
Read Vamped Online

Authors: Lucienne Diver

Tags: #Young Adult, #Vampires, #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Adult, #Romance, #teen fiction, #teen, #fashion, #teenager

BOOK: Vamped
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Praise for

“Move over, Buffy! Lucienne Diver transfuses some fresh blood into the vampire genre. Feisty, fashionable, and fun—
is a story readers will sink their teeth into and finish thirsty for more.”

Mari Mancusi, author of

The Blood Coven Vampires series

“This book rollicks along, full of humor, romance, and action. Gina is a smart-aleck heroine worth reading about, a sort of teenage Betsy Taylor (
Undead and Unwed
) with a lot of Cher Horowitz (
) thrown in. Fans of Katie Maxwell will devour

Rosemary Clement-Moore, author of

Prom Dates from Hell

“I really sank my teeth into Lucienne Diver’s
A fun, frothy teenage romp with lots of action, a little shopping, and a cute vampire guy. Who could ask for more?”

Marley Gibson
, author of

Ghost Huntress: The Awakening

This one’s for Ty, who makes my life so much sweeter.

Woodbury, Minnesota

© 2009 by Lucienne Diver

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First e-book edition ©2010

E-book ISBN: 978-07387-2268-9

Book design by Steffani Sawyer

Cover design by Lisa Novak

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Excerpt from “Valley Vamp Rules for Surviving Your Senior Prom” by Gina Covello, spring issue of
Modern Goth Magazine.

  1. Don’t go strapless. I don’t care how sexy you think it is, you’re going to spend half the night tugging your dress back into place. If by some miracle it’s tight enough to stay put, chances are you’ve got overhang. And let me just say for the record, “Ew.”
  2. Do not get so loaded at the after-prom party that you accidentally-on-purpose end up in the broom closet with the surprise hottie of the evening—say, the class chess champ who’s somewhere lost his Coke-bottle lenses and undergone an extreme makeover—especially if that makeover has anything to do with becoming one of the undead.
  3. If because of said chess champ’s ridiculously irresistible vamp mojo you’re compelled to skip Rule #2, do not let your extremely jealous boyfriend—let’s call him “Chaz”—catch you.
  4. Never get into a car, no matter how well the cherry red finish goes with your gown, with anyone who’s been drinking or just found you in a compromising position with the mother of all hickeys forming on your neck—just for example.
  5. If you’ve ignored the previous rules—and I mean, seriously, give some thought to #1 (talk about wardrobe malfunction)—make sure you have a death plan. It’s kinda like an emergency plan, but, you know, for death. For example, make sure there’s absolutely nothing in your closet you wouldn’t be caught dead in, because it’s a freakin’ guarantee that’s what they’ll dress you in for the viewing. You may also want to leave some kind of instructions behind about not being buried for four days—at which point you’re either risen or beyond caring—because digging yourself out of the ground, not to mention prying open the damned coffin, is hell on your manicure.
  6. Now, chances are that in the midst of everything, Rule #5 never even popped up on your radar. I get that. So, you’re famished and filthy, but hey, you’ve survived—better than a certain somebody’s cherry red convertible, anyway. Now, to keep up this trend. Normally, I don’t advocate going out in public without freshening up, so here’s a tip: blood is never fashion-forward. Chances are that as a newly risen vamp, you’re going to be a bit, um, indelicate in your feeding, so you may want to eat first, shop later.
  7. Here’s where it gets dicey. Vamps have no reflection. Yeah, don’t even get me started. No way at all to fix your hair and makeup. Who wants to go through eternity a total shlub? I mean, what a cosmic joke, right? My recommendation: turn your own stylist, start an entourage—whatever it takes.
  8. Okay, so you’re fed, you’re fab. Chances are your geek-boy sire is waiting in the wings somewhere expecting you to be his sex slave for all eternity. Girls, all I can say is I don’t care if the man is the second coming of Brad Pitt, you make him work for it. Begin as you mean to continue. You’re young, beautiful, and, as long as you avoid stakes and beheadings, immortal. The world is your oyster. Make him crack it open and set the pearls (preferably in platinum).

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