V-Day: (M-Day #4) (11 page)

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Authors: D.T. Dyllin

BOOK: V-Day: (M-Day #4)
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I squeaked. After everything he still cared. He

d put his life on the line for me.

How long? How long has it been since you

ve seen him?

A few weeks.

I pulled away from Ty, a grain of hope sprouting inside of me.

Okay. Okay. We can find him. We find him and then we get the hell out of here. The clock is ticking
I yanked at the ends of my hair.

There is so much I need to tell all of you. And we need to find Riley.

I did some quick calculations in my head. There wasn

t much time, but I

d found Zee and Ty, if I had to leave Riley

Sharp barking drew my attention as Cujo came flying into the room, circling my legs excitedly. I leaned over.

What is it


Evo skidded into the room.

We need to get the hell out of here. Now. A group of I-Monsters are headed this way.

Her words sent everyone scrambling.

What the hell are I-Monsters?

Trust me, you do not want to know,

Ty said, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room.

Wait, I have to find

The wall exploded in, which was disconcerting to say the least, since it was solid concrete

and underground. Debris saturated the room, clouding my vision and making it difficult to breathe. Mixed in with the dirt and mold smells, was something else

something rotting. It was the decomposing aroma of death itself. Every hair on my body stood on end, a primal fear

instinct of some sort propelled me forward. I knew I had to get out of that room and fast. It was in that moment I knew exactly what I-Monsters were

the flesh crazed infected.

Ty thrust me over his shoulder and ran, following close on Nyx

s heels. I didn

t bother fighting him, not with me coming off fresh injuries and not knowing exactly what we were dealing with. I had a sinking feeling that I-Monsters were a lot stronger and faster than I

d realized in my past dealings with them. And to think I

d been terrified of them before.

I could still hear Cujo barking, although I couldn

t pinpoint her direction.

Here, girl! Cujo, here!

I had to hope she would follow the sound of my voice and get herself to safety. I

d grown ridiculously attached to her in a very short period of time.

I covered my ears and ground my teeth together as an inhuman roar beat against my head. It was like standing too close to a speaker playing heavy metal

it actually caused physical pain. We were already up the stairs and heading for the front door when a large shape barreled up through the basement, hitting into us before I could get a good look at it.

Something tore at my leg, the agony of it ripping a scream from me. I kicked out, frantic to escape the brutal attack. I dug my nails into the carpet, trying to gain some kind of traction to break free. I looked up to see Evo take aim and fire. Something warm hit against my back, but I didn

t have time to contemplate what as Ty flung me over his shoulder and started running with me again. My ears were ringing, and a foul taste coated my tongue. Nausea roiled my gut as I bounced up and down on my brother

s shoulder. I pushed myself up just enough so I could see behind us.

I squeaked, genuine terror tearing through my system as I got a good look at what had everyone running scared, confirming my fears. The I-Monsters were of course familiar to me, but I

d never seen specimens so big before. Or seemingly working in a group

they were terrifying enough as it was when they worked alone. The three I-Monsters ran headlong after us, their white hairless bodies glinting in the sun as they gnashed their teeth. They were something right out of a horror movie

zombies 2.0

faster, stronger, and not needing any brains. Any flesh would do them just fine.

I pounded on Ty

s back to make him move faster even though I was pretty sure he was at his physical limit. He grunted in acknowledgment and annoyance. The fact that he didn

t have any smartass comment only served to ratchet up my fear.

A blur of black fur streaked across the yard, heading straight for the I-Monsters. Cujo barked and snarled, snapping at the I-Monster

s legs as she ran circles around them. One of them tripped on her, tumbling to the ground and rolling to a stop. The other two continued on, ignoring their fallen compadre. But Cujo had other ideas. She continued her manic assault until another I-Monster tumbled to the ground. Apparently taking her as a threat, the third paused, reaching down to snatch her up in his massive hands. I squeezed my eyes shut and looked away as Cujo

s yelp met my ears.


s feet pounded the ground, never missing a step, never slowing down. I sagged against his back, suddenly weary, my leg pulsating in time with my heart. Everything faded into nothingness as my thoughts swirled around Cujo and Riley.



Chapter 10


I rose up from the darkness of oblivion, the remnants of a nightmare lingered, mocking me. The accusatory eyes of half a dozen children burned into my mind. Lives I hadn

t saved cut short before they barely got started. I carried the burden of all of their deaths on my soul.
There is no redemption for me

only a living hell.
Angry voices penetrated my subconscious as I woke up more fully.

We can

t keep tracking I-Men if every time we do I-Monsters track us. Every. Single. Time. I don

t know about you but I don

t want to lose anymore digits, or worse,

Nyx said.

A loud thump sounded before Evo spoke,

And what the hell are we supposed to do then? We can

t keep on hiding. We can

Another thump.

You know Evo lives for hunting I-Men,

X cajoled.

There has to be a way

I thought we were looking to the future. I thought we were going to make plans beyond just hunting,


s soft voice lilted in an obvious mediator tone.

But we couldn

t get any answers. We still don

t know what the fuck happened. We don


And we may never know,

Zee stated.

We need to make plans for the future with what information we do have.

And what

s that?

Evo demanded.

What exactly do we know? Nothing. That

s what. Absolutely nothing.

My eyes fluttered and I groaned. I had the answers they all wanted but I wasn

t so sure they wouldn

t regret getting them. And I also wasn

t sure they all wouldn

t end up hating me.



s worried face peered down at me.

How are you feeling?

I sat halfway up, and wiped the sweat from my brow, realizing we were all in a basement of some sort, maybe a fallout shelter, if I had to guess. The hum of a tiny heater caught my attention, which explained why I was so hot.

I feel like shit. But at least I

m alive.

I flexed my right leg, a sharp pain shooting through it when I did. I winced as I forced myself to sit up all the way.


Ty offered me a water bottle, which I greedily chugged from.


s a good thing you have some medical knowledge,

I grumbled, not really wanting to see how bad my leg was. Instead, I chose to ignore it, knowing whatever Ty had done for it was the best that I could get under the current circumstances.


re going to have a nasty scar but at least you

re mostly all in one piece,

Nyx offered, grinning. I tried not to roll my eyes as I wondered if she

d always been such an optimist or if my brother had worn off on her.

Yeah, I guess.

I couldn

t quite conjure an answering smile for her though. I wasn

t sure I

d ever smile again. Especially if Riley

No. I can

t think about him now.

No, really.

Nyx extended her hand, wriggling half of a pinky finger.

An I-Monster tried to snack on me before too.

Which is how they

re tracking us!

Evo grated.


m positive! It

s like with the I-Men, just a different kind of bite. Why won

t anyone listen to me about this?

Silence fell over the group, and I could definitely tell the subject was a familiar one and the fight about it nothing new. I cleared my throat.

I heard part of what you guys were saying

about not having answers.

I dipped my gaze to study my nails.

Well I

ve got them


Tension filled the air and I lifted my gaze to see everyone staring at me with shock.

I know what caused the original virus, which was known as Men-V, what

s happening, and what we need to do. But we don

t have a lot of time. A few days, maybe, if that.

You better start talking then,

Evo demanded, her eyes feverish.

I squeezed my eyes shut not really wanting to think back to those dark times, but knowing I had to.

In case Ty didn

t tell you I was recruited by a special government branch referred to, by those in the program, simply as S-Ops

As I began the story, it was like stepping back in time to the day before it happened

The day before Men-V was released on an unsuspecting populace. The day I could have saved the world

but didn


December 19
, pre M-Day~


Doctor Greensley seemed agitated when I entered his lab.


m so glad I got a chance to see you


Before what?

I eyed his disheveled appearance, which was worse than normal. His hair moved around his face as if he

d been electrocuted, and his clothes were wrinkled to the point that it made me think he

d been wearing them for days. It made me question my choice to not report his erratic behavior.
Maybe keeping his secret isn

t a kindness, but plain old stupidity.

Before the end.

He turned away from me, busying himself with some loose papers on his desk.

I scrunched up my face as I started gathering up empty Kit Kat wrappers. It was a wonder he didn

t have diabetes yet. Or maybe the key word was

The end of the project? But I thought it was going well? Did they cut it?

From what I understood, the Doc had made leaps and bounds, but it wouldn

t have been the first time a project had been cut prematurely. The government was all about instant gratification. I wondered why no one had notified me.

No, no, no. Nothing like that.

He waved his arm dismissively at me.

Just then a loud thump stole my attention. I lifted my gaze to meet the ice blue one of a soldier in a containment unit. It was made of special high-tech plastic, nearly unbreakable. Still, the way the soldier

s gaze followed me gave me the creeps.


s going on with him? Any progress with his aggression?

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