Read Unwanted Fate Online

Authors: A. Gorman

Tags: #Romantic suspense

Unwanted Fate (33 page)

BOOK: Unwanted Fate
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The Skyroom in decorated in tons of silver and white, and the décor reminds me of something I saw from the
Great Gatsby
. I’m waiting for Leo to jump out in full costume. We walk around the room, and Emily introduces me to the executives at the Community Centers of Reno. After talking, the CEO and I realize that we play golf at the same time every Sunday. How we haven’t connected before now is beyond me.

The emcee of the gala takes the stage and thanks everyone for attending, and then asks everyone to take their seats because dinner service would soon commence. We finish our small talk and head to our seats. The table happens to be close to the stage and I hope this placement means good news for Emily.

Kelly and her husband Scott, two of the center’s AmeriCorps volunteers and their dates join us at the table. The conversation is light and amusing throughout the meal. I notice that Emily isn’t eating as much as she normally does and I wonder if she’s nervous.

“Feeling okay, gorgeous?”

“I have butterflies. We are so close to the stage. What if I am chosen? What do I say? I’m afraid I’ll look like a fool.”

“Ems, if you win, you’ll win with grace and will know what to say when you get up there.”

“I’m glad someone has confidence in me.”

“Always.” I kiss her on the temple and she sighs.

The waiters remove dishes from tables as people excuse themselves from the table to go smoke or to go to the restroom. Emily excuses herself and I help her up from her seat. I watch her as she disappears around the corner with a smile on my face.

“She’s going to freak out, isn’t she?” Kelly asks as she sits down next to me.

“I think she will after the fact. She’ll tell them how she feels, and those words will leave them speechless. Then they will get their checkbooks out.”

“I hope you’re right. I wanted to thank you again too.”

“It’s my pleasure. I met Emily because of the center. I want to make sure that you have enough to provide for all.”

“Thank you. Here she comes. We’ll talk soon.” She pats me on the arm and goes to sit next to her husband. I stand up, helping Emily in her seat and sits down.

“What was that about?”

“She was thanking me again for my donation.” She smiles.

“Kelly is going to thank you every time she sees you.”

I chuckle. “That isn’t necessary.”

“That’s how she is.”

The emcee returns to the stage, stopping our conversation.

“I hope everyone enjoyed dinner. I wanted to extend my thanks again to everyone here tonight. You in some way have touched the lives of the individuals that the Community Centers of Reno service. Without you, the centers are nothing.” She claps and the room joins in the round of applause.

“Before we get underway with the honors part of the program, I want to remind you we have silent auction items waiting for your bids in the outer hallway. Items include one of a kind artwork to all exclusive weekend getaways. The description of what’s included in the auction is on the bidding sheet. May the highest bid be in your favor.” Laughs echoes throughout the room.

“The honors of the night go to our top five corporate donors and personal donors. It’s rare to see someone’s name on both lists and I actually asked if it was a typo and learned it wasn’t. Now I’m curious. Patrick Matheson, CFO of CU Gold Company, please come up and accept the platinum donor award for CU Gold Company and the platinum donor award for your personal donation.” The room erupts in applause. I didn’t think I’d have to go up there.

I stand up, buttoning my jacket as I walk up on the stage. The emcee shakes my hand and presents me with the awards, I stand on stage for photos and I turn away to take my seat and she stops me.

“Mr. Matheson, not so quick, we’re curious to know why you pick the Community Centers for your donation.” She smiles, offering me the podium.
Well, shit.

I clear my throat and talk. “I didn’t know much about the Community Centers of Reno until the day I presented Project Hope with CU Gold’s donation. Instead of leaving after the check presentation, I stayed and interacted with the people that make up the Project Hope community. The caring and compassion I saw in the couple of hours there touched me and made me personally want to help more, and when I met the Project Hope’s Outreach Coordinator.” I look at Emily and our eyes meet.

“I instantly knew why that center was so successful and served as many individuals as it does. Because of her and the center’s dedication to make a change in the community is why I personally donated. I encourage everyone in here that donates go to your local center and volunteer. Not only will the center appreciate your help, but you can also see your donation at work. I thank you for recognizing CU Gold and myself. I know CU Gold will stand behind me when I say it’s an honor to be a community partner with the Community Centers of Reno. Thank you.” I smile and the applause is deafening.

I walk down the stage and as I sit down I notice Emily is patting her eyes dry.

“Your speech was exceptional.”

“Just the truth. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here.” She kisses my cheek and we turn our attention to the rest of the honorees.

I feel a tap on my shoulder during a pause in the program and turn to see a person holding a camera. “Mr. Matheson, can I get your picture for the gala website?”

“Of course. Here or elsewhere?”

“Here is fine.”

I stand from my seat and ask Emily stand up with me. I wrap my arm around her, pulling her into my body for the picture.

“On three. One, two, three.” The flash is bright and I see little orbs in my vision after the flash. “Perfect. You’re a stunning couple. Thank you, Mr. Matheson, Ms. Janes.”

“Thank you.” I nod and we return to our seats.

“I’m going to have to see if I can get a copy of that.” Emily smiles at me. “We have very few pictures together.”

I pull my phone out of my pocket and click on the camera app. “I think we can fix that.” I wrap my arm around her and snap several pictures of us smiling. The last picture I take is of me kissing her on the cheek. Emily is a natural beauty and I’m thankful she’s mine.

“Please send those to me.”

I hand her my phone. “It probably would be better to email them to yourself. I’ll let you do it so you have the ones you want and like.” She looks at me shocked that I handed her my phone. I have no secrets.

“Alright,” she says as she takes the phone and looks at the pictures. A few moments go by and she smiles, and I look down and see she’s looking at the pictures of her that I’ve taken since we’ve been together. She looks up at me, curious.

“I had no idea you had pictures of me.”

“I wanted something to look at when I was in long, boring meetings.”

“Oh, I see.”

“You’re gorgeous; I always want to stare at you.”

“Your sweet talk will get you everywhere, Mr. Matheson,” she sasses.

“I hope so.” I wink.

“Testing,” the emcee’s voice echoes through the room. “We will get to the next round of recognitions in five minutes, thank you.”

“Gorgeous, I’ll be right back.”

“Okay, I love you.”

“Love you too.” I kiss her cheek and get up to use the restroom and to find the emcee to see if I can get in a birthday wish for Emily.


he emcee takes her place behind the podium and Patrick hasn’t returned. My palms sweat as anxiety builds in my chest. I hope in the chance that I am honored he’s here to see it. I look around for him and I don’t see him anywhere. This is not like him. I hear hushed gasps and whispers behind me, and I turn to look around again. That’s when I see Patrick coming with a cake, topped with a silver sparkler in the center of it. Oh my.

Our eyes meet and his smile warms me instantly. When he’s almost to the table, the emcee talks, “We have someone celebrating a birthday today. If everyone could join in and sing
Happy Birthday
to Emily Janes from Project Hope, I’m sure she’ll be honored. Begin at three. One, two, three…” The lyrics of
Happy Birthday
belt out around me.

I feel my face flush with embarrassment as Patrick sets down the cake in front of me. When the song is over, everyone hoots and hollers. I politely nod to the emcee to let her know I appreciate her kindness, and in return, she smiles and waves.

“Why do I have a feeling you set all of that up?” I whisper in Patrick’s ear.


“That was kind of embarrassing.”

“I’m sorry, gorgeous. That wasn’t my intention.”

“I know. Thank you and the cake is beautiful.”

“They have a box to put it in if you don’t want to eat it.”

“Mmm. I think I want to eat it in bed tonight.



“Ladies and gentlemen, the second portion of our evening is beginning. The time has come to recognize the employees that make our centers thrive.”

The emcee lists all the employees with years severed at the centers, employees of the month, and the AmeriCorps volunteer’s awards, and followed by awards given to employees by their center’s directors. The last award of the evening should be coming up, and I’m positive I’m not in the running for it so I take a relaxing breath to let the nerves out that I was holding.

“For our last recognition of the night, the Humanitarian of the Year is the highest honor from the Community Centers of Reno. This individual puts in more hours than what is required of her. She’s often in the center at seven and doesn’t leave until five. In her day at Project Hope…” My ears begin to ring and I feel Patrick squeeze my thigh. Did I actually win this award?

“…she’s a friend to the youth, teaching them basketball or listening to their problems. Those in need, reach out to her help to keep a roof over their heads or food on their tables. She goes beyond the call of duty to help those who need our help. On the behalf of the Community Centers of Reno, I would like to present Emily Janes, Outreach Coordinator at Project Hope with the Humanitarian of the Year award. Ms. Janes, please come up and accept your award.”

I’m in shock, because I’m sure someone else is more deserving.

“Gorgeous, that’s you…” He kisses my cheek. My mind finally gets my legs to work and I stand up, making my way up on stage amid the round of applause.

The emcee hands me the award after shaking my hand and I know I have to give a speech. I inhale deeply and let it out before I reach the mike.

“Thank you. To receive this recognition is humbling. When Kelly told me she had nominated me for an award, I didn’t think it would ever be for the Humanitarian of the Year honors. I wish I had prepared a better speech.” The audience chuckles at my admission.

“First, I would like to thank the staff I have the honor of working with every day at Project Hope. Their compassion and drive to help the community encourages me daily to do the same. I would like to thank our donors also. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to open our doors to those in need.” I pause, collecting my thoughts for before I proceed.

“Working for Project Hope has opened my eyes up to the suffering we have in our very own community. Children going hungry, without proper shelter, or without the necessities that we take for granted. That needs to change. I’ve made it my mission to serve everyone that comes through our doors; I try to make sure they have what they need when they leave. I love being hands on with the children and with the community. Having that one on one contact allows me to know what’s happening within the community, our community. Because I took the time to listen, I quickly learned there needed to be a change in how those in need of services are assisted, and being at Project Hope has allowed me to be that change. We all are that change, and couldn’t be more honored to be part of the Community Centers of Reno than I am this very moment. Thank you.” I look to Patrick and he stands up clapping along with the rest of the room.

BOOK: Unwanted Fate
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