Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) (35 page)

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Authors: Corinne [vampire] Balfour

Tags: #vampire

BOOK: Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)
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Cassia huffed, the sound signaling her displeasure. “It seems like you’re serving Kiera up to Modez to be used. I’m not okay with that.”

“It’s too late to stop it. She’s been without the wormwort for too long.” Cassia was human and didn’t understand hybrid reproduction. “She’ll go into her heat cycle any day now, and by law, Modez has the right to her.”

“You should not have taken her wormwort. She could end up pregnant when this is over.”

“And that would be a bad thing? We’re fighting extinction. Every hybrid has a duty to procreate and that girl is trying to shirk it.” He didn’t believe Sulian’s prediction was accurate. If he was right about Kiera, she could produce a line of hybrids who could breed at a rate similar to humans. In his opinion, their hybrid females were flawed. They could only breed once a decade and the window of opportunity was extremely small and easily missed.

“I just feel bad for her.”

“She broke the rules when she took you into the city.” He had been enraged by her actions. Kiera was currently in a dungeon cell. He had put her there several hours ago. After stashing her in that place, he had paid Modez a visit and made suggestions on what to do about her. He had wanted her confined to the dungeon for the remainder of their stay, or at least until she transformed herself into a more responsible creature. Kiera needed to stay in seclusion until the end of her cycle. Otherwise her scent would draw other males and there would be problems. Modez could breed with her while she remained in her metal cage.

Modez had been against that idea. He wanted her close. Modez could uncage that female but he had to maintain some control over her. The female had taken Modez’s blood without permission, and by force. It just wasn’t done. She needed to pay some consequences so she would learn how to behave like a lady. Soon he would pay another visit to Modez. He would show him the key he held in his pocket. Cassia had worn him down and he had agreed to delay that particular meeting. But it was coming.



Chapter 22



“Take a seat, Kiera, while we discuss how to handle this situation with Lord Ross. I understand the lord banned you from his chambers because you took his human slave into the city.” Modez sat on the bed and pointed to a nearby chair. He had retrieved Kiera from the dungeon a few minutes ago. Cabrian had placed her in a cell next to the Donovan male after he had thrown her from his chamber. She had spent much of the day there.

Kiera sat down gingerly on the delicate antique chair and faced him with wide, innocent eyes. “It was a stupid thing to do and I’ve already apologized to Lord Ross. What more do you expect me to say?”

“I’m hoping Lord Ross will allow you to return to your duties. Until that time, you will have to spend the night here. In my bed.” He pulled one of Kiera’s nightgowns out of her satchel and tossed it to her. “Put this on and remove the rest of your clothing. I’ll not have soiled garments rubbing against my sheets.”

Kiera caught the garment and frowned. “I cannot stay here.”

“Would you rather return to the dungeon?” When she shook her head, he said, “I thought not.” The lady appeared nervous and he was glad he unnerved her. He enjoyed having the upper hand and right now she was subject to his every whim. He was the master, not the slave. Never the slave despite the collar the invisible woman had slapped on him. “I’m hoping we can settle this among ourselves without involving the prince. Lord Ross requested that I contain you. He believes you are dangerous and right now I have to agree.”

“Fine.” Her eyes veered to the far corner of the room. “I’ll sleep on the divan.”

“You’ll sleep on the bed but you’ll be tied to it.” He relished the opportunity to avenge himself against the woman who had made a fool of him. He believed that woman was Kiera and soon he hoped to know the truth of the matter. Even if she was not the invisible woman, she still deserved to be disciplined for taking Cassia out of the city. “I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you. I’m not going to sleep next to an out of control, unpredictable female unless she is tightly bound.”

“Out of control? Me?”

“Lord Ross suspects you have been engaging in other illicit activities.”

“Like what?”

“I’m not going to discuss it with you now. Get dressed for bed.” He waited while Kiera went inside the oversized closet and changed her clothing. When she emerged, he appreciated the sight of her feminine form in the mostly translucent material. He had selected that gown from her belongings on purpose. He held a scarf in his hands. “Lay down and I’ll secure you to the bed.” Kiera appeared angry, but she did as she was told. He fastened her wrists and affixed the scarf to the bed’s headboard. He could clearly see the outline of her nipples through the fabric of her gown. Her dark pelt was visible as well. She hadn’t taken his advice and shaved it, but he didn’t mind. He liked the look of her.

She tugged at her bonds, but they held tight. “I don’t see how this is necessary. You’re doing this to punish me.”

Finally. He had her right where he wanted her. Bound to his will and at his mercy. “You must be punished for your disobedience. Your actions could have resulted in the death of Lord Ross’ slave and he insisted that you be disciplined. Either I do it or you will answer to Diermont for your behavior. Your choice.”

“I would rather not involve the prince.”

“Diermont’s punishment would involve torture and possibly death, so you have made a wise decision.” He was more interested in pleasuring himself than punishing her, and unlike Diermont, he wasn’t one to mix pain with pleasure. Serving him in the way of a palace whore might break her spirit. He would miss that spark in her, but it was safer for her to be restrained in manner. Else her curious, headstrong nature would get her killed. The threat of battle surrounded them every day. He climbed from the bed and removed every stitch of clothing.

Kiera’s eyes widened when he returned to the bed and settled at her side. “Surely you do not mean to sleep next to me. You’re not dressed.”

“Mongrels are partial to bones, I hear, and I have one for you.” His cock was painfully erect and jutted against his stomach. “Look at it, Kiera. Your new duty is to pleasure it. That’s what bed servants do.”

Her eyes locked on his manhood and widened. “You cannot do this. It’s not decent.”

“Bed servants do all sorts of indecent acts, including things mates and temporary mates would never consider.” He pulled the hem of her nightgown to her waist while she sputtered in protest. “You can pretend to be a lady but we know what you really are. A mongrel. A serf pledged to serve the House of Halloran. I am your lord and master. I can do whatever I wish with you.” He slid his hand up her inner thigh and traced the plump lips of her sex. She showed signs of the heat and he was confident in his ability to seduce her. A gentleman wouldn’t take advantage of her this way, but he felt no guilt about what he meant to do. This would be a night of vengeance and physical pleasure. She was damp from natural fluids and her scent was pungent with arousal. Her violet eyes were heavy lidded with desire. “What I want right now is to try some mongrel pussy. I’ve had human before but not one of your mix.”

“I’m not yet in heat. We had a deal. I’ll give myself to you then, but not now.” She trembled and her breasts rose with her unsteady breaths. She licked her lips and said, “You don’t want me to say anything to Diermont. Or to Lord Ross. This lack of control would be an embarrassment to you.”

“Lord Ross left instruction for you to be punished. He didn’t specify the method and I don’t think he cares.” Strangely Cabrian had encouraged him to lay with Kiera. He seemed to think he could pound the wildness out of her with the application of Modez’s cock.
Keep her occupied so she stays out of trouble, he had said
. Well, that he could do. “You could tell Diermont that I used you, but then you would have to explain why I felt the need to discipline you. I would be forced to inform him of your misdeeds. Who do you think would be in more trouble?”

A sharp indrawn breath was the only sign of her anger. “You’re a spoiled lord who’s never denied anything. You would be forgiven. You always are.”

“You promised to lay with me during your heat cycle. I suspect you’re in the early stages of it. You’re a mongrel so it makes it difficult to tell where you are in the process.” Her sheath was hotter than normal and the color and scent had changed. “I’m making a judgment call and I’m saying you’re in an early stage of heat.”

“You’re an impatient male. So spoiled. And determined.” She rolled her eyes. “The Halloran’s are notorious despoilers of females. Do as you will, my lord. I won’t fight you.” Her breathing was in short little gasps and her skin was flushed a becoming pink.

“You sold your pussy the day you came to live in the palace, you know. Low born females don’t ever leave without being sampled by a Halloran.” He slid a finger inside her slick channel and enjoyed the way she creamed his hand with natural juices.

“Yes, I knew the risk. I played the game to get a mate, but my gamble didn’t pay off. You won, so congratulations.” The lady was resentful, that was obvious. “I will endure.”

“You will enjoy this, Kiera.” He savored the tantalizing aroma of woman without the off-putting scents of fruit. It was a heady experience. “I’m going to play with your pussy and I don’t want to hear any more indignant protests out of you.” He chuckled as she jerked her hips and made whimpering sounds while he touched her. Her feminine passage was so hot that it nearly scalded his fingers. He focused his attention on the little pleasure nub, knowing that it would make her more receptive to what he planned to do to her. “Yes, you like this. Surrender to me and let me show you how good this can be.” She arched her back and moaned right before she convulsed beneath his hand. While her body trembled, he settled between her legs and brought his cock to her entrance. Her passage was so full of fluids that he slid inside her with one easy stroke. She wrapped her legs around him and arched her hips. Her inner muscles clenched him in a way that only a human ever had. The sensations of pleasure were so overwhelming that he knew he wouldn’t last long. He had felt this way before. With his invisible woman. “You feel incredible, but it feels like we’ve done this before.”

Kiera didn’t respond to his comment. She whimpered and he felt her coming again. His mating fangs ached and the urge to bury them into her flesh was difficult to control.
Gotta keep them in my mouth. Biting leads to complications and I like my life just fine the way it is
. He pumped into her with urgent strokes, finally unloading a stream of seed into her channel.

She asked in a petulant tone, “Was that to your satisfaction, my lord?”

“Your sheath is like a human’s and fit me perfectly. That was freaking amazing.” He withdrew from her and settled on his side. Her reaction to his complimentary remark was one of surprise. Had she expected complaints and insults? He wanted her to soften toward him, to look upon him with affection. He had a lot of work to do in that regard.

He watched while the skin around her thighs darkened and formed designs. The urge to cover her entire body in his markings took him by surprise. He had only felt that way once, and that was when Gwyneth had been approaching her heat cycle. “You’re in heat.” He couldn’t deny the female was especially responsive and it was a known fact that hybrid females experienced orgasms only during their heat cycles.

“I don’t think so,” she said with her eyes downcast. “I’ve often felt pleasure from a male’s touch. I am abnormal.”

“That’s hardly a flaw. It’s a desirable trait to have in one’s mistress.” Unbeknownst to her, she would serve that role on a more permanent basis.

Kiera seemed defensive. “I’m not your mistress. Now that your curiosity has been appeased you can leave me alone.”

She gave him pleasure and he enjoyed her company. It felt good to spar with her. Clearly, his pet needed someone to take care of her. Yes, she would make an excellent mistress. “I liked it. A lot. I’m going to want more of you.” He drifted off to sleep but woke an hour later with a massive, painful erection. He nudged Kiera until she woke. “I need you again.”

She mumbled drowsily, “Go ahead.”

He crawled atop her and took her a second time. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on him and continual chains of spasms wracked her overstimulated body. He released his seed but knew he was far from sated. He would take her many times before the night ended.


* * *


Kiera woke with Modez’s mouth on her breast. His tongue lapped her nipple as he fed from the fleshy sides of her mound. “Oh, you like to suckle the breast and take blood from it like an infant. How appropriate for a spoiled man-child.” Modez grunted and kept up the sucking motion. Kiera felt a blast of heat at her core and somehow managed to restrain the whimper that threatened to emerge from her throat. She refused to show him how he affected her. She expected to feel the hard press of his male organ inside her soon since that was his pattern. He fed and fucked in that order. He had done it continually throughout the night and she was feeling pretty sore. She knew he was a sexual creature but she hadn’t expected him to use her multiple times in one night. She knew her heat cycle was making it impossible for her to deny him. He probably would have stopped had she made some effort to resist his attentions.

Lord Ross materialized inside the room. “I came to discuss what to do with your servant, but I see that you’re busy.”

“I’m just having a snack,” Modez said while lifting his head from her breast. “Take a seat and I’ll be with you in a minute.”

“Blood drinking stimulates the appetite. Go ahead and take your fill of her. I don’t mind.”

“My thanks, my friend. I will of course forgo Cassia’s next scheduled viewing to compensate for the inconvenience.”

Lord Ross shot Modez a satisfied smile that grated on Kiera’s last nerve. It was clear the two had an arrangement with each other. Lord Ross had sold her to Modez to gain special favors. Modez latched onto her breast with his fangs and slurping sounds penetrated the silence of the room. His erection poked into her thigh.

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