Vampire Dating Agency II (9 page)

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Authors: Rosette Bolter

BOOK: Vampire Dating Agency II
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Haley’s knees buckled. The Count’s
cold grasp forced her to the floor as his nostrils flared with delight.

Nadine pumped
her shotgun and aimed it at the Count from the other side of the bed.

He glanced at
her, a thick rasp exhaling through his teeth. “Please.”

blinked. “Okay.” She tossed the shotgun aside. “Don’t hurt her. Let’s talk.
Let’s make a deal.”

“There are no
deals,” the Count stated. “There is no truce. Kendra is dead.”

“You can deal
with me,” Nadine said. “I’m higher up than she was anyway.”

“Ssshh…” the
Count murmured. “You hear that? Listen.”

Haley’s ears drifted
outside the room.

People were

“The innocent
and guilty die tonight,” the Count said. “Vampires and Humans. Victims and

Nadine insisted. “Anything you want, Julian.”

“For her?”
the Count replied. “She’s worth more to me dead than she is to you alive.”

“No she
isn’t. Think about this.”

The Count

Haley looked
up towards him fearfully.

“Call off
your attack,” the Count instructed. “Tell your men to stand down.”

Nadine turned
slightly. “You still there, Riley…? Nadine. No, I don’t –”

FUCKING STRIKE!” the Count screeched.

Nadine looked
at him blankly. “You hear that, Riley? Yes. Tell Dino to stand down. Get as far
away from here as you can…”

The Count let
go of Haley.

He walked
around the side of the bed towards Nadine.

“I saw what
you did to Thessalia,” the Count said.

shrugged. “I ripped her head off. So what?”

“I kind of
liked her head where it was.”


The Count
leaned towards her. “You’re not afraid of me, are you?”


“Even though
I could kill you right now, before you’d even have a chance to fight back?”

“I’m pretty
sure there’d be a chance.”

Haley stood
up. “If you fight her, you have to fight me too.”

The Count
slowly turned.

Haley could
see the thoughts forming in his mind.

“How many
agents do you have under your command?”

“However many
I need,” Nadine answered.

The Count
turned back to her. “It will be almost midnight by the time you leave here. You
can have two hours to put together a team and then come back here. From now on,
I’m in charge of your operation.”

Nadine pursed
her lips. “That’s awfully trusting of you. What happens after that?”

“What happens
after is whatever I want to happen,” the Count said. “As for trust, you would
not want to disobey me. I have insurance.”


“You have a
traitor. Someone within the Paranormal Police has provided me with information
that pertains to the inner-workings of your organization and its personnel. In
other words, I know where you live.”

“Do you know
where I live?” Haley asked.

The Count
turned to face her. “Excuse me?”

Haley could
feel her eyes widen.

She could
feel them burn.

“I asked you,
‘Do you know where I live?’”

The Count
glanced at Nadine and then walked round the side of the bed towards Haley.

“No,” he said,
walking past her.

He left the





It took a moment for either of them
to register he had left. The tension in Haley’s eyes bounced around till it hit
other parts of her body; trying to spread out, trying to evaporate. Nadine flexed
the muscles in her neck, and looked back to the balcony.

“You really
put yourself on the line for me,” Haley said. “Thank you.”

mention it.”

approached her. “We’re still thinking about going out there?”

“No, I guess
not,” Nadine replied. “Unless you feel like jumping twenty feet.”

“Not really,

“Guess we
better see what’s left of this place then.”

trudged past and Haley followed her back out to the dining room and into the

There was no
sign of the Count for the time being. As they came to his study Haley peered in
at the wreckage, half expecting him to be there. Instead she was just reminded
of Ms. Armistice’s demise. She wondered what had happened between her and the
Count earlier. Why he had chosen to attack her…

They stepped
over a series of dead bodies at the top of the stairs and made their way down
to the second floor. There, several of Dino’s men were also among the dead. A
small group of vampires were standing in one of the corners, talking amongst
themselves. As they walked over the landing the vampires stared at them, ready
for the fight again.

couldn’t see if Nadine even noticed.

The ground
floor was trashed with the dead.

Among the
rubble, Haley recognized a few of the female guests – some wounded, some killed
outright. They must have been caught in the crossfire.

The front
doors were wide open.

Standing at
the entrance’s edge was the Count, surrounded by several of his surviving men.

They looked
over their shoulders as Haley and Nadine past through, but the Count dissuaded
them from making contact.

They kept on
walking till they reached the driveway.

“Two hours,”
the Count shouted behind them. “Don’t forget.”

Haley looked
back at him, feeling sick to her stomach.

pressed ahead.

Halfway along
the drive, two dark figures emerged, walking together. Haley kept her eyes on
the ground, not wishing to make eye contact with them, or even see who they

On passing
however, she made out that one of them stopped.


Haley looked
up, turned.

It was Brock

“What are you
doing here?” he asked. “I thought you escaped.”

“I – I –”

Nadine had

So had
Brock’s companion. As the light hit her face, Haley’s stomach jolted.

Nightshade? How –”

sister?” the woman said accusingly. “How exactly did you –?”

Brock put a
hand to her shoulder and said something in her ear.

“Important to
you?” the woman said sharply with annoyance. “What in the world do you –?”

Brock said. “Can I talk to you a minute? Just off to the side…?”

Haley turned
to Nadine.

She remained

“Just a
minute,” Haley said.

Brock stepped
away from his friend and led Haley towards the side wall. She glanced back at
the others watching them anxiously.

happening?” he asked softly.

Haley said, keeping it in.

“Tell me.”

Haley looked
down at the grass. She didn’t know what to say.

Or how to say

“It’s okay,”
Brock soothed. “It’s me.”

Haley looked
sideways. “We’re still searching for the killer.”

“What? Why?”
Brock asked. “I thought you’d want to be done with –”

“He killed my
fucking family.”


“He knows
me,” Haley hissed. “He found out where I lived and went back there before I had
a chance to stop him.”

“I – how is
that even –”

“I don’t
know,” Haley shook her head. “I don’t fucking know!”

“So who is

“I don’t know
that either! Maybe it’s


“Why not? Why
shouldn’t you be fucked like everything else?”

Brock ran his
fingers through his hair and leaned against the wall. “I’m sorry you don’t
trust me. I thought we had something.”

“I can’t
trust anyone,” Haley said, storming away.

Brock reached
out, grabbing her wrist.

Pulling her

“I want to
get this guy just as much as you do.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah. So you
– so you know it isn’t me for one.”

“Why is that

“Because I
love –” Brock stopped himself.

Haley stared
at him, searching his eyes.

Nadine shouted behind them. “Finish up!”

Haley pulled
herself away from him.

He quickly
walked in front of her blocking her path.

“Can you meet
me somewhere?” Brock asked.


Dinner on the Southbound Highway. It’s open all night. About fifteen minutes
from here.”

“I don’t
think I can –”

“One thirty.
Be there.”

Haley forced
her way past him.

“If you can
trust me that is.”

Haley kept on
walking, the words ringing in her ears.





The conference room stood still in
darkness. The chairs at the table were all pushed in. The papers tidy and
together. Moisture trickled down the large double windows at the back of the
room. Outside, the lights were moving so fast it appeared that they weren’t
moving at all.

Dermott Cresh
opened the door and kicked back the stopper. He switched on the light and
walked across the carpet to the head of the table, laying his briefcase on top
of it. He undid the latches and removed his computer, as well as a stack of
papers. A few minutes passed as he got settled.

knock. Here for the meeting.”

Cresh looked
up towards the door. It was Kendra Armistice’s assistant, Luna Evans.

“Please come

She walked down
the side of the table. “You didn’t say to bring anything, so I don’t have
anything with me.”

“That’s fine.
Just make yourself at home. The others will be here shortly.”

Luna walked
behind him and went to the cupboard. She pulled a bottle of water from the
pantry and unscrewed the cap off.

“So what’s
this all about?”

assignment your team was working on, mostly,” Cresh answered. “Although, I do
have some rather bad news to share with you.”

“Worse than
calling me into work at half past midnight?”

Cresh looked
over his shoulder. “Come. Sit down.”

Luna pulled
up a chair beside him. “Okay. What is it? Things didn’t go well or –”

haven’t gone well, but it’s worse than that. It’s … it’s Kendra. She’s dead.”

Luna’s jaw
dropped. “You’re joking. No way.”

“I’m sorry.
This is no joke.”

Luna went
pale. “How?”

“It was the
Count’s doing. She got into a fight with him. She lost.”

“Oh my God,”
Luna gasped. She covered her mouth.

“Alright, get
a grip,” Cresh ordered. “Save the breakdown for another time. We have work to

“I’m … I’m in

appeared in the doorway.

Cresh stood
up. “Thank you. Thank you all for coming. Please, everyone come in. Take a

Riley. Haley. Dino. Nadine. Jason.

“As I was
just explaining to Luna, as I’m sure you’re all aware, Kendra Armistice has
been killed in the line of action. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how
devastating this is – how invaluable she was not only as an asset to this
organization, but also on a personal level. She was our friend. A truly commendable
champion for good. May her soul find rest in the afterlife. May her memory
never be forgotten.”

Solemn gazes
cast themselves across the room.

An interval
of silence passed.

reviewing the footage of Kendra’s last moments, it seems evident that her
decision to combat with the higher vampire, Count Julian Echo, was her decision
and hers alone. It is not for anyone to say otherwise. As you’re probably aware
Kendra and Julian have a history that extends well outside of the current
mission. It was this history that played a part in Kendra’s decision to attack
him. It was not our directive.”

“May I say
something?” Riley interrupted.

“Go ahead,”
Cresh replied.

“Just before
she attacked the Count, Kendra made an accusation. She declared that he was the
killer we’ve been searching for.”

“She did? I
may have missed that.”

“It’s what
she said right before she attacked him,” Riley said.

“Did she
share her suspicions with any of you previously?”

No one

“Do we have
any evidence that implicates the Count?”

Jason scoffed.


“We don’t
have any
on any of them. This whole investigation has been a
fucking joke from the start.”

“I don’t
think Kendra would share that assessment,” Cresh said coldly.

“I’m sorry,
but it has been. Sending a first day recruit undercover into the Vampire Dating
Agency? Yeah, she’s smart. Yeah, she can defend herself. But she has no
experience in undercover investigation. And now look what’s happened.”

“Haley? Isn’t

Haley put up
her hand.

“Stand up,

Haley stood.

“On behalf of
the paranormal police, I first want to congratulate you for your service
tonight. Despite Mr. Freelaw’s criticisms, I’m told your efforts were

Haley didn’t

“I of course,
also wish to apologize for putting you … and your family, in such danger. You
aren’t obligated to participate any further in the investigation. One of our
drivers will take you to wherever you desire.”

“No,” Haley
said. “No fucking way.”

“I’m sorry?”

She leaned
across the table. “I’m not going anywhere until this bastard is caught.”


“I can vouch
for her,” Nadine spoke up. “She’s the real deal. She’s gonna see this through.”

“Well, I…”
Cresh began. “I wouldn’t take it upon myself to stand in your way.”

Haley glared
back sourly.

“You can sit
back down.”

She complied.

“Now as much
as some of you wish to bring this killer in, or get retribution against the
Count, Nadine has informed me of something more pressing. The Count is holding
us to ransom. He claims someone within our division has betrayed us, and given
him access to our database, including reports on all of you. He has threatened
to use this information against us, unless Nadine assembles a team for him
which he apparently has orders for. I’m not sure as to the full extent of his
intentions, but obviously this puts us all in a horrible position.”

“How are we
to proceed?” Maurice asked.

“I vote we
pull our resources, and launch another attack on the agency,” Jason said.

Dino stood
up. “You can count me and my guys out.”

“Your guys?”
Nadine challenged. “You all work for us –”

“My team was
twenty-six strong when we went in tonight,” Dino said. “Only eight guys made it
out of there alive. Not that anyone seems to give a fuck.”

“We’re in
crisis here, Dino,” Cresh fired. “We have to prioritize –”

Dino gave him
the finger. “Fuck you.” He glanced round the room. “I’m done with this

He went for
the door.

Nadine went
after him. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“Get off me,”
Dino said shoving her back.

“Hey, hey,
hey,” Cresh shouted. “Enough of –”

Nadine was
moving in for a fast attack.

Cresh shouted. “SIT THE FUCK DOWN!”

Her fist went
past Dino, slamming into the door behind him and knocking it off its hinges.

There was a
loud crash.

Dino pointed
his finger at her. “You want to know who your traitor is? This bitch here.
She’s a fucking nutcase, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll get the
fuck away from here.”

He stormed

“Let him go,”
Cresh said. “That’s an order.”

Nadine put
her hands to her hips, fuming.

“Sit down.”

reluctantly sat.

“Now, I’m not
going to stop any of you from leaving, like he did,” Cresh said. “It’s been an
emotional night. I’m not in a position to tell you what to do. But we should
figure this out together.”

Jason put his
hands through his hair.

Riley’s chin
was on the table, eyes closed.

couldn’t stop fidgeting.

“I for one,
trust the Count,” Nadine said. “I don’t think he’s the killer. And I don’t
think he’ll abuse his privilege if we side with him.”

“What?” Jason
gasped. “Are you fucking serious?”

“That’s a bit
of leap,” Maurice remarked.

nothing beats evidence,” Nadine continued. “But right now I’m going with my
gut. In my experience, dealing with killers, and vampires, and people. I can
often tell when someone’s being dishonest. And I don’t think its him…”

Riley lifted
her face up off the table. “Kendra would say otherwise.”

dead,” Nadine replied. “And she –”

Cresh said rising from his chair. “Can I have a quick word?”

She looked at
him irritably. “I guess so.”

addressed the group. “Five minutes everyone. There’s food and drink around
somewhere. Try and … relax.”

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