Valan's Bondmate (16 page)

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Authors: Mardi Maxwell

BOOK: Valan's Bondmate
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He ignored her question and left the room.

Throwing back the blanket, she rushed into the bathing chamber. Quickly wrapped her hair in a drying cloth so it wouldn't get wet and stepped into the shower. She washed his scent from her body while she wondered what she'd done to make him so angry. Grabbing a drying cloth, she ran it over herself, and brushed her hair. Her hands trembled so badly she couldn't braid it, so she left it loose. She pulled on one of her gowns, adjusted it over her hips and ran out of the chamber and down the stairs.

Valan watched her approach. The ugly gown was shapeless, even on Lia. He'd never noticed before. Her face was flushed from hurrying, her hair lay around her in a fiery cloud. Stopping before him, she lowered her eyes and he felt sickened she was afraid to look at him and by what he was about to do to her.

When he raised his hand and saw her look at the leash with tears glistening in her eyes, he wanted to howl with agony for all he would soon lose. His hands shook so much he didn't think he'd be able to fasten the loop around her neck. A silent groan tore through him when he saw the marks of passion he'd left on her neck.

"Valan, I wouldn't try to run away. I would obey you. Please, please don't…"

"Be quiet." Her words slashed into him, cutting through the control he was trying to maintain. He wanted to pick her up and take her somewhere she would be safe, but he knew they would never make it off Zarronia.



Lia felt the leather digging into her skin, but didn't lift her hand to pull it away. Hopelessly, she followed him out of the house and along the path. They walked for several micro-units, until he led her through a door and into a room. The floor beneath her feet was soft and spongy, and she felt herself sinking into it as she followed him. He stopped and removed the leash from her neck, and then walked away. She heard voices whispering her name and raised her eyes. The room was full of warriors. Turning, she realized they sat in a half-circle in front of her, row after row of them rising almost to the ceiling. Her eyes widened with fear and she turned and searched for Valan. She found him, and their eyes met as he reached for the band on his arm.

She only had time to shake her head before a hot, tingling pain spread from her arms and into her body, forcing her to her knees. She screamed his name, as every nerve in her body exploded with pain. It ripped through her, then faded, only to build again. Each time more intensely than the last.

Valan stood frozen, a cry of anguish locked in his throat. Clenching his teeth, he held back the cries of rage and pain fighting to be released. He could feel his control breaking. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and ran down into his eyes. He blinked it away. How many nano-units had gone by? How many micro-units? How much longer could she endure this?

Lia tried to stand. Her legs wouldn't lift her. Sobbing, she tried to crawl away from the pain tearing at her. The agony receded, and then began again. She screamed. Then, screamed again, and again. She was lost in an endless abyss. Dark fire ran through her, surrounding her. She fought it, but finally, exhausted from the struggle, she collapsed and let it take her.

Valan stepped towards her but his father grabbed his arms and held him back. "You can't go to her. You must not!"

The warriors, at first gratified to see the daughter of Selik ad-San punished, were horrified by her screams. Watching her suffer, she stopped being their enemy's daughter, and became a small, defenseless female. Valan Eirikson's bondmate. Casting guilt-ridden glances at him, they saw his father restraining him. As long as they were there to witness the punishment, it couldn't be stopped. A warrior stood and left, followed by another, then another. Any warrior who hesitated was pulled away by his companions. When the last one had left, the Council Rulers filed out, leaving Eirik, Valan and Lia alone in the chamber.

Valan deactivated the bands and pushed his father’s hands away and stumbled to Lia. He dropped to his knees beside her and pulled her into his arms. The violent tremors flailing through her body were transferred to him, shaking him and loosening his hold on her. He tightened his arms and pulled her closer, begging her to forgive him, his voice rough and hoarse with grief. He nuzzled his cheek against her, and closed his stinging eyes as he let her nearness flow into him.

"Let's leave this place, Son."


"We have to get her home, Valan. Borg is waiting for us there."

Valan held her tightly as he rose and followed his father out of the building.



Neither one of them noticed the female hiding in the shadows, a malicious smile on her lips.

Morna watched until they disappeared in the distance. Hatred for the female in Valan's arms consumed her. Since returning to Zarronia, he'd ignored her. The one time she'd tried to speak to him, he'd commanded her to stay away from his home. In a rage she'd slipped away to meet one of her lovers, Council Ruler Arlenson. She'd repeated the workers' gossip about Lia ad-San to him, knowing how much he hated all of the Wrothians, but especially Selik ad-San. Now, she hid in the shadows and thought about the screams she'd heard coming from the arena. Lia ad-San would hate Valan after what he'd done to her. When she rejected him, he'd return to her.



Valan carried Lia past Borg and up the stairs to his chamber. Sitting on the bed, he held her on his lap. Her face was pale. There was blood on her bottom lip where she'd bitten it. He smoothed his hand over her tangled, tear-dampened hair, and pushed it away from her cheeks. She was so still in his arms that for a terrifying moment he was afraid she was dead. He pulled her up and buried his face in her neck, feeling her pulse slowly beating against his lips. He didn't notice when his father and Borg joined him.

"Valan, lay her down so Borg can examine her." When Valan hesitated, he added, "Now."

Reluctantly, he lowered her to the bed. She looked so small lying there. As he moved to pick her up again, Eirik pulled him away. He watched anxiously as Borg began his examination. When he started to push Lia's gown up over her hips, he growled and lunged for him.

Eirik stepped in front of him. "Valan, stop!"

Reaching around his father, he grabbed for him. "Don't touch her. Don't…"

"Valan, he's only trying to make sure Lia and the babies are alright." Taking his arm, he led him over to the windows. Valan stiffened and forced himself to accept the fact behind him another male was touching his bondmate.

Borg finished his examination as quickly as he could. He covered her and shook his head, then looked at Eirik and pointed towards the door.

"Let's go downstairs, Valan," Eirik said. "I'm sure you could use a drink. I know I could."

Ignoring his father's suggestion, Valan moved back to Lia and took her hand in his. Borg and Eirik exchanged worried glances.

"Valan, Lia won't wake up any time soon, probably not at all this cycle. Why don't you come downstairs and let me tell you the results of my examination?"

"Tell me now. Is she dying?"

"No, but it would be better if we talked in your den."

"Come along, Borg. Valan, can join us in a minute."

After they left, Valan slid down next to her and held her in his arms. Closing his eyes, he inhaled in her scent and wanted to howl with grief. He let her nearness calm him, then wrapped her up in the fur and carried her to the den. He dropped into a chair with her on his lap. His father handed him a tankard of ale, then settled in a chair next to Borg.

"Lia will be alright, Son, but the babies may not survive."

A shudder ran through Valan and the tankard in his hand shook, spilling ale on the floor. He set it down on the table. He wanted to ask his father what he meant, but his throat was so tight, he didn't think he could speak. Instead, he looked at his father, the question in his eyes.

"Lia is cramping and there is some bleeding. Borg has given her an injection that will help her, and he believes if she doesn't lose the babies during the next cycle they might make it."

Valan cleared his throat then asked, "After that cycle?"

Borg answered. "Every micro-unit after increases their chance for survival. You must keep her quiet and in bed. No more carrying her around with you." 

"Why can't you use the med-op?" Valan asked.

"It won't help her, Valan. Not when the cause of her condition is the use of the bands," Borg said.

"Under the circumstances, it might be best if you stayed away from her for a few cycles, Son. Borg knows a nurse who will come and stay with her."

"Olga works at my clinic. She is a fine nurse and would take very good care of her."

His father was right. Seeing him would upset her. "Bring her to care for her."

"I'll contact her and let her know she is needed. She will be here after the sun's zenith."

After Borg left, Valan and Eirik sat in the den, neither speaking. Their thoughts on Lia.

"Don't give up hope, Son."

Valan nodded, not really hearing his father's words.

"You will have to move your things into another chamber."

Valan nodded again.

"Go put Lia back in bed and move your things." Seeing the blank look in Valan’s eyes, Eirik said, "I'm going to fix us something to eat. While I do that, why don't you put Lia in bed and then move your things into another chamber?"

Without answering, Valan left the den. He placed Lia on his bed, covered her up, and slid his hand over her belly, protectively covering it. Lowering his mouth to her ear, he whispered, "Forgive me, little cat. Forgive me."

He gathered his clothes and carried them into Lia's chamber, then changed his mind. The nurse should sleep there, close to Lia if she needed her. Going into the chamber across the hall, he dumped his clothes on the bed. A moment later his father appeared in the doorway.

"Come eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"Then, come keep me company while I eat."

Shrugging, Valan followed his father into the hall. Casting a longing glance at the door to his chamber, he went down to the dining room. Two trays sat on the table, along with two glasses of ale.

"Refusing to eat won't help Lia. When she's better you're going to need your strength. I don't envy you the battle she's going to give you."

Valan pulled the tray toward him. There was a huge pile of brocco-beans on it. Their scent rose to his nose, gagging him. Jumping up, he ran for the downstairs bathing chamber. When he came out, Eirik was leaning against the wall, grinning.

"With your mother and me, it was stinkgoat cheese. She ate it constantly, but just the sight of it could send me running from the room." He laughed and thumped Valan on the back, then returned to the dining room and removed the tray of brocco-beans from the table. He fixed Valan another tray, and urged him to eat.

Borg arrived with Olga Garshin as they were leaving the dining room. Valan took her to the chamber she would occupy, then through the connecting door to Lia. He watched, intently, while Borg examined Lia again, then, quietly instructed Olga in her duties. Valan followed him downstairs and into his den.

Eirik waited for them, seated in the same chair he'd occupied earlier. Borg took the remaining chair. Clearing his throat, he asked, "Have you taught Lia to control her fever?"

Violently, Valan came to his feet, knocking the chair over, his eyes a silver flame in his darkly flushed face. He was sick with the impotent rage he'd felt this cycle. Needing an outlet, he stalked toward the doctor. Eirik jumped up and stood between them.

The warning look on his father's face stopped him. Shaking with frustration and anger, he turned and walked back to the overturned chair, and set it upright. His hands tightened on the arms, until he heard them crack beneath his fingers. Picking it up, he threw it at the crystal windows, and watched as the crystal shattered. The action appeased part of his need to vent his anger.

Eirik exchanged a relieved glance with Borg. "Answer Borg's question, Valan. Does Lia know how to control the fever?"


"The after-effects of the bands will prevent her fever from building for perhaps two cycles, but after that, she'll need help." Borg tried to read Valan's reaction to his words. "You shouldn't join with her for at least five cycles, maybe longer. Under the circumstances, the only thing we can do is give her ZL3 and hope it works."

"No." Valan hated the times he'd been forced to use the drug and the thought of Lia under its influence was intolerable.

"Valan, it's the only way, until she's stronger. If you try to join with her and she fights you, she might injure herself or the babies."

Cynically, he wondered if Lia would fight to keep his babies when she was told about her condition. Finally, making the only decision possible, he agreed Olga would administer the ZL3 to her when she needed it.

"You'll have to use it, too. Either that or leave until Lia is better. The meditation techniques you use to control the fever won't work as long as you're this near to her."

"No. I won't use that ever again."

"Fine. Borg and I won't force you, but, remember this, if you lose control and go to Lia, you'll harm not only her but the babies as well."

"I'll leave several vials and an injection gun for you in your chamber," Borg said. "If you need them, use them." He told Valan he'd return in the morning, and then he and Eirik left.

A flower scented breeze flowed through the gaping hole in the crystal window. Absently, Valan considered summoning a worker to repair it then dismissed the idea and wondered if the sound of the shattering crystal had disturbed Lia? Needing to see her before she awoke and he was banned from her chamber he went to her.


Chapter Eight


Sunlight streamed in through the crystal windows, forcing Lia to turn her head and close her stinging eyes. The movement brought another moan of misery from her raw throat. A cool hand stroked her forehead. Dimly, she heard a soft, feminine voice soothing her.

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