will the neighbors think?” He didn’t answer, just buried his head in the food bowl. “You’re right. I don’t have any neighbors to worry about, do I?”

Rachel raced through a quick shower and wrapped in a towel, hurried into her room to get dressed. Getting into a pair of black dress slacks and a light blue knit sweater. Expertly and efficiently, she braided her waist length hair. “I think it may be time to cut it off”, she said to her reflection. “I don’t know, I’ll probably regret it if I do.” She quickly applied some mascara and lipstick. One last glance in the mirror and she decided she was ready to go. Stopping to pet Brutus on the way out, she said, “Don’t let anyone in while I’m gone, okay?” He barked once, circled three times and lay down in front of the door as if he understood. “That’s my boy,” she said lovingly as she closed the door and locked it.

“You ready to go?”

“Yes. Do we take your car or my truck?” she asked.

“I’ll drive. My car is at the end of your driveway, remember?”

“Oh yeah.” She giggled. Linking her arm with his, they walked down the driveway together. “Thanks again, Dad,” she said as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

“Don’t mention it. By the way, your garage door opener has been installed and is fully operational. You won’t have to come down and get it after all.”

She looked up at him. Blue eyes looked directly into blue eyes. She smiled and simply replied, “Thanks, Dad.”

The drive to town was short and exhilarating. She itched to get behind the wheel of his 2004 Mustang Mach I and find out for herself what it could do. Parking in front of the restaurant, she thought about missing breakfast with him on Sunday mornings. Going to the diner near his house every Sunday morning had been a standing date of theirs for years.

“What caused the long face, kiddo?” her father asked as they walked inside.

“I was just thinking of missing Sunday breakfast, that’s all.”

“Rachel, it’s time to move on. You left the nest a long time ago; but now it’s time for you to move away as well. Think of this as a new beginning, it’ll be good for you.”

“I know. I’m still going to miss it though, you too.” She pouted.

“No time for pouting. You’re not that far away, Rachel. So you come down and see me every so often. If you get your driveway fixed, I’ll come back to see you too.” He smiled.

“Thanks, Dad. You always know how to make me feel better.”

“Good. Now let’s grab a table. I’m starving.”

Ed Templeton sat and observed Rachel and her father enjoying their meal together. He watched them from his corner stool at the bar. Slowly sipping his scotch and water, he devised a plan to get back into Rachel’s cabin.

The ride back to the cabin was even better because she got to drive. “Oh man, I want one of these!” she squealed as she rounded another sharp S curve in the road.

“I think your local police force would rather you didn’t.” Her father chuckled. “You don’t need anymore fast driving awards.”

“Party pooper,” she teased. “Did you bring an overnight bag with you?”

“No, I didn’t. I’ve decided I don’t care to sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor. It’s only a two hour drive at the most, so I’m going to drive home tonight,” he answered.

“Oh,” she replied, the disappointment clearly visible on her face and in her voice.

“Now stop pouting. You’re a big girl now. Besides, you’ve got Brutus waiting for you, so you won’t be alone.”

“I know. I just thought you would stay awhile. That’s all.”

“You call me if you need anything or if you have any more trouble. Take care of yourself and that dog of yours.”

“I love you, Dad.”

“I love you too. Now get up that driveway. There’s no lights out here for miles around. I don’t want you breaking your neck walking back up to the cabin.”

She walked up the drive and turned when she heard the roar of the engine. Tires squealing against pavement as she heard her father drive away. “Well, back to the simplicity of quiet mountain life,” she said as she crossed the patio to her front door. “Brutus,” she called as she entered. “Honey, I’m home.” Joyous barks resounded off the canyon walls as he proceeded to cover her face with slobbery, wet kisses.

Chapter 6

Thursday morning, Rachel woke stiff and sore again. This time, it was because of Brutus, the gigantic dog was perfectly content sleeping across her legs, pinning her to the floor. “Time to get up, Prince Charming,” she prodded. He rolled over and opened his eyes.

“Oh no you don’t, lazy bones, get up!” she said, laughing at him. “We have a busy day today. All our stuff is going to show up. Isn’t that great?”

Brutus replied by yawning and stretching his legs. His massive paws slid across the hardwood floor. “Outside with you, but be careful. You’ve only been out here for two days. The forest can be a dangerous place for a big city dog like you.” She told him as she opened the door. “I’ll leave the door cracked open. You can come back in when you’re ready.”

Brutus bolted out the door, barking as the squirrels scampered up the trees to chatter at him from a safe distance. Laughing at his silly antics, she went back inside to make coffee and get Brutus his breakfast. She heard him start barking again before she heard the truck pull up the drive. Grabbing a jacket and slipping on sneakers, she ran out to see who he was barking at this time. She started laughing hysterically when she saw Brutus standing on his hind legs with his paws on the window of Todd’s SUV. Calling off her valiant protector, she walked towards the truck.

* * * *

Todd’s mouth went dry when he saw her. The morning sunlight glinted off her dark mane of hair, slightly rumpled from sleep. Her eyes were bright with laughter, she looked positively stunning. He imagined waking up beside her with her looking like that from a night of passionate lovemaking.

“When I first met you, I suggested you get a dog. You neglected to tell me you already had a horse,” Todd said through the window he’d cracked open. He’d only met Brutus once before and was a little concerned about getting out of the truck.

Trying to control her laughter and her dog, she said, “He won’t hurt you. I told you yesterday, he’s a big baby. If you look past his size and sound, you can see his tail wagging. He’s a little excited is all.” Turning her attention to Brutus, she said, “Brutus, sit down.” Immediately, the dog sat down with a thud, his tail still wagging madly.

“When the tail goes down and the hackles come up on his back, then it’s time to be concerned. Come out here so I can properly introduce you two.” Todd hesitantly climbed out and walked over to them.

“Now hold out your hand so he can smell you,” she instructed.

Todd extended his right hand for the sniff treatment. Brutus stood up, sniffed his hand, walked around behind him and sniffed his butt too. “Okay, that’s a little too intimate for me,” Todd said, spinning in a quick circle.

“That’s what dogs do, Sheriff.” She giggled. “Now, Brutus, where are your manners? Shake hands with the Sheriff. I should apologize; we were both quite rude the other night.” Once again Brutus sat down with a thud and this time, extended his right front paw to Todd. Todd shook hands with the dog without having to crouch or bend over.

“How big is he anyway?” he asked as Brutus dashed off to chase after the squirrels again.

“He weighs close to one hundred and thirty pounds, stands over six feet tall on his hind legs and is roughly four feet tall with all four feet on the ground. Isn’t he great? I’ve had him since he was a puppy. He’s overly excited this morning because my dad came up from Phoenix last night. I guess Brutus was hoping you were him.” Remembering the kettle in the kitchen, she asked, “Would you like to come in for some coffee? I still only have instant but it’s hot.” She shivered and huddled in her jacket.

“I’d love some.”

“So, what brings you out here this morning anyway? You caught me just in time. Five minutes later, I would’ve been in the shower.” She giggled, “Brutus would have kept you entertained though.”

“Very funny,” he retorted. “I don’t have a reason. I just wanted to see you.”

“Oh, well you are definitely a charmer!” She quickly tried to change the subject. “The moving company is coming today. I’ll finally get to sleep in a real bed, and have real furniture,” she continued excitedly.

He watched her walk around the kitchen. She was wearing a black leather jacket, boxer shorts and sneakers. He wondered what else she had on. “I have a bed you could sleep in,” Todd said, looking at her from over the rim of his coffee cup. “I was curious about something.” His gray eyes flashed with wicked amusement. “What is your fascination with cartoon characters?”

Her face turned a bright shade of crimson as she smiled. She forced herself to look up at him and meet his gaze. “So you were watching. I wondered about that. Thanks for the offer of the bed, but like I said, mine will be here later today.”

“That’s a shame. You’ve got a busy day ahead of you. I should go. Thanks for the coffee.” Standing in the kitchen sharing a cup of coffee with her felt right…comfortable.

“No problem, Sheriff. I really do need to get in the shower now,” she said as she walked him outside.

“You sure know how to hit below the belt, Rachel,” he said as he climbed in his truck. “Now I’ll have visions of you wet, naked and in the shower.”

Blushing again, she looked up at him and feeling a little bolder, she whispered seductively, “Imagination is a very powerful tool, Todd. Be careful how you wield it.”

“Lady, I’m having a hard time thinking of anything else but you. You’ve enchanted me.”

* * * *

She stood in the driveway watching him. He waved to her as he drove off. Humming to herself, Rachel began to think maybe they could start something together. Happy with the way things were going ,she went inside to take her shower.

Working on the house absorbed all Rachel’s time. Hearing a knock at the door sent Brutus into yet another barking frenzy. Assuming it was the movers, she threw open the door. Grabbing Brutus’ collar to keep him beside her, she looked at the man standing in the doorway.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” Ed Templeton said with a nervous smile on his face. “I believe I’m at the right house. I was looking for Mr. Daniel Hardy. I was told he lived here.”

Rachel took in the three piece suit, silk tie and slicked back hair. Her intuition told her not to trust him. She immediately thought of a shark, the used car salesman type. “Mr. Hardy is my father, is there something I can do for you?” she asked politely. Brutus was growling now, his ears were pressed back and hackles standing up from neck to tail.

Eyeing the dog nervously, he started to speak, “My name is Edward Templeton. I am a real estate agent. I sell and manage quite a few cabin properties in the area. I was supposed to meet with a Mr. Daniel Hardy regarding the sale of this property.” His thin smile did not reach his black eyes.

“I’m sorry to tell you, Mr. Templeton, but you must be mistaken. My father no longer owns this property. I do, and I have no intention of selling it,” she said sternly, still holding Brutus by the collar.

Ed glanced warily at the enormous dog, his shifty eyes darting back to her face. “I apologize for the misunderstanding. I was given the lead by my office assistant. I will deal with her directly. Good day to you Ms.?” He left the question hanging.

“Hardy,” she replied. “My name is Rachel Hardy. Now I will have to ask you to leave, you seem to be upsetting my dog.” She finished saying as she closed the door in his face with the finality of the lock clicking in to place.

* * * *

Bitch! Who does she think she is treating me so rudely? And where in the hell did the dog come from?
He thought as he stomped back to his car. He turned to glare at the cabin one last time before opening the door and climbing in.
I could handle her no problem, but that dog was enormous. Time to go to Plan B, Ms. High and Mighty Rachel Hardy hasn’t seen the last of me
. He grinned and spoke to his reflection in the rear view mirror. “But I just might be the last thing she sees.”

* * * *

That was weird
, Rachel said to herself as she watched him from the window. Brutus was still pacing the room, stopping every few feet to turn and growl at the door. Bending down to comfort and soothe him, she didn’t give Ed Templeton another thought. “He’s just out fishing for leads, that’s all. Now calm yourself down, you big brute,” she said softly to him. “Let’s go get you something to eat.”

BOOK: Unveiled Treasures
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