Up All Night-nook (7 page)

Read Up All Night-nook Online

Authors: Lyric James

BOOK: Up All Night-nook
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Calling up her courage she said, “You told me you wanted today, tomorrow, next week.” She smiled slightly. “You said you wanted to take me to Paris.”

“And you rejected me.” The skin bunched around his eyes, and pain filled the deep recesses. The anguish in his voice almost did her in. Never in her life had a man…anyone…looked at her the way Ian had.

“You ran away from me. That was my fault.”

Vehemently shaking her head she told him, “No, Ian. No. That wasn’t your fault. It was mine. If I hadn’t been such a coward it never would have happened.”

He lifted a single eyebrow and gave her a nervous laugh. “So…what? You’ve changed your mind now? You want a relationship with me?”

She stepped forward, but Ian stepped back and had nowhere to go since the door was behind him. She placed the palm of her hand against his chest, and he lowered his gaze. His heart hammered in his chest, which was a good sign, she thought.

“I do.”

He gripped her wrist and was about to pull it away until Stella slid closer, almost melding her body with his. Ian’s head clunked against the door, his eyes closing as he took a couple of deep breaths. 

“Please, Stella. Don’t do this to me. I can’t… I can’t do this with you anymore. This back and forth, this push and pull. I heard you loud and clear at the beach house, okay? You don’t want a relationship with me. Sex maybe, but not a relationship. And I can’t do it. I just can’t.”

Stella was about to take her
not a coward anymore
to a whole new level. As she moved back, she reached for the top button of her white shirt and released it. Then she undid the next one, and the next, without shifting her gaze from Ian’s.

His eyes widened and his breathing became increasingly rapid as she revealed more of her skin. “What are you doing?”

would seduce

When her shirt fell to the floor, Ian was shaking his head.

“You…um…you don’t have to…have to…”

One flick of her fingers, and her navy blue shorts joined her blouse on the floor.  Thank goodness she was always about the sexy when it came to her underwear. The white lace bra she wore barely covered her nipples, and the matching panties were a G-string.

“Stella,” he groaned. “I’m not…”

A tucked finger under the strap of her bra and it was sliding down her body where she unhooked the clasp and dropped it to the floor on top of her pants. She gave him a coy smile and walked toward him slipping her feet out of her black loafers. “You were saying?”

His voice shook. “Why are you doing this?”

Pressed against him, she moaned and slid her foot up his calf. “Because I want you, Ian. I’ve always wanted you. I’ve denied it, despised it, but the
wants what the

His hands gripped her waist, and his thumbs drew lazy circles on her stomach, pressed deep. The touch of his hands was like ice and fire, simmering, smoldering, and teasing her skin.

“And this isn’t just about sex. You’re not going to disappear and come back a month later wanting more, just to ease your itch?”

Stella shook her head and nipped at his lips. “No. I want tomorrow.”

Before she finished the last syllable, he’d lifted her up and was kissing her. They made it to the third step of the curving staircase to the right.

“God, you’re going to kill me,” he muttered and closed his lips over her left nipple, sucking it deep into his mouth.

The pleasure skyrocketed through her body like a missile. Yanking at his shirt, she heard it rip as she pulled it up and over his head. By step five his teeth grazed her hip and brought her panties down her legs. His tongue found her then, making her cry out in ecstasy induced shock. “Next week. Oh yeah. I can’t wait for next week.”

Back at her nipples again, he tugged and tugged until her body sparked between pleasure and pain. At step eight she flipped him over and yanked at his shorts. She smiled. “You’re not wearing any underwear.”

Stella sat him down on step ten and crawled between his legs like a cat thirsty for milk. And oh…she wanted his milk. Palming his cock, she stroked it up and down, and he hissed when she wrapped her mouth around him.

“Never again,” he said. “I’ll chain you up in the basement before I let you leave me.”

She giggled and lapped at him, closing her mouth over the head, swirling her tongue around. “That sounds like forever to me.”

“Damn straight,” he said and turned her, knees on step twelve as he took her from behind, hard, fast, wicked.  She gripped the banister and held on as Ian pounded into her, one hand palming her stomach, the other, her hip.

It was quick, sensuous, blinding.

And when they collapsed onto the five feet of space from the first set of steps to the next, she welcomed the cool marble of the floor on her heated skin. Ian wrapped her in his arms and kissed the back of her neck.

“I thought I lost you.”

Stella shook her head snuggled closer, laughing lightly. “Let’s just say that it took a huge bump on the head and a couple of really good friends to make me come to my senses.”

He chuckled behind her. “Remind me to kiss those three the next time I see them.”

Stella twisted around so she could face him. “Oh no,” she quipped and tweaked his bottom lip. “These are mine and mine only.”

“Tomorrow, next week.

Joy, intense joy like nothing she ever felt before spread through Stella. From somewhere she heard a soft laugh and a quiet voice say,
now that’s my baby,
and she smiled. “Don’t forget about Paris.”



The End




Did you miss how it all began?


Lover’s Revenge

Beach House Nights Book #1




Throwing a summer party at the beach house she inherited from her grandmother is just what Dayna needs to take her mind off her two-timing ex. After his best friend arrives to check up on her she realizes her desire may have been focused on the wrong friend. When they share a late night walk on the beach, it’s clear he shares her lust. Now, Dayna is determined to take advantage of their mutual attraction. What’s a little revenge sex among friends?







She crossed and then uncrossed her arms around her knees. She didn’t want to talk about
. “Why are you apologizing for something you didn’t do?”

Jared came up, picked up a rock, and tossed it into the ocean. “He was—is—my friend. What he did… You didn’t deserve that.”

Dayna stood and walked into the water, slicing her leg through the cool liquid and said, “Forget about it.”

“If I was lucky enough to have someone like you, I’d never fuck that up.”

That gave Dayna the opening she was looking for. She turned to face him. “And if you had me, say, for one night, what would you do with me?”

Even in the darkness, she saw his irises flair and smolder. He was up in one fluid motion and came toward her, splashing water on her legs as he did. Jared didn’t touch her, but his nearness caused heated desire to slither down her spine. “I would worship every inch of your body. When I was done, you’d know you were the only woman in my life and no other could ever take your place.”

Here goes nothing
. “They why don’t you? Have me for one night.”

Jared moved closer until their toes touched in the water. The look he gave her could cause a lustful and lethal combustion. “Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.”

Dayna reached out, touched his chest, and willed the butterflies zinging around in her stomach to settle. She stroked him right above the slit before the buttons began, moving her finger in a slow, sensuous circle. What she wanted to do was
him, but instead she struggled for breath as her skin connected with his. Every cell in her body blistered with unbridled need. “Who says I don’t?”

He grabbed her forearms and squeezed. It didn’t hurt, but it let her know that she was playing with a fire she might not be able to put out or contain once it started. “He could come crawling back. If we do this, how will you feel when he does?”

Slowly, she began to unbutton his shirt. Eager to see him naked, her tongue snaked out over her bottom lip. “I wouldn’t take him back if he came to me crawling across a pile of diamonds and gold.”

He enclosed both of her hands in one of his and tilted her chin up with the other. “Are you sure about that?”

She moved around him to return to the blanket and glanced around. She took off her tank and removed her shorts, carrying her panties down with them. Once she stepped away, she was completely naked. “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”




Something Wet

Beach House Nights Book #2



Violet Tanner had the shittiest week ever. She was demoted at work, her apartment got flooded, and the guy she’s dating sends her an email to tell her he needs some space. When she gets an invite from one of her closest friends to a party at her beach house, her quick RSVP leaves her computer smoking.

Things start to look up when hottie Logan McMasters arrives. She’s lusted after the ex-pro ball player for years. She’s determined to have her weekend end on a hot and sexy note and stops at nothing less than full-on seduction to get her man. Before the night is over, Logan is going to know what it means to experience something hot, something spicy, and something wet.







She stood, grabbing the shirt she’d pulled off earlier. “I’m going for a walk,” she said to Stella, and trailed a path along the shore, heading away from the beach house, the wet sand sticking to her bare feet.

Her hope… Logan would follow.

Ahead, streamers of seaweed rolled in the surf. The company that rented colorful loungers and chairs with overhead umbrellas were loading up their equipment to sale again the next day. The beach was empty except for the group she was with, but she still heard snatches of conversation and music carried on the wind from the other houses.

“Would you like some company?” The deep, sexy drawl came from behind her.


Violet pivoted around and walked backwards across the sand, a soft smile on her face when he approached her. An inner core of delicious heat thrummed through her.

The man was gorgeous with chestnut hair and liquid caramel eyes. He had on a sexy black wife-beater and khaki cargo shorts, no shoes. Muscles abounded and even though he wasn’t a star cornerback anymore, he still regularly worked out to keep his body rock hard. Of course, why wouldn’t he since he now owned about thirty 24-hour gyms across greater Florida.

“Are you following me?” she asked with a hint of tease, but with a confident edge in her voice. Her plan worked. Now, she had to figure out just how far her seduction needed to go so she could actually feel that rock-hard body against hers tonight.

“Do you mind?”

Violet shook her head. “Nope.”

Logan’s gaze traveled down to her feet and back up again. When his eyes reached her face, she asked, “You like what you see?”

He nodded. “Oh yeah.”

She turned and barely refrained from squealing with excitement, and continued to walk down the beach.

He came up beside her. “Did I hear you say you got demoted?”

Boy, he’d really been paying attention. “Yes. Please don’t remind me.”

Logan lightly bumped his shoulder against hers, and a searing sliver of heat swept down her arm. “I only wanted to say I was sorry to hear it, that’s all. We can move on to a much happier conversation if you want. Like the fact that you don’t have a man anymore.”

“Oh. You heard that too, huh?” She smiled up at him and was astounded by the deep voraciousness in his gaze. “And why, pray tell, is that a happy conversation?”

He stopped her and brought her around to face him, pulling her close as his palms traveled down her arms to her hands. “Because I’ve been waiting a while for you to be free.”

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