Up in a Blaze (7 page)

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Authors: Alice Brown

BOOK: Up in a Blaze
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Cassandra stared wide eyed at her friend for a second, just now realizing she had been whisked straight out of the hospital, onto a private jet, and flown several states away without much more than her purse. Geez, the painkillers must be messing with her mind a lot more than she thought. Thankfully, Betty was thinking with a straight head and had made sure she was taken care of.

Betty handed over the bags to her friend. “Thank you,” Cassandra stated graciously. What in the world she would have done without her friend’s help she didn’t know. She peeked into the bags and spotted what looked to be several shirts, pants, one skirt, and undergarments. She glanced back up at her friend and gave her an appreciative grin.

Donte walked into the room carrying a plate and glass. “Here, sweetheart, I made you a sandwich. I know you must be hurting. I’m going to set your medicine down here in front of you on the table so you can take one after you eat.”

She smiled up at him, grateful for the food and drink. She was a bit hungry, and knew she would have to break down soon and take the medicine as well. “Thank you. You all are being so nice to me. I’m sorry for any inconvenience I am causing you.”

Sissy clucked her tongue, reminding Cassandra of a mother hen. “You’re being no inconvenience whatsoever. I know Betty is going to rest a lot easier now that you are away from that bastard of an ex of hers. Still wish I would have shot him a long time ago.”

“Now, now,” Walter gently reprimanded his wife. “If he comes around, he will be dealt with through legal channels.” What Walter didn’t bother stating was that Gregory would be dealt with through legal channels only if he was smart enough to turn himself in. If he continued coming after Walter’s family, well, the man probably wouldn’t live long enough to make it to a jail cell.

Walter looked down at his watch, then back to his mate. “It’s getting late. How about we go so these two can get settled for the evening, and you girls can have the whole day tomorrow together?”

Sissy stood and walked over to her mate, linking hands with him when he stood. They both turned to Betty, who was still sitting on the couch next to Cassie. “Are you going to be okay? Is there anything else you need before we leave?” her friend inquired.

Cassie shook her head as she swallowed a bite of her sandwich. “No, Betty. You’ve done more than enough, and I don’t know how I’ll repay you for all of this, but I’ll find a way.”

Her friend was frowning and shaking her head. “You’ll do no such thing, Cassie.” She hesitated for a second before continuing, glancing over to Donte first. “You’re in good hands with Donte, honestly. He’s a really good guy.” She hesitated again, and Cassie wondered what was up with her friend. If she didn’t know better, she would swear her friend was trying to communicate to her that she should hook up with Donte. Like the man would ever want someone like her. No, she was just his responsibility. Part of his job. Nothing more. Her friend’s next words were spoken low, and confirmed what Cassie had been thinking. “You know, I think you two would be good together.”

Cassandra reached over and placed her hand on top of her friend’s. “I’ll be fine, Betty. I promise. Now go, I’ll see you in the morning.” She maintained eye contact, but dropped her voice down low, so only Betty would hear. “He’s a nice guy, but he’s not interested in me. Now go, we’ll chat more tomorrow.”

“You never know what the future holds, my friend. I think he is interested in you.” This was whispered in her ear as her friend reached over and gave her a hug before standing up to leave. What was with Betty in trying to set her up all of the sudden? Her friend had never done that before.

Once the company had left, Donte closed the front door and turned to look in her direction. She was trying to get the lid off the damn medicine bottle, scowling down at the words, ‘child-proof’ lid. He grinned as he realized he was the one that had closed it up too tightly. He would need to watch his extra-ordinary strength around her, at least until she’d been brought up to speed as to exactly who and what she was staying with.

“Here, let me help you,” he stated as he gently pried her fingers from around the bottle and opened it with ease. He dumped a pill out into his hand and reached his hand back over to her, offering the medicine.

“Would you like to watch a movie?” he asked as she swallowed the pill. He knew she would more than likely fall asleep as soon as the painkillers started kicking in, and that was just what he was hoping for. With any kind of luck, she would fall asleep, and he would be close enough to touch her and access her mind again while she slept. Her mind was like a puzzle to him, and he wanted to figure out why and how Betty’s ex had some sort of control over it.

“Sure, I’ll let you pick something, since chances are good I’ll probably fall asleep halfway through the movie anyway,” Cassie answered with a shrug of her shoulders.

He walked over to the entertainment center and popped in a DVD. By the time he made it back over to the couch and sat down next to her, the introduction to the movie was starting.

Her eyebrows went up when the movie started. “You’re a John Wayne man?”

The beginnings of
North to Alaska
started, and he smiled over to her. “Sure, you just don’t find actors like him anymore,” Donte replied as he raised his arm up over the back of the couch where she was seated. “Feel free to get comfortable.” He reached over, grabbed a couple of throw pillows, and placed one by his thigh, hoping she would take the bait and lay down next to him.

She stared at the pillow like it was a snake for a few seconds, then back up to him. “Why are you being so nice to me? I have disrupted your life in every way possible, and now you’re saddled with a houseguest because of me.”

He slowly reached up to tuck a few loose hairs behind her ear. “First of all, you have not disrupted my life, nor am I saddled with anything. If I didn’t want you staying, I would have told Walter and he would have made other arrangements, period. Second of all, you seem like you need a friend.” He gave her a sly wink before continuing, “It doesn’t hurt that you’re a beautiful woman, and I find myself entangled in your web every time I look into your eyes. I want to get to know you, angel, be your friend at the very least, maybe more if you’re open to it.”

Damn, his beast was riding him hard, she was his mate. His beast wanted buried between her silk thighs, balls deep in her warm heat, until they didn’t know where he ended and she began. His jaw clenched with how hard he was holding back with her.

She chuckled and shook her head. “Damn her ass.”

He gave her a questioning look and she continued, “Betty somehow picked up on something and tried telling me you were interested in me, but I told her there was no way someone like you could be interested in someone like me.”

“And why is that, angel? You’re a beautiful woman, who is also intelligent, and strong natured.”

She snorted, “You mean I’m stubborn.”

“Well, maybe so, but that stubbornness has helped keep you alive.” Donte gave her a genuine smile. Besides, he didn’t mind a little bit of spunk. He certainly didn’t want a doormat for a mate.

He brought his hand up to run his fingertips down the side of her cheek in a barely there caress. The other side of her face still held the residual of bruising, and his anger surged every time he looked at her face. He knew better than to ever show that side of himself though. Control, control of the beast was the key. If he ever wanted a shot at her, now was the time to come clean, at least somewhat. “I know you’ve been through a lot in the last several days, and all of this is new to you. But I’ve been searching a longtime for someone like you. Call it whatever you like, but I knew the moment I walked into that hospital room that you were what I had been looking for.” He stopped and reached for her hand. “I’m not telling you this to scare you. I want to show you that we can be good together, and I am willing to take this slow. You need time to recuperate, so for now, let’s just spend time getting to know one another, okay?”

The sincere look in his eyes was Cassie’s undoing. Yes, she had just met him, but she had never felt safer than when she was with him. She thought back to the dream she’d had while on the plane earlier. He’d been so sweet, so kind and gentle. As much as her common sense was trying to scream at her to slow down, that this could all be a big mistake, she just felt like she needed to live a little, especially after what she had just gone through a few days ago. Besides, she was tired of being bogged down in life with a job that hardly paid anything and nothing to show for it but a roof over her head. She made a decision right then that for as long as she was in Texas, she wasn’t going to worry about the day-to-day problems. They would be waiting for her once she returned home. No, for however long she was here, she was going to have some fun. And if the good looking Texas Ranger Donte Chaverez wanted to court her, who was she to turn him down?

She gave him a small smile and a nod of agreement, and they both sat back to watch the movie. The movie was barely halfway over when Donte watched her eyes drift closed, before she popped them back open, attempting to stay awake. He picked up the pillow sitting between them and placed it on his shoulder. “Come on, babe, lean on me and get comfortable.”

She leaned over toward him and rested her head on the pillow at his shoulder. He reached his other hand around and lightly stroked her hair, being careful not to go near the spot where she had stitches. Within minutes he glanced over to find her lightly snoring.

This time when he entered her mind, he made certain he stayed in the background, content to just watch her dreams come naturally. He was hoping that in staying in the background, he could get a better handle on what was going on, and how Gregory had managed to break through her dreams as easily as he had done earlier.

He sat back, content to just watch how things progressed, and didn’t have long to wait. Tonight’s dream once again featured the two of them, and if the dream was anything to go by, the mating heat had affected her more than she was letting on. Their surroundings were non-descriptive, but the two of them were standing pressed against each other tightly. She had one leg up and was trying to wrap it around his waist. He took that leg and helped steady her as his other hand delved into her hair, sifting through her beautiful locks, as he angled her head and kissed her deeply. She kissed him back with every bit as much enthusiasm, and Donte watched her dream version of himself and her as they continued kissing and petting each other. It didn’t take long for an unwelcomed intrusion to rear its ugly head.

Donte felt his presence before he spotted him. The air seemed to shift, turning everything grey. Then, his ugly, un-kept appearance literally appeared out of nowhere, standing directly next to the couple.

I told you, bitch, you’re not going to live long enough to be happy. Now where is Betty?
” the intruder demanded in a steely tone.

As far as Donte knew, the intruder hadn’t been able to detect his presence within the dream. Donte stood back watching, evaluating the best way to take him down. If he could get the jump on this guy, it was possible he could get some answers.

Donte watched as Cassie literally shrank back before his eyes, scared and hurt. For that alone he wanted to beat the bloody pulp out of the man. Just as he finished that train of thought, she suddenly straightened her spine and looked him in the eye. “
I wouldn’t tell you if I was taking my last breath!”

Keep it up, bitch! I’ll find her, and when I do, both of you are going down!”
He stopped and shook a meaty finger in her face. “
You tell that bitch of a friend of yours that I am on my way to Texas, and when I find her, she’ll wish she never lived!”
There was a puff of smoke, and then he was gone.

By this time her dream with him had ended, all she was left with was the aftermath of her nightmare. She came to with a start, and Donte was right there holding her. “Did you have a bad dream, cariño?” It wouldn’t do any good to admit that he already knew exactly what was going on.

“Yes,” she held her face against his chest for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. She gazed up at him with tears in her eyes. “If I tell you something, will you promise not to laugh at me?”

He reached over and gently tucked her hair behind her ear. “Of course, baby. What is it?”

“Ever since I was attacked, I go to sleep and I see him.” She stopped and took a moment to organize her thoughts. “I know this is going to sound really strange, but I think he may be trying to track me through my dreams.”

“Gregory?” Donte confirmed.

“Yes, this last dream he said he knew Betty and I were in Texas.” She stopped and shook her head. “You probably think this is all silly.”

“No, I don’t. Can you tell me about these dreams? Is there anything in particular leading up to him showing up, or does he just spring up out of the blue?”

“No, each time he has showed up, I’ve been in another dream already.”

“Oh, are you dreaming about anything in particular?”

When she bit her lower lip and cast her eyes downward, he continued, “It might help us to figure out how he is able to have access to your dream state.”

In the barest of whispers, eyes still cast down to the ground she replied, “I’ve been dreaming of being with you.”

As much as he wanted to grin over her confession, he decided to try as much of a professional approach as he could. “Okay, then I’m going to assume your guard is down, and maybe you’re enjoying yourself when he makes an appearance?” He’d already come to this deduction just from watching the last two times.

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