Up All Night Long: From Lust to Love (Romance Anthology) (26 page)

BOOK: Up All Night Long: From Lust to Love (Romance Anthology)
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Her spirit whispered back,
'Yes, but maybe it believes in you.'

Chapter 30


Wednesday was the longest day of his life, the funeral mid-morning and his family and friends beckoning him to stay through the week and spend the weekend with them. He thought about it for a few minutes and decided there was no way. The ache deep in his chest at the thought of Kari hurting or wondering about him drove him to upset everyone and pack up just after the funeral.

"Baby, you just got here. Find the girl's number and tell her that you'll be home this weekend." His mom gave him a stern look as he smiled, pulling her into a hug.

"Mom. She's been hurt pretty badly by her fiancé cheating on her. Her life was turned upside down and I came home to help my ex, who was everything to me just three years ago. I haven't called in two days because of my phone and this girl means the world to me already."

His mom reached up and touched the side of his face. "Does she cook?"

He laughed. "I don't know, momma, but I want to find out. I want to spend hours getting to know her more. I want to take long walks with her and dance in the rain. I want to cook in the kitchen together and sit in church beside her. I know she's hurting, mom."

His mother pulled him down for a quick kiss on his cheek. "Well, she's a lucky girl. You go to her and tell her how much she means to you, and then... you better bring her back here to see us. You being gone for three years has been harder than I care to admit. Your daddy has asked about you without fail every week ever since you left."

He nodded and squeezed her tightly before moving back and grabbing his bag. "I will, mom. I'll bring her home to meet you guys this summer, and then if she's willing, we’ll come home for Christmas."

"Okay, but make sure you tell me about your Christmas plans soon. I want to get her an ornament for the tree too if she's coming. Make her feel special." His mom smiled as his dad moved in, hugging her from behind. Jake looked at his parents, his heart swelling with hope once again.

"Be careful, boy. Take care of yourself and don't be a stranger."

He smiled and reached out to shake his father's hand. A few quick goodbyes and a short hug for Bethany and he was on his way to the airport, his brother Kade in the driver’s seat.

"Mom said you've found someone?"

He looked over and nodded. "Yeah. I need to get home to her."

"She the clingy type?"

Jake laughed and leaned back, closing his eyes. "No. I am."




Kari waded her way through, the dark clouds far above her damping her spirit. The day was depressing and not knowing when Jake would be home was making it worse. She closed up shop early and told Lisa and Sicily that she needed a night to herself, her emotions battling for dominance within her.

A cold sandwich at the table by herself was her dinner. She slipped out of her work clothes and put on a cream-colored summer dress, the weather outside far too chilly for it. She needed to feel something, wanted to forget about what could be... fear reminding her of her failures so many times before with men.

She walked out onto the porch as the rain started to fall from the sky, her hair loose and sitting on her back as the sky wept. She walked to her spot, leaning over to watch the surface of the ocean shiver as each drop of rain hit it. A car door slammed and she ignored it, not interested in talking with her friends just yet.

Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back as the rain picked up, the drops still soft, but full and inviting more to join in the cleansing. The water soaked through her dress, her hair growing heavy with the weight of it. She twisted around at the sound of someone hopping onto the porch, fear rushing into her.


He stood there, his own clothes soaked, his eyes locked on her. He didn't say anything and she didn't either, but tears bubbled up and spilled over once again. She pressed her hands to her face, scared at what might come out of his mouth. Was he with Bethany again? Was their short-lived affair nothing more than that?

His hands slid down her arms and pulled her in closely, his chin resting on her head.

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. My damn phone got stolen. I couldn't figure out how to get to you."

She moved back and looked up at him, hating her weakness. "I thought maybe... maybe..."

Her lip quivered as emotions rolled over her, the handsome man before her everything she wanted in her life. He leaned down, his large hands moving to hold her face. He stopped just before their lips touched and stared into her gaze.

"You thought wrong. I'm with you. You're mine, remember? That means I'm yours and no one else's." He looked around her face, leaning in and kissing her with passion that set her blood on fire. She wrapped her arms around him as his hands moved from her face to her neck and down her shoulders.

He pulled her closer, his fingers brushing by her back, her hips and over the curve of her rear. He growled softly against her mouth, licking and kissing her. Kari moved back, reaching down to tug her dress over her head, her panties the only thing left on her. He pulled his shirt from his wet body, reaching down to pick her up. She wrapped her legs around him, the warmth of his bare chest pressed to hers almost undoing her.

He moved them back toward the house, his moans and whispers reassuring and reminding. He hadn't been with Bethany. He hadn't even thought about the other girl, his body, his mind, his heart - only for Kari. She was more than assured of it by the time he sat her down in her room, their bodies wet from the rain.

She pushed at his shorts, Jake helping her free him of them. He reached for her, pulling her flush against him before leaning down to pick her up again, his mouth all over her small breasts as she walked them toward the large wall of windows, the thunder and lightning almost breathtaking in its display.

He pressed her back to the glass as she shifted, arching due to the coldness. He moved back and shifted himself to join together with her, but paused for a moment. Kari tightened her arms around him.

"I was so scared that maybe..." she stopped as fear burned her chest and throat.

"No. No more of that. I didn't stop thinking about you once, baby." He leaned in and kissed her, pressing his hips forward as she groaned and let her head fall back against the structure of the window.

The darkened room illuminated with the powerful display of the heavens as Jake made love to her, the firm press of his strong body giving her comfort, the hungry, aggressive gaze of his beautifully dark eyes lighting a blaze deep in her spirit. He spent time showing her how much he wanted her, how badly he needed her, his touches moving from demanding to loving throughout the long night.




The morning pushed the rain away, Kari having slipped off to sleep sometime in the night. She turned to find the bed empty, the sheets still damp from rain or sweat, of which she didn't know. She sat up as he walked back in, his shorts low on his hips and a smile on his face. Flopping back down, she smiled at him, her heart swelling at the very sight of him.

She was lost to him now. He had stolen her heart and chances of him giving it back were slim to none. He moved onto the bed and sat beside her, Kari reaching out to rub his leg as she looked over at him. He extended a small bag to her and smiled like a little boy.

"I got you something."

She reached for it, the small red bag covered in glitter. Laughing, unable to help herself, she opened it, the small ornament from the Christmas shop sitting in her hand. Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at him.

"I don't know what to say."

He took it and let it dangle between them. "It's for when we visit my parents at Christmas. My mom will get you one too, but I wanted this to remind you of something."

Kari reached out and touched the small gift. "What, Jake?"

He set it aside and moved toward her, pressing her to the bed with his weight as his arms encircled her head, his elbows just beside the sides of her face on the bed. He leaned down and kissed her softly, as if memorizing the taste of her lips.

"I wanted you to know that whatever your dreams are - I'm here to support them. I want to see you fly high, to soar up in the clouds where you belong. I want to heal your hurts, to renew your faith in love. I want to make memories together and build our friendship into something that stands firm, so that you'll never question my loyalty and I'll never question yours. I want us. I need us, Kari."

Tears dripped from her eyes onto the bed below them, her body sore from his assault, her heart gushing from his gift - his words.




His lips were soft, his mouth wet and warm as he kissed his way down her shoulder, looking over to smile at her. The depth of acceptance and love in his eyes stole her breath and she shuddered. He breathed in deeply, turning back to the skin just above her breast, the tip of his nose dragging toward her neck, his body pressed tightly to hers. The weight of his figure was more than she was used to and yet it felt right - good. Security and belonging cloaked her in the moment, and his movements, so methodical and sensual settled her mind, soothed her spirit.

"Beautiful," he whispered as his lips brushed by her ear. He hovered just above her, using his nose to carefully rub hers as he stared at her. He was bold and confident, strong and demanding. He leaned down to kiss her and she arched her back, lifting her lips to meet his, not wanting to wait another second. She needed his offering of intimacy violently and where the moment was sweet and endearing, she knew the passion that lay beneath the subtleties of her own intent.

His fingers sunk into her hair, gripping the back of her head as he groaned softly, his tongue brushing across the crease of her lips. She turned her head a little, a moan leaving her mouth as it opened. He took full advantage of her parting and slipped his tongue into the softness of her mouth, Kari groaning at the taste of him being hers - forever.

The kiss was long and needy, both of them taking and giving until he broke it, his eyes glossy and full of passion. Pressing his forehead to hers, he closed his eyes, but she couldn't. She stared at the angelic structure of his face, his long eyelashes tickling her, his warm breath driving her mad. He moved back just a little and looked down at her.

"I love you, baby," Jake whispered softly, a quick kiss to seal the deal.

Hot tears burned her eyes and she reached up to brush her fingers along his cheek. There was no doubting the truth in her words as she bared her heart to him.

"I love you, too."


The End

Enjoy Jaded?

Justified is the next standalone in this series


*** Lisa & Marc’s story is available. ***



Pick up your copy Today!



Lust over Love any day of the week.
Lust has always been the emotion of choice; love nothing more than a silly game played by delusional fools.
Lisa Parks has been successful at everything she touches, her confidence her calling card. A recent move to Maine from New York is just the change of atmosphere she needs for a fresh start. With far too many mistakes in her past, her eyes remain focused on loving and leaving, her actions justified by far too many cracks in her damaged heart.
Marc Martin is living the dream, his college being paid for and his sights set on great things. In a quick turnaround trip to help his older sister Kari move to Maine after heartbreak, Marc meets the woman that just might be his match. Lust has been a reoccurring theme in his life, and he has no plans of changing that. He is young and free, handsome and ready to set the world on fire, and finds that he is justified in breaking hearts everywhere he goes. Besides, love is a game played by many and truly won by few.
No way would he ever consider settling down or letting someone into his heart. That is... until he meets Lisa.

Sneak Peek at Justified, Book 2


Chapter 1


The house was spacious, the floors thick Italian marble. Lisa looked over her shoulder, the handsome businessman from New York watching her every move. How men in their late thirties racked up billions of dollars was beyond her, but his means of making money wasn't the concern. She wanted him to spend it.

"As you see, everything is custom designed. It's a one of a kind." She turned and pressed her back to the counter, her white button down shirt open at the top, just enough to show the curve of her breast if she turned the right way. The black pencil skirt fit like a glove, the red heels screaming of the dominance that pulsed through her veins.

"I can see that. Magnificent." He stopped in front of her, his voice low, his eyes hooded. Dark hair barely touching his shoulders looked too soft not to touch, his eyes blue like the ocean. She reached up and moved a lock of it from his forehead before he caught her wrist. "The house is nice too."

"I assume that means you're interested."

"You assume right."

She smiled seductively, moving away from him, her hip brushing the front of his black slacks as she walked into the living room.

"You'll see that most of the rooms are open air and the windows will run the length of the walls in most of the living spaces." She walked toward the back wall of the living room, pressing her front to it. She looked over toward him and slid her finger back and forth along the creamy white pearls that adored her neck. "When a storm rolls through there is nothing more beautiful than watching nature in all its majesty."

"I can see how you'd be drawn to it. Most women fantasize about making love in a storm."

"Making love? I'd much prefer fucking." She licked at her lips and looked out the window.

He took the last few steps between them, stopping behind her as she ignored him. The scene beyond the glass was picturesque. Her own house was just across the beautiful bay that spanned out before her, her friends probably already drinking a glass of wine while fixing dinner. She needed to hurry home, but this sell was imperative.

He slid his hands along her waist, moving up to press himself to her back. She pressed back against him, moving her hips slightly to play with his erection.

"Do you have someone to go home to, beautiful?"

"Not at this moment." She glanced over her shoulder, the handsome billionaire slipping his hand into her hair and lifting her face to his. She turned with his efforts, closing her eyes just before his lips pressed to hers. The burn of desire washed over her, the smell of his cologne reminding her of Marc. She slid her arms around his neck before realization pulled her from the moment.

He groaned into her mouth, his hands moving to cup her butt as he tucked her against him. She responded with a soft sound of appreciation for his aggression. Lust was beautiful and powerful, sustaining every need until you met the one...


"Spend the night with me." He moved back, his eyes moving across her face, expecting a positive response. She wanted to. She needed to. Every time she had been close to giving herself to someone since Kari's brother Marc left, it fell flat. She couldn't go through with it. She needed to get over it. Marc and her hadn't even slept together. It was safer that way.

"Not the night, but the next few hours. I have guests coming over this evening."

"Are you a married woman, Ms. Parks?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She smirked and pulled from him, walking toward the bedroom. She paused just inside of it, bending over and slipping her feet from the two-inch heels that made her feel far too sexy for her line of work. Showing bedrooms to men for a living was sure to keep her unmarried and a complete nymph.

She turned as he walked in, the soft growl on his tongue lighting a spark in her stomach. He wasn't Marc, but none of them were. Time to move on. She held up her hand to stop him for a minute.

"First things first... You're buying the house?"

"You live close?"

"I do."

"I'm buying the house."

"Good." She walked toward the bed, stopping to pull the paperwork from her briefcase. "Sign in these three places and I'll not talk business again. Promise."

He smiled and pulled a pen from the inside of his jacket pocket. His clothes screamed money, his body sex. She took a tentative step back as he turned and pressed the paper to the wall. Something buzzed inside of her head, a warning bell that sleeping with him might not be the best of choices.

She ignored it, grumbling at the thought of Jake and Kari being together. She was more than glad her friend found someone as great as Jake, but half the reason she had rented the house from him was because she could easily see the two of them naked and sweaty. Those thoughts were long gone, Jake too much like a brother and Kari far too important to her.

"What are you thinking about, sexy?" He turned and let the papers drop to the ground as he worked on his tie.

"How much I'm going to enjoy ruining you for all other women."

He laughed, the sound rich and thick. She liked him and could do this. She tugged on her pearls, the clasp made to give way at the slightest tug. They pulled from her neck and dropped from her fingers and he took the few steps remaining between them and leaned down to kiss her.

She lifted up on her toes, pressing her lips to his as she swatted his hands away from his shirt, taking the task on herself. She worked quickly, his jacket pushed from his shoulders, his shirt soon to follow.

"God you smell good," he whispered against her mouth, reaching out and pulling her flush against him. He pressed his tongue into her mouth, Lisa taking time to softly suck at it as she worked his pants open, her fingers sliding in to stroke him once. He groaned as she released his tongue, moving from him and walking toward the bed.

"Come here." She undid her skirt and slipped out of it. Her black hose were held up by garters, her panties small and barely covering any of her. She looked over her shoulder as she unbuttoned her shirt and threw it to the other side of the room.

"Fuck..." He moved toward her, leaning over to pull his shoes and socks off after his slacks bunched up in his path. He tugged his underwear over his large erection and stroked himself once before reaching her. She left her back to him, her heart pounding in her chest.

Lisa hadn't been with a man in far too long. She had almost made it there, almost let them take her to a familiar place and then...

"No," she whispered to herself, sliding her arms across the bed and lifting her ass in the air. This one would be a go. She would just pretend it was Marc.

"No," she grumbled louder.

"No what, baby?" The handsome man behind her pressed his lips to the back of her thigh as he knelt below her. His fingers slipped inside her panties, rubbing the soft skin of her center as she groaned.

"No, don't stop." She pressed her face to the mattress, fighting the sensation that it wasn't right to sleep with someone else and desire another. Bastard mother fucker. She growled against the bed, knowing nothing would come of it with Marc. He was back in New York and several years younger than her. He was in college and she was a grown ass woman.

Her panties were being pulled off slowly, the stranger’s fingers slipping inside of her. She bent her knees slightly and pressed against his offering, her body was more than aware of how to handle such pleasure.

"Yeah, pretty girl. Let's take care of that wet little slit." He stood and pressed himself to her. Lisa pushed her hands against the bed, gripping the sheet as she groaned, his body filling hers. They were too far to go back. It was too good to want to. He sighed deep in his throat and began thrusting, the sound and smell perfect.

"So good," she whispered, losing herself in his movements. He knew what he was doing, his experience pulling her from her worries over what was right and what wasn't. Marc and her were nothing, nor would they ever be.

An image of the sexy rebel rushed across her vision, the visual heightening the sex. She moaned loudly and pressed backward, rolling her hips to give way for more pressure, more pleasure. The handsome billionaire became Marc in her head, her body giving way for something so far beyond right that she treasured it.

Tucking her head between her clasped hands she worked against him, taking pleasure from every movement. The sound of his deep grunts washed over her, the image of Marc stripped naked and taking her in so many ways flooding her senses. She groaned as she lifted quickly, her body exploding from the center out as she screamed.

"Marc, oh fuck baby. Harder."

Hands slid around to cup her breasts, squeezing softly before kneading them. She placed her hands over his, thrusting wildly into her as his teeth sank into her shoulder. Bowing her head she gave him access to her, to all of her. Whatever he wanted she would bow down below him and offer herself. No man before. No man after.

He rocked against her, his breathing so heavy. So hot. He groaned loudly, his body stiffening as he gave himself to her. She rocked back against him, her visual locked in place, her desire skyrocketing for the man she wanted more than her next breath.

Why had she denied herself when he was close? Why hadn't she forced them to explore what they could be? The thrusting stopped, the hands holding her sliding away. She leaned over and pressed her arms to the bed, reality ushering in coldness and shame.

"Damn, that was fantastic." His voice was thick, shattering the last bit of the fantasy.

Lisa steeled herself, standing up and turning, a wicked smile on her lips. "Good. The house is yours and you have my number. Don't be a stranger."

She walked to pick up her clothes, the good looking man popping her naked butt as she took her things and slipped into a small bathroom in the hall. She refused to look at herself in the mirror, knowing the minute she did, she would break down.

When had all of this fallen apart? Sex was her favorite pastime, her go-to workout, her most comforting activity. So what if she had more testosterone than a fifteen-year-old boy. She was in charge of herself and only had to answer to one person.

"Me." She glanced at the mirror, tugging at her hair and fixing her pearls. Lisa finished dressing quickly and walked out with her head held high. She wasn't ashamed of fucking a stranger or doing it for a quick sale on the house. She was mortified that she needed Marc in the middle of the activity to

"Bastard," she grumbled and walked from the house, her signed contract in her bag and a bone to pick with the man that crept into her heart and never once touched her panties. "Complete bastard."

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