Unwilling (11 page)

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Authors: Julia P. Lynde

BOOK: Unwilling
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An hour? Three orgasms? She wasn't even touching herself. How long would she keep me like this? I struggled and complained into the gag.

She ignored me and turned a page of the book.

I collapsed again, relaxing my muscles as much as I could, surrendering to the situation. I could struggle and make noise, but nothing I did was going to hurry things along.

She read quietly while I stared at her. I closed my eyes again, and the crop slapped the side of my butt twice. It stung. I opened my eyes.

"Mmmmm! Mmmm mmmm!"

I watched her squirm for a moment, but then she went back to reading her book.

"Mmmmm!" I hated being ignored.

I'm not sure how long we stayed like that before I realized she was teasing one of her nipples with her fingers. She transferred the book to her left hand and was using the fingers of her right to tease the nipple.

"Mmmmm," I said, complaining again. I tried struggling again. Surely the knots would work loose, right?

She ignored me, but when I closed my eyes, I got a crop across my bottom again.

"You are so hot," she said, looking over the book at me. "I love your struggles. If you struggle enough, I wonder if you can work the knots to where your fingers can reach them."

I tried, seriously I tried. When I finally collapsed against the bed again, I realized that her fingers had moved down and parted her labia, and she was teasing her clitoris. I stopped struggling and stared.

"Oh, don't stop," she said. "It might ruin the mood."

I practically went insane trying to free myself. I couldn't even think anymore. I yelled into the gag and tried to thrash around. I watched as her fingers played with her clitoris right in front of me, then she slipped two fingers inside her vagina.

Oh god, she was masturbating right in front of me.

I renewed my struggles. Alexandra gasped and her fingers moved in and out. The movement became hypnotic and I watched her hand as it was swallowed by her vagina, then slipped back out, over and over.

I started moaning into the gag. At the same time, she also began to moan. Then she set the book down and her left hand joined the first, those fingers playing with her clitoris while the fingers of her right hand moved in and out of her.

I could smell her musk and see it dripping off her fingers as she moved them in and out of herself. Then she stiffened for a moment and moaned, pausing for just a moment before her fingers began moving again.

I thrashed some more then watched as she began to shudder, moaning. I watched her muscles tighten, and she thrust her fingers deep inside, then kept them inside, but I could see she was still flexing, pressing against her G-spot.

"Ohhhhh," she said, and renewed juices slide down around her hand. She slumped, shuddering a few times.

Nothing happened for about thirty seconds I stared at her hands. Then, slowly, she withdrew them. The fingers of both hands were glistening.

"That was one," she said. "Two more before I can release you."

Oh god. My shoulders were screaming and I had to watch her do that twice more.

"See what you do to me?" she said. She showed me her right hand, soaked in her juices. She leaned forward and touched my face. I tried to pull away but had nowhere to go. She spread the liquid around my face and under my nose, and her scent filled me.

I closed my eyes. She leaned over me and swatted the bottoms of my feet with the riding crop. I popped my eyes open, staring at her crotch now just a few inches away. She settled back.

"Are your hands and feet okay?" she asked me softly. I blinked twice. "Are you ever going to call me that name again?" I blinked once.
"Are you feeling punished?" Two blinks. "Are you mad?" One blink.
"You are so amazingly hot, Melissa. The way your back is arched and your feet waving in the air. The way you're looking at me." She paused and then said quietly. "I wish you were gay. I could let myself fall in love with you."

"Mmmmmm," I said.

"I wonder if you know what you look like," she said. "How smoking hot you are." She smiled. "I know, I can take your picture!"

"Mmmmmmm!" I said. No way did I want her taking my picture like this.

"I think it's a great idea, too," she said, getting off the bed. "Where is your camera?"


She climbed off the bed. I heard her in the bathroom washing her hands, then I listened as she walked into the living room. The camera wasn't in the living room. I'd put it in the closet of the spare bedroom. Maybe she wouldn't find it.

"Mmmmm!" I said, struggling against the ropes. It didn't do me an ounce of good.

I heard her go into the spare bedroom. "Ah ha!" she said after a moment. "I think I found it."

She came into the bedroom carrying my bag of photo equipment. She opened the bag and pulled out the camera. I wondered whether she would be able to figure out how to turn it on.

She saw down on the bed and caressed my ear. She looked down at the camera. "This doesn't seem like the right lens for this," she said. It probably wasn't. It was the lens I had been using while we were hiking. "You probably think I don't know how to change lenses." She rummaged through the bag and pulled out another lens, one much better suited for inside. Then I watched while she demonstrated she knew exactly how to change lenses.


"Thank you, Slave. What a nice thing to say."

"Mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm!"

"I know you're excited to have your picture taken." She turned the camera on and climbed from the bed. She began taking pictures. After the third one she looked at the back of the camera. "Oh, I like this one." She sat back down on the bed and showed me the picture. I stared at it.

"You look delicious," she said. She pulled the camera away, turned it around, and then took one from directly in front of me, the flash blinding me for a moment.
All in all she took a couple dozen photos before she set the camera back in the bag. She climbed back on the bed in front of  me.

"So hot," she said. "You look so nervous. How well can you beg with your eyes?"


"Maybe I should read you a story," she said. She picked up a book. "Once upon a time," she said. "There was a cute little love slave who made the mistake of calling her mistress by a bad word."

"Mmmmm mmmm."

"Yes, that was her name," she said. I watched as her fingers slid down her body. "Well, her mistress being the kind person she was tied up the naughty love slave and let the girl watch as-" she gasped as she slid her fingers into herself. "As the mistress pleasured herself." Her fingers were moving in and out of her again.

"And then the slave begged to have her picture taken and said, 'please, mistress, make enlargements of those photos and hang them on your walls as a constant reminder of what happens when I use bad words'."

Oh my god. She wouldn't. "Mmmmmm!"

"I know, it's a great story," she said. She gasped again. "We can go through them together later and you can decide which is your favorite. I can put it up by the front door."

"Mmmmmm!" I began struggling again. She reached forward with her left hand and patted me on the cheek.

"You get to see a new toy," she said. She pulled her fingers away from herself and picked up something front the bed. She showed it to me, but I had no idea what it was. Then she turned it around, flipped a switch somewhere, and it began to buzz. She slid part of it into herself, and I realized it was a vibrator.

As soon as she got the right spot, she moaned and began squirming. I was squirming right with her.

"Oh baby," she said. "God, you are hot!" She moaned and squirmed and then I watched her stiffen again, and it looked like her muscles in her vagina were clutching at the vibrator.

"Oh yes!" she said. "Oh baby, it feels so good to come while you're watching me."

Alexandra squirmed a little more, stiffened once, then I watched her shudder a few times before she collapsed against the bed.

She lied there panting for a while, slowly calming down. She pulled the vibrator out and I saw it was dripping. She turned it off and
set it on the bed next to her. "Oh, that one was nice, too. You're really good, baby."


She panted for a while longer before leaning forward and caressing my face. "Are you okay?"

I didn't blink. She offered a concerned look. "Are your hands okay?" Two blinks. "Feet?" Two blinks. "Mad?" One blink. "Do I need to untie you?" No blinks.

She settled back. "I told you that you were there for three orgasms. That was two. Will you make it?"

I thought about it. Two blinks.

"Good girl," she said. "Squirm for me, baby."

She picked up the vibrator, turned it on, and immediately slid it into herself. "Squirm, baby, it makes me so hot."

I began squirming and moaning into the gag. She worked the vibrator and got herself worked up pretty fast.

"Oh!" she said. "Oh!"

Her third orgasm didn't take long. I squirmed and moaned into the gag the entire time as I stared at her hands working the vibrator and teasing her clitoris. She began panting and then said, "Yes! Oh baby, yes!"

I watched as she gave herself her last orgasm.

And wondered if she'd give me one.

She collapsed against the bed, pulling the vibrator out and turning it off. "Oh, that was quicker than I would have liked, but I feel good now."

She calmed down, then rotated around to look at me, her face inches in front of mine. "Ready for me to untie you?"

I blinked twice.

"Are you mad at me?"

One blink.

She reached forward and unbuckled the gag and gently removed it from my mouth. Then she unsnapped the tether from the back of the harness over my head, and I collapsed my head against the bed, turned sideways.

"Are you okay, Melissa?" she asked.

"I don't know," I said.

She took the harness off my head then leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"That was punishment."

"I know. Please, my shoulders really hurt."

She climbed off the bed. I felt her work at the knots for a while then my feet were released. She finished untying my legs, then began on the knots that had my arms tied. It took her a while to untie everything.

I collapsed my arms against the bed and literally couldn't move.

Alexandra helped me roll onto my side and I curled up into a ball.

I felt wrung out and my emotions were all over the place. I had both loved and hated what she had done to me.

I was sick.

As soon as I had that thought, I was filled with self loathing and disgust.

"I'm sorry!" I said as I pulled away from her, climbed off the bed and ran into the bathroom. I slammed the door, then collapsed on the floor, my back to the wall. I stared at the floor.

I had loved what she had done and wanted her to do it again. I loved being helpless in front of her. I was sick. Sick.

She left me alone for a while but eventually there was a knock at the door. "Melissa, are you okay?"

I didn't answer.

"Melissa, say something or I'm coming in."

She waited a moment before opening the door slowly. It came to a rest against my legs and she slipped in and closed the door again. She slid down the wall to sit next to me.


I faked the third orgasm. We were coming up on my self-imposed limit for how lon
g I would keep someone hog-tied. As much as I wanted that third orgasm, it would have taken too long for me to have one. So I faked it. I had ended up pushing her too far, and she ran off.

I felt like shit. But now she needed me to be strong, to give her an anchor and pull herself back together.

I slid down the wall next to her. Melissa's knees were pulled up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them.
I had a bathrobe on and spread another one over her the best I could.

"Too much?" I asked her.

She laid her head on my shoulder. That gave me hope.

We sat like that for several minutes before she asked me, "Are you really going to put my picture up?"

"Oh honey," I told her. "Of course not. I presume you'll delete them. That's why I used your camera instead of mine."

"Oh," she said. "I didn't know you had one."

"You didn't notice a certain amount of expertise?"

"I was a little distracted," she said.

"I'm sorry I went too far," I told her. "I decided you'd been intentionally pushing my buttons and thought you were asking me to play with you."

"You didn't go too far," she said. "And I was."

"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing." She was lying. I decided not to call her on it. She started climbing to her feet. "I should go clean the kitchen."

"I already did," I told her. "Would you like to watch a little television or play some cards? Or do you want me to leave you alone?"

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