URBAN: In Love with A Boss Nigga (17 page)

BOOK: URBAN: In Love with A Boss Nigga
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“I’m going to take my time. There’s no rush.” He kissed her again. He slid his hands between her legs. He rubbed his finger over her clitoris. She was still moist and he put one finger inside of her. Her walls immediately hugged his fingers. It was so tight and wet. It had such a grip on his fingers, he had to know what he would feel like inside of her.

He used his knee to open her legs. He placed his head right outside her hole. He pushed in and she jumped back. He kissed her again. He laced his fingers in hers. He pushed the head in slightly again.

“Okay.” She sighed.

“Just squeeze my fingers when you feel the pain.” He pushed all the way in. She gasped and opened her legs wider. When he moved slightly, she squeezed his fingers as he suggested.

He moved slowly at first. After a few strokes she was used to it. Next thing she knew she was wrapping her legs around his waist. She moaned and groaned. Her sounds and wetness was turning him on more. He started to speed up and she moaned even louder. She gripped his hands and she felt her body tremble. She was starting to cream and Lionel kissed her again. He pulled out slowly and in the dim light he saw her wetness all over his erect head.

“Turn around.” She was flat on her stomach. He positioned her body so that she had a an arch in her back. She grabbed on to the sheets as he entered her. He moved quickly this time. She was moaning out loud and screaming. He held his hand in place so that her arch was there. She started moving her hips back towards him. He grinned because he was impressed. He knew that she was no expert, but it didn’t stop her from moving with him. He could feel himself about to explode. He wasn’t ready yet.

“You think you can handle being on top?”

“I’ll try.”

Giselle closed her eyes as he disappeared inside of her. She rotated her hips and tried to move. He grabbed her hips and helped her along. He helped her bounce up and down. She was moaning again. She leaned forward and fell against his chest. He licked her nipples and started sucking on them slowly. She shuddered and felt that rising feeling again. She screamed and howled. He went faster and the tingling started at his toes. he sped up while she was screaming. Just when he felt the explosion, he pulled out just in time.

“What do you want to do?” She asked him. “With your future? What do you want to do with you future.”

“This again?” He held her close. He had his arms tightly around her.

“I will keep asking until I get an answer.”

“I don’t know. I used to think I wanted to own a store.”

“A store?”

“Sounds stupid?”

“No, it’s just funny how both of our dreams somehow are linked. I want to run my own business and you want to own a store.


“Who knows? Maybe one day we can do it together.”

“If only life was that simple.”

“Why not?”

She looked in his eyes. Lionel looked away. He already knew that he was getting deeper and deeper in the drug game. He couldn’t walk away now. He was making a lot of money. Him and Antwon were making a name for themselves. People were starting to know who they were. They were feared but mostly, they were getting respected. They started making the right connections. Now they were about to get a crew to start moving more product. He couldn’t walk away from that.

“I got things to do.” He told her.

“You mean you have money to make.” Lionel smiled. There wasn’t much that she couldn’t catch up on. She might have been new to New York City, but she wasn’t dumb.

“Yeah I do.”

“We can do that together.”

“Giselle it takes money to make money. Let’s say that I wanted to do this with you, we’d need money to start those businesses. To get that money, I’d have to move more product. It’s a never ending cycle.”

“What if I told you that I could get us some money?’

Lionel’s phone went off and interrupted them. Normally he wouldn't pick it up but it was a ringtone assigned for Antwon. He rolled his eyes. He could already tell what Antwon wanted. He probably was calling Lionel for some details about the night. Antwon and Lionel always exchanged stories.

“You remember that chick that use to work for the supermarket?’ Antwon asked Lionel a week ago as they were hanging out on the corner.

“You mean Rhonda?”

“Nah, not her. I’m talking about that girl that’s behind the counter. The one that work the pharmacy section. Her name is Linda something.”

“Oh yeah.” Lionel nodded. “What about her?”

“I fucked her the other day and when I say that bitch’s pussy was wet. My nigga, her pussy was so wet that it could have turned into a community pool. My dick was doing laps in that pussy, nigga.”

“It was that wet?” Lionel laughed.

“That pussy was so wet, I nearly drowned in that shit.” They both started laughing.

Lionel chuckled in the present. Who knew what his friend wanted now? As he looked at Giselle, he contemplated not picking up. He was erect once more and he could go for another round.

“Yo…” He picked up the phone.

“Son..” Antwon’s voice was groggy.

“You called me while i was sleepy? Go to sleep nigga.” Lionel rolled his eyes. “You would call me while I’m here with Giselle.”

“Son..” His voice was more groggy. “I’m in the hospital.”

“What?” Lionel sat up. “What you doing in the hospital?”

“Niggas..” Antwon slurred. “It was right outside of the club. As soon as I left, they shot me.”

“Where you at?” Lionel got out of bed and looked for his clothes.

“Kings County.”

“I’m on my way there.” Lionel ended the call.

Giselle saw him panicking and turned on the lights to help him get dressed.

“What’s going on?”

“I got to get to Kings County.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“Nah.” He told her. She stopped dressing and looked at him. “Look, the room is paid for the rest of the night. You can stay here.”

“But I want to be by your side.” Her eyes almost made him change his mind. Almost.

“No. Look, I appreciate what you’re doing but I need to do this alone. I should have never left the club.” Lionel slammed the door behind him.

Giselle sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the room. How things have changed.

Chapter 8

Lionel walked down the halls of Kings County hospital. Antwon was moved from the emergency room, and he was now placed in a private room. He saw two police officers. He figured as much. If there was a shooting in a public place, police wouldn’t leave the victim’s side for a minute. They were going to wait and hope that Antwon would say anything. But Antwon was raised in the streets. He wasn’t going to talk to the police regardless of the situation. Lionel didn’t want to talk to Antwon in front of the police but right now, he didn’t care. He wanted to see how his friend was doing. If the police harassed him, he would just have to ignore them. His friend’s well being came first.

“Excuse me.” He walked past the officers. “I’m here to see my friend Antwon.”

“I’m Detective Schlotter.” A man in a suit came up to Lionel. “I’m investigating Mr. Jordan’s case. Do you know what happened to Mr. Jordan today?”

“I heard he was shot and that is all that I know.” Lionel tried to walk past him, but the detective stopped him.

“Would you know anybody that wanted to hurt him?”

“Niggas hating on other niggas. That is nothing new. Can I get in and see my friend now?” Once again the detective blocked his way. “Come on!” Lionel urged.

“If you remember anything, don’t hesitate to call me.” He handed him his card.

“Whatever.” Lionel didn’t take the card.

“You know, you young people kill me. You guys complain about how bad your neighborhood is but you won’t help the police lock the people away. It’s pretty simple really. You either want to help us or you don’t.” Lionel rolled his eyes to the detective. “Or is it that you and your friend are into some illegal shit?”

“Why do you have to jump to that conclusion? Ya police officers stay wanting our help but don’t hesitate to beat our ass or call us drug dealers. How do you expect us to help you when you treat us like that? Why do you think that my friend is into illegal shit?”

“Because your friend was found with a gun on him. What was he doing with a gun? No innocent people have ever had a gun on them.”

“Whatever.” Lionel tried to walk away but the Detective placed the card in his hand.

“I’ll be waiting for your call.”

When the cops left, Lionel approached Antwon’s bed. Antwon eyes lit up when he saw his friend. He tried to sit up but he groaned and grimaced in pain. He couldn’t move much. Lionel pulled a chair and sat next to Antwon.

“What’s going on?” Lionel asked, but then he laughed. “As if I didn’t know you were shot. What happened?’

After Giselle and Lionel left the club, Antwon bought two more bottles. He was happy to see his friend with someone. He just wanted to celebrate that and all their success. He saw the sparklers and the bottle service girls make their way over to him. All eyes were on him and that’s the way he liked it. He saw the lustful stares from the women and the hate coming from the men. He laughed and took the first bottle from them.

“It looks like you have a lot of money.” One shaped bottle service girl told him. Her hips and round ass fit well in the catsuit outfit that the club made her wear. Antwon looked at her and grinned.

“I suppose it looks like I got a lot of money.” He took the other bottle and gave it to her. “How about you and I split this one?

“I’ll get off in about twenty minutes, how about we do more then?” She gave him a wicked look and he nodded his head. He grabbed her a handful of her ass and squeezed.

“How about you clock out now and take an L on the rest of the day?”

“You gonna pay me for that?” She winked at him. “Meet me around back in five.”

He pulled out a cigarette and made his way outside. He told the rest of VIP they were welcomed to his bottles. He threw a stack to cover for the bill and waited outside for the bottle service girl. He started to smoke his cigarette. He watched people pass him by and couple walk away in the night. When ten minute passed and she wasn’t there, he pulled out another cigarette.

“Where the fuck is this bitch?” He blew out more smoke.

After he stomped on the fourth cigarette, he called it a loss. Maybe she was held up at work and she couldn't leave. Or maybe she just wasn’t interested. He sucked his teeth. He was not disappointed, but mad he didn’t have a backup plan. He usually had one other female sticking around just in case something happened. But when he saw how the catsuit fit on her, he didn’t think the whole thing out.

“Yo, you know what time it is?” Someone asked behind him .

“Yeah, it’s…” Antwon turned around and was blindsided by a punch. When he stumbled back, he saw the bottle service girl with two guys.

“Are you sure that’s him?”One of the guys asked her.

“Mhmm, he was the guy buying at least four bottles. He even had champagne.” She told him. Antwon looked at her but was punched by the other man again.

“Aight, nigga give it up. We know you got paper.” He punched him yet again. Antwon fell to the ground.

He was shocked. He was being set up. He let a curvy frame distract him. All he had to do was reach for his gun. When the man kicked him again, he managed to reach his for his gun. He pulled out and squeezed the trigger. The bullet missed the man. He walked away as well as the bottle service girl, but the other guy pulled out his gun and shot. The bullet hit Antwon’s leg. The guy got within two feet of him and pressed the gun against his head.

“I knew we should have just stuck you up, but them niggas thought it be easier just to beat it out of you. I hate working with dumb motherfuckers. I’m going to do what I should have done the minute she told us that we had a rich nigga in there.” He looked at Antwon. Antwon was groaning and grabbing his leg wound. He tried to move away but the pain was too intense.

“Goodbye.” He pulled the trigger but the gun jammed. “Fuck!” He yelled. “Lucky motherfucker.” He ran out.

“And that’s what happened.” Antwon finished his story. He gestured for his friend to hand him a drink of water.

“That’s fucked up. I should have never left.”

“Don’t start with that guilty bullshit.” Antwon sighed. “If you knew that I was going to be set up, would you have left?”

“Of course not.”

“Then you have nothing to feel guilty about.”

“I’m going to get this motherfucker.” Lionel promised.

“I feel you on that one. As soon as I get better, we get out there, and get that motherfuker.”

“I’m not waiting that long.”

“Leo, don’t be stupid. If anything pops off now, the police is gonna be all over that shit. We got to wait for some time and then do something about it.”

“Son, if we wait that bottle service girl is going to be gone.”

“Calm down.” Antwon saw the look in Lionel’s eyes. He’d never seen him that mad before.

“I’m not having someone else get shot.”

“I’m not your Uncle Maxwell, Leo. I’m not dead. I made it.”

“But they wanted you dead.” Lionel got up. “I got to go.”

“No!” Antwon screamed at him and his friend turned around. “Son, go cool off.”

“I’m good.”

“Yo, do you realize who you’re talking to? I know you. Go cool off. Go back to Giselle. Just chill out.”

Lionel looked at his friend. He nodded his head. He hated to see him in the hospital bed. It just made his mind wander. The tension and the silence reminded him of being back in that main office. He shook his head. He didn’t have to go back to that place. His friend Antwon was right

“I’m going to be at the Brooklyn Marriott if you need me.” Lionel and Antwon exchanged hands.

“Don’t worry about that bitch ass nigga. When I get out of here, and this thing cools down, you and me gonna put that nigga under the dirt. Don’t go crazy tonight thinking about him.”

“I hear you. Call me if you need me.”

Chapter 9

Giselle stared out the window. It had been two hours since Lionel left her. Her heart was racing. She didn’t imagine this night going down like this. When she thought of the night that she would lose her virginity, it would be her wedding night. If it wasn’t her wedding night, the guy would at least stay with her through the end of the night. She picked up her phone. It was just after midnight.

BOOK: URBAN: In Love with A Boss Nigga
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