Vampire Assassin League Bundle 4 - Eternity (13 page)

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Authors: Jackie Ivie

Tags: #vampire romance, #vampire anthology, #vampire assassin league, #vampire short stories, #vampire novella, #vampire series

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“Seriously? Why? You planning to stand in for the missing Hunters?”

“I thought it might involve you and your new friend... Miss uh... her. The vampire chick.”

“Her name’s Tassanee. And it did involve us. She hit the light switch with a little too much punch. It’s a vampire thing. They can’t seem to figure out how much power they’re packing.”

Len stepped out of her embrace. A second later her arms fell. She instantly felt weird. Odd. Bereft.

“And... found it. Looks like we have a .38 slug in this tree. You got a pen-knife?”

“You lose yours?” Len asked.

“It’s in the Flying Hunter’s neck. I figured he could keep it. It’ll give the forensics team something to do. If they even have forensics teams here.”

“I’m really starting to like you, Stan. You should talk like me more often.”

Len shuffled through a jacket pocket with one hand, while the other was pulling at the material of his crotch. He found a metallic looking thing in his jacket and tossed it. His partner caught it and turned back to his work.

“Don’t worry. I won’t let it go to my head. So... tell me. Did you ask your new friend how she knows English, yet?”

Len looked back at her and raised his brows.

“I taught myself,” she answered.

“Right. Let me guess. You had a set of encyclopedias down there. Damn. And I was worried about collateral damage topside. Having them stumble on an underground library at Angkor Wat – in English – is really going to spark some publicity.”

“I have a laptop,” she replied.

He tipped his head to one side next and tried to look stern. She almost smiled.

“Okay. I’ll just wait to ask the how, but first I need to know why, if you actually have a laptop, did you leave it back there?”

She lifted her burlap sack, and saw his eyes flick to the distinct flat bulge in the bottom before returning.

“Okay. Now answer the why. And then the how. Why do you have a laptop and how the hell do you power it?”

“I had power. Didn’t you notice the lighting?”

He was giving her an indecipherable look. It sent worse than sparks. Even her nipples tightened in reaction.

“That’s the how. And it’s out of order. But, let’s just say no, I didn’t notice, and move on.”

“A man was drilling holes for electric lights in the temple walls back in ‘09. It woke me. I think he had twenty of them done before he stopped. It was an International incident, reported everywhere.”

“Let’s just say I might have read that. Go on.”

“He disappeared. Nobody ever claimed responsibility.”

“Let me guess some more. You let him live long enough to wire your place?”


“He’s still alive?”

“I didn’t say that. Hong-Ye left... a bit ago. I didn’t care. He gave me what I needed.”

“What?” His voice was a grunt.

“He became my teacher. In English... and modern affairs. We bartered.”

“With what?”

“His life and my protection. For his knowledge. And the use of his cellular telephone.”

“His cell?”

“I’d check my language skills with it. Nobody ever checked if the system got linked up. Or how much power gets used. And nobody shut down my connection. They just keep paying the bill. I don’t think anybody’s ever going to claim responsibility. They’re still hiding it.”

He started chuckling. And shaking his head. “Dang. You are sharp. Impressive. And really cute. It’s almost a shame—no. I’ll just stop there. So. You ran across an electrician in Cambodia in 2009, and he just happened to be drilling holes in a world protected site – and nobody copped to the deed. Bet you were a surprise.”

“Well. He did wake me.”

“And this Hong-Ye just happened to have an English-speaking laptop that was registered to Electronic Zone One?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Rewind. You had him wire the place and you’re using his connection and IP address...and it wasn’t Zone One?”

“He had a smart phone. One of the first models, I think. It spoke several languages. I learned them all while I made calls and listened in.”

“You pranked people with random calls? This is classic. And I’m really starting to like you. And that’s a really bad thing.”

“But why? You’re my mate.”

“That’s a timeout violation, Tassanee. We’re talking smart phones, illegal wire tapping, theft, and...I might as well toss in murder. None of which sounds like eternal damnation to me. You want to keep on task, please?”

“Eternal damnation?”

“You call it your way. I’ll call it mine. The phone?”

“Oh. That. It was fun at first. And then it got slower and slower. I didn’t know how slow it was until recently.”


“I got the laptop a few months ago. From a scientist fellow. Or one of his men.”

“Ah. The doomed archeological team rides into the mix. And look. You stole their equipment after killing them. Damn. I do like vampires. They’re so compassionate and gentle.”

“It was their fault. They shot at me. I got angry. Besides...they didn’t need it.”

“Wow. Okay. You about finished, Stan?” He turned his head and said the last toward his partner. But he didn’t take his eyes from her. “You know, the more I hear, the more I think I like you. It’s almost a shame I’m such a confirmed bachelor.”

“But, you’re my mate.”

“That is another timeout violation.”

“You brought it up.”

“Woman argument. Unfair advantage.”


“When women argue, it’s unfair. They keep changing the rules and taking advantage.”

“What rules?”

“And just when you figure out what debate method they’re using, they snap in another direction entirely.”

“What debate?”

“You know, we need to get moving. Hunters may be at Krol Ko, and they could be right behind that wall. We’ve got bikes parked near the gates. It’s quite a hike. Oh. I might as well tell you. We opted for the pedal kind, for covert purposes. Not that you’ll have trouble.”

“We can fly.”

“Let just say, I don’t want to do any more vampire shit at the moment, okay?”

“Leonard. I am a vampire.”

“No kidding? You got anything new you want to tell me?”

“I’m immortal. I suck blood to survive. I sometimes kill. And I have extraordinary powers. One of them is I can fly.”

“None of that is new, lady.”

“But you don’t want to hear the mating part.”

“Ah. The eternal damnation thing again.”

“I’m your mate, Leonard. And that does are mine.”

“I’m afraid you got short-changed, lady.”

Tassanee smiled. Oh. He was very fun. Fast. Quick-witted. Even more so than the eunuch that guarded her for years, teaching her not only the cut and thrust of repartee, but the basics of the Cambodian martial arts called
And her mate was handsome. Fit. Lean in the right places...hard and muscled in others. Very hard. Firm. Rigid. She dropped her gaze to the one thing he couldn’t control. Oh. He was large, all right. Immensely fascinating. And delineated by the amount of rain his trousers had absorbed. And she’d been trained in just about every art of love.

“Oh. I don’t think so.” she replied, lowering her voice to a throaty purr.

He jerked before lurching back a huge step. His eyes went huge and she could have sworn he gulped. And then he turned his head and yelled at the other man. Which was stupid. He was right behind Len.

“You about done, Stan?”

“On your six, Boss.”

“Of course you are. Figures. Duffle bag?”

The man lifted a hand and shook the big bag he carried. That was impressive for a human. It looked two-thirds his size and almost as heavy.


That must be what Stan carried in his other hand. He lifted it and shook it.

“Then we better get moving.”

“Why don’t you have her pick us up and fly?”

“Because I’m not doing any vampire crap at the moment. Since you’re such a good eavesdropper, you should have already heard that part.”

“I did.”


“’s hard to ignore a lover’s spat in the middle of a rainstorm, in the center of Ta Prohm Temple complex, amidst a bunch of corpses. But I did try.”

“Then, maybe since you already know the score, you’ll just sit out the rest of the game?”

“And miss this?”

“I liked you a lot better when you were silent, Stanislaw.”

“I have to point out, Boss, that I do think you’re pretty lucky. She’s damn smart. And gorgeous. No offense, uh...Miss Tassanee.”

“None taken,” she replied. Just like she’d seen in one of the movies she’d watched and mimicked.

“Do I look like I need your help here?” Len asked.

“Okay. I’ll shut up. But first, let me point out the obvious. We can either take a couple of hours getting out of this complex, doing our best to avoid any Hunters who might have stayed at their posts, followed by another couple of hours pedaling our asses off, and by the time we reach the hangar it’ll be almost dawn, and I’ll be exhausted. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t have much of an ass to lose. Or...we can ask your mate real nice to pick us up and take us with her to the airport. And we’d be out of Cambodia within what? An hour? And I hope you decide fairly quickly, because these bags are not getting any lighter and I’m not getting any drier standing here holding them.”

Tassanee looked at Len. Stan looked at him. Len’s face fell. It matched his shoulders within his jacket.

“Oh. What the hell. Tassanee?”

She had them both and was airborne before he finished speaking.



“You’ve reached VAL Headquarters, where the contract is just the beginning. How may I direct your call?”


The voice started laughing. Stan didn’t know why. It wasn’t funny.

“Oh. Classic. I can’t wait to tell him that one. Wait. Who the hell are you and how did you get this number?”

“Stan. New guy.”

“Stan. Stan. Hmm. I don’t see a Stan on any of our lists. You might wish to disconnect before one of our associates locates you.”

“Oh. Try looking for Stanislaw. Roger.”

“Ah. Here you are. Roger Stanislaw. Ex-Croatian military. How can we help you?”

“Why can’t I see you?”

The guy laughed again. Stan didn’t know why. It still wasn’t funny.

“I’m a vampire, man. I can’t be photographed. Or taped. Or filmed. Or even reflected.”

“Then why is there a video feed?”

“Wait a sec. I’ll fuss a bit with the electronic imaging and...there! See me now?”

There was a vague image of a kid, with purple fuzz around him. He was lanky. Needed a haircut. And he looked about fifteen. Maybe sixteen. Stan’s brows lifted.


“This is the Vampire Assassin League Headquarters? Right?”

“Duh. Next question.”

“You’ of them?”

“Duh. Again. Next question.”

“How old are you?”

“A little over sixty... maybe closer to sixty-five. I lost count. Why?”

“You look fifteen.”

“Yeah? Well you look about as old as your IQ. And I’m being generous. And now that we have all that decided, want to tell me what you want, Coleslaw?”

“It’s Stanislaw. And I go by Stan.”

“Okay. Fine. So, what do you want?”

“Yes, Nigel. What does he want?”

A deep, booming voice came through the speaker on the laptop, sounding like it was a PA system in a concert arena. Stan jerked back and hit the volume switch, and then swallowed around the ringing in his ears.

“Oh. Crap. It’s the old man,” the kid whispered.

“Nigel. Even if I wasn’t in the adjoining room, I’d be able to hear you.”

“Oh. Yeah. Right, Sir.”

“So. Are you going to ask him what he wants? Maybe...soon?”

Stan worked at adjusting the sound so he’d be able to hear Nigel, and not get his eardrums ruptured by Akron. The leader’s voice was amazing in scope and range. Like it was the return echo off a deep canyon wall or something that vast. Stan had worked with Reika, and now Tassanee. He’d thought female vampires had tear-inducing voices. They’d just been trumped. It must be a vampire thing.

No. That couldn’t be true. Nigel sounded exactly like he looked. Like a smart-mouthed teenager.

“Yes, Sir. I was just getting to that. Apparently the new guy is calling in.”

“The new guy?”

“Yeah. You know. The guy named Roger, last name something-or-other that rhymes with coleslaw.”

Akron must have sighed. The entire room around Stan reverberated with it. He turned the volume down lower.

“Antagonize him later, Nigel. For now, find out the particulars. And before I expire of old age.”

“Oh. Very funny, Sir. Well? You heard the man, Stan. You’re on. Speak up. How can we help you? And make it quick. We’ve only got eleven seconds left on this call.”

“Len told me to call. He needs a 4D team.”

“He what?”

Stan jumped. Good thing he’d put the volume knob on the first notch. The thatch above him started shaking over Akron’s two word question. And then bits of straw, and whatever else they’d roofed this shack with, started filtering down, catching the light in little specks.

“What happened to Angkor Wat?”

“Nothing, Sir.”


“No, Sir.”

“Then why do you need a 4D Team?”

Before Stan could speak, the stool that was the lone piece of furniture in the only other room of this place came through the wall. Or the bit of cardboard-thick paper that went for a wall. Stan barely ducked in time. And then, Len’s voice came through the gap. It sounded like he’d changed his tactic. He might be trying to plead now. Stan peeked over the table edge at the screen.

“We’ll call you right back, Stan. Don’t move.”

Don’t move. That wasn’t a hard order to follow. It wasn’t safe to move. Nothing was safe near Len and the vampire chick. Nor could Stan help eavesdropping. Maybe he should have kept the volume up. Or stuck cotton in his ears. Or started whistling. Because Len’s words came through the hole in the wall just fine.

“Look. It won’t work. Okay?”

That was Len. Yep. Stan had been right. Len was pleading. He couldn’t hear Tassanee’s reply.

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